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“数字图像处理”课程的研究性教学探索及实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了"数字图像处理"课程在注重理论教学、精心设计实验教学、教学方法改革、更新教学内容及适当运用双语教学等几方面的研究性教学方式,通过实施研究性教学,以提高该课程的教学水平、教学质量和教学效果。实践表明,通过研究性教学,激发了学生主动学习的兴趣,提高了学生进行研究性学习的能力,同时也培养了学生运用知识进行项目设计和研发的能力。  相似文献   

交互性语言教学理论认为交互是语言教学的核心,提倡通过交互式的教学活动帮助学生加速新旧知识的融合,增加学生的知识积累,提高学生运用语言的交际能力。将该理论应用于英语专业《综合英语》课程的教学,可以有效改变学生被动学习的地位,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生学习的积极性,使学生的语言应用能力和综合素质得到明显的提升,从而有效地实现该课程的教学目标。  相似文献   

合作学习理论是一种全新的学习理论,是指在教学过程中以学生为主,在教师的指导下,通过小组的形式进行一系列学习活动,并实现共同学习目标的学习理论和策略体系。该文就我校预科英语教学的特殊性及面临的问题,通过将合作学习理论应用到英语听说课程教学的各个环节中,探究了该学习理论对培养学生英语学习的兴趣,激发学生学习动机,提高学生的语言交际能力是否有促进作用。  相似文献   

黄磊 《科教导刊》2022,(7):106-108
“流体力学”是环境工程专业的骨干专业基础课之一,该课程的学习效果直接影响学生的专业课学习能力。文章在分析流体力学教学现状的基础上,依托西南大学校内门户,构建流体力学网络教学平台。通过理论教学、实验教学和网络教学平台构建流体力学课程的互动式教学模式。该模式突破了传统课堂教学弊端,实现师生和生生互动,充分调动学生学习热情和积极性,提高课程教学质量。该教学模式对其他课程互动式教学模式的构建和网络教学平台的建设具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

《造纸原理与工程》是轻化工程制浆造纸专业学生的一门专业主干课程,其课程是一门兼基本理论和实用性的课程,该课的教学内容直接影响到毕业生的就业及将来对工作的适应能力。针对该课程教学存在的问题,本文对该课程进行了一些教学改革的探索,初步实践了有利于推进该课程的新教学方式。通过新教学方法的实施,激发了学生学习的积极性,进一步提高了教学质量。同时也提高了本专业教师和学生的互动,使整个教学充满了生机活力,提高了学生的专业学习兴趣。  相似文献   

《最优化理论与方法》是信息与计算科学、数学与应用数学等专业普遍开设的一门课程。根据地方高师院校的人才培养目标,对以往的教材内容应进行筛选,适当补充有关最优化学科的最新进展与前沿应用,使学生在有限课时的学习中,更好地把握本门课程相对完整的知识框架及最新的研究成果。应针对本课程的特点以及教师教学和学生学习中存在的问题,进行必要的教学改革。课堂教学中要提高学生学习兴趣和学习积极性,将理论教学与实践教学相结合,以加深对理论与算法的理解。要将理论教学与应用案例相结合,以增加该课程的趣味性和应用性,培养学生解决实际问题的能力。应注重该课程与其他课程的相互渗透,使学生所学知识相互融合。通过引入双语教学,填补专业英语学习的缺憾,提升学生科研的能力。  相似文献   

大学计算机基础课程是一门培养非计算机专业学生掌握基本计算机应用能力的基础学科。文章通过对当前教学现状进行分析,提出了对于该课程教学进行改革的意见,旨在达到好的教学效果,提高教学质量,进一步在理论学习和实践中培养学生计算机思维,从而将学生培养成为计算机技能型人才。  相似文献   

在硕士研究生的课堂教学中,案例教学起着重要的作用。本文通过总结在线性动态系统理论与设计课程教学的改革与实践,提炼和设计了直线二级倒立摆系统教学案例,通过系统原理介绍和任务设计,将课程主要内容有机串联,为学生学习该门课程提供了一个直观形象的实物载体,结合案例进行课程教学,改变了该课程理论性强、数学味浓带来的学生学习困难问题,起到了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

