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彼得·潘的形象自从英国作家巴里创造出来之后,无论是在西方还是东方都深入人心。在现实的压力下,人们常常向往自己能像一个长不大的孩子无忧无虑,然而彼得·潘的快乐并不总是那样纯粹,这份快乐是有代价的。当温迪长大以后,尽管这份快乐周而复始,然而长不大的终究只有彼得·潘一个人。  相似文献   

青年教师从非职业化的大学生转变成一个职业化的教学专业技术人员,其间,理想和现实的矛盾不断冲击年轻人的理想化心态。从矛盾到磨合,从磨合到适应,从适应到发展,青年教师就在一系列的困惑中慢慢成长。分析青年教师专业成长的困惑,寻找解决困惑的对策,对于青年教师的专业成长具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

衡源 《家庭教育》2009,(9):42-42
书,伴随着我渐渐长大。无论走到哪儿,我的包里总有一本我喜爱的书,于是我有了“书虫”的雅号。我相信书是香的,书里藏着无穷的智慧。  相似文献   

成长是人生的母题。从哲学意义来说,每个人无时无刻不在成长。成长包括两个层面的内涵:首先是生理层面的,指的是作为个体的人所经历的童年、少年、青年、壮年这样一个生命生长发育的自然流程;其次是心理或精神层面的,意味着个体存在的趋向成熟,有较明确的自我意识,能协调个人和社会规范之间的冲突,从而在一定程度上实现自我价值。在文学创作中,成长一般不是生理层面的生长发育,而是指心理或精神层面的成熟过程。  相似文献   

与其他领域的翻译相比,儿童文学翻译相对缺乏系统的翻译理论及研究。本文以著名儿童读物《彼得·潘》为研究对象,选取翻译家杨静远的译本,从Neverland岛名翻译、场景刻画、动作描写以及对话四个方面展开分析,从而探索翻译目的论对于儿童文学翻译的指导意义。儿童文学的目标受众有其特殊性。翻译目的论强调翻译目的与译文受众的重要性,可以为儿童文学翻译提供部分理论依据。  相似文献   

学前教育十条的出台,为解决"入园难"的问题,我国各地方相应采取了多种形式扩大学前教育资源,不少中小学布局调整后的富余教育资源改建成了幼儿园,一些中小学教师调整后来到幼儿园任教,于是,出现了一批幼儿园转岗教师。转岗教师在新的工作岗位上面临种种的困惑,作为幼儿园的管理者也面临着如何促进转岗教师的专业素质,引导幼儿教师专业成长的思考。  相似文献   

薇拉·凯瑟与欧洲移民朝夕相处以及自己的历次迁徙,是以潜文本形式存在其作品之中。《我的安东妮亚》探索与考察了美国作家情有独钟的成长主题。小说在叙事线条并行和时间历时推进的聚焦中,通过对女主人公富有开拓精神形象的塑造,反映作者对工业文明的反抗与对农业文明的推崇,洞悉时代发展所带来的变迁,文中成长历程的叙述、成长隐语使用、成长引路人的出现恰恰彰显了小说成长主题。  相似文献   

中国影片《早熟》与韩国影片《珍妮朱诺》都是反映青少年早恋题材的作品。尽管两部影片在题材内容和人物形象塑造方面多有相似之处,但从创作主题、叙事结构、艺术风格等方面进行比较分析,由于故事的来源、作者的创作动机及所采用的艺术手法不同,因而它们之间也存在着诸多差异。  相似文献   

"美国黑人文学之父"理查德·赖特的代表作《土生子》用现实主义的手法揭露了美国黑人的生存困境,同时反映了作者追求民族和谐的殷切希望。在小说中,赖特塑造了一位反"汤姆叔叔"形象的主人公别格·托马斯,讲述了别格如何在冷漠的家庭和备受歧视的社会中从困顿走向成熟的心路历程。本文从成长小说的角度入手,从主人公成长的困惑与反抗、成长的引路人以及成长的顿悟三方面来深入探讨小说彰显出的成长主题。  相似文献   

教学隐喻的形象性、情感性、认知性、个体性和开放性,决定了其在促进教师教学反思和教师成长方面具有独特的价值。已有的实践和研究表明:处于不同成长阶段的教师的教学隐喻具有各异的特征。职前教师的教学隐喻具有浓厚的理想化色彩,且难以反映教学的整体图景;新手型教师的教学隐喻关注教学的边缘问题,并不断变化和冲突;经验型教师的教学隐喻体现了教师角色的灵活性,且实现了多重角色的和谐统一;教育家型教师的教学隐喻切中了教育的精神,并持续被追求。  相似文献   

