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基数词是英汉两种语言中出现频率较高的一类词,英汉两种语言中的基数词各有自己的一些特点。英汉两种语言基数词的系数、位数、级数组合既有相同点,又有相异点。汉语是"五位进级制",英语是"四位进级制"。  相似文献   


In the edited book “Bourdieu and Chinese Education”, a group of scholars in China, Australia, Canada, and the USA engage in a dialogue with Bourdieu and raise persistent questions not only about issues of equity, competition, and change in Chinese education, but also about the value, venture, and violence in using established Western intellectual frameworks for analysing Chinese education. In response to these questions, this special issue analyses and discusses Chinese rural education, teacher education, language education, health and physical education, and transnational education; and proposes a series of new conceptualisations, for example, regression- and network-based field analysis, Bourdieu-Chinese philosophy encounter, field of mediation, localised pedagogical capital, and new Chinese habituses (e.g., contemptuous habitus, diasporic cosmopolitan habitus, habitus (re)structuring). Such collective effort responds to the strident, and sometimes misleading, castigation of Bourdieu for determinism; and also disputes the non-reflexive, celebratory tone that consecrates the French sociologist and his canonical theorem, and hence reproduces the symbolic violence in the doxic academia. In this vein, the special issue is respectful for, but not restricted to, Bourdieu’s sociology, showing no timidity in questioning and contesting the framework of the famed thinker when research problems and findings demand so.  相似文献   

证明了收敛数列的一个简单性质。推广到收敛1级教上去.得到一些简单的结论。  相似文献   

A case is presented against a data collection system that is intended to provide increased accountability of teachers, professors and the profession. The utilization of some current data collection systems may in fact jeopardize the integrity of the profession's mission and goals. The cause of concern is the use of the easiest form of data collection (e.g., fitness, skills, math, and science scores) rather than evidence viewing the student as a complex organism that would require a more appropriate and complex assessment system (i.e., “life skills” activity participation and social skills rather than a fitness test). I also note that a focus on increased accountability and simplified data collection provides the impetus that research in higher education needs to consider a paradigm shift to be more collaborative and holistic. In presenting these issues, I note that the vision of Delphine Hanna was similar, specifically more collaborative, more holistic, and more humanistic in making scholarly and professional decisions.  相似文献   

Edison Schools, Inc., is the largest and most visible among a growing number of Education Management Organizations that have entered into contracts to manage public schools, including both conventional and charter schools. Edison's approach to managing schools is comprehensive, and it distinguishes itself from most other school improvement strategies by simultaneously addressing both the resources and assistance provided to schools and the accountability systems under which school staff operate. In this article we explore the ways in which the assistance and resources provided by Edison (including diverse professional development opportunities, materials, technology, and other tools), as well as accountability mechanisms (such as monitoring and rewards), have translated into principal and teacher actions, and the factors that facilitated or constrained educators' efforts to implement the Edison design and improve teaching and learning. Drawing on data gathered from extensive interviews, observations, and document reviews collected during a four-year comprehensive study of Edison schools, we demonstrate how Edison intends to promote not only educators' capacity but also their motivation and opportunity to deliver high-quality instruction. We examine variation that occurs across schools as teachers and principals respond to these system-level efforts. In addition, we identify several important predictors of variation in implementation, including the strength of instructional leadership provided by the principal and the presence or absence of district-imposed constraints such as union contract rules.  相似文献   

不论是等差数列还是等比数列,其通项公式通常都只有一种形式,而它们的前n项和公式却有两种形式,故此在使用上就比较灵活。利用推理和数学归纳法证明出了等差数列和等比数列通项公式的另一种形式,并通过例题说明其用法,从而使得其通项公式在使用上更加简捷、灵活。  相似文献   

讨论了任意随机变量序列的弱大数定律,得到了随机变量序列分别服从随机弱大数定律和弱大数定律的充要条件,以及独立随机变量序列服从弱大数定律的相关结果。  相似文献   

Irrational Numbers: The Gap between Formal and Intuitive Knowledge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This report focuses on prospective secondary mathematics teachers’ understanding of irrational numbers. Various dimensions of participants’ knowledge regarding the relation between the two sets, rational and irrational, are examined. Three issues are addressed: richness and density of numbers, the fitting of rational and irrational numbers on the real number line, and operations amongst the elements of the two sets. The results indicate that there are inconsistencies between participants’ intuitions and their formal and algorithmic knowledge. Explanations used by the vast majority of participants relied primarily on considering the infinite non-repeating decimal representations of irrationals, which provided a limited access to issues mentioned above.  相似文献   

