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What is this?     
"我,我的名字?""唉,别问了,有毒的海水就快流过来了……你觉得我很漂亮?谢谢谢谢,我要走了……回见!""喂!等一等啊!"唉,我们今天的这位嘉宾实在太害怕了,不过这也不能怪它,求生要紧嘛!好在我们给它做了一段匆匆忙忙的现场采访,那么,让我们来看一下吧!  相似文献   

What is this?     
"在每一个天空被洒满朦胧月色的夜晚,我从幽深的森林里启程,来到人们居住的地方,吸食人们的梦。我不会害怕在吃梦的时候吵醒熟睡着的人们。因为我生性胆怯,在夜色中,只会发出轻轻的、摇篮曲一样的叫声……"传说中我过着这样的生活。然而你真的知道我是什么吗?  相似文献   

What is this?     
"嘿……你认得我吗?""哎哟!谁,谁打我的头……"你!说的就是你,不要这么突然跑出来吓人啊!哼,就算你是我们今天请来的客人,也要乖乖守规矩才可以!咳咳,大家好,让我把台词说完……来,猜猜看今天来到我们这个栏目的朋友是谁吧!当然,按老规矩,要先给它画张像才可以!  相似文献   

Who is this?     
嘿!往哪儿着呢!我在这里哦!教你一个英文词吧,SURVIVOR(幸存者)——对了,我就是个名副其实的冰雪世界的SURVIVOR!【我的外貌】我们这个家族和同类相比,体型要更大,但是比较矮也比较壮!而且不管"男生"还是"女生"都有漂亮又结实的角哦。为了抵挡严寒,我们长着又长又厚的毛,最长可以达到90厘米呢!这些宝贵的毛是棕色的,到了冬季就会变成黑棕色。  相似文献   

在图中的空格内填入适当的字母, 使每一竖行都成为所学的词语, 并能填入相应的句子中。  相似文献   

大眼蜗牛:这次我给大家找了一幅很有趣的图。首先,请你猜想图中的鲨鱼在想什么;接着,将你的猜想内容填写在小对话框中;然后你可以剪下或复印这幅图及你写好的内容;最后让邮差先生把你的信转交给我们。我们会在第11期公布最有想像力的几位同学的姓名和作品,还有精美礼物噢?赶快行动吧!  相似文献   

Who is this?     
我,来自古生代,看,多么遥远又神奇的谱系啊……哎哟,谁?谁扔西红柿砸我?!要知道,我的家族对于探讨和研究有翅昆虫的起源和演化具有十分重要的价值哦!啊,不好,说漏了!  相似文献   

Who is this?     
"臂"下生风,"脚"下腾空,威风凛凛大英雄!哎呀呀,莫非这次我们请来的朋友是一位"武林高手"?可不嘛,说它不是的话,还真有几分委屈了人家呢!来来来,先请这位朋友做个自我介绍吧!  相似文献   

“W hat is this/that?”是用来提问物品名称的句子。回答这样的问题,下面四种答语都可以用:1)Its a....2)That is/Thats a....3)This is a....4)A...但它们使用的场合有所不同:回答“W hats this/that?”时,一般总是用“Its a....”的形式。“That isa....”或“Thats a....”  相似文献   

Given the diversity of materials in our surroundings, one should expect scientifically literate citizens to have a basic understanding of the core ideas and practices used to analyze chemical substances. In this article, we use the term ‘chemical identity' to encapsulate the assumptions, knowledge, and practices upon which chemical analysis relies. We conceive chemical identity as a core crosscutting disciplinary concept which can bring coherence and relevance to chemistry curricula at all educational levels, primary through tertiary. Although chemical identity is not a concept explicitly addressed by traditional chemistry curricula, its understanding can be expected to evolve as students are asked to recognize different types of substances and explore their properties. The goal of this contribution is to characterize students' assumptions about factors that determine chemical identity and to map how core assumptions change with training in the discipline. Our work is based on the review and critical analysis of existing research findings on students' alternative conceptions in chemistry education, and historical and philosophical analyses of chemistry. From this perspective, our analysis contributes to the growing body of research in the area of learning progressions. In particular, it reveals areas in which our understanding of students' ideas about chemical identity is quite robust, but also highlights the existence of major knowledge gaps that should be filled in to better foster student understanding. We provide suggestions in this area and discuss implications for the teaching of chemistry.  相似文献   

