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A protein separation technology using the microfluidic device was developed for the more rapid and effective analysis of target protein. This microfluidic separation system was carried out using the aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) and the ionic liquid two-phase system (ILTPS) for purification method of the protein sample, and the three-flow desalting system was used for the removal of salts from the sucrose-rich sample. Partitioning of the protein sample was observed in ATPS or ILTPS with the various pHs. The microdialysis system was applied to remove small molecules, such as sucrose and salts in the microfluidic channel with the different flow rates of buffer phase. A complex purification method, which combines microdialysis and ATPS or ILTPS, was carried out for the effective purification of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) from the purple membrane of Halobacterium salinarium, which was then analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption∕ionization time-of-flight. Furthermore, we were able to make a stable three-phase flow controlling the flow rate in the microfluidic channel. Our complex purification methods were successful in purifying and recovering the BR to its required value.  相似文献   

This paper presents a microfluidic device (poly-dimethylsiloxane micro channels bonded with glass slides) enabling culture of MLO-Y4 osteocyte like cells. In this study, on-chip collagen coating, cell seeding and culture, as well as staining were demonstrated in a tubing-free manner where gravity was used as the driving force for liquid transportation. MLO-Y4 cells were cultured in microfluidic channels with and without collagen coating where cellular images in a time sequence were taken and analyzed, confirming the positive effect of collagen coating on phenotype maintaining of MLO-Y4 cells. The proliferating cell nuclear antigen based proliferation assay was used to study cellular proliferation, revealing a higher proliferation rate of MLO-Y4 cells seeded in microfluidic channels without collagen coating compared to the substrates coated with collagen. Furthermore, the effects of channel dimensions (variations in width and height) on the viability of MLO-Y4 cells were explored based on the Calcein-AM and propidium iodide based live/dead assay and the Hoechst 33258 based apoptosis assay, locating the correlation between the decrease in channel width or height and the decrease in cell viability. As a platform technology, this microfluidic device may function as a new cell culture model enabling studies of osteocytes.  相似文献   

Electro wetting-on-dielectric (EWOD) digital microfluidics (DMF) can be used to develop improved chemical screening platforms using 3-dimensional (3D) cell culture. Alginate hydrogels are one common method by which a 3D cell culture environment is created. This paper presents a study of alginate gelation on EWOD DMF and investigates designs to obtain uniform alginate hydrogels that can be repeatedly addressed by any desired liquids. A design which allows for gels to be retained in place during liquid delivery and removal without using any physical barriers or hydrophilic patterning of substrates is presented. A proof of concept screening platform is demonstrated by examining the effects of different concentrations of a test chemical on 3D cells in alginate hydrogels. In addition, the temporal effects of the various chemical concentrations on different hydrogel posts are demonstrated, thereby establishing the benefits of an EWOD DMF 3D cell culture and chemical screening platform using alginate hydrogels.  相似文献   

Gelatin-based microcapsule production using a microfluidic system and the feasibility of the resultant microcapsules for constructing spherical tissues surrounded by heterogeneous cells were studied. The first cell-encapsulation and subsequent cell-enclosing microparticle encapsulation were achieved using a microfluidic flow-focusing droplet production system. A hollow-core structure of about 150 μm in diameter was developed by incubating the resultant microparticles at 37 °C, which induced thermal melting of the enclosed unmodified gelatin microparticles. Mammalian cells filled the hollow-cores after 4 days of incubation. A cell layer on the cell-enclosing microcapsules was developed by simply suspending the microcapsules in medium containing adherent fibroblast cells. This method may prove useful for the generation of gelatin microcapsules using a microfluidic system for formation of artificial tissue constructs.  相似文献   

Microfluidic devices have been established as useful platforms for cell culture for a broad range of applications, but challenges associated with controlling gradients of oxygen and other soluble factors and hemodynamic shear forces in small, confined channels have emerged. For instance, simple microfluidic constructs comprising a single cell culture compartment in a dynamic flow condition must handle tradeoffs between sustaining oxygen delivery and limiting hemodynamic shear forces imparted to the cells. These tradeoffs present significant difficulties in the culture of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), where shear is known to regulate signaling, proliferation, and expression. Several approaches designed to shield cells in microfluidic devices from excessive shear while maintaining sufficient oxygen concentrations and transport have been reported. Here we present the relationship between oxygen transport and shear in a "membrane bilayer" microfluidic device, in which soluble factors are delivered to a cell population by means of flow through a proximate channel separated from the culture channel by a membrane. We present an analytical model that describes the characteristics of this device and its ability to independently modulate oxygen delivery and hemodynamic shear imparted to the cultured cells. This bilayer configuration provides a more uniform oxygen concentration profile that is possible in a single-channel system, and it enables independent tuning of oxygen transport and shear parameters to meet requirements for MSCs and other cells known to be sensitive to hemodynamic shear stresses.  相似文献   

