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It is evident that secondary schools organise themselves in different ways for the purposes of pastoral organisation. In general these can be characterised as either horizontal or vertical structures, depending on whether a Year or House system has been adopted. From a survey of secondary schools in one particular local education authority, it appears that the most common and popular approach for secondary schools to organise pastoral care is based on a Year (horizontal) system in which Heads of Year have overall responsibility for pupils in one age‐group. However, one potential problem is that such an arrangement may give rise to an artificial separation of pastoral and academic concerns. In comparing and contrasting the respective advantages of Year and House systems of pastoral organisation and management, David Fincham examines a model in which a school sets out to combine pastoral and academic concerns by establishing a vertical (House) system. Whilst acknowledging that pastoral care implies something more than the setting up of a formal organisation for management purposes, he proposes that academic and pastoral concerns can in fact be integrated effectively through a vertical system.  相似文献   


The present paper describes a comparative study of ten special schools for pupils with moderate learning difficulties in England and Wales. Qualitative analysis of interview data and curriculum documentation collected from the schools provide a model of the curriculum process which is firmly grounded in the data. Comparisons across the categories of the model indicate strong differences between the schools in certain categories, e.g. use of objectives, specification of curriculum intention, monitoring of pupil progress and curriculum evaluation.  相似文献   


Analysis of a recent survey in the United Kingdom of the roles, concerns, training needs and support priorities of secondary school Information Technology Co-ordinators has revealed a number of factors and relationships amongst these variables and with other variables concerning the characteristics of schools. In this article we present and discuss the results of a recent survey in the United Kingdom of the roles, concerns, training needs and support priorities of secondary school Information Technology Co-ordinators (ITCs). We draw conclusions concerning the unique problems faced by ITCs as a result of the expectations placed upon them, not only to teach their own subject, but also to train and support other teachers in the pedagogical application of information technology (IT). In response to a great variety of needs, there is only limited support provided for them formally by their schools and by external sources. The most highly valued support comes from informal sources. We consider the implications of these conclusions for those concerned with providing professional development in IT education. We suggest that partnership approaches may provide the basis for much improved support for ITCs, with the aim of raising the standard of teaching in schools, both of IT as a subject and with IT as an aid. We also highlight the challenges for the partnerships between schools and higher education institutions which are attempting to provide initial teacher education for IT specialists.  相似文献   


Many studies have focused on professional development within schools, while this article focuses on ICT (information and communications technology) professional development across schools. The aim of this article is to explore how the encouragement of communities and networks might contribute to ICT professional development across schools in close physical proximity. The study is based on a two-year action research project and interviews with the participants of a lead teacher community across five schools. Although the lead teachers and school leaders played a central role, ICT professional development was dependent on a complex interplay of different types of communities and networks, both within, across and outside the schools. This study illustrates how ICT professional development occurred in both expected and unexpected ways and emphasises the need for professional development to take account of the complex needs of teachers, rather than being a ‘one size fits all’.  相似文献   


Education for sustainable development (ESD) provides crucial opportunities for young people to be involved in complex sustainability issues. This study contributes to existing knowledge about primary school teachers’ approaches to ESD across a range of subjects. Norwegian schools can join the Sustainable Backpack programme (SBP), which supports teachers to develop projects that promote a holistic understanding of sustainable development across school subjects. The present study set out to examines teachers’ interdisciplinary approach to ESD and the SBP teachers’ perceptions of how their curriculum units promote environmental, social and economic dimensions of sustainable development. The study is a multi-case study, with curriculum units designed for students aged 10-13?years from 14 Norwegian schools. Content analysis suggest that the units used several subjects to ESD, but the teachers could have challenged the students’ reflection to a greater extent in terms of argumentation and critical thinking. The units succeeded to some extent in pursuing a holistic approach.  相似文献   


Children's perceptions about technology were measured using a Writing/Drawing Activity and a Picture Quiz, administered to approximately 300 grade three to six children in six primary schools in the English Midlands. The results indicate that although many children associate technology only with computers and modern appliances, overall there is a variety of ideas, with the more complex and coherent among older children. Subsequently interviews were carried out with 81 of the children to explore their reasons for choosing items which they said were something to do with technology. The children were able to respond in a thoughtful and consistent manner. Even when the children professed not to know what technology is, they often used an alternative but consistent explanation. A tentative model describing the development of children's ideas about technology is presented.  相似文献   

This research was carried out over a period of ten months with children in Grades 2 and 3 (aged 7 and 8) who were participating in a sequence of technology activities. Since the introduction into Victorian primary schools ofThe Technology Studies Framework P-10 (Crawford, 1988), more teachers are including technology studies in their classrooms and by so doing may assist children's understanding of science concepts. Children are being exposed to science phenomena related to the technology activities and Technology Studies may be a way of providing children with science experiences. ‘Technology Studies’ in this context refers to children carrying out practical problem solving tasks which can be completed without any particular scientific knowledge. Participation in the technology activities may encourage children to become actively involved, thereby facilitating an exploration of the related science concepts. The project identified the importance of challenge in relation to the children's involvement in the technology activities and the conference paper (available from the first author) discusses particular topics in terms of the balance between cognitive/metacognitive and affective influences (Baird et al., 1990) Specializations: science and technology education, interest and attitudinal change. Specialization: technology in the primary school.  相似文献   


