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A deterministic model is a modeling paradigm that determines the relationships between a movement outcome measure and the biomechanical factors that produce such a measure. This review provides an overview of the use of deterministic models in biomechanics research, a historical summary of this research, and an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of using deterministic models. The deterministic model approach has been utilized in technique analysis over the last three decades, especially in swimming, athletics field events, and gymnastics. In addition to their applications in sports and exercise biomechanics, deterministic models have been applied successfully in research on selected motor skills. The advantage of the deterministic model approach is that it helps to avoid selecting performance or injury variables arbitrarily and to provide the necessary theoretical basis for examining the relative importance of various factors that influence the outcome of a movement task. Several disadvantages of deterministic models, such as the use of subjective measures for the performance outcome, were discussed. It is recommended that exercise and sports biomechanics scholars should consider using deterministic models to help identify meaningful dependent variables in their studies.  相似文献   

Although deterministic models may provide a useful starting point for sports biomechanists examining the mechanical aspects of athletic performance, they have inherent weaknesses that limit their proctical application. Specifically, their inability to provide substantive information about coordinative movement patterns or 'technique' suggests that sports biomechanists must explore alternative paradigms and theoretical frameworks if they are to fulfil their main aims of improving performance and reducing injury risk. We believe that dynamical systems theory and its associated analytical tools can provide a useful adjunct to more traditional paradigms in sport biomechanics, such as deterministic modelling, which have only made a limit contribution to the enhancement of knowledge.  相似文献   

关于体育教学研究的若干问题   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
翁家银 《体育学刊》2003,10(4):84-86
论述了体育教学研究的意义、特点、内容、存在问题以及体育教学研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Errors in statistical analysis of multiple dependent variables and in documenting the size of effects are common in the scientific and biomechanical literature. In this paper, I review these errors and several solutions that can improve the validity of sports biomechanics research reports. Studies examining multiple dependent variables should either control for the inflation of Type I errors (e.g. Holm's procedure) during multiple comparisons or use multivariate analysis of variance to focus on the structure and interaction of the dependent variables. When statistically significant differences are observed, research reports should provide confidence limits or effect sizes to document the size of the effects. Authors of sports biomechanics research reports are encouraged to analyse and present their data accounting for the experiment-wise Type I error rate, as well as reporting data documenting the size or practical significance of effects reaching their standard of statistical significance.  相似文献   

阐述了比较法方法论的相关概念,将法学研究中的比较法学的方法论引入体育法学的比较研究中。从比较法学的方法论视角来分析评价体育法学的比较研究,以充实体育法学的研究的内容和方法,促进我国体育法学比较研究的深入发展。  相似文献   

The Paralympic Games are the pinnacle of sport for many athletes with a disability. The overall purpose of this paper is to highlight the role that the field of sports biomechanics specifically (and sports science in general) may play in improving performance in various summer Paralympic sports through research and consultancy. To achieve this broad aim, this review provides some history and background on the Summer Paralympic Games, discusses the eligibility and classification rules, describes the potential for the constraints-led approach of dynamical systems theory to inform practice and research in this area, and reviews selected studies examining the biomechanics of the primary forms of Paralympic locomotion. Some recommendations on how sports biomechanics can help facilitate improvements in Paralympic athletic performance through applied research and consultancy are provided, along with commentary on what may be some of the most important issues addressing Paralympic sport.  相似文献   


Meta-analysis is a set of procedures used to quantify, integrate, and analyze the findings of a large number of research studies. It offers the advantage of quantifying effects from individual studies in addition to specifying the procedures the authors followed when reviewing the literature. Although meta-analysis has been demonstrated as a useful technique in exercise and sport research, and new and more appropriate statistical techniques for use in meta-analysis have been developed, these procedures are not widely used. This tutorial describes these advances and provides an example of their application to data from gender differences in throwing velocity during childhood and adolescence.  相似文献   

This study extended research on key citation metrics of winners of two career scholar awards in sports biomechanics. Google Scholar (GS) was searched using Harzing’s Publish or Perish software for the 13 most recent winners of the ISBS Geoffrey Dyson Award and the ASB Jim Hay Memorial Award. Returned records were corrected for author, and publications excluded for all but peer-reviewed journal articles, proceedings articles, chapters and books in English. These recent award winners had published about 150 publications that had been cited typically 4,082 and 6,648 times over a 26- and 28-year period before receiving these career awards for sports biomechanics research. Estimated median citations at time of their awards were 2,927 and 4,907 for the Dyson and Hay awards, respectively. Award winners had mean Hirsh indexes of 32–45 and mean hi of 19–28. Their mean g indexes (59–84) and their numerous citation classics (C > 100) indicated that they had many influential publications. The citation metrics of these scholars were outstanding and consistent with recent studies of top scholars in biomechanics and kinesiology/exercise science. Careful searching, cleaning and interpretation of several scholar-level citation metrics may provide useful confirmatory evidence for evaluations of awards committees.  相似文献   

