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A growing body of research in recent years has supported the value of emotional intelligence in both effective teaching and student achievement. This paper presents a pre–post, quasi-experimental design study conducted to evaluate the contributions of a 56-h “Emotional Intelligence” training model. The model has been developed and studied in an attempt to address educators’ growing needs to practice and implement “emotionally intelligent” learning environments. One hundred eighty-six teachers from ten elementary schools in Israel participated in this study. Findings indicated an increase in emotional intelligence and empathic concern from the beginning to the end of the course. Further regression indicated that both expression and regulation of emotions predicted empathy at the end of the course. Participants’ reflective assignments indicated an increase in self introspection, emotional awareness, emotional regulation and understanding others.  相似文献   

江苏省教育厅组织的以中等职业学校专业教师为对象,以掌握新知识、新技术、新工艺、新方法的能力为目标,以培养教师创新精神和实践能力为重点的“四新”培训,为推广电路仿真技术提供了一个良好的机会。  相似文献   

分清层次 ,抓住重点 ,有的放矢 ,避免重复 ,学以致用  相似文献   

我国每年都有大批新手教师步入教学岗位,然而其教学技能却不尽如人意。利用微格教学对新手教师进行培训不仅能帮助新手教师提高教学技能,尽快适应工作环境和教学岗位的需求,而且能促进教师队伍专业化的发展。  相似文献   

信息时代的到来,为高校教师带来了新的挑战,而现代教育技术能力是衡量一个教师能否适应现代教育的重要标准。青年教师是大学教师队伍的生力军和后备力量,对他们的现代教育技术培训意义深远。本文从高校青年教师培训的重要性,培训策略等方面阐述,以期对高校青年教师培养研究有所裨益。  相似文献   

对外汉语教育事业的发展、推广正处于难得的发展机遇期,对外汉语教师的数量与质量对这项工作的发展有着重要的制约作用.师资的培养与选拔是对外汉语教育目前存在的最为突出的问题.目前的<汉语作为外语教学能力证书>的考试科目,侧重点仍放在静态的知识积累层面,而实际教学中的动态传递、阐释、组织教学等能力的考核似乎没有落脚点."对外汉语教师"素质应具备"杂家"的综合能力,即:学科结构素质和综合能力素质.教师培养通常可从定向型、非定向型与混合型三个渠道进行.  相似文献   

Winnifred M. Hall (Faculty of Education, the University of the West Indies, Jamaica) and Mary Dixon (Department of Special Education, Mico College, Kingston, Jamaica) consider the views of Caribbean special-education teacher-trainees on the characteristics of effective teachers; examine their patterns of interaction during practice; and suggest revisions to the structure and content of their training programmes.  相似文献   

数学语言是数学教师必备的基础语言,它是学习数学概念、公式以及定理的主要工具之一,是一种由数学符号、数学术语和经过改造的自然语言组成的科学语言,是数学知识的重要组成部分,是科学分析数学问题和形成数学思维的载体,是数学表达和交流的重要途径。  相似文献   

This paper describes a study with two objectives. First, to test the effectiveness of a programme – carried out by teachers in natural contexts – for teaching the process of main idea identification. Second, to test whether the relationship between process and product variables are those expected according to the Van Dijk and Kintsch model (1983). In the first part of the study (Alonso-Tapia and Carriedo, in press) teachers had been trained in what to teach about main idea comprehension and how to teach it according to a model of teachers’ training. After receiving training, the experimental group of teachers (n = 11), who had improved more than the control group (n= 15) in knowledge of main ideas and of comprehension training strategies, had to apply the strategies and the instruction method learned, whilst teaching their students (6th, 7th and 8th grades). Pupils of experimental and of control teachers (n= 303 and 287 respectively) were assessed in order to test whether, after training, the former overtook the latter in main idea identification and in knowledge of the strategies related to this process. Results show that the experimental group of students performed better than the control group in the variables trained. Theoretical implications about the variables mediating the process of main idea identification are also discussed.  相似文献   

教师要以国家、学生极端负责的精神工作,勇于探索教育新方法,创新自身教育能力,在教育实践中开拓进取,开放思路,创新教育办法,提出教育新见解,总结全新的经验。这样,教师的教学生命力才能更加旺盛。作为新时代发展的教育者,自身要有内涵,提高自身的师德,不断提高自己的师德修养,这样才能成为合格的人民教师。  相似文献   

创新是民族进步的灵魂,是时代特征的反映,是教育改革的需要。知识经济时代,需要以创新型人才作基础,而创新型人才的培养依靠创新教育,创新教育的实施在于创新型教师。因此,阐述创新型教师的内涵以及创新型教师的基本素质,分析培养创新型教师的途径,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

Elementary education is an ideal field for educational research, not only because of the special difficulties that are inherent in it—such as the problem of communication with the children and resistance to change on the part of the teachers—but also because the advance of knowledge is bound up with the revision of its foundations and because a child's early training has a vital influence on the subsequent development of his mental powers and particular talents. Research into elementary education is rendered still more valuable and urgent by two additional factors: changes in the child's family and social status, and advances in the sciences which shed light on the various aspects of those changes. Research at this educational level—important, urgent, but also difficult—promises to be rewarding and the results should lead to considerable changes in teacher training. However, the author is not concerned with this aspect; he is trying to examine to what extent an introduction to educational research and participation in it should be included in teacher training, and how this can be done. Nevertheless, the close relationship thus established between such research and training also implies that we are concerned with training as a subject of research. Raymond Lallez, Director of the Centre for Research and Training at the école Normale Supérieure in Saint-Cloud and a member of the French National Commission for Unesco, worked in child psychology at the University of Montpellier before becoming an adviser to the Minister of National Education of Cambodia. He has taught at several universities in the United States and is currentlyrapporteur for the National Centre of Scientific Research, in addition to his other functions in French national educational planning.  相似文献   

现代主义关于教师培养的目标与方法存在理论上弊端,在人类面临全球环境恶化、道德危机、战乱频发、青少年教育问题等一系列课题面前,关心价值观成为焦点,后现代主义对此提供的建设性观点,对教育变革和关心型教师的培养有所启示。  相似文献   

在推进信息化教育的过程中,提高教师的现代信息技术水平是非常重要的。本文首先介绍了潍坊市中小学教师教育技术的培训目标和培训内容,然后提出了培训过程中应坚持的原则和保障措施,最后总结了培训的效果。  相似文献   

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