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促进基础教育课程改革的教师教育课程改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基础教育课程改革对教师教育改革提出强烈要求,教师教育课程改革要适应、引领和促进基础教育课程改革.课程改革首先是哲学、教育和课程教学理念的变革,然后是课程标准或教学大纲、课程教学内容、课程教学方式和课程教学评价等的变革,教师教育课程改革必须从上述几个层面适应、引领和促进基础教育课程改革.  相似文献   

中国的教师教育正处在转型时期,传统的师范教育向教师教育转变。从学科教育与教师专业教育混合发展向学科教育与教师专业教育相分离转变,推进教师专业化,是国际教师教育发展的基本经验。要解决好学科教育与教师专业教育两方面的协调发展问题,必须推进人才培养模式的战略转型。近年来,陕西师范大学从本校实际出发,在努力实现以教师教育为主要特色的综合性研究型大学办学目标的实践中,不断更新教育思想和教育观念,加大教学改革的研究与实践力度,经过充分论证,探索实施了"2+2"本科教师教育人才培养模式和"4+2"、"4+2+1"研究生层次的教师教育人才培养模式,促进教师教育培养类型多样化,提高教师教育人才培养质量。  相似文献   

古德莱德的师范教育改革设想探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国教育家古德菜德提出了制定师范教育计划、改变教师职业的"平坦性"、建立中小学和大学的伙伴关系以及创建学校教育的生态模式等建议.这些改革设想对我们具有一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

奖励和惩罚是一个日久弥新的话题,在赏识教育、激励教育、快乐教育一边倒的背景下,重新审视奖励和惩罚的实施效果,反思其背后深层的正负面影响,将有助于解决困扰家长、教师和校长的诸多问题。其实奖励和惩罚二者是辩证统一的,奖励有时就是一种惩罚,而惩罚也可以成为一种奖励,我们应该掌握一些奖惩的调适策略,与学生充分沟通,超越控制思维,给予学生关爱,厘清何以奖罚和为何奖罚的关系,帮助学生形成强大的、自主的内在驱动力,促进学生的健康成长成熟。  相似文献   

教师教育课程改革:一种整合的观点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国教师教育课程存在的突出问题是理论与实践割裂。从教师知识的性质及其生成机制出发,教师教育课程改革需要遵循整合性、联系性和一致性的原则。具体来说,整合的教师教育课程设计要着眼于建构与积累实践性知识,课程实施要秉持探究取向,并且要在大学与中小学之间建立实践共同体。  相似文献   


This study compared the attitudes of high school juniors toward three types of institutions: 4-year colleges, 2-year colleges, and the “ideal college.” Students rated each institution on forty attitude dimensions. Attitudes toward 4-year colleges were more favorable than attitudes toward 2-year colleges on twenty-seven of the forty dimensions; fifteen of these differences were statistically significant. In contrast, 2-year colleges received more favorable ratings on twelve dimensions, with only five of the differences being significant. The correlation between ratings of the 4-year college and the ideal college was + .601, which was significantly higher than the correlation of + .437 between ratings of the 2-year college and the ideal college. When student attitudes were factor analyzed, three dimensions were identified: Social Activities, Supportive Interpersonal Environment, and Intellectual Climate. The data indicate that high school students have more favorable attitudes toward 4-year than 2-year colleges, and that they do not share the perceptions of community college proponents concerning certain advantages of attendance at 2-year colleges. These findings may have implications for college attendance plans made by students, and for their performance in college.  相似文献   

This project explores how one early childhood preparation program integrated applied ethics in introductory coursework. Recognizing that students enter teacher education with well-formed values and beliefs regarding children and teaching, carefully planned learning experience and encounters in real life learning contexts expand their understanding of the complexity of ethical decision-making in early care and education programs. This project documents students’ perspectives toward their role as meaning-makers through the analysis of assignments intended to promote reflection on values. As students engage with course content and gain practical experience, their knowledge and beliefs regarding teaching evolve together demonstrating the power of ethical thinking in enhancing early childhood teacher education. The findings indicate that students draw on their image of children, social justice, and self-awareness in their development of a professional ethical identity.  相似文献   

地位与利益:教师教育改革的两大制约因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对教师教育改革的两大制约因素"地位与利益"进行了简要分析,以期为仍处于十字路口的我国教师教育改革的判断与选择提供点滴参考.  相似文献   