世界体育科学研究现状和发展趋势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自80 年代以来,体育科学研究得到迅速发展,体育科学中的分支学科不断涌现。本文在阐述体育科学体系中已形成学科门类的基础上,对世界各国体育科学研究的现状和发展趋势进行剖析。  相似文献   


A major objective of sports scientists and elite coaches is the enhancement of athletic performance. Despite this common goal, there is a general perception that research in sports science does not meet the needs of coaches. A study using survey and interview examined the perceptions of elite coaches and sports science researchers in Australia regarding the research needs of elite coaching. Congruence was found between coaches and researchers regarding research practice at the elite level. Both groups held common perceptions on the importance and application of research, the methods by which research questions are determined, and the qualities valued in elite coaches and sports science researchers. However, elite coaches perceived a need for more research in the area of sports psychology, dissemination of research findings via coaching clinics and sports-specific magazines, and the use of more appropriate “lay” language in information dissemination.  相似文献   

我国体育社会科学研究方法的应用特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为完善体育社会科学的方法学体系,对我国体育社会科学研究者进行调查分析.结果表明:我国体育社会科学研究者选择最多的是应用性的课题,缺乏对开发性课题的研究.获博士学位者的选题思路比获硕士学位者更加谨慎,留学3年以上者比没有留学者选题的视野更加开拓.正高比副高和中级以下职称研究者在论证课题时,更注重课题的创造性.我国体育社会科学研究者,掌握程度最好和使用频率最高的收集经验事实的方法是问卷调查法,问卷调查法的使用频率与研究者的职称、从事科研年限、年龄呈负相关.正高职称和留学过的研究者较其他职称在问卷调查中更经常进行信、效度检验.实验方法是他们了解最少和使用频率最低的方法.  相似文献   

关于建立体育科学方法论的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
建立体育科学方法论,应注意历史与逻辑、理论与实践、定量与定性的统一;不同学派互相融合,吸收对方的合理成分;体育科学和有关科学结成同盟,进行综合研究;东方整体着眼、直觉思维与西方精密的分析推理、实验验证方法的互补与统一。  相似文献   

箭步式上挺和下蹲式上挺是上挺的两种方式,国内对这两种上挺方式的争议较大。现对目前国内的箭步式上挺和下蹲式上挺技术的研究现状进行了总结,希望能给予广大教练员和科研人员一些有益的思考。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine the perspectives of both academics and practitioners in relation to forming applied collaborative sport science research within team sports. Ninety-three participants who had previously engaged in collaborative research partnerships within team sports completed an online survey which focused on motivations and barriers for forming collaborations using blinded sliding scale (0–100) and rank order list. Research collaborations were mainly formed to improve the team performance (Academic: 73.6?±?23.3; Practitioner: 84.3?±?16.0; effect size (ES?=?0.54), small). Academics ranked journal articles’ importance significantly higher than practitioners did (Academic: Mrank?=?53.9; Practitioner: 36.0; z?=??3.18, p?=?.001, p?q). However, practitioners rated one-to-one communication as more preferential (Academic: Mrank?=?41.3; Practitioner 56.1; z?=??2.62, p?=?.009, p?q). Some potential barriers were found in terms of staff buy in (Academic: 70.0?±?25.5; Practitioner: 56.8?±?27.3; ES?=?0.50, small) and funding (Academic: 68.0?±?24.9; Practitioner: 67.5?±?28.0; ES?=?0.02, trivial). Both groups revealed low motivation for invasive mechanistic research (Academic: 36.3?±?24.2; Practitioner: 36.4?±?27.5; ES?=?0.01, trivial), with practitioners have a preference towards ‘fast’ type research. There was a general agreement between academics and practitioners for forming research collaborations. Some potential barriers still exist (e.g. staff buy in and funding), with practitioners preferring ‘fast’ informal research dissemination compared to the ‘slow’ quality control approach of academics.  相似文献   

