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The purpose of this study was to identify joint angular kinematics that corresponds to shooting accuracy in the stationary ice hockey wrist shot. Twenty-four subjects participated in this study, each performing 10 successful shots on four shooting targets. An eight-camera infra-red motion capture system (240 Hz), along with passive reflective markers, was used to record motion of the joints, hockey stick, and puck throughout the performance of the wrist shot. A multiple regression analysis was carried out to examine whole-body kinematic variables with accuracy scores as the dependent variable. Significant accuracy predictors were identified in the lower limbs, torso and upper limbs. Interpretation of the kinematics suggests that characteristics such as a better stability of the base of support, momentum cancellation, proper trunk orientation and a more dynamic control of the lead arm throughout the wrist shot movement are presented as predictors for the accuracy outcome. These findings are substantial as they not only provide a framework for further analysis of motor control strategies using tools for accurate projection of objects, but more tangibly they may provide a comprehensive evidence-based guide to coaches and athletes for planned training to improve performance.  相似文献   

Predictors of scoring accuracy: ice hockey wrist shot mechanics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study was to identify the stationary “wrist shot” technique (movement patterns) of the ice hockey stick that corresponds to the accuracy of puck trajectory. A total of 25 subjects participated in this study, ranging from high to low caliber players. Each performed ten successful wrist shots at four targets (two top corners, two bottom corners). Performances were evaluated by recording the movements of the stick’s shaft and blade and of the puck with a 3D motion capture system at 240 Hz. Kinematics of the shaft and blade of the hockey stick were examined using a multiple regression analysis to predict accuracy scores. In general, the results indicated that accuracy corresponded to release parameters (both puck release orientation and velocity), shaft bending and change in blade orientations; though, parameter weighting differed substantially for top versus bottom targets. Future studies are warranted to identify the whole body kinematic patterns associated with the hockey stick kinematics.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the kinematic sequencing in the penalty-corner drag-flicks of elite male and female field hockey players of international calibre. Thirteen participants (one skilled male drag-flicker and six male and six female elite players) participated in the study. An optoelectronic motion analysis system was used to capture the drag-flicks with six cameras, sampling at 250 Hz. Select ground reaction force parameters were obtained from a force platform which registered the last support of the front foot. Twenty trials were captured from each subject. Both player groups showed significantly (p < 0.05) smaller ball velocity at release, peak angular velocity of the pelvis, and negative and positive peak angular velocities of the stick than the skilled subject. Normalised ground reaction forces of the gender groups were also smaller than that of the skilled drag-flicker. By comparing these players we established that the cues of the skill level are a wide stance, a whipping action (rapid back lift) of the stick followed by an explosive sequential movement of the pelvis, upper trunk and stick.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify biomechanical predictors for accuracy and speed of the wrist shot in floorball, comparing two different starting feet positions.

Ten floorball players performed 2 series of 10 stationary wrist shots, in 2 different positions (feet at a right angle to the end of the stick, oriented towards a target and feet parallel to the end of the stick and to the target). A 12-camera motion capture system, tracking reflective markers on key landmarks, was used to record participant and stick kinematics. Accuracy of the shot was quantified by distance of impact from target centre. Player gaze was approximated from head position.

