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Whole body kinematics of the tennis serve have been reported extensively in the literature, yet comparatively less information exists regarding the kinematic characteristics of the swing and toss. In attempting to develop consistency in placement of the toss and racket trajectory, coaches will often decompose the serve and practice it in separate parts. A 22-camera VICON MX motion analysis system, operating at 250 Hz, captured racket, ball and hand kinematics of the serves of five elite junior players under three conditions. The conditions were flat first serves (FS) directed to a 1 x 1 m target bordering the 'T' of the deuce service box, a ball toss (BT) in isolation and a free swing (SW) in isolation. Players were instructed to perform BT and SW as in the FS. Paired t-tests assessed within-group differences in hand, racket and ball kinematics between the discrete skill and the two decomposed conditions. Vertical displacement of the ball at its zenith increased significantly during BT compared with the FS and temporal associations between racket and ball motion during the FS (r = 0.861) were affected during task decomposition. This study questions the pervasive use of task decomposition in the development of the tennis serve.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to examine the effect of equipment scaling, through the modification of tennis ball compression, on elite junior tennis players (aged 10 years) within a match-play context. The two types of ball compressions that were compared were the standard compression (the normal ball) and 75% compression (termed the modified ball). Ten boys and 10 girls participated in the study. Participants were stratified into pairs based on their Australian Age Ranking and gender. Each pair played two two-set matches: one match with standard compression balls and one match with modified balls. The characteristics of each match were analysed and compared. The results showed that the use of the modified ball increased rally speed, allowed players to strike the ball at a lower (more comfortable) height on their groundstrokes and increased the number of balls played at the net. Ball compression had no effect on the relative number of winners, forehands, backhands, first serves in and double faults. The results are discussed in relation to skill acquisition for skilled junior tennis players.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to characterise the extent to which the dynamic behaviour of a tennis racket is dependent on its mechanical characteristics and the modulation of the player’s grip force. This problem is addressed through steps involving both experiment and modelling. The first step was a free boundary condition modal analysis on five commercial rackets. Operational modal analyses were carried out under “slight”, “medium” and “strong” grip force conditions. Modal frequencies and damping factors were then obtained using a high-resolution method. Results indicated that the dynamic behaviour of a racket is not only determined by its mechanical characteristics, but is also highly dependent on the player’s grip force. Depending on the grip force intensity, the first two bending modes and the first torsional mode frequencies respectively decreased and increased while damping factors increased. The second step considered the design of a phenomenological hand-gripped racket model. This model is fruitful in that it easily predicts the potential variations in a racket’s dynamic behaviour according to the player’s grip force. These results provide a new perspective on the player/racket interaction optimisation by revealing how grip force can drive racket dynamic behaviour, and hence underlining the necessity of taking the player into account in the racket design process.  相似文献   

Oblique impact of a tennis ball on the strings of a tennis racket   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Measurements are presented of the friction force acting on a tennis ball incident obliquely on the strings of a tennis racket. This information, when combined with measurements of ball speed and spin, reveals details of the bounce process that have not previously been observed and also provides the first measurements of the coefficient of sliding friction between a tennis ball and the strings of a tennis racket. At angles of incidence less than about 40° to the string plane, the ball slides across the strings during the whole bounce period. More commonly, the ball is incident at larger angles in which case the ball slides across the string plane for a short distance before gripping the strings. While the bottom of the ball remains at rest on the strings, the remainder of the ball continues to rotate for a short period, after which the ball suddenly releases its grip and the bottom of the ball slides backwards on the string plane. The bounce angle depends mainly on the angle of incidence and the rotation speed of the incident ball. Differences in bounce angle and spin off head-clamped and hand-held rackets are also described.  相似文献   

现代乒乓球运动中几乎所有技术都要借助于摩擦。制造旋转时,球拍与球之间的摩擦主要是静摩擦和滚动摩擦,它们的作用效果互不相同。静摩擦不但使乒乓球产生旋转,也使乒乓球产生平动;滚动摩擦则不利于乒乓球运动中制造旋转。静摩擦与滚动摩擦都是随时间变化的量,且两者的大小与多种因素有关。  相似文献   