体育科研方法他说   总被引:13,自引:6,他引:7  
体育科研和体育科研方法,特别是统计方法的应用中暴露出太多的问题,统计方法了解得太少以及研究问题与统计技术的不能有机配合仅是表面现象,更深层次的原因是认识论、方法论上的问题,是缺乏必要的先进的科学教育造成的。从体育、科学研究、方法与技术、科研方法的最基本的概念认识出发,讨论了理性与非理性、确定与不确定、精确与模糊、方法与技术以及量、现象与本质的辩证关系,对定量研究的应用从“必然”到“自由”提出了看法。  相似文献   

Growing evidence has demonstrated exercise as an effective way to promote cardiovascular health and protect against cardiovascular diseases However, the underlying mechanisms of the beneficial effects of exercise have yet to be elucidated. Animal exercise studies are widely used to investigate the key mechanisms of exercise-induced cardiovascular protection. However, standardized procedures and well-established evaluation indicators for animal exercise models are needed to guide researchers in carrying out effective, high-quality animal studies using exercise to prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases. In our review, we present the commonly used animal exercise models in cardiovascular research and propose a set of standard procedures for exercise training, emphasizing the appropriate measurements and analysis in these chronic exercise models. We also provide recommendations for optimal design of animal exercise studies in cardiovascular research, including the choice of exercise models, control of exercise protocols, exercise at different stages of disease, and other considerations, such as age, sex, and genetic background. We hope that this position paper will promote basic research on exercise-induced cardiovascular protection and pave the way for successful translation of exercise studies from bench to bedside in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

我国体育科学研究中的方法学问题   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
论文结合体育科学研究的特点,从时代发展的高度论述了方法学在体育科学研究中的重要作用,回顾了我国体育科学研究方法的明显进步,指出了在方法论及具体方法运用中的若干不足,阐述了我国体育事业的发展对科学研究方法的时代要求,并号召体育科学工作者,为创立和发展我国体育科学学派努力提高我们的方法学水平。  相似文献   

The Paralympic Games are the pinnacle of sport for many athletes with a disability. The overall purpose of this paper is to highlight the role that the field of sports biomechanics specifically (and sports science in general) may play in improving performance in various summer Paralympic sports through research and consultancy. To achieve this broad aim, this review provides some history and background on the Summer Paralympic Games, discusses the eligibility and classification rules, describes the potential for the constraints-led approach of dynamical systems theory to inform practice and research in this area, and reviews selected studies examining the biomechanics of the primary forms of Paralympic locomotion. Some recommendations on how sports biomechanics can help facilitate improvements in Paralympic athletic performance through applied research and consultancy are provided, along with commentary on what may be some of the most important issues addressing Paralympic sport.  相似文献   

1996~2002年国家体育总局社会科学课题立项状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡建华 《浙江体育科学》2005,27(1):11-13,21
通过文献资料法、统计分析法,对1996~2002年国家体育总局局管立项课题状况分析表明:立项数量逐年增加,为繁荣我国体育社会科学,软科学研究打下很好基础;体育产业、竞技体育、体育经济、群众体育、体育概论、运动训练、奥林匹克、社区体育等是历年来我国社会体育研究的主要热点,国家在注重研究热点的同时也应照顾到体育研究宏观布局的平衡性,建议加强农村体育、特殊人群体育、全民体质、体育概念、西部体育、体育法学等研究内容的研究.  相似文献   

Jump performance is considered an important factor in many sports. Thus, strategies such as weightlifting (WL) exercises, traditional resistance training (TRT) and plyometric training (PT) are effective at improving jump performance. However, it is not entirely clear which of these strategies can enable greater improvements on jump height. Thus, the purpose of the meta-analysis was to compare the improvements on countermovement jump (CMJ) performance between training methods which focus on WL exercises, TRT, and PT. Seven studies were included, of which one study performed both comparison. Therefore, four studies comparing WL exercises vs. TRT (total n = 78) and four studies comparing WL exercises vs. PT (total n = 76). The results showed greater improvements on CMJ performance for WL exercises compared to TRT (ESdiff: 0.72 ± 0.23; 95%CI: 0.26, 1.19; P = 0.002; Δ % = 7.5 and 2.1, respectively). The comparison between WL exercises vs. PT revealed no significant difference between protocols (ESdiff: 0.15 ± 0.23; 95%CI: ?0.30, 0.60; P = 0.518; Δ % = 8.8 and 8.1, respectively). In conclusion, WL exercises are superior to promote positive changes on CMJ performance compared to TRT; however, WL exercises and PT are equally effective at improving CMJ performance.  相似文献   

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