Historically there have been many claims made about the value of laboratory work in schools, yet research shows that it often achieves little meaningful learning by students. One reason, among many, for this failing is that students often do not know the “purposes” for these tasks. By purposes we mean the intentions the teacher has for the activity when she/he decides to use it with a particular class at a particular time. This we contrast with the “aims” of a laboratory activity, the often quite formalised statements about the intended endpoint of the activity that are too often the “opening lines” of a student laboratory report and are simply the “expected” specific science content knowledge outcomes—not necessarily learnt nor understood. This paper describes a unit of laboratory work which was unusual in that the teacher's purpose was to develop students' understanding about the way scientific facts are established with little expectation that they would understand the science content involved in the experiments. The unit was very successful from both a cognitive and affective perspective. An important feature was the way in which students gradually came to understand the teacher's purpose as they proceeded through the unit. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 655–675, 2000  相似文献   

Mrs Smith is busy today,so she can 1 take Susan to school.When 2 the school, she says,"Your daddy is going to London.I’m going to the airport(机场) to see him 3 this afternoon.I can’t come here to meet you.Can you go home yourself 4 school?""Don’t worry,mum,"says the little girl."I’m seven now."The fifth class is over and Susan leaves school.But she 5 find the way home.She  相似文献   


With the introduction of a new initiative in a teaching and learning environment there is an ethical responsibility to consider whether the impact of the introduction has met its intended goals, and whether it has harmed those who are influenced by it. Technology and infrastructure developments have encouraged a continued growth in the development and introduction of computer-based tests (CBTs) in educational environments. In the educational assessment literature, enquiry into the impact of testing (of all types) is known as ‘washback’. This is a reference to the way in which a test might have a range of influences on learners and teachers prior to the test-taking event. This article reviews the literature on CBT washback and outlines a framework for studying its effects as it is introduced into educational contexts. We then outline a research framework that we have developed (based on the literature) that can be used to evaluate CBT washback. We go on to argue that, to fulfil its potential in supporting the development of change, the research framework needs to act as a mediating device that brings together teaching-practitioner and researcher perspectives. The framework that we propose conceptualises the nature of washback in CBT contexts, as well as the research process and the methods required to understand it. This framework provides an element of common ground between practitioners (i.e. teachers who are involved in a CBT development process) and external researchers, and supports collaboration at three distinct levels.  相似文献   

主持人澜澜:大家好!欢迎来到《创》编辑部的故事演播室。在这里,你将了解到《创》家族的编编们,以及他们的日常生活琐事、趣事、糗事等等。想看看这一期上演的故事吗?还等什么,Follow me……  相似文献   

教学目标Teaching aims 1.听、说、认、读有关颜色的单词,提高综合表达能力。2.熟练掌握并应用重点句型。3.利用文具等做"听听做做"练习。教学过程Teaching procedure一、Warm-up A.课前播放歌曲《Who is wearing green today?》,活跃课堂气氛。B.课前一分钟展示:复习26课对话,为学生提供展示自己的机会,同时为讲授新知识作铺垫。二、Presentation出示学习目标:1.我能够听、说、认、读两个有关颜色的单词。2.我能把学过的有关颜色的词语运用在实际对话和生  相似文献   

This study analyses the contemporary work and potential contribution of university supervisors supporting preservice teachers´ during their practicum experiences in initial English language teacher preparation. The study draws on a complex data derived from surveys, interviews, and observations of university supervisors working in a diverse array of English language teacher education programmes across Chile. A cultural historical activity theory perspective is employed to explore and analyse the motives, activities, and actions that underpinned the work of these supervisors. Findings suggest that supervisors have to respond to often contradictory demands and an overemphasis towards quality assurance actions that are potentially detrimental to preservice teachers´ development. The work of supervisors is analysed to understand how potentially to re-envision their role and functions, toward proposing how to productive expand supervisory practices as an integral part of teacher education.  相似文献   

本文笔者在中职计算机英语《What is a computer?》一课的第一课时进行了教学设计,并按教学设计顺利完成教学内容和教学目标。笔者在文章中分析了教学过程,对课程教学进行了反思。  相似文献   

传奇 《小学时代》2008,(11):14-16
如果要问在家里谁是最忙碌的人?相信很多人的答案都是妈妈吧!除了正常上班,妈妈还要负责给你和爸爸做饭、洗衣、收拾家务。当然还有辅导你的功课。关心你的思想动态,包括叫你起床等等。妈妈们为了你的衣食住行。似乎永远忙忙碌碌的。母亲常常承担着自然界中最伟大的责任。生育、抚养后代似乎永远是作为母亲的天职。动物界的动物妈妈们也是如此吗?虽然不用洗衣、收拾家务。但动物妈妈们同样要应付形形色色的挑战。一起看看这些动物妈妈们是否称职吧!  相似文献   

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