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Policymakers have long been concerned about the large social costs of juvenile crime. Detecting the causes of juvenile crime is an important educational policy concern as many of these crimes happen during the school day. In the 2009–10 school year, the State of Hawaii responded to fiscal strains by furloughing all school teachers employed by the Department of Education and canceling classes for seventeen instructional days. We examine the effects of these non-holiday school closure days to draw conclusions about the relationship between time in school and juvenile arrests in the State of Hawaii on the island of Oahu. We calculate marginal effects from a negative binomial model and find that time off from school is associated with significantly fewer juvenile assault and drug-related arrests, although there are no changes in other types of crimes, such as burglaries. The declines in arrests for assaults are the most pronounced in poorer regions of the island while the decline in drug-related arrests is larger in the relatively more prosperous regions.  相似文献   

The notions of lifelong learning and a learning society have been an important policy driver in the European Union at both the Commission and national government levels for a number of years. Overall, these policies aim to promote the twin goals of competitiveness in international markets and social cohesion within the still-expanding borders of the Union itself. To date, however, the impact of this emphasis on lifelong learning has been relatively slight. This article argues that this is in part because the policy process in relation to the development of a learning society is based on a view of governance and power that is open to reasoned dispute, and is, therefore, bound to disappoint in relation to its espoused goals. It is suggested that, rather than implementation being the main ‘problem’ of policy, the policy context inevitably generates many recontextualizations and renegotiations of meanings according to the situations and the actors involved, thereby undermining the notion of ‘implementation’ as a technical-rational process. It is argued that the complex negotiations enacted at local level reveal and are fashioned by tensions between the membership resources available to actors. This emphasizes complexity, diversity, and difference in policy processes, bringing to the fore a communicative and distributed approach to policy rather than one that is technical and centralizing.  相似文献   

民主集中制作为党的根本组织制度和领导制度,是党的根本组织原则和党内生活必须遵循的基本准则,同时也是中国特色社会主义制度的核心。新形势下坚持和完善民主集中制,必须走完善党的代表大会制度、深化选举制度的综治性改革、完善党的领导权与执政权的制度化结构配置等法制化路径,只有如此,才能推进中国特色社会主义民主集中制的不断发展和完善。  相似文献   

The article focuses on the role of higher education in generating or mitigating inequality among ethno-regional groups and its impact on ethnic relations with evidence from Nigeria. It shows that access to education in Nigeria has been politicised. This is because of the perceived role of education in engendering political and socio-economic inequalities. It assesses the intervention mechanisms of successive Nigerian governments at federal and state levels to expand access to and enhance equity in educational opportunities as well as the responses of the different publics to such programmes. The article shows that although educational inequalities persist, state policies have enhanced the ability of the different ethno-regional groups to produce qualified personnel to occupy critical public service positions. Thus, conflicts that were historically traced to the domination of the public sector of some regions by personnel from other regions have been averted. The Nigerian case study therefore suggests that while policies aimed at equalising access to education may create incentives for ethno-regional mobilisations, they are nevertheless necessary to prevent violent conflicts that arise from perceived ethno-regional domination of the public sector.  相似文献   

传媒经济随着信息化和经济全球化正在快速发展,中国传媒业要抓紧时机,发展传媒经济,拓展传媒市场,促进传媒业的健康发展。传媒经济管理人才奇缺,开发传媒教育,已是当务之急。  相似文献   

This article is based on the authors' reflections on observations and interviews with students and staff involved in a debate competition in London secondary schools. Taking the data we collected as our starting point, we seek to draw on research from a range of perspectives, including political education, political philosophy and debate as a teaching method, to clarify the role of debate within a pedagogy for democracy. We consider the case for promoting debate in general terms, and then go on to discuss the role and form debate should take in such a pedagogy. Here we contrast models based on adversarial and deliberative democracy and consider the need for teachers to be aware of the benefits and shortcomings of each. We then draw on the concept of students' public voice to discuss some of the issues that need to be borne in mind when developing these strategies in class. Finally we pose a number of questions for future investigation, which may help teachers reflect on their own practice as well as inform our own ongoing research in this area.  相似文献   

李彦荣 《中学教育》2010,(10):54-58,64
早期基础教育的现代化演进是基于中国人普遍的自救心态下的国家现代化目标下的工具选择。本文主要通过对基础教育现代化进程中的社会诉求及人们对基础教育本身具有的社会教化价值的描述,揭示基础教育作为国家现代化工具的社会基础;通过对基础教育本身如何实现现代化的思想论争揭示其自身现代化的工具选择。  相似文献   

我国高校自主招生的制度选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校自主招生改革试点的推行,是对我国高校招生考试制度的补充与完善,也是与国际高校招生考试制度接轨的一项重要举措.在这几年的改革试点进程中,高校自主招生虽取得了不小的成绩,但也存在一些不易解决的问题.我们要使高校自主招生改革试点工作顺利健康地开展下去,就必须深入探讨阻碍我国高校自主招生健康运行的制约因素.  相似文献   

