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在商品住宅小区中存在着国家、市场与社会的矛盾,要缓解这些矛盾,建设和谐社区,必须为小区业主提供满意的公共物品,堆护他们的公共利益。但是,政府和市场缺乏供给满意公共物品的动力和压力,小区内部的单个业主很难也极少采取独立行动来供给满意的公共物品,那么,要维护小区共同利益并供给满意的公共物品,集体行动是一种必要的途径。  相似文献   

社区治理与公民社会的发育   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
社区是公共物品供给与消费的基本单元。维持社会正义,稳定社区秩序,净化社区环境,和谐社区关系是居民的基本偏好。社区公共物品的属性,决定了社区公共产品的供给需要建立多元互动的合作机制。社区公共产品供给机制的构建过程,正是社区治理结构的形成过程,也是政府与社会分权的过程,还是公民社会发展的过程。  相似文献   

农村公共产品供给与公共产品消费需求研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“三农问题”一直是中国致力于解决却没有很好解决的重要问题,其中一个重要原因是我国农村公共产品供给体制还不够完善,不能满足大部分农村地区农民对公共产品的需求。本文界定了农村公共产品的概念,分析了农民对公共产品的需求状况以及我国目前农村公共产品供给所存在的问题,提出了完善我国农村公共产品供给体制的意见和建议。  相似文献   

对环境资源从公共物品属性和产权安排上在制度视野下进行了分析,认为环境资源的公共物品属性给个体实施机会主义行为提供了极大空间。环境资源产权是产权理论渗透到环境领域的产物,环境资源消费的分析对于提出合理有效的环境管理的制度安排具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

从基本公共品类型与供给方式来看,农村社区基本公共品类型复杂多样、合作机制呈现多元主导格局;从筹资来源渠道来看,农村社区基本公共品资金来源渠道由传统单一型向多元筹资方式转变;从决策机制来看,农村社区基本公共品供给决策机制由传统威权型逐步向协商治理模式转向;从合作能力的影响因素来看,影响农村社区基本公共品合作供给能力的基本因素有利益关联度、集体经济实力、村委会权威水平、村民参与水平以及相关宏观政策五个主要方面。  相似文献   

This paper holds that an anti-corruption campaign in the process of modernization in developing countries must be sustained and systematic, and conformed, and geared to the whole modernization drive and be reconciled with economic development, social stability, improvement of efficiency and perfection of the legal system, with safeguarding and promoting the overall development of modernization as its purpose. Based on analysis of the characteristics of corruption among government officials, the present paper puts forward five measures to fight it. Anti-corruption program in a political campaign is of so great importance that proper measures should be taken. The success of this campaign lies largely in the balance between the evil forces behind corruption and the combined force of all the good people in and outside the government, who are behind the anti-corruption campaign. With the spread of corruption, the campaign should not be confined to the government itself; the participation and support, of non-governmental democratic institutions and organizations should be sought.  相似文献   

A British discourse on race, cultural diversity, and education began to evolve in the 1960s in response to the growing population of immigrants from the West Indies, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. By the 1980s that discourse had become fractured, with contending educational theories of multicultural and antiracist education. In retrospect, each of these positions can be seen to embody partial truths, but neither is adequate to the complex contemporary situation of Britain's racial minorities. The emergence of a Muslim assertiveness, polarized qualification levels, new feminist interventions, and the wide appeal of black youth culture all challenge earlier notions of multiculturalism and anti-racism.  相似文献   

税费改革以及市场体制的建立,给农业生产和农村经济带来诸如公共物品不能有效提供、市场风险加大等不利影响,为此需要重构农业合作社。文章从哲学价值观、产权建构、创新合作原则等三个层面对市场条件下的农业合作社展开了论证,并提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

长期以来,在二元经济结构下,农村与城市之间形成了两类不同的公共产品供给体制,其结果造成农村公共产品供给出现了严重问题。农村对公共产品需求的增大与农村公共产品供给稀缺的矛盾,已成为制约农村和谐社会、城乡统筹发展、城乡一体化以及社会主义新农村建设的严重阻碍。政府作为农村公共产品供给的主体,其供给责任缺失,是造成供需失衡的主要原因。  相似文献   