The centenary of the first performance of J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan was celebrated in December 2004. Taking account of the various events in Britain to mark the occasion—newspaper articles, radio and television programmes, retrospects in the original theatre—this article examines the status and popularity of Peter Pan after a hundred years. The article traces the double story of Peter Pan—the play itself, and the biographical narrative of those events in Barrie’s life that led to and succeeded its creation—and examines the two recent films, Peter Pan (2003) and Finding Neverland (2004) as examples of fresh approaches to both life and work in the centenary year.Peter Hollindale retired in 1999 as Reader in English at the University of York. He edited ‘Peter Pan and Other Plays’, and an edition of ‘Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens’ and ‘Peter and Wendy’, both for the Oxford University Press World’s Classics series He is author of the critical study ’Signs of Childness in Children’s Books’.  相似文献   

Metaphors are devices that people employ for both poetic purposes and rhetorical elaboration and belong to the realm of extraordinary language. Metaphors are used to connect abstract ideas and information to more concrete experiences, thus making these experiences more familiar and easier to understand. Moreover, metaphors are more than symbolic intellectual processes; they influence the conceptual understanding of our experiences and help define our everyday realities. For education, there is an important and relevant practical connection between the metaphors that teachers employ and their beliefs about teaching and classroom practices. This stems from the notion that metaphors guide one’s mental framework. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the metaphors influencing teachers in gifted education, this study specifically asked teachers to describe both their metaphors concerning gifted students as well as those influencing their teaching. In this study, nine different themes were identified. This research demonstrates a clear connection between reported metaphors and how gifted students receive their education from teachers. Participants’ answers demonstrate a strong connection between their metaphors and their classroom practices. However, strict adherence to one’s root metaphor increases the chance for dogmatism in the classroom and can lead to potentially incoherent classroom differentiation and a potential disconnect between classroom practices and the actual pedagogical needs of the gifted learner.  相似文献   

彼得.潘的形象自从英国作家巴里创造出来之后,无论是在西方还是东方都深入人心。在现实的压力下,人们常常向往自己能像一个长不大的孩子无忧无虑,然而彼得.潘的快乐并不总是那样纯粹,这份快乐是有代价的。当温迪长大以后,尽管这份快乐周而复始,然而长不大的终究只有彼得.潘一个人。  相似文献   

This article considers J.M. Barrie’s satirical treatment of the Platonic doctrine of reminiscence in Peter Pan, and how Barrie’s work both honors and undercuts it. It will first analyze the Platonic notion of the doctrine of reminiscence in Wordsworth’s “Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood” (1807). It will then show its influence on Victorian literature in the depiction of the exalted perception and moral purity of children, and how Barrie satirizes these ideals by underscoring the ignorance and savage qualities of the children in Peter Pan. The essay will also explore the portrayal of the Eden of childhood in Wordsworth’s poem (as influenced by Plato), and how Barrie subverts this utopia by presenting a dystopic world where Darwinian principles rule. Like Darwin, Barrie argues for a natural rather than a divine origin of species and demonstrates the struggle for existence in a profoundly disturbing way. Finally, the essay will contemplate the subject of immortality and how, far from being an idealized condition as in Wordsworth’s poetry, it is a far more ambivalent state in Peter Pan.
Glenda A. HudsonEmail:

A growing body of research has examined the experiential grounding of scientific thought and the role of experiential intuitive knowledge in science learning. Meanwhile, research in cognitive linguistics has identified many conceptual metaphors (CMs), metaphorical mappings between abstract concepts and experiential source domains, implicit in everyday and scientific language. However, the contributions of CMs to scientific understanding and reasoning are still not clear. This study explores the roles that CMs play in scientific problem-solving through a detailed analysis of two physical chemistry PhD students solving problems on entropy. We report evidence in support of three claims: a range of CMs are used in problem-solving enabling flexible, experiential construals of abstract scientific concepts; CMs are coordinated with one another and other resources supporting the alignment of qualitative and quantitative reasoning; use of CMs grounds abstract reasoning in a “narrative” discourse incorporating conceptions of paths, agents, and movement. We conclude that CMs should be added to the set of intuitive resources others have suggested contribute to expertise in science. This proposal is consistent with two assumptions: that cognition is embodied and that internal cognitive structures and processes interact with semiotic systems. The implications of the findings for learning and instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

贺晓星  李黎 《教育学报》2006,2(2):43-54
少儿文学对少年儿童的成长产生着诸多的影响,在这个意义上说它涉及到教育,但问题不在于作者是如何看待少儿文学发挥怎样的教育作用的,而是以如此这般形式呈现的少儿文学文本,为我们理解教育提供了怎样的视角。在此,教育不是一个“应该这样必须那样”的问题,而是一个“还可以这样或那样”的问题。本文具体通过对梅子涵少儿文学在写作风格上的特色以及写作风格与写作内容间的背离现象的解读,对成长、成熟、社会化、教育等既有观念提出社会学的反思。  相似文献   

美国节日甚多,每逢节日,人们要举行各种形式的庆典活动。不同的节日庆典方式、规模也不同。这里收集了一些美国的节日,将其按日期顺序逐一列出,供参考。  相似文献   

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