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This article proposes a content-orientated approach to teaching foreign languages in institution-wide language programmes. It posits that a separation of content and language in an entirely skills-based model of teaching non-specialist language learners is neither university-adequate nor in the interest of successful language learning. Arguing that content-driven curricula support collaborative and autonomous forms of learning, the paper proposes that general language modules should be based on a coherent, university-specific subject focus. The author suggests that language centres should draw on the cultural and disciplinary diversity of its students to create meaningful topics of cross-disciplinary communication. Making learners' cultural and academic experiences the subject of analysis aids the development of a group identity among non-specialist learners and thus the formation of authentic discourse communities even before contact with target language communities is established. The paper also addresses the role of networking technologies in establishing such multidisciplinary communities of non-specialist language learners.  相似文献   


Background: Interaction, participation and collaboration are thought to be important factors for supporting successful second or foreign language learning. The use of Interactive Groups (IGs) is regarded as helpful in creating the conditions in which interaction, participation and collaboration are increased to create effective dialogic learning. However, there is limited understanding of the role of IGs in supporting second or foreign language learning.

Purpose: The aim of the present study was to explore the opportunities that IGs generated for supporting interaction, participation and collaboration in a situation where students were learning English as a foreign language.

Method: A communicative methodology was used to collect and analyse observational and interview data from three classrooms where teaching and learning was organised through IGs, each in a different school in Spain involved in Schools as Learning Communities: Successful Educational Actions (SEAs). Across the three classrooms, there were 58 students, three teachers and 14 volunteers, whose role was to support and encourage communication. The schools served low SES communities. We conducted eight classroom observations and 17 semi-structured interviews. The data were analysed qualitatively.

Findings: The thematic analysis suggested that, in the classrooms that were studied, there was evidence that participants and observers felt that IGs promoted effective conditions for the inclusive participation of all learners, created a favourable climate for collaborative interactions regarding the target language and raised learning expectations for all students. In addition, the contribution of the volunteers was identified as crucial to the successful functioning of the IGs.

Conclusion: This small scale, qualitative study highlights the potential for IGs to create favourable conditions for the learning of English and other languages as a foreign language. More extensive studies are needed to determine the best way to use IGs for the teaching and learning of foreign languages in other contexts.  相似文献   


The flipped classroom can support the implementation of a communicative, student-centered learning environment in the English as a foreign language classroom. Unfortunately, there is little research which supports the incorporation of flipped learning in the English as a foreign language classroom. Numerous studies have focused on flipped learning and other subject areas, but more research needs to be done on the English as a foreign language classroom. With this in mind, there are many effective tools available to enable teachers to create a communicative, English as a foreign language learning environment. Even though technology is constantly changing, the tools presented here will give teachers an idea of how to incorporate and use technology when developing an active, communicative learning environment.  相似文献   


This study extended the internal/external reference model to multiple languages including students’ language of instruction, first foreign language, and second foreign language. We examined whether social and dimensional comparisons play similar roles in the formation of students’ self-concept related to different languages and whether dimensional comparisons result in contrast or assimilation effects. All students had German as the language of instruction and English as the first foreign language. Students were divided into a subsample (N?=?487) learning French as a second foreign language and a subsample (N?=?481) learning Latin. Invariance tests demonstrated that the achievement–self-concept relations were similar across the subsamples, but interesting group differences became apparent when analyzing the French and Latin subsamples separately.  相似文献   


This article reviews previous research and reports on a study relating to six factors relevant to achievement in learning a new language: motivation, language learning styles, language learning strategies, gender, course level, and previous experience in learning a foreign language. Although motivation, learning styles, gender, and learning strategy use were all found to be influential, motivation was the single most important predictor of success. The authors suggest that awareness and understanding of the influence and interaction of student characteristics on achievement will allow instructors to provide optimal learning opportunities for all students.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(3):447-459