章通过经济假和成本--收益分析法,对纯公共品的准公共品两种公域品的成本--收益进行了定性的经济分析,探索优化公域品供给的经济原理与途径,以求提高其供给效率。  相似文献   

朱青梅 《文教资料》2005,(32):12-14
远程开放教育以全新的结构与视角冲击着传统的校园围墙教育。在这个冲击波中教师的角色定位有了全新的内涵。本文从开放教育课程导师制的定义、内容、作用和构建的必要性对建立课程导师制的可行性进行了探讨。  相似文献   

当今社会的竞争主要表攻为知识的竞争,而教育作为人们获取知识的基本途径,其质量高低直接制约着民族的进步和经济的可持续发展。教育作为一种混合产品,财政必须介入教育。  相似文献   

Presidential debate questions and the public agenda   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Presidential debates have become an institutionalized component of presidential campaigns. Debates have been shown to create learning in voters and are capable of influencing vote choices. Although candidates have some control over their utterances, questions, usually asked by journalists, have a strong influence on the topics candidates can address. It is fashionable to criticize the questions posed by journalists in these “joint press conferences.” This study adds a new twist to media agenda‐setting, providing empirical evidence on the question of whether voters’ issue interests influence the topics of journalists’ questions. Results show that the questions asked by journalists in debates do not reflect the public interest. We recommend that future debates eschew the use of journalists as sources of questions for presidential debates.  相似文献   

美国特许学校:尝试把教育作为真正的公共品   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育富有正外部性即公共品属性,公立教育应具有强烈的公共品属性,真正的公共品生产是政府与市场机制恰到好处的结合.美国特许学校实际上是市场经济条件下的一种公共品生产形式,从其实践看,这种学校较好地使政府机制与市场机制进行了有效的结合.它具有更为极端的正外部性,并与国家、政府形成一种良性的发展关系,而且这种关系更直接.  相似文献   

审议民主理论的基本理念和理论流派   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谈火生 《教学与研究》2006,29(11):50-56
20世纪最后十年勃兴的审议民主理论被认为是西方政治哲学的最新发展,也引起了国内学者越来越多的注意。本文试图对审议民主理论的基本理念及其内部的分野进行梳理,以期更好地把握这一理论的发展脉络。  相似文献   

合作学习是指学生以小组为单位进行学习讨论的一种形式,充分体现学生的主体性,互补性,培养学生主动学习的能力。在高等师范院校烹饪专业教学过程中开展合作学习,对转变学生学习观念,帮助其树立良好的学习自信心,发挥学习主观能动性,培养创新能力有着重要作用。这是适应职教课程改革的需要,是烹饪教学发展的需要,也是实施全面素质教育的有力举措。  相似文献   


This article is a report of a critical co-autoethnography action research (AR) study of Allan Feldman’s life in AR relative to the development of knowledge democracy (KD). For nearly 30 years he has been doing, studying, and writing about AR, first as a doctoral student and then as a professor. Prior to this he engaged in reflective practice as a secondary science teacher. In this study we ask how his life in AR has contributed to KD, and what actions he and others can take to increase the contribution of AR to KD. The meaning-making processes used throughout relied heavily on collaborative conversations with a critical friend (Frederick Bradley), self-reflective writing, and interrogation of the literature and Feldman’s previous writings. The findings suggest that while his work has been situated in democratic and critical aspects of AR, little of it fits in with current conceptions of KD. They also indicate that a reconfiguration of how we think about, practice, facilitate, and study AR might be necessary if we are to fall more in line with the ideals of KD. We contend the methods and results of our study can be used by others in the field, who seek to interrogate their participation in this way, and help them promote the democratic production, distribution, and use of knowledge.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国发展迅速。在中国发挥了巨大作用的同时,却招致了中国威胁的论调。基于此,本文将“和平”假设为公共物品并结合奥尔森关于“行为体寻求目标的性质决定了行为体本身性质即行为体是否排外”的假设,得出结论,认为中国寻求的是作为公共物品的“和平”,就决定了中国在崛起的过程中是不会排外的即不会对别国造成威胁。  相似文献   

为了促进武术教学改革,丰富评价手段,拓宽评价范围,增加评价的客观性,本研究以普通高校公共体育武术课程为研究对象进行课程评价的可行性分析。  相似文献   

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