An electro-osmosis (EOS) diode pumping platform capable of culturing cells in fluidic cellular micro-environments particularly at low volume flow rates has been developed. Diode pumps have been shown to be a viable alternative to mechanically driven pumps. Typically electrokinetic micro-pumps were limited to low-concentration solutions (≤10 mM). In our approach, surface mount diodes were embedded along the sidewalls of a microchannel to rectify externally applied alternating current into pulsed direct current power across the diodes in order to generate EOS flows. This approach has for the first time generated flows at ultra-low flow rates (from 2.0 nl/s to 12.3 nl/s) in aqueous solutions with concentrations greater than 100 mM. The range of flow was generated by changing the electric field strength applied to the diodes from 0.5 Vpp/cm to 10 Vpp/cm. Embedding an additional diode on the upper surface of the enclosed microchannel increased flow rates further. We characterized the diode pump-driven fluidics in terms of intensities and frequencies of electric inputs, pH values of solutions, and solution types. As part of this study, we found that the growth of A549 human lung cancer cells was positively affected in the microfluidic diode pumping system. Though the chemical reaction compromised the fluidic control overtime, the system could be maintained fully functional over a long time if the solution was changed every hour. In conclusion, the advantage of miniature size and ability to accurately control fluids at ultra-low volume flow rates can make this diode pumping system attractive to lab-on-a-chip applications and biomedical engineering in vitro studies.  相似文献   

This paper presents a microfluidic device enabling culture of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) where extracellular matrix coating, VSMC seeding, culture, and immunostaining are demonstrated in a tubing-free manner. By optimizing droplet volume differences between inlets and outlets of micro channels, VSMCs were evenly seeded into microfluidic devices. Furthermore, the effects of extracellular matrix (e.g., collagen, poly-l-Lysine (PLL), and fibronectin) on VSMC proliferation and phenotype expression were explored. As a platform technology, this microfluidic device may function as a new VSMC culture model enabling VSMC studies.  相似文献   

Aggregation and adhesion of platelets to the vascular wall are shear-dependent processes that play critical roles in hemostasis and thrombosis at vascular injury sites. In this study, we designed a simple and rapid assay of platelet aggregation and adhesion in a microfluidic system. A shearing mechanism using a rotating stirrer provided adjustable shear rate and shearing time and induced platelet activation. When sheared blood was driven through the microchannel under vacuum pressure, shear-activated platelets adhered to a collagen-coated surface, causing blood flow to significantly slow and eventually stop. To measure platelet adhesion and aggregation, the migration distance (MD) of blood through the microchannel was monitored. As the microstirrer speed increased, MD initially decreased exponentially but then increased beyond a critical rpm. For platelet-excluded blood samples, there were no changes in MD with increasing stirrer speed. These findings imply that the stirrer provided sufficiently high shear to activate platelets and that blood MD is a potentially valuable index for measuring the shear-dependence of platelet activation. Our microfluidic system is quick and simple, while providing a precise assay to measure the effects of shear on platelet aggregation and adhesion.  相似文献   

Monitoring cellular bioenergetic pathways provides the basis for a detailed understanding of the physiological state of a cell culture. Therefore, it is widely used as a tool amongst others in the field of in vitro toxicology. The resulting metabolic information allows for performing in vitro toxicology assays for assessing drug-induced toxicity. In this study, we demonstrate the value of a microsystem for the fully automated detection of drug-induced changes in cellular viability by continuous monitoring of the metabolic activity over several days. To this end, glucose consumption and lactate secretion of a hepatic tumor cell line were continuously measured using microfluidically addressed electrochemical sensors. Adapting enzyme-based electrochemical flat-plate sensors, originally designed for human whole-blood samples, to their use with cell culture medium supersedes the common manual and laborious colorimetric assays and off-line operated external measurement systems. The cells were exposed to different concentrations of the mitochondrial inhibitor rotenone and the cellular response was analyzed by detecting changes in the rates of the glucose and lactate metabolism. Thus, the system provides real-time information on drug-induced liver injury in vitro.  相似文献   