利用幂平均不等式和Cauchy不等式,给出了Radon不等式的一个新推广。作为应用,研究了循环不等式的新的校正推广和对偶推广。  相似文献   

This article examines current policy on citizenship education in England, drawing on the recommendations of the 1998 Crick Report, Education for Citizenship and the Teaching of Democracy in Schools. In particular, it seeks to establish whether the proposals for citizenship education outlined in the report and draft frameworks for citizenship education, published by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority as part of the National Curriculum review for England, have the potential to contribute towards racial equality. The report sets out to provide a framework for citizenship education which is intended to strengthen our democracy. The publication of the Macpherson Report of the Stephen Lawrence inquiry in 1999 led senior politicians to acknowledge institutional racism in British society and to pledge themselves to a programme to eradicate racism. Racism is therefore now officially recognized by those in government as one of the forces which operates to restrict the citizenship rights of minorities and undermines the principles of democracy. An understanding of racism, the ways in which it serves to undermine democracy, and skills to challenge this anti-democratic force are therefore essential features of any education programme which seeks to promote the political literacy of citizens. This article argues that a key aim in any programme of citizenship education must be to enable young people to understand the barriers to citizenship and to equip them with the skills to challenge and overcome such barriers. It examines the images and understandings of multiculturalism in the Crick Report and considers how it deals with questions of difference, equality and justice. It further examines whether the proposals within the report are an adequate basis from which sound anti-racist education programmes might be developed or whether the report itself may unwittingly reflect racism. It concludes by suggesting how the citizenship education project might be modified so that it promotes a vision of a multicultural society founded on principles of human rights and of schools where children are able to realize their rights on the basis of equality.  相似文献   


The idea of quality assurance dominates educational discourse at the present time. This is reflected in the emphasis placed on test and examination results, inspections and school performance indicators. It is argued in this article that this is not simply an attempt to legitimate traditional conceptions of knowledge. It is also an attempt to construct a new narrative of knowledge. School effectiveness research is an example of this as it applies a performativity criterion to educational research methodology. The article concludes by suggesting that action research may be subordinated to the logic of performativity, and as a result is less able to fulfil its proper purpose which is to create the conditions for innovative experiments in education.  相似文献   

我国西部民族地区基础教育由于地理环境制约、民族宗教文化影响和师资严重不足等原因发展相对落后,严重阻碍了当地社会的发展。"农远"工程加快了西部民族地区基础教育的发展。这一工程的实施关键在于"应用",教师应在认识和技能方面改变和提升,教育机构应在激励和制度方面予以保障,以充分体现"农远"工程在教学改革、教师专业发展、学生学习成绩和民族地区社会发展等方面的优势。  相似文献   

结合数学家们对数学美的论述,介绍了数学美及其表现形式,探讨了数学美在不等式的校正、优化和推广中的应用。  相似文献   

本研究用项目课题组在全国七个城市的抽样数据,对中国应届高中毕业生海外留学科技导向类与非科技导向类专业的选择问题进行了多元逻辑回归分析。研究发现,留学专业选择受到留学预期收益率等经济因素的显著影响。文章对上述研究结果给予了理论回应及政策建议。  相似文献   

常道直编译的《平民主义与教育》是杜威Democracy and Education一书在中国最早的译本。该译本是由杜威在北高师讲学时的课堂笔记整理、编订而成。故而,在语言风格、章节布局上,与原书存在些许差异。而《平民主义与教育》却具有脉络清晰,不枝不蔓,兼有专著与教材的优点,具体表现在三方面:注重教育研究中核心概念的界定与探讨,强调运用举例法解释教育现象与教育问题,条理清晰、要言不烦与图文并茂。瑜不掩瑕,该译本也存在教育理论性不强,译名前后不一致等缺陷。  相似文献   

利用Holder不等式和算术--几何均值不等式,研究了第42届国际数学奥林匹克竞赛的第2题的一个新的隔离推广,并给出了推广结论的应用.  相似文献   

This paper studies how introducing free school track choice in Germany’s between-school tracking system through a repeal of binding track recommendations affects track decisions by socio-economic status (SES). While highest track enrollment increases for previously ineligible high-SES students relative to comparable low-SES students, the SES gap does not increase. This is because previously eligible low-SES student become more likely to enroll in the highest track. A key mechanism for this response appears to be lower preferences for the intermediate track due to concerns about the inflow of mostly low-achieving and low-SES students from the lowest track after the repeal.  相似文献   

文章在分析我国高校思想政治教育民主化进展的基础上,阐述高校思想政治教育体系内部对个人发展的主要障碍,重新审视高校思想政治教育工作的三个主要方面:思想政治教师的训练必须要了解和尊重学生的个性,指导应该代替选拨;权威式的教学关系应该让位于独立性、相互负责和交换意见的师生关系;更多与思想政治教育相关的人们或许应该参加日常管理和政策制订。  相似文献   

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