This paper shares the author's fieldwork experiences gained on access negotiation during a one-year case study of the implementation of a new science curriculum in eight lower secondary schools in Botswana. The qualitative research strategy adopted was deemed appropriate as the study focused on what actually happened in the classroom and on seeking explanations to the transactions from the context and the 26 teachers who participated in the study. This paper considers the main outcomes and results of the fieldwork to be the educative experience of the entire research process and the fostering in the author of a reconceptualization of access negotiation within a developing country context. The implications of this paper for further research can be seen broadly in terms of the ethical concerns and research approaches that are to be observed, adopted, and implemented in working within the "stressed" or underprivileged teaching environments in developing nations.  相似文献   

Research News     

In secondary schools, subjects dominate teaching and also the organizational structures. Typically, subject department heads perform a middle-management role in secondary schools and often this role is taken-for-granted and unquestioned. In this article, we examine the impact on secondary school culture and the resulting changes to practice when the department middle-management structure and roles are open to revision. We investigate the experiences of two schools that are part of a longitudinal study on reculturing and restructuring in all secondary schools in one school district in Ontario, Canada. Our research indicates that structural change initiated by school level participants is a prerequisite to real change and that structural changes preceded cultural changes. However, it is the process of creating the new structures that is the key consideration as mandating an alternative might not be facilitative of cultural change. The primary research question guiding this article is: what impact does involvement in restructuring a middle-management organizational model have on the culture of a school and the change process experienced by staff members?  相似文献   


In this paper we consider some of the obstacles which have so far prevented the potential of information technology to support young children's mathematical thinking from being realised. As well as the obvious limitations of resources, we discuss technical issues to do with hardware and software and organisational issues within schools. Perhaps more significantly, we focus on the stresses and demands which are placed upon primary teachers, and examine how current types and levels of access militate against computers being used for mathematical applications. Based on our experiences in the Primary Laptop Project, which has the long‐term aim of studying the effect on children's and teachers’ learning and attitudes when offered high levels of access to personal technology, with particular .emphasis upon mathematical understanding, we go on to suggest strategies for change. As well as considering the potential for supporting children's mathematical thinking, we focus on the professional development needs of teachers and how these may also be addressed through the use of portable technology.  相似文献   


We believe those whose religious views lead them to be doubtful have a valuable role in teaching RE, not a role for which they should apologise. They should however keep in touch with the dilemmas of life, not deny them, as these provide the data from which religious response springs and which may come for an individual. They are the common ground from which human belief and convictions grow.

Assemblies can be celebrations of what schools have in common and should invite not require any joining in during statements of belief such as the Lord's Prayer.  相似文献   

This introductory article accompanies three further articles forming a case study research project undertaken to describe the experience of four urban secondary schools implementing a competence-based curriculum for students in their first year of secondary education. The nature of such competence-based curricula is discussed in the context of secondary schools before providing an outline of the context of each of the case study schools. A democratic and emancipatory view of education provides the rationale for the development of transferable competencies, and this is considered with respect to the challenges of engaging in a cross-disciplinary approach to the curriculum. These challenges are viewed through the lens of Bernstein's concepts of strong and weak framing and horizontal and vertical discourses. Each of the accompanying articles takes up a different aspect of education, focusing on curriculum planning, teaching and learning, and leadership and management respectively. Further challenges with regard to changes in the English curriculum are briefly reflected upon. Finally an outline of the case study methodology which was employed in the study is provided.  相似文献   


In this paper, two researchers reflect on the institutional space for participatory governance in a participatory action research (PAR) process that was initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (ECS) in the Netherlands. It was implemented in two schools by researchers contracted by the ministry. The project’s aim was to explore possibilities for involving schools in policy processes using PAR. We conclude that PAR sheds light on the communication strategies, power and authority balances, and meaning of participation among the participants. The attempt to break through traditional hierarchies generated new insights into the institutional space at both the participating schools and the government institutions that can be used to create participatory approaches to governance. The researchers were the bridging actors between the schools and the government institutions. While previous research showed that a bridging actor can play a positive role as an objective party who is able to deliberate between the participants, we found that it impeded the creation of a participatory governance space.  相似文献   


This paper draws on the experience of the Pan-Canadian science curriculum development process as an instance of the more general problem of integrating science and environmental education. It problematizes the issue of incorporation of social and environmental dimensions within the science curriculum in terms of both policy and practice. The agenda of environmental education, as eco-philosophical and eco-political, provides a radically different base from which to explore the impact of change on science teachers and schools. Thus, the very idea of environmental education as an educational policy goal must be examined in light of conflicting agendas of science and environmental education. This paper argues that transforming structures and processes of school science to enable different teacher and student roles involves closing the gap between curriculum (policy) development and professional development as well as reconceptualizing science education, but from more overtly open moral value and political perspectives than have been considered in the literature of science education.  相似文献   

Background: Integrated schools were established in Northern Ireland in the early 1980s. With an explicit intention to build better relations between Catholics and Protestants, it has an intuitive appeal in a society which has long experienced sectarian division. Whilst the sector has attracted considerable research, less is understood about how parents’ perceive the approach adopted by schools to build intergroup relations.