The capacity to use language is unique from one individual to another. This could also depend on the individual's exposure to a language. This article aims to contribute to the growing area of research on language anxiety by exploring the extent to which language anxiety affects learners’ performance in learning in multilingual classrooms, especially African learners who are learning English as a second language. Learners, especially in the Intermediate Phase in South Africa who are learning in a second language for the first time, may experience a certain level of anxiety because that language is foreign to them. The discussion idea is further advanced by exploring the use more than one language in teaching in order to promote learner autonomy in the learning process. The conclusion will try to provide possible means to deal with language anxiety amongst learners in order to improve learner performance.  相似文献   

中国少数民族外语教育的文化生态环境   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国少数民族有自己独特的文化体系,主要表现在宗教文化、民族思维方式和民族心理,民族价值观和教育观以及民族语言文字方面。少数民族独特的文化体系导致文化生态环境的失调问题,在少数民族外语教育方面表现在中国少数民族外语基础教育文化生态失调,学校生态内部的不平衡和少数民族文化与汉族文化和英美文化之间的文化冲突等方面。在少数民族外语教育的发展中解决文化生态失调问题的途径主要在于文化导入方法的选择、课程的设计和对于少数民族文化生态环境的重视。  相似文献   

语言和文化的辩证关系历来是外语教师和教育者所关注的一个重要问题。为了解英语文化课的教学效果,本研究对山东某大学英语专业三年级76名同学进行了问卷调查,研究结果表明:英语文化课教学有助于提高学习者的英语语言技巧和文化意识,端正学习者对本族语和母语社会的态度,增强学习者的英语交际能力,培养学习者的未来教师职业感。  相似文献   

不同的民族有着不同的社会文化背景,学习一种外语必须了解这种语言所承载的文化.文章论述了语言与文化的关系,认为学习者在学习英语过程应自觉培养文化意识,达到文化理解,并从听、说、读、写、译等方面强调了文化导入的重要性,提出了文化导入的若干方法及其内容.  相似文献   


Can teacher education promote cultural understanding? In the Norwegian context, culture is discussed as a tool to promote change: a crucial theme for teacher educators as a basis for their double role as bearers and communicators of a culture. Among actions undertaken to promote understanding, there are possibilities for cultural exchange in teacher education. A comparative study on INSET in the technical and vocational area in 11 European countries exemplifies a learning process where the individual cultural background had to face interesting challenges to all the participants. Among the proposals: ‘Introduction to cultural knowledge’ as a specific subject matter; reinforcement of foreign language learning and a deeper knowledge in history; research on teacher education as a cultural element; development of competencies among teacher educators to promote knowledge about culture at a national and at an international level; a network of persons and institutions promoting and enhancing the cultural qualifications among teachers and teacher educators.  相似文献   

Due to misconceptions about the challenges of language learning, foreign languages classrooms have not always been accessible spaces for all learners. This article seeks to address the needs of students with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) in the foreign languages classroom and challenge the notion that this group of students cannot or should not learn languages. Current research tends to focus on specific learning difficulties in language learning, but little research considers the language learning experiences of children with SEND more broadly. Accordingly, this article delineates the advantages of language learning for learners with SEND, drawing on emerging research that shows that second language acquisition is not only possible but positive for many learners with additional needs. It then considers some of the specific challenges that SEND learners may face in the foreign languages classroom before outlining key strategies to facilitate inclusion among this diverse group of learners.

Key points

  • Learners with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) should not routinely be removed from the foreign languages classroom, but instead should be provided with opportunities to thrive within it. This article discusses the unique importance of foreign language learning for learners with SEND.
  • Research evidence suggests that learning new languages is, on the whole, possible—and perhaps hugely beneficial—for children with developmental differences and learning difficulties, but will depend on the circumstances and profile of the individual child.
  • The article explores some specific challenges that students with different additional needs might encounter in their foreign languages education, based on the four areas of need outlined in the SEND Code of Practice: communication and interaction; cognition and learning; social, emotional and mental health difficulties; and sensory or physical needs.
  • To conclude, the article presents a range of key strategies that foreign languages teachers might implement in the classroom to support learners with different special educational needs and disabilities.