Using document analysis, this paper examines the historical emergence of the quantified child, revealing how the collection and use of data has become normalized through legitimizing discourses. First, following in the traditions of Foucault's genealogy and studies examining the sociology of numbers, this paper traces the evolution of data collection in a range of significant education policy documents. Second, a word count analysis was used to further substantiate the claim that data collection and use has been increasingly normalized through legitimizing discourses and routine actions in educational settings. These analyses provide evidence that the need to quantify educational practices has been justified over long periods of time through a variety of documents and that the extent to which data governs educators’ thoughts, discourses, and actions has dramatically increased during the past century.  相似文献   

在新的序关系下,定义了模糊数的距离,并与Hausdorff意义下的距离做了比较,讨论了模糊数列的极限。  相似文献   

There is an increasing expectation that school principals use data to develop and justify school policy. There is also a strong belief among a wide variety of stakeholders that the quality of decisions within the school increases in proportion to the extent to which these decisions are based on good data. In most schools, however, it appears that data use is still quite limited. Research shows that the school principal plays a key role in data use in schools. In the present study, we examine the impact of external expectations, attitude and self-efficacy on the use of data by principals. The results of a survey among 451 school principals in Flanders show that affective aspects of attitude exhibit the strongest correlation with data use by principals. The impact of cognitive attitude and self-efficacy is statistically significant, but quite limited. The same applies to the perception of external school development-orientated and accountability-orientated expectations to use data.  相似文献   

对图书在版编目发展进行了概况介绍,分析了图书在版编目数据存在的问题,提出了图书在版编目数据规范管理的相应措施。  相似文献   

数字是人类文化和语言的一个特殊领域,数字词语和习语作为中西文化的一个重要组成部分,反映着中西的文化传统和特征。比较分析数字的文化意蕴差异,有助于提高跨文化交际能力,更好地促进外语学习和外语教学。  相似文献   

利用Barnett和Pegg提出的测量相位算符 ,在测不准关系基础上给出测量相位算符压缩的二类定义 ,讨论了粒子数叠加态中测量相位算符的压缩情况 .研究表明只有真空态和双光子数态及真空态和单光子数态的叠加态才能产生光场测量相位算符的CS类压缩效应 ,任何光子数叠加态都不产生测量相位相符的CN类压缩效应 .  相似文献   

This article presents a synthesis of the complexity of using data in education and highlights some of the promise and challenges of adequately understanding data use across the continuum of accountability to instructional influence in the classroom. Several common themes around the complexity of data use were identified: (1) The nature of the data used, (2) the importance and difficulty of educator data capacity building and sense-making, (3) the importance of characteristics of collaboration, (4) the influence of contextual factors of schools, districts and international settings, (5) the potential negative influence of data use in equity considerations, and (6) the difficulty of determining impact of data use and discerning explanations of why data use initiative work some of the times were examined across the articles. This synthesis concludes with a call for an approach to research in data use in education that concurrently engages multiple aspects of the educational system with a focus on multiple levels of theories of learning that address students, teachers, and organizations.  相似文献   

王有升 《教育学报》2005,1(2):71-75,95
同现代社会的其他制度建制一样,现代学校的体制特征最深刻地体现在两个方面:一是科层体制,二是微观规训体制。在现代学校的体制建构与我们所追求的教育理念之间存在着内在的矛盾与张力,它往往成为改革所可能达到的内在“限度”。我们今天所要进行的学校改革需要对这种“体制建构”进行明确系统的认识与反思。  相似文献   

数学教育社会学在学理上具有跨学科和交叉学科的性质。它受到知识社会学和数学社会学的交互作用和影响。科学知识社会学和数学知识社会学关于科学与数学的认识对数学教育的社会学研究都有很好的启迪。在借鉴上述两种知识社会学理论成果的基础上,作为21世纪以来全球范围内数学教育研究的一个热点和重点,探讨了数学教育社会学的内涵、层次和基本范畴以及对于中国数学教育实践的现实意义。  相似文献   

简述Ramsey数下界研究的历史背景和主要困难,简介我们的理论和方法。  相似文献   

文章作者以《汉英大辞典》(上海交通大学出版社1995年版)上一个常见成语的歧义翻译为例,深入探讨英汉两种语言中的数字隐喻及其翻译处理。  相似文献   

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