Enhancing the understanding of coordination and variability in the tennis serve may be of interest to coaches as they work with players to improve performance. The current study examined coordinated joint rotations and variability in the lower limbs, trunk, serving arm and ball location in the elite female tennis serve. Pre-pubescent, pubescent and adult players performed maximal effort flat serves while a 22-camera 500 Hz motion analysis system captured three-dimensional body kinematics. Coordinated joint rotations in the lower limbs and trunk appeared most consistent at the time players left the ground, suggesting that they coordinate the proximal elements of the kinematic chain to ensure that they leave the ground at a consistent time, in a consistent posture. Variability in the two degrees of freedom at the elbow became significantly greater closer to impact in adults, possibly illustrating the mechanical adjustments (compensation) these players employed to manage the changing impact location from serve to serve. Despite the variable ball toss, the temporal composition of the serve was highly consistent and supports previous assertions that players use the location of the ball to regulate their movement. Future work should consider these associations in other populations, while coaches may use the current findings to improve female serve performance.  相似文献   


The topspin tennis forehand drive has become a feature of modern game; yet, as compared to the serve, there has been little research analysing its kinematics. This is surprising given that there is considerably more variation in the execution of the topspin forehand. Our study is the first to examine the amplitude of upper limb joint rotations that produce topspin in the forehand drives of 14 male competitive tennis players using video-based motion analysis. Humerothoracic abduction (-)/adduction (+), extension (-) /flexion (+), and external (-)/internal (+) rotation, elbow extension (-) /flexion (+) and forearm supination (-)/pronation (+), wrist extension (-)/flexion (+) and ulnar (-)/radial (-) deviation were computed. Our findings revealed that the generation of topspin demanded more humeral extension and forearm pronation but less humeral internal rotation angular displacement during the forwardswing. The follow-through phase of the topspin shot was characterised by greater humeral internal rotation and forearm pronation, and reduced humeral horizontal adduction when compared to the flat shot. This study provides practitioners with a better understanding of the upper limb kinematics associated with the topspin tennis forehand drive production to help guide skill acquisition interventions and physical training.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the racket mass and the rate of strokes on the kinematics and kinetics of the trunk and the racket arm in the table tennis topspin backhand. Eight male Division I collegiate table tennis players hit topspin backhands against topspin balls projected at 75 balls · min?1 and 35 balls · min?1 using three rackets varying in mass of 153.5, 176 and 201.5 g. A motion capture system was used to obtain trunk and racket arm motion data. The joint torques of the racket arm were determined using inverse dynamics. The racket mass did not significantly affect all the trunk and racket arm kinematics and kinetics examined except for the wrist dorsiflexion torque, which was significantly larger for the large mass racket than for the small mass racket. The racket speed at impact was significantly lower for the high ball frequency than for the low ball frequency. This was probably because pelvis and upper trunk axial rotations tended to be more restricted for the high ball frequency. The result highlights one of the advantages of playing close to the table and making the rally speed fast.  相似文献   

网球步法移动对技术掌握的影响分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
采用实验对比的方法,探讨步法移动对网球选修班学生掌握各项技术及在不同层次上的影响,结果表明,步法是影响网球技术学习的重要因素,加强步法的学习是掌握技术的重要前提。  相似文献   


Measurements are presented of the speed at which six different rods could be swung by four male students. Three of the rods had the same mass but their swing-weight (i.e. moment of inertia) differed by large factors. The other three rods had the same swing-weight but different masses. Our primary objective was to quantify the effects of mass and swing-weight on swing speed. The result has a direct bearing on whether baseball, tennis, cricket and golf participants should choose a heavy or light implement to impart maximum speed to a ball. When swinging with maximum effort, swing speed (V) was found to decrease as swing-weight (I o) increased, according to the relation V?=?C/I o n , where C is a different constant for each participant and n?=?0.27 when I o >?0.03 kg?·?m2. Remarkably similar results were obtained previously with softball bats (where n?=?0.25) and golf clubs (where n?=?0.26). Swing speed remained approximately constant as swing mass increased (when keeping swing-weight fixed). The implications for racket power are discussed.  相似文献   


This study aimed at evaluating the effects of mental and muscle fatigue on table tennis performance. Mental fatigue (MF) was induced by completion of 90 minutes of the AX-CPT; muscle fatigue was induced by completion of an eccentric exercise performed with the elbow flexors (biceps fatigue, BF) or the knee extensors (quadriceps fatigue, QF). The control condition consisted of watching a movie. Stroke parameters (speed and accuracy of the ball), as well as feelings of fatigue and force production capacity of the elbow flexors (BF, MF and control conditions) and knee extensors (QF condition), were assessed pre and post fatigue protocols. Feelings of fatigue increased post fatigue protocols. Force production capacity decreased only in the BF and QF conditions. BF and MF induced a decrease in accuracy. This decrease in accuracy was associated with an increased ball speed in the BF condition, and a decreased ball speed in the MF condition. QF had a negligible effect on stroke performance. Our results suggest that both mental fatigue, and muscle fatigue, significantly impair table tennis performance and therefore coaches should take into account both the physical and mental state of table tennis players to optimize performance.  相似文献   