Microfluidics has become increasingly important for the study of biochemical cues because it enables exquisite spatiotemporal control of the microenvironment. Well-characterized, stable, and reproducible generation of biochemical gradients is critical for understanding the complex behaviors involved in many biological phenomena. Although many microfluidic devices have been developed which achieve these criteria, the ongoing challenge for these platforms is to provide a suitably benign and physiologically relevant environment for cell culture in a user-friendly format. To achieve this paradigm, microfluidic designs must consider the full scope of cell culture from substrate preparation, cell seeding, and long-term maintenance to properly observe gradient sensing behavior. In addition, designs must address the challenges associated with altered culture conditions and shear forces in flow-based devices. With this consideration, we have designed and characterized a microfluidic device based on the principle of stacked flows to achieve highly stable gradients of diffusible molecules over large areas with extremely low shear forces. The device utilizes a benign vacuum sealing strategy for reversible application to pre-established cell cultures. We apply this device to an existing culture of breast cancer cells to demonstrate the negligible effect of its shear flow on migratory behavior. Lastly, we extend the stacked-flow design to demonstrate its scalable architecture with a prototype device for generating an array of combinatorial gradients.  相似文献   

We here present and characterize a programmable nanoliter scale droplet-on-demand device that can be used separately or readily integrated into low cost single layer rapid prototyping microfluidic systems for a wide range of user applications. The passive microfluidic device allows external (off-the-shelf) electronically controlled pinch valves to program the delivery of nanoliter scale aqueous droplets from up to 9 different inputs to a central outlet channel. The inputs can be either continuous aqueous fluid streams or microliter scale aqueous plugs embedded in a carrier fluid, in which case the number of effective input solutions that can be employed in an experiment is no longer strongly constrained (100 s–1000 s). Both nanoliter droplet sequencing output and nanoliter-scale droplet mixing are reported with this device. Optimization of the geometry and pressure relationships in the device was achieved in several hardware iterations with the support of open source microfluidic simulation software and equivalent circuit models. The requisite modular control of pressure relationships within the device is accomplished using hydrodynamic barriers and matched resistance channels with three different channel heights, custom parallel reversible microfluidic I/O connections, low dead-volume pinch valves, and a simply adjustable array of external screw valves. Programmable sequences of droplet mixes or chains of droplets can be achieved with the device at low Hz frequencies, limited by device elasticity, and could be further enhanced by valve integration. The chip has already found use in the characterization of droplet bunching during export and the synthesis of a DNA library.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a microfluidic device capable of generating nitric oxide (NO) gradients for cell culture using spatially controlled chemical reactions. NO plays an essential role in various biological activities, including nervous, immune, and cardiovascular systems. The device developed in this paper can control NO gradients without utilizing expensive and hazardous high purity NO gas sources or direct addition of NO donors. Consequently, the device provides an efficient, cost-effective, robust, and stable platform to generate NO gradients for cell culture studies. In the experiments, NO gradients are first characterized using a NO-sensitive fluorescence dye, and cell experiments using aortic smooth muscle cells are conducted. The results demonstrate that the device can alter the intracellular NO concentrations and further affect the Ca2+ concentration oscillation for the cells. The device developed in this paper provides a powerful platform for researchers better study the biological roles of NO and its spatial distribution using in vitro cell models with minimal instrumentation.  相似文献   

A modular microfluidic airways model system that can simulate the changes in oxygen tension in different compartments of the cystic fibrosis (CF) airways was designed, developed, and tested. The fully reconfigurable system composed of modules with different functionalities: multichannel peristaltic pumps, bubble traps, gas exchange chip, and cell culture chambers. We have successfully applied this system for studying the antibiotic therapy of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the bacteria mainly responsible for morbidity and mortality in cystic fibrosis, in different oxygen environments. Furthermore, we have mimicked the bacterial reinoculation of the aerobic compartments (lower respiratory tract) from the anaerobic compartments (cystic fibrosis sinuses) following an antibiotic treatment. This effect is hypothesised as the one on the main reasons for recurrent lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients.  相似文献   