本文是燕山大学高教课题“外语教学知识·能力·素质三合——培养模式”的前期研究结果,主要是对外语教学过程中知识·能力·素质三合——培养模式的前瞻性理论探讨,其核心是有关21世纪高等学校如何培养学生的外语综合素质,包括语言素质和文化素养两大部分。全文由四部分组成:①外语教学现状分析;②关于借鉴国外教育学界主流教育模式问题;③外语学习中的文化因素;④外语学习策略问题。  相似文献   

外语教学中的文化教学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
不同的语言代表着不同的文化,学习一种外语的同时也在学习这种语言的文化。因此,外语教学不应只停留在语言因素本身,而应引导学生深入地了解和学习目标语的文化知识。文化教学应当包含在语言教学的各个环节之中,只有语言知识与文化背景相结合才能使学生更好地习得语言本身。  相似文献   

人的感知受生存环境的影响,这种感知会使人们对事物产生出下意识的选择与舍弃。因为这一行为受地域或不同文化的限制和影响,所以往往带有较强的偏见。感知的偏见在一定程度上影响(阻碍)着对外语的学习。消除语言优越感,做到感知移情,置身于目的语文化氛围中,就能架起相互沟通的桥梁。  相似文献   

语言表达、体现和象征文化现实。外语学习过程实际上就是一个语言学习与文化体验的统一体。外语学习过程中的文化学习直接关系语言学习的最终结果。要在二语习得过程中顺利实现文化移入,学习者必须遵循语言学习与文化体验相结合、语义学习与语用学习相结合以及跨文化差异对比的原则。文化学习的有效策略包括教师在课堂教学活动中的指导性干预、习惯性的广泛课外阅读以及跨文化交际实践。只有在语言意识与文化意识同时培养的基础上,学习者才能学好目标语言,并在实践中自如地运用。  相似文献   

语言学习课堂上文化参与的方式和内容应该根据不同的人群设计和选择。然而,国内语言课堂上的文化参与内容和方式均过于单一,因而不利于培养不同学生群体的语用能力。为了借鉴国外课堂文化介入方式以改进我们的外语教学,本文作者结合我国短期成人英语学习者的实际需求,通过观察国外语言课堂活动和国内课堂实践,总结出了一个把文化学习融入语言技能训练的课堂文化介入方式系列活动,并对短期语言培训涉及到的文化介入内容问题进行了讨论,以期对各个层面的语言教育有所启发。  相似文献   

With the trend of globalization and the diversity of culture,language learners should improve intercultural communication competence in the flexible culture atmosphere.Especially,they should be aware of the importance of cultural identity in foreign language learning.On the basis of theories on intercultural communication study and second language acquisition,it will discuss the relationship between cultural identity and foreign language learning by analyzing the case study of language and culture learning experiences.  相似文献   


Political education may occur within skills-based subjects such as foreign languages. However, this may be problematic in that learners wish to develop linguistic rather than political skills, and teachers are unprepared political educators. A language course is also about the cultures of the peoples who speak the language, including political institutions. Politics has a logical place within a language course but the word culture does not inevitably evoke political institutions. Within Europe, language education is part of the political project of creating a more integrated market and transnational political entity. Political education is an implicit part of the study of a foreign language. This article examines some of the materials provided to adult, part-time students of the British Open University's language courses. It highlights some elements of the courses that are quite explicitly political education. It also draws on interviews with some of those involved in making the courses to explore the debates and decisions concerning the cultural content and particularly the representations of the target culture. It attempts to make explicit some of the implicit assumptions behind the making of a language course.  相似文献   


This article outlines some of the ways in which foreign teachers, who wish to teach English in modern China, need education of a special kind. Starting with Hong Kong, now part of China, some of the difficulties for English language teachers, stemming from Hong Kong's colonial history, are outlined, and the necessity of cultural adaptability in expatriate teachers is emphasised. This is even more necessary in Mainland China, where differences in ideas on pedagogy and in approaches to educational administration can prove frustrating for foreign teachers. From another perspective, the article also considers the rewarding aspects of teaching English in China-the enthusiasm and industry of the students, the cultural challenge, and the sense that one is doing a worthwhile job-all positive motivating factors for the teacher who is adaptable and willing to learn.  相似文献   

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