Shot accuracy was significantly better (0.007) when feet were at right angle (0.22 [0.14] m) than when they were parallel (0.27 [0.20] m). Ball speed was no significantly different (P = 0.485) between the right angle position (23.50 [17.52] m · s?1) and the parallel position (23.50 [17.95] m · s?1). Between self-selected position and imposed position, there was no significant difference. Players looking at the target during shooting had greater accuracy. Regression models suggested that ball speed was mainly influenced, in both positions, by the flexion of the supporting leg (ankle, knee and hip), by the rotation of the hip and of the trunk, especially for the spine angles, and by the rotation and abduction–adduction movements of the wrist of the hand on the top of the stick. The comparison between players showed important differences in these technical skills.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the interaction of players’ skill level, body strength, and sticks of various construction and stiffness on the performance of the slap and wrist shots in ice hockey. Twenty male and twenty female subjects were tested. Ten of each gender group were considered skilled and ten unskilled. In addition to general strength tests, each subject performed the slap and wrist shots with three stick shafts of different construction and stiffness. Shot mechanics were evaluated by simultaneously recording ground reaction forces from a force plate, stick movement and bending from high speed filming and peak puck velocity from a radar gun. Data were analysed with a 4-way repeated measures ANOVA for several dependent variables including peak puck velocity, peak Z (vertical) force, peak bending and stick to ground angles, peak angular deflection of the shaft, and hand placement on the stick. The results indicated that: 1) the slap shot was much faster than the wrist shot corresponding to greater vertical loading force, stick bending, and greater width of the hand placement; 2) the puck velocity was influenced by skill level and body strength but not stick type; and, 3) that skilled players were able to generate more vertical force and bend of the stick, in part, by adjusting their hand positions on the stick. Further studies are needed to address the specific influence of body strength and skill on the techniques of these shots and in relation to stick material and construction properties.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between hockey stick shaft stiffness and puck speed with mechanical energy considerations during stationary wrist and slap shots. Thirty left-handed pro-model composite hockey sticks, submitted by eleven hockey stick manufacturers, were subjected to a mechanical cantilever bend test to determine the shaft stiffness of each stick. Eight sticks representing the entire spectrum of stiffnesses were then used by five elite male hockey players to perform stationary wrist and slap shots in a laboratory setting. Eight infra-red high-speed digital video cameras were used to capture shaft deformation and puck speed. A second mechanical test then replicated the loading patterns applied to each stick during shooting. Force-deformation data from this test were used to determine the shaft stiffness and potential energy storage and return associated with each stick during shooting. The results of this study suggest that shaft stiffness has an influence on puck speed in wrist but not slap shots. During a wrist shot, a given player should realise higher puck speeds with a stick in which they store increased elastic potential energy in the shaft. In general, flexible sticks were found to store the most energy. However, how the athlete loads the stick has as much influence on puck speed as stick construction. Energy considerations were unable to explain changes in puck speed for the slap shot. For this type of shot it is the athlete and not the equipment influencing puck speed, but the governing mechanisms have yet to be elucidated.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to adapt a performance measurement tool, the Team Sport Assessment Procedure (TSAP), to ice hockey during match-play. In addition to the six categories included in the original observational procedure, the ice hockey TSAP contained four new categories. Twelve Pee-Wee ice hockey matches were video-recorded during a regional championship tournament. The game play of 103 of the 11- to 12-year-old players was then analysed on video by three trained observers, based on all 10 ice hockey TSAP categories. The observational data were thereafter used to compute, for each player, a “volume of play per minute” and an efficiency index. Finally, volume of play per minute and the efficiency index were combined to obtain a composite score, the TSAP performance score. Additional measurements for each player were playing time during the observed matches, coaches’ assessments (dominant, good, less decisive), and player tournament statistics (number of points, based on assists and goals). The mean TSAP performance score was substantially higher for players rated by their coaches as dominant and for players who accumulated more than one tournament point, findings that provide evidence of the validity of the TSAP measure. In inter-observer reliability analyses of TSAP observational data provided by the trained observersfrom video recordings, the level of agreement between each pair of observers was 80–82%. Reliability correlations over a series of three matches (r=0.26, 0.59, and 0.16 respectively) showed that the TSAP performance score was relatively unstable. Ice hockey coaches may use this adapted Team Sport Assessment Procedure to better understand the offensive implication of each player in a given match, since the 10 observational variables provide more extensive information on performance than traditional statistical measures. Due to low performance stability of the TSAP performance score, coaches ought to use the observational assessment data for the formative rather than the summative assessment of their players unless they cumulate information over a series of several matches. Formative assessment can be conducted either during training camps or even during the regular season.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to describe lower limb kinematics in three dimensions during the forward skating stride in hockey players and to contrast skating techniques between low- and high-calibre skaters. Participant motions were recorded with four synchronized digital video cameras while wearing reflective marker triads on the thighs, shanks, and skates. Participants skated on a specialized treadmill with a polyethylene slat bed at a self-selected speed for 1 min. Each participant completed three 1-min skating trials separated by 5 min of rest. Joint and limb segment angles were calculated within the local (anatomical) and global reference planes. Similar gross movement patterns and stride rates were observed; however, high-calibre participants showed a greater range and rate of joint motion in both the sagittal and frontal planes, contributing to greater stride length for high-calibre players. Furthermore, consequent postural differences led to greater lateral excursion during the power stroke in high-calibre skaters. In conclusion, specific kinematic differences in both joint and limb segment angle movement patterns were observed between low- and high-calibre skaters.  相似文献   

陈晓华 《冰雪运动》2008,30(6):28-30
冰球比赛新规则中对比赛中在队员犯规后的处理上和解除的顺序等方面都有很大的变化,这对冰球运动的技战术发展有着重要的影响,促进着训练方法与手段的改进,并对运动员的技战术的全面性提出更高的要求。通过查阅相关文献,对“自动结束处罚”的概念进行剖析,并采用归纳法将其分成6种类型,并结合实例对每种类型进行深入研究,为教练员、运动员和裁判员能切实把握规则变化的实质,改进训练工作和裁判工作,提供理论依据与参考。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,研究冰球赛事对齐齐哈尔的城市影响,针对冰球赛事在齐齐哈尔的发展形势,提出相应的冰球赛事发展策略,旨在推动齐齐哈尔市冰球体育赛事开展的同时,依托冰球赛事提升齐齐哈尔城市形象,促进城市发展。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine how Canadian women’s hockey stakeholders view the elite female hockey program and its impact upon the ability of a player to progress along the athlete development pathway. This research applied institutional work through institutional maintenance to address this purpose. A total of 21 semi-structured interviews were conducted with players, parents, coaches and administrators with experience within elite female ice hockey programs. The finding indicated a static approach that mimicked the dominant male elite sport development model that both enabled and constrained the opportunities for female players to advance to high performance levels. The implications for the future success of women’s elite hockey in Canada, and the value of the Canadian model as an exemplar to countries building their female hockey systems are discussed.  相似文献   