Control of the 3D microenvironment for cultured cells is essential for understanding the complex relationships that biomolecular concentration gradients have on cellular growth, regeneration, and differentiation. This paper reports a microfluidic device for delivering gradients of soluble molecules to cells in an open reservoir without exposing the cells to flow. The cells are cultured on a polyester membrane that shields them from the flow that delivers the gradient. A novel "lid" design is implemented which prevents leakage from around the membrane without requiring sealing agents or adhesives. Once layers are molded, device fabrication can be performed within minutes while at room temperature. Surface gradients were characterized with epifluorescence microscopy; image analysis verified that sharp gradients (~33 μm wide) can be reproducibly generated. We show that heterogeneous laminar flow patterns of Orange and Green Cell Tracker (CT) applied beneath the membrane can be localized to cells cultured on the other side; concentration profile scans show the extent of CT diffusion parallel to the membrane's surface to be 10-20 μm. Our device is ideal for conventional cell culture because the cell culture surface is readily accessible to physical manipulation (e.g., micropipette access), the cell culture medium is in direct contact with the incubator atmosphere (i.e., no special protocols for ensuring proper equilibration of gas concentrations are required), and the cells are not subjected to flow-induced shear forces, which are advantageous attributes not commonly found in closed-channel microfluidic designs.  相似文献   

The properties of a cell’s microenvironment are one of the main driving forces in cellular fate processes and phenotype expression invivo. The ability to create controlled cell microenvironments invitro becomes increasingly important for studying or controlling phenotype expression in tissue engineering and drug discovery applications. This includes the capability to modify material surface properties within well-defined liquid environments in cell culture systems. One successful approach to mimic extra cellular matrix is with porous electrospun polymer fiber scaffolds, while microfluidic networks have been shown to efficiently generate spatially and temporally defined liquid microenvironments. Here, a method to integrate electrospun fibers with microfluidic networks was developed in order to form complex cell microenvironments with the capability to vary relevant parameters. Spatially defined regions of electrospun fibers of both aligned and random orientation were patterned on glass substrates that were irreversibly bonded to microfluidic networks produced in poly-dimethyl-siloxane. Concentration gradients obtained in the fiber containing channels were characterized experimentally and compared with values obtained by computational fluid dynamic simulations. Velocity and shear stress profiles, as well as vortex formation, were calculated to evaluate the influence of fiber pads on fluidic properties. The suitability of the system to support cell attachment and growth was demonstrated with a fibroblast cell line. The potential of the platform was further verified by a functional investigation of neural stem cell alignment in response to orientation of electrospun fibers versus a microfluidic generated chemoattractant gradient of stromal cell-derived factor 1 alpha. The described method is a competitive strategy to create complex microenvironments invitro that allow detailed studies on the interplay of topography, substrate surface properties, and soluble microenvironment on cellular fate processes.  相似文献   

For the diagnosis of biochemical reactions, the investigation of microflow behavior, and the confirmation of simulation results in microfluidics, experimentally quantitative measurements are indispensable. To characterize the mixing and reaction of fluids in microchannel devices, we propose a mixing quality index (Mqi) to quantify the cross-sectional patterns (also called mixing patterns) of fluids, captured with a confocal-fluorescence microscope (CFM). The operating parameters of the CFM for quantification were carefully tested. We analyzed mixing patterns, flow advection, and mass exchange of fluids in the devices with overlapping channels of two kinds. The mixing length of the two devices derived from the analysis of Mqi is demonstrated to be more precise than that estimated with a commonly applied method of blending dye liquors. By means of fluorescence resonance-energy transfer (FRET), we monitored the hybridization of two complementary oligonucleotides (a FRET pair) in the devices. The captured patterns reveal that hybridization is a progressive process along the downstream channel. The FRET reaction and the hybridization period were characterized through quantification of the reaction patterns. This analytical approach is a promising diagnostic tool that is applicable to the real-time analysis of biochemical and chemical reactions such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), catalytic, or synthetic processes in microfluidic devices.  相似文献   