直拍横打技术对广东高校乒乓球教学的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对第49届世界乒乓球锦标赛团体赛马琳对柳承敏的录像分析,发现双方均是直拍快攻型选手,而马琳反手是推挡加横打型,柳承敏反手是推挡加攻球型,马琳的直拍横打优于柳承敏的反手推挡,直拍横打解决了直拍运动员反手攻击力不强的问题,直拍近台快攻打法有强大的生命力。结合广东部分高校体育专业乒乓球班学生与普通系乒乓球班学生的现状进行分析,访谈了广东高校一些乒乓球教师,结果表明,广东高校乒乓球直拍横打的发展比较滞后,应该在乒乓球教学中采取措施开展直拍横打,方能使乒乓球的群众性运动进一步发展。  相似文献   

The serve, as the most important stroke in tennis, has attracted considerable biomechanical interest. Of its component parts, the swing has received disproportionate research attention and consequently, little is known regarding toss kinematics. Indeed, the age-old question of whether players serve to different parts of the court from the same toss remains unanswered. Six right-handed professionally ranked players hit first serves (FSs) and second serves (SSs) to three 2 x 1 m target areas reflecting the landing locations of T, body and wide serves, respectively, on the deuce court. A 22 camera, 250 Hz VICON MX motion analysis system captured racket, ball, foot, and h and kinematics. Repeated measures ANOVAs assessed within-player differences in foot, racket, and ball kinematics within the FS and SS as a function of landing location. The positions of the front foot, ball zenith, and ball impact were significantly different in the FS, while kinematics across all SS were consistent. Front foot position was closer to the centre mark in the T FS and players impacted the ball further left in the wide FS compared to the T FS. This study discusses the findings in the context of the development of the serve as well as potential implications for the return.  相似文献   

Growth and maturation impact the selection, development and progression of youth athletes. Individual differences in the growth and maturity may afford a performance advantage, clouding coaches and practitioners’ perceptions regarding current ability and future potential. This may result in the exclusion of talented, yet less physically gifted athletes. Participants were 91 male (n = 47) and female (n = 44) elite British Junior tennis players, 8–17 years of age (12.5 ± 1.9 years). Height and body mass were measured and compared to growth charts; hand-wrist radiographs were taken. Skeletal age (SA) was estimated with the Fels method and contrasted to chronological age (CA). Mean height and body mass of individual players ranged between the 50th and 90th centiles for age and sex. Females were advanced in SA relative to CA (0.3–0.89 years.) from 8 years. Males were average to delayed in maturation from 8 to 12 years, but advanced in SA from 14 to 16 years (0.75–1.23 years). Individual differences in growth and maturation appear to contribute towards the selection of elite junior tennis players, with a bias towards males and females who are advanced in maturation and comparatively tall and heavy for their age. This has important implications for talent identification and development.  相似文献   

探析网球运动在中国快速发展的原因   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
对网球运动在中国快速发展的原因进行了探讨。认为网球运动的健身娱乐性、在世界上的影响力、高雅时尚、可作为有效的社交媒介等特点符合中国人日益增长的对体育更高层次的需求。经济的发展和收入的增加是网球运动普及的保证。提出只有认真学习并掌握网球运动的特点和发展规律,并使之与人们对体育运动的需求相结合,才能推动中国网球运动的健康发展。  相似文献   

Topspin has become a vital component of modern day tennis. Ball-to-string bed and inter-string friction coefficients can affect topspin generation from a racket. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of string bed pattern on topspin generation. Tennis balls were projected onto nine head-clamped rackets with different string bed patterns. The balls were fired at 24 m/s, at an angle of 26° to the string bed normal with a backspin rate of 218 rad/s and outbound velocity, spin and angle were measured. Outbound velocity was shown to be independent of string bed pattern. Outbound angle increased with the number of cross strings, while outbound topspin decreased. In the most extreme case, decreasing the number of cross strings from 19 to 13 increased rebound topspin from 117 to 170 rad/s.  相似文献   

Three‐dimensional (3‐D) high‐speed cinematographic techniques were used to record topspin and backspin forehand approach shots hit down‐the‐line by high‐performance players. The direct linear transformation (DLT) technique was used in the 3‐D space reconstruction from 2‐D images recorded via laterally placed phase‐locked cameras operating at 200 Hz. A Mann‐Whitney U‐test was calculated for the different aspects of the topspin and backspin shots to test for significance (P<0.05).