针对计算机控制系统设计课程当前教学方式存在的不足,构建了该课程理论与实验一体化同步教学系统。该教学系统以实验设备为平台,以校园网为纽带,以教室教学设备为工具,将理论教学和实验教学有机融为一体。针对该课程中的数据采集部分,展示了新教学方式的实现效果。新的教学方式实现了理论教学与实验教学的有机结合,不仅使教学过程变得形象直观、通俗易懂,而且学生能够全程参与课程学习,增强了学生学习的积极性,提高了学生的学习效果。  相似文献   

《机械制造工艺学》是一门综合性实践性比较强的专业课程,本文根据该课程的特点及学生学习该课程的难点,以及多年的教学实践经验,阐述了《机械制造工艺学》课程在高职教学中,采用模块化教学方式、理论教学与实践教学相结合的教学手段、多种考核评价机制,理清学生的学习目标、增强学生的学习兴趣、提高学生的能力,并在实践过程中取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

总结开发、运行慕课《鲁迅十二讲》的经验得失,以下三点是值得注意的。第一,好的慕课,需要坚实的科研基础。慕课《鲁迅十二讲》第一期的线上学员对课程内容的极大肯定是与课程优异的科研基础分不开的。第二,好的慕课需要精良、丰富、即时的线上“教→←学”互动。精心运行的线上“教→←学”互动,是慕课《鲁迅十二讲》深受好评的另一大原因。第三,慕课教学对高校的教学管理也提出了新的要求,这涉及到慕课主讲教授的选择、课程业绩的认定,以及同步spoc课程线上线下的课时分配等。  相似文献   

A case study was conducted on a group of undergraduate chemical engineering students to assess the relevance of attending lectures from a student perspective and to understand why these students attend and do not attend lectures with a view to developing approaches to teaching, which are of greater interest and benefit to student learning. The students were surveyed by means of a questionnaire-type survey, which collected both quantitative and qualitative data from them. The majority of students stated that lectures are still very beneficial to their learning and are not an out-of-date mode of education. The major reasons for lecture non-attendance were time priority and curriculum overload issues with other scholarly activities and poor quality teaching. The students provided a number of suggestions to improve lectures and lecture attendance, including the incorporation of active learning in lectures, linking lectures to assessment and adding extra value to what is already in the notes.  相似文献   

在成人教育教学中,目前主要以课堂教学为主,存在知识抽象难懂、学生由于工作缺课和师生缺少交流互动等问题,影响成人教育的教学效果。采用网络共享课程资源和使用信息技术工具研发的交互式课件,建立网络答疑系统,既可以不受空间限制进行网络答疑延伸课堂教育,增进师生交流,又可以方便学生自学课程知识跟上课程教学进度,提高成人教育学生的学习积极性,对成人教育教学方法改革研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Team teaching is advocated in education to offer students multiple explanations to complex concepts and to improve teacher development. However, team teaching is typically associated with high staff cost due to the increased amount of teachers involved. The authors argue that team teaching can be conducted in a cheap way by including novice teaching assistants in the lectures and train them ‘on the job’. Additionally, novice assistants cause reflection on action and prevent a mechanization of the course. The authors use Brookfield’s four lenses to reflect on the application of team teaching in a Swedish undergraduate course on software modeling over three years, involving 3 teachers and collecting evaluation data from close to 400 students. The reflection shows that team teaching can be used as a cost-effective way to introduce novice teachers to a course, while at the same time receiving benefits from their participation in lectures and course development.  相似文献   

邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想概论课程是电大的一门公共必修基础理论课。鉴于学生人数多、课程内容多的特点,广东电大2003年启动了课程教学模式改革,采取讲座的教学形式,将课程划分为5个专题讲座,分别由5位教师讲授。专题讲座注重"6个相结合",即历史性和现实性相结合;理论性和实践性相结合;知识性和趣味性相结合;研究性和传授性相结合;逻辑性和对比性相结合;统一性和多样性相结合。多年的教学实践给予我们几点启示:专题讲座形式是以课程为单元组织教学的细化;不同的课程应有不同的教学模式;面对不同类型的学生也要采取不同的教学模式。  相似文献   

This paper argues for interaction in lectures, interaction which allows learners time to reflect and discuss. This proposition has a staff development dimension both for lecturers in engineering who do not have (or do not value) the skill of interactive lecturing and for those who do, and who wish to find out more. Examples of these techniques are provided in this paper, in the context of construction management. Our intention is to provide practical help for those seeking innovative methods of teaching. We also hope to advance current debates on whether or not interactive lectures are appropriate for engineering subjects in general and for management subjects in particular. The staff developer in this case has observed an apprehension among staff that interactive teaching is more time consuming: does it take longer to plan (than lectures)? Initially, it may do, as the lecturer develops a repertoire of techniques. In this paper, we try to reduce that time by giving an exemplar, saving others from ‘reinventing the wheel’. However, since adapting teaching is a complex process, we show the process of developing a teaching method to suit educational objectives. Finally, we conclude with ‘hints and tips’, based on the literature, for interactive teaching.  相似文献   

Institutes of higher learning are tending to reduce the amount of face-to-face teaching that they offer, and particularly through the traditional pedagogical method of lecturing. There is ongoing debate about the educational value of lectures as a teaching approach, in terms of both whether they facilitate understanding of subject material and whether they augment the student educational experience. In this study, student evaluation of teaching scores plus academic outcome (percentage of students who fail) was assessed for 236 course units offered by a science faculty at an Australian university over the course of one year. These measures were related to the degree to which lectures and other face-to-face teaching were used in these units, controlling for factors such as class size, school and year level. An information-theoretic model selection approach was employed to identify the best models and predictors of student assessments and fail rates. All the top models of student feedback included a measure reflecting amount of face-to-face teaching, with the evaluation of quality of teaching being higher in units with higher proportions of lectures. However, these models explained only 12–20% of the variation in student evaluation scores, suggesting that many other factors come into play. By contrast, units with fewer lectures have lower failure rates. These results suggest that moving away from lectures and face-to-face teaching may not harm, and indeed may improve the number of students who pass the subject, but that this may be incurred at the expense of greater dissatisfaction in students' learning experience.  相似文献   

就2005年高校政治理论课课程改革以来,存在的对政治理论课重要性认识不到位、政治理论课地位和作用的定位不够准确、师资队伍的培养以及教学内容和方式上存在的片面性问题进行了分析。提出要加大政治理论课的重要性和必要性的认识;在教学中既要重视政治性,又要强调知识性;要严格政治理论课教师的准入制度;实行专题式讲授理论和灵活多样的实践性教学等措施。  相似文献   


The article describes the authors' experiences team teaching two sections of the same undergraduate social studies/language arts methods course using a model in which both instructors are present at all class meetings. One section was composed of predominantly older, nontraditional students; the other section included more typical college students. The majority of students in both sections enjoyed the experience. A narrative detailing the creation of the teaching team and suggestions for a successful team teaching experience also are included.  相似文献   

Summary An experiment was carried out which contrasted the effectiveness of a conventional instructional methodversus a method based upon tape recorded lectures plus student-led discussions. Subjects for the pilot experiment were 36 students enrolled in a pre-service teacher education course at San Francisco State College. The conventionally-taught section was instructed by a standard lecturediscussion approach. The tape-taught section listened to hour-long taped lectures, and discussed the content of the lectures with the assistance of a student discussion leader. After the initial meeting of the semester, the instructor had no contact with the tape-taught class. On the basis of group performance on several criterion measures, no significant differences between the conventionallytaught and the tape-taught students were found. It was concluded that the instructional technique featuring taped lectures was effective.  相似文献   

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