In vitro assays of platelet function and coagulation are typically performed in the presence of an anticoagulant. The divalent cation chelator sodium citrate is among the most common because its effect on coagulation is reversible upon reintroduction of divalent cations. Adding divalent cations into citrated blood by batch mixing leads to platelet activation and initiation of coagulation after several minutes, thus limiting the time blood can be used before spontaneously clotting. In this work, we describe a herringbone microfluidic mixer to continuously introduce divalent cations into citrated blood. The mixing ratio, defined as the ratio of the volumetric flow rates of citrated blood and recalcification buffer, can be adjusted by changing the relative inlet pressures of these two solutions. This feature is useful in whole blood assays in order to account for differences in hematocrit, and thus viscosity. The recalcification process in the herringbone mixer does not activate platelets. The advantage of this continuous mixing approach is demonstrated in microfluidic vascular injury model in which platelets and fibrin accumulate on a collagen-tissue factor surface under flow. Continuous recalcification with the herringbone mixer allowed for flow assay times of up to 30 min, more than three times longer than the time achieved by batch recalcification. This continuous mixer allows for measurements of thrombus formation, remodeling, and fibrinolysis in vitro over time scales that are relevant to these physiological processes.  相似文献   

The living cells are arranged in a complex natural environment wherein they interact with extracellular matrix and other neighboring cells. Cell-cell interactions, especially those between distinct phenotypes, have attracted particular interest due to the significant physiological relevance they can reveal for both fundamental and applied biomedical research. To study cell-cell interactions, it is necessary to develop co-culture systems, where different cell types can be cultured within the same confined space. Although the current advancement in lab-on-a-chip technology has allowed the creation of in vitro models to mimic the complexity of in vivo environment, it is still rather challenging to create such co-culture systems for easy control of different colonies of cells. In this paper, we have demonstrated a straightforward method for the development of an on-chip co-culture system. It involves a series of steps to selectively change the surface property for discriminative cell seeding and to induce cellular interaction in a co-culture region. Bone marrow stromal cells (HS5) and a liver tumor cell line (HuH7) have been used to demonstrate this co-culture model. The cell migration and cellular interaction have been analyzed using microscopy and biochemical assays. This co-culture system could be used as a disease model to obtain biological insight of pathological progression, as well as a tool to evaluate the efficacy of different drugs for pharmaceutical studies.  相似文献   

Asthana A  Ho Lee K  Kim KO  Kim DM  Kim DP 《Biomicrofluidics》2012,6(1):12821-128219
In this paper, we have presented a non-lithographic embedded template method for rapid and cost-effective fabrication of a selectively permeable calcium-alginate (Ca-alginate) based microfluidic device with long serpentine delay channel. To demonstrate the versatility of the presented method, we have demonstrated two different strategies to fabricate serpentine long delay channels without using any sophisticated microfabrication techniques, in formal lab atmosphere. The procedure presented here, also, enables the preparation of a multilayered microfluidic device with channels of varying dimensions, in a single device without using any sophisticated micromachining instrumentation. In addition, we have also qualitatively studied the diffusion of small and large molecules from a Ca-alginate based microfluidic device and proposed a method to effectively control the out-flow of macro biomolecules from the crosslinked Ca-alginate matrix to create a selectively permeable matrix required for various biological and biomimetic applications, as mentioned in the Introduction section of this work.  相似文献   

Nam J  Lim H  Kim C  Yoon Kang J  Shin S 《Biomicrofluidics》2012,6(2):24120-2412010
This study presents a method for density-based separation of monodisperse encapsulated cells using a standing surface acoustic wave (SSAW) in a microchannel. Even though monodisperse polymer beads can be generated by the state-of-the-art technology in microfluidics, the quantity of encapsulated cells cannot be controlled precisely. In the present study, mono-disperse alginate beads in a laminar flow can be separated based on their density using acoustophoresis. A mixture of beads of equal sizes but dissimilar densities was hydrodynamically focused at the entrance and then actively driven toward the sidewalls by a SSAW. The lateral displacement of a bead is proportional to the density of the bead, i.e., the number of encapsulated cells in an alginate bead. Under optimized conditions, the recovery rate of a target bead group (large-cell-quantity alginate beads) reached up to 97% at a rate of 2300 beads per minute. A cell viability test also confirmed that the encapsulated cells were hardly damaged by the acoustic force. Moreover, cell-encapsulating beads that were cultured for 1 day were separated in a similar manner. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that a SSAW can successfully separate monodisperse particles by their density. With the present technique for separating cell-encapsulating beads, the current cell engineering technology can be significantly advanced.  相似文献   

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