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When examined carefully, it is seen that there is not an available and detailed cttrriculum designed for the aim of foreign language teaching with integrated cultural items of the target language in the programs of the schools under authority of the Ministry of Education and Turkish higher education institutions. In recent years, the specialists have an agreement on the issue that foreign language instruction should be carried out by the means of target language's history, literature, geography and also its social characteristics. The idiom "it's raining cats and dogs" can be misinterpreted by a Turkish student without the knowledge of this idiom's story in English history as "Cats and dogs are pouring down from the sky". An important French architectural building "Saint Mary Cathedral, Notre Dame de Paris" can be misunderstood as "Our Parisian Woman" by a student who is unfamiliar with French culture. Both examples show that encountered foreign words and phrases can be misunderstood and mostly these words are perceived and interpreted according to learners' own cultural figures. The aims of this study are to show the significance of culture-based foreign language courses and to make a contribution to the literature by regarding the views of researchers beheving that culture and language are inseparable concepts. In this context, Erzincan University French Language Teaching Department students' opinions on the relation between culture and language learning were received with the application of qualitative structured written response method. Then, document analysis of written comments was evaluated. Consequently, the analysis on the participants' written comments showed that a culture integrated foreign language course can make positive contributions to students' learning, language learning process and learning environment.  相似文献   

In the 20th century, China's rural political undergoing dramatic changes, countries achieved the integration of rural society, and rural society was incorporated into the national modernization process. Chinese Communist Party organization's promotion and in the vast rural areas and the construction of rural grass-roots administrative network system were the two key factors to lead to rural political changes. The Chinese Communist Party as a political party organized and mobilized rural communities, and managed rural society through grass-roots administrative system network, which helped the distributed village members integrate into the state power system and realize a comprehensive and effective leadership of thevast rural society and the national will was carried out and executed. These were the important constituent parts of modern China's construction.  相似文献   

City poverty is a major social problem in China's social transition period. It is the dual pressures in the economy and society. Inprinciple, the factors of the poor will inevitably cause poverty, but in essence, city poverty produce on changes of variety of political system andsocial policy. In poverty governance, governance guide leads to a common governance of social organization, enterprise, government. In themode of governance, it's from poverty alleviation relieto development-oriented poverty reduction, and then to the participatory poverty reduc-tion. In governance objectives, the paper mainly introduces a process of economic poverty to poor ability, and finally reaches the purpose of alle-viating social exclusion.  相似文献   

Participating in Campus Culture Construction to Develop Low-carbon Behavior - An experimental study based on the low-carbon education in Chengdong Primary School in An-xiang of Hunan Province
LI Bao-bin, YANG Xia (1 .Hunan University of Arts, Changde 415000, China; 2.Chengdong Primary School of An-xiang County, Changde 415000, China)
Abstract: Campus culture is the main channel for formative education. Chengdong Primary School in Hunan An-xiang gives full play to its main role in formative education. The school builds campus culture from such aspects as environment, behavior and institutions, makes experiment on the pupils' low-carbon behavior habit formation and has achieved good effect. Successful experience includes paying constant attention to the pupil's autonomy, constructing a three-dimensional system of formative education, making a series of regulations that appeal to individual needs, and establishing an all-round supportive system of educational experiment.  相似文献   

Phoenix, a very beautiful and popular image in China,like dragon, is an imagined and legendary animal existing only in people’s mind. It is such an important component of Chinese culture that we can see a sort of phenomenon called phoenix phenomenon comes into being in Chinese culture, which deserves efforts to elaborate and whose origin is worth probing. As the totem worshipped by the ancient Chu people, phoenix also displays the basic features of Chinese culture: integratedness and inclusiveness.  相似文献   

With some reflections on the management culture of higher educational institutions in China, this paper presents that it is not adequate to make analyses of rules and regulations from the mere perspective of institutional economics to get rid of short-term, which can be accounted for on a deeper level by the absence of management culture in the prevailing assessment system of teachers' achievements; while the key to reform the system of assessing teachers' work is to rebuild cultural conceptions in the management of higher educational institutions.  相似文献   

"We decided to produce five mascots instead of one, because we think no single figure can embody China' s profound and diversified culture," said Han Meilin, chief of the mascot designers' group.  相似文献   

庞琳 《海外英语》2012,(6):58-60
After China’s entry into the WTO,the interchange and communication between China and the international community has increased,which exerts great influence on pushing forward the modernization and construction of the various industries in China and requires a large number of people with good command of English.Under these circumstances,English education becomes extremely important.Guangxi,an old revolutionary base area inhabited by minority ethnic groups,is falling behind with its economy,culture and education in comparison with eastern regions of China.A number of English teachers,especially those in middle schools of the rural areas,are provided with little education and few opportunities for advanced study;most of them lack the new teaching ideas,models or methods which could replace the traditional teaching model that centers on the teacher and textbook.As a result,students can’t give full play to their subjective initiative with low communication and application capability in English.To confer impetus to English language teaching reform,researchers and scholars have made great efforts in experimenting various teaching models with the hope to find a language teaching model which can meet the demands of the new era and B-SLIM model put forward by Dr.Olenka Bilash is such a model.  相似文献   

Aiming at arousing people's cultural sensitivity, enriching people's knowledge of other cultures and increasing people's awareness of intercultural communication, the paper, based on the Ballad of Mulan and Disney Mulan, reaches some conclusions about cultural integrations and differences between China and America by comparisons and analyses of Mulan's images in the two subjects. Meanwhile, the paper illustrates the trend of "cultural glocalization" by way of case studies. Finally, the paper brings the conclusion that people should interpret transculturational outcomes from a broad perspective and with an advisable attitude, so that various cultures can achieve harmonious development in multicultural era.  相似文献   

In today's China, there exists a self-contradictory fact——on the one hand, China is in short of educational resources, and the average educational level of the total population is fairly low; on the other hand, many graduates are facing difficulties in finding positions or are taking positions requiring lower degree employees, which leads to so-called over-education and intellectual unemployment phenomenon in China. The paper analyzes the nature and causes of the over-education phenomenon. It argues that the present over-education phenomenon in China does not mean the surplus of the total educational amount, but is actually the result of "structural in-equilibrium" of higher education. The underlying reasons can be traced back to the influence of Chinese traditional culture, the existence of binary economic structure, administrative-led educational system, and inflexible market-information transferring system.  相似文献   

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