教师评价功能:从奖惩走向发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教师评价起初是一种面向教师过去的工作表现及成效,评价结果常常与奖惩相伴随的奖惩性评价.20世纪末以来,国际教师评价功能发生了本质性的变革.教师评价不再仅仅发挥奖惩功能,而是转向促进教师潜能、个性、创造性的发展.我国在由应试教育向素质教育转轨的背景下,教师评价依然过分强调应试教育时代的奖惩功能,忽视素质教育时代的发展功能,这一问题应该引起我国教师评价者的高度重视.  相似文献   

教师反思是教师为了提升教育教学实践合理性而进行的自我检查、自我评价和自我修正。反思使教师成为自觉的开放的存在,是教师自我成长之道。职前教师教育应转变培养范式,为反思型教师奠定素质基础:涵养德性,发展反思的动力;提升理性,发展反思的能力。  相似文献   

Many nation states on the periphery of the dominant socio‐economic sphere continue to work with variants of education models introduced by colonial players. This paper argues that whilst historical factors contributed to the development of an educational approach underpinned by a techno‐rational ideology in Fiji, the actual details of educational practice suggest a more complex scenario. The resonance of the debate this establishes is explored through a case study of teacher education in Fiji. The study finds that despite the dominance of a “routinised”, mechanistic practice that was seen to define local culture/s of teacher education, there are indications that imply a sense of “possibilities” and hope. However, dominant techno‐rational and personalistic cultures of practice need to be frameworked by a socially located paradigm that places the issue of transformation more visibly in its remit, and that works from the understandings and perceptions that educators have about their own practice.  相似文献   

论高等师范院校的改革路向   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文立足我国高等师范院校发展的历史与现实,对当前其面临的外部社会的挑战与自身的危机进行了分析,最后提出了高师院校改革的三大措施:主动应战、立足师范、强化实习。  相似文献   

In many European countries revised notions of learning and the dynamic nature of knowledge have brought about changes in teaching in primary education. The new views of learning, together with profound social changes, have similarly created pressures for curricular reform. This paper examines the repercussions of extensive curricular reform for teacher education, especially with respect to what can be done to develop teachers’ didactic skills and capabilities for curricular planning. The latter calls for profound skills and a sensitivity in following the changes taking place in society, and also the ability to discuss the values towards which the concrete goals of the teaching should be directed. In order to convey such skills successfully, teacher education itself should clarify its position on its didactics and its philosophy. Didactics should not be simply a matter of communicating facts, but rather the emphasis in this respect should be shifted towards philosophical content, leading to the skills of independent thinking.  相似文献   

新时期,我国许多地方实施"教师招考"制度,这就给高校教师教育职前培养带来了极大的挑战和机遇。因此,高校教师教育职前培养亟须与教师招考对接,在教学内容、教学方法、教学方式等方面进行积极有效的改革,以使师范生顺利通过"招考"关。同时,随着我国新课程改革的深入发展,教师招考也亟待完善与革新。  相似文献   

法国教师的新使命与教师教育改革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在知识经济时代和学习化社会中,法国社会对教师的期望越来越高,教师的使命不仅是传授知识,还要承担许多社会应当共同完成的任务。法国在未来教师职业化的进程中,教师的继续教育将具有一定的强制性,培训也会更加个人化。但能否吸引足够的优秀青年加入到教师队伍,如何实现教师队伍的新老交替,将是未来若干年法国教师教育领域中的突出问题。  相似文献   

迈进新世纪 ,我国高师面临着各方面的挑战 ,只有坚持改革开放 ,坚持为基础教育服务的方向 ,实施职前培养与职后培训的一体化办学模式 ,构建教师教育新体系 ,培育能够实施素质教育的中小学教师 ,为提高国民的整体素质做出新贡献  相似文献   

人类教育发展的历史证明,教师在教育中处于中心地位并对教育产生重大影响。在对政策、课程内容和过程方法等教师教育的主要方面进行改革的同时,信息技术的使用、质的评估、研究、网络等也异常重要。教师专业化不应局限于传统意义上的对学历资格的要求、对知识与技能的掌握,还应该包括今日优质教学所必需的个人品质、价值和态度。21世纪呼唤一种基于四大学习支柱的新教育范式的产生。一种教与学的整体分析方法旨在培养学生认知、情感与积极的态度,提高学生在知识、理解力与洞察力、价值与态度、技巧等方面的综合能力,并倡导一种更加灵活多样的评价方法。  相似文献   

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