Purpose: The present article seeks to address the gap in the literature by exploring parents’ views of integrated education. Drawing on theories of intergroup contact, the paper seeks specifically to explore how parents and head teachers perceive and negotiate the approach that the schools adopt to build intergroup relations.

Method: In an attempt to probe the deeper meanings that participants attach to integrated education, a qualitative research approach was adopted; semi-structured interviews were carried out with 17 parents and 2 head teachers in two integrated primary schools.

Findings: Through the data analyses, three main aspects were evident. Firstly, the study reveals something of the relational dynamic between head teachers and parents and the significance of this relationship for determining how intergroup relations are pursued in integrated schools. Secondly, it highlights the nebulous nature of identity salience and the practical challenges of making identity salient within mixed identity contexts. Finally, the study suggests the value of qualitative approaches for exploring intergroup contact initiatives.

Conclusions: Overall, the paper demonstrates the inherent challenges of establishing an integrated school where good relations will be developed when multiple interpretations of what constitutes an appropriate response to difference and diversity prevails.  相似文献   


Science and technology education within the early childhood field has received the minimum of attention by the general research community. As a result, early childhood educators have had to look to their better established colleagues in the primary and secondary fields, where some research information is currently available. Early childhood practitioners in Australia have little information available to guide them in the implementation of recently introduced technology curricula.

In this paper, the findings of a research study investigating conceptual change during the teaching‐learning process of young children is presented. The results indicate the need to show caution in the introduction of technology education within the early childhood area. Three issues are reported. Firstly, the need to define a more useful mediating role for the teacher in the process of teaching technology within a constructivistic model. Secondly, the need for technology to be introduced in a socially contextualized manner. Thirdly, the sex‐role stereotyping that becomes evident when the former two are not addressed.  相似文献   


The focus of this article is to explore the role of the principal in promoting school development activity (SDA) in Norwegian compulsory schools. The sample included 81 schools from 42 randomly selected municipalities. Results suggest that the principal can promote SDA among the teaching staff by playing an active role in creating an innovative culture at school. Moreover, results suggest that the principal may have a more important role in promoting SDA in secondary than in primary schools. Finally, results indicate that support from local authorities was related to SDA involvement among secondary school principals, whereas it was unrelated to such involvement among primary school principals.  相似文献   


Integrated curriculum is currently being advocated in the United States to ‘solve’ many of the curriculum problems confronting education. Models of curriculum integration permeate the professional literature, yet there is little consensus as to exactly what is meant by integrated curriculum and how to establish such curricula in the publicly funded schools. The language of curriculum integration is confusing and leads to uncertainty and concern about the potential of integrated curriculum to impact positively on schools. Placing the models on a curriculum continuum will reveal that they range from traditional discipline‐based, objective‐driven, teacher‐controlled models to interest‐based, student exploration. Although historically research supports integrative curriculum, there is a paucity of current research which would support arguments for restructuring the American curriculum in this fashion. Additionally, there is a great deal of resistance to change both from within and outside the educational community to massive curriculum restructuring.  相似文献   



In Britain, the range of new resources developed in the 1960s and early 70s for science teaching in secondary schools have achieved considerable success. However, there are still widespread criticisms by both students and teachers that school science curricula tend to be inward‐looking, divorced from human considerations and unrelated to the influences of technology. Evidence that attitudes to technology among secondary school teachers may be changing is provided by the existence of three new projects; two covering the 13‐16 age range and one the 16‐18. The three projects, although organized quite differently, have much in common. Thus each is developing new kinds of teaching materials which take into account not only the applications of science but also economic, social, ethical and aesthetic considerations as well. The introduction of these new resources will require teaching approaches some of which are at present unfamiliar to many students and some teachers. The development of technology in an educational context could well become a feature of the science curricula of our secondary schools in the 1980s.  相似文献   


In this article, we investigate the use of multimedia information and communication technologies (ICTs) in integrated arts projects in two secondary schools. The ways in which teachers and students make sense of the technologies in relation to the dominant discourses of education/technology policy and educational research are explored before considering the implications for curriculum and teacher development. The ICT in the word contrad(ICT)ions is emphasised to represent the ways in which teachers and students' use of multimedia exposes and makes visible problematic issues in relation to literacy, school subjects and pedagogy.  相似文献   

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