In ice hockey, skating performance depends on the skill and physical conditioning of the players and on the characteristics of their equipment. CT Edge have recently designed a new skate blade that angles outward near the bottom of the blade. The objective of this study was to compare the frictional characteristics of three CT Edge blades (with blade angles of 4°, 6°, and 8°, respectively) with the frictional characteristics of a standard skate blade. The friction coefficients of the blades were determined by measuring the deceleration of an aluminium test sled equipped with three test blades. The measurements were conducted with an initial sled speed of 1.8 m · s?1 and with a load of 53 kg on each blade. The friction coefficient of the standard blades was 0.0071 (s=0.0005). For the CT Edge blades with blade angles of 4°, 6°, and 8°, friction coefficients were lower by about 13%, 21%, and 22%, respectively. Furthermore, the friction coefficients decreased with increasing load. The results of this study show that widely accepted paradigms such as “thinner blades cause less friction” need to be revisited. New blade designs might also be able to reduce friction in speed skating, figure skating, bobsledding, and luge.  相似文献   

Little biomechanical research has been conducted recently on hockey skating despite the sport's worldwide appeal. One reason for this lack of biomechanical knowledge stems from the difficulty of collecting data. The lack of accuracy, the disputable realism of treadmills, and the large field of view required are some of the technical challenges that have to be overcome. The main objective of the current study was to improve our knowledge of the joint kinematics during the skating stroke. A second objective was to improve the data collection system we developed and the third was to establish if a kinematic progression exists in the hockey skating stroke similar to that in speed skating. Relative motions at the knee and ankle joints were computed using a joint coordinate system approach. The differences at the knee joints in push-offs indicated that the skating skill was progressively changing with each push-off. The relative stability of the ankle angles can be attributed to the design of the skate boots, which have recently become very rigid. Further research on ice hockey skating is warranted and should include more skaters and investigate the effect various starting strategies and variations in equipment have on skaters' performance.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate specific muscle synergies in elite ice hockey players indicating highly developed postural control strategies used to restore balance against unexpected external perturbations. Seven elite athletes (EA) on the women’s national ice hockey team and 7 non-athletes (NA) participated in this study. Based on trajectories of centre of mass (COM), analysis periods were divided into an initial phase (a balance disturbance after perturbation onset) and a reversal phase (a balance recovery response), respectively. Muscle synergies were extracted at each phase by using non-negative matrix factorization. k-means cluster analysis was performed to arrange similar muscle synergies in all participants. EA showed significantly shorter recovery period of COM and smaller body sway than NA. In the initial phase, we identified 2 EA-specific synergies related to ankle plantar flexors or neck extensors. In the case of an NA-specific synergy, co-activation of the ankle plantar flexors and dorsiflexors was found. In the reversal phase, no specific muscle synergies were identified. As the results, EA-specific muscle synergies showed low co-activation strategy of agonists and antagonists in ankle and neck extensors. Our results could provide critical information for rehabilitation strategies in athletes requiring high postural stability.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare knee joint position sense of roller hockey players with an age-matched group of non-athletes. Forty-three male participants voluntarily participated in this cross-sectional study: 21 roller hockey players (mean age: 23.2 ± 4.2 years old, mean weight: 81.8 ± 9.8 kg, mean height: 180.5 ± 4.1 cm) and 22 age-matched non-athletes (mean age: 23.7 ± 3.9 years old, mean weight: 85.0 ± 6.2 kg, mean height: 181.5 ± 5.0 cm). Knee joint position sense of the dominant limb was evaluated using a technique of open-kinetic chain and active knee positioning. Joint position sense was reported using absolute, relative and variable angular errors. The main results indicated that the group of roller hockey players showed significantly lower absolute (2.4 ± 1.2º vs. 6.5 ± 3.2º, p ≤ 0.001) and relative (1.7 ± 2.1º vs. 5.8 ± 4.4º, p ≤ 0.001) angular errors in comparison with the non-athletes group. In conclusion, the results from this present study suggest that proprioceptive acuity, assessed by measuring joint position sense, is increased in roller hockey players. The enhanced proprioception of the roller hockey players could contribute to injury prevention and improved performance during sporting activities.  相似文献   