A significant difference was recorded between topspin and backspin shots in the angle of the racket at the completion of the backswing. The racket was taken 0.48 rad past a line drawn perpendicular to the back fence for topspin trials, but only rotated 0.86 rad from a line parallel to the net in the backspin shot. Maximum racket velocities occurred prior to impact and were significantly higher in topspin (26.5 m s‐1) compared to backspin (16.6 m s‐1) trials. This resulted in the topspin trials recording a significantly higher ball velocity compared to backspin trials (27.6 m s‐1 vs 21.7 m s‐1). Pre‐impact racket trajectories revealed that in topspin shots the racket moved on an upward path of 0.48 rad while in backspin shots it moved down at an angle of 0.34 rad. In the topspin trials impact occurred significantly further forward of the front foot than in backspin shots (0.26 m vs 0.05 m) while the angle of the racket was the same for both strokes (0.14 rad behind a line parallel to the net). The mean angle of the racket‐face at impact was inclined backwards by 0.11 rad for backspin strokes and rotated forward by 0.13 rad for topspin strokes. Angles of incidence and reflection of the impact between the ball and the court showed that backspin trials had larger angles of incidence and reflection than topspin strokes.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the relationship between upper limb joint movements and horizontal racket head velocity to clarify joint movements for developing racket head speed during tennis serving. Sixty-six male tennis players were videotaped at 200 Hz using two high-speed video cameras while hitting high-speed serves. The contributions of each joint rotation to horizontal racket velocity were calculated using vector cross-products between the angular velocity vectors of each joint movement and relative position vectors from each joint to the racket head. Major contributors to horizontal racket head velocity at ball impact were shoulder internal rotation (41.1%) and wrist palmar flexion (31.7%). The contribution of internal rotation showed a significant positive correlation with horizontal racket head velocity at impact (r = 0.490, P < 0.001), while the contribution of palmar flexion showed a significant negative correlation (r = ? 0.431, P < 0.001). The joint movement producing the difference in horizontal racket head velocity between fast and slow servers was shoulder internal rotation, and angular velocity of shoulder internal rotation must be developed to produce a high racket speed.  相似文献   

发球是网球运动中较难掌握的技术之一,发球的动作速度、用力协调性和动作节奏是发球的关键技术环节。运用运动生物力学的知识,对网球发球的技术要素进行了分析,认为创造网球协调发力的条件,加快“鞭打”环节的动作速度,运用合理的动作节奏和战术策略,对提高网球发球成功率具有重要作用。  相似文献   


Squash is a popular racket sport that requires intermittent activity with frequent bursts of near maximal-intensity exercise. Consequently, effective physiological and thermoregulatory responses are important contributors to performance during squash match-play. Controlled field-based simulation protocols have been introduced in a growing number of sports, which allow sports scientists to investigate changes in physiology and the efficacy of various interventions in sport-specific contexts. This study aimed to develop an exercise protocol that simulates the physiological requirements of elite squash match-play. Eight elite junior squash players (age 16.2 ± 0.8 years, height 1.76 ± 0.06 m, body mass 61.3 ± 5.9 kg; mean ± s) completed the following in a randomized order: (1) a squash match against a player of similar standard and (2) a squash-specific incremental exercise protocol (multistage squash test [MST]) followed by the squash simulation protocol (SSP). The multistage squash test was continued for 18.0 ± 1.0 min and elicited near maximal post-MST heart rates, blood lactate concentrations and ratings of perceived exertion (198 ± 9 beats · min?1, 5.7 ± 1.7 mmol · l?1 and 18 ± 1, respectively). The SSP was 12.2 min in length compared with mean game length during competitive matches of 10.0 ± 1.6 min (P = 0.27). Peak heart rates were similar during the SSP and match-play (192 ± 11 and 189 ± 6 beats · min?1, respectively; P = 0.44). Mean exercising heart rates were similar during the SSP (180 ± 8 beats · min?1) and match-play (179 ± 13 beats · min?1; P = 0.73). Peak blood lactate concentrations during the SSP and match-play were 3.5 ± 1.5 and 2.4 ± 1.2 mmol · l?1 (P = 0.07), respectively. Peak ratings of perceived exertion during the SSP and match-play were similar (17 ± 2 and 17 ± 2, respectively; P = 0.64). It was concluded that the SSP closely replicated the demands of squash match-play in elite junior squash players. Furthermore, the SSP provides coaches and scientific support staff with a controlled squash-specific exercise protocol that has potential application in the objective investigation of a range of interventions such as training programmes, nutritional supplements and strategies to maintain core body temperature.  相似文献   

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