The long jump has been widely studied in recent years. Two models exist in the literature which define the relationship between selected variables that affect performance. Both models suggest that the critical phase of the long jump event is the touch-down to take-off phase, as it is in this phase that the necessary vertical velocity is generated. Many three dimensional studies of the long jump exist, but the only studies to have reported detailed data on this phase were two-dimensional in nature. In these, the poor relationships obtained between key variables and performance led to the suggestion that there may be some relevant information in data in the third dimension. The aims of this study were to conduct a three-dimensional analysis of the touch-down to take-off phase in the long jump and to explore the interrelationships between key variables. Fourteen male long jumpers were filmed using three-dimensional methods during the finals of the 1994 (n = 8) and 1995 (n = 6) UK National Championships. Various key variables for the long jump were used in a series of correlational and multiple regression analyses. The relationships between key variables when correlated directly one-to-one were generally poor. However, when analysed using a multiple regression approach, a series of variables was identified which supported the general principles outlined in the two models. These variables could be interpreted in terms of speed, technique and strength. We concluded that in the long jump, variables that are important to performance are interdependent and can only be identified by using appropriate statistical techniques. This has implications for a better understanding of the long jump event and it is likely that this finding can be generalized to other technical sports skills.  相似文献   

The forward skating start is a fundamental skill for male and female ice hockey players. However, performance differences by athlete’s sex cannot be fully explained by physiological variables; hence, other factors such as skating technique warrant examination. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the body movement kinematics of ice hockey skating starts between elite male and female ice hockey participants. Male (n = 9) and female (n = 10) elite ice hockey players performed five forward skating start accelerations. An 18-camera motion capture system placed on the arena ice surface captured full-body kinematics during the first seven skating start steps within 15 meters. Males’ maximum skating speeds were greater than females. Skating technique sex differences were noted: in particular, females presented ~10° lower hip abduction throughout skating stance as well as ~10° greater knee extension at initial ice stance contact, conspicuously followed by a brief cessation in knee extension at the moment of ice contact, not evident in male skaters. Further study is warranted to explain why these skating technique differences exist in relation to factors such as differences in training, equipment, performance level, and anthropometrics.  相似文献   

Training a non-dominant limb may increase a competitor's ability to perform with either side of his or her body and confer an advantage over competitors that use one side of the body exclusively. The aim of this study was to determine the kinematic differences between dominant and non-dominant arm throwing techniques for speed and accuracy in Under-17 and Under-19 high-performance cricketers. Seven participants performed ten throws for each arm (dominant/non-dominant) and condition (speed/accuracy) at a target positioned 10 m in front of them. Three-dimensional kinematic variables were measured using a Vicon motion analysis system. Digital footage was used to calculate stride data, ball speed, and record target accuracy. Data were analysed using repeated-measures analysis of variance and chi-squared tests. The non-dominant arm throws had significantly lower maximum lead knee lift, did not extend the lead knee in the arm acceleration phase, had significantly less elbow flexion before extension, had significantly less shoulder external rotation at the start of the arm acceleration phase, did not have a delay between the initiation of pelvic and upper torso internal rotation, and displayed a less than optimal coordination pattern. A speed–accuracy trade-off existed for the dominant arm throws. No trade-off was identified for the non-dominant arm throws. Through an enhanced understanding of how throwing technique varies between dominant and non-dominant arms, an opportunity exists for a performance-enhancing programme to be implemented so that ambidexterity of the throwing skill can be improved.  相似文献   


The capturing of movements by means of wearable sensors has become increasingly popular in order to obtain sport performance measures during training or competition. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the feasibility of using body worn accelerometers to identify previous highlighted performance related biomechanical changes in terms of substantial differences across skill levels and skating phases. Twenty-two ice hockey players of different caliber were equipped with two 3D accelerometers, located on the skate and the waist, as they performed 30 m forward skating sprints on an ice rink. Two measures of the temporal stride characteristics (contact time and stride time) and one measure of the propulsive power (stride propulsion) of a skating stride were calculated and checked for discriminating effects across (i) skill levels and (ii) sprint phases as well as for their (iii) strength of association with the sprint performance (total sprint time). High caliber players showed an increased stride propulsion (+22%, P?<?0.05) and shorter contact time (?5%, P?<?0.05). All three analysed variables highlighted substantial biomechanical differences between the accelerative and constant velocity phases (P?<?0.05). Stride propulsion of acceleration strides primarily correlated to total sprint time (r?=??0.57, P?<?0.05). The results demonstrate the potential of accelerometers to assess skating technique elements such as contact time or elements characterizing the propulsive power such as center of mass acceleration, to gauge skating performance. Thus, the findings of this study might contribute to establishing wearable sensors for in-field ice hockey skating performance analysis.  相似文献   

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