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U.S.students generally go through elementary schools(kindergarten to 5th or 6th grade),middle schools(grades6-8)or junior high schools(grades7-9),and high school(grades9-12 or10-12) 一般来说,美国的学校包括小学(elementary school:幼儿园到5或6年级),中学(middle school:6-8年级)或初级高中(junior high school:7-9年级),高中(high school:9-12年级或10-12年级)。  相似文献   

In the United States most children begin school in preschool at age three or four.在美国,孩子们在三、四岁时就开始上学前学校了。At the age of five,children begin kinder- garten(幼儿园)and go to school for half a day.Between the ages of six and twelve,stu- dents are in elementary school(小学).Middle school or junior high school students are thir- teen and fourteen and high school students are between fifteen and eighteen.五岁时孩子们会上幼儿园,一般都是上半天时间。在六至十二岁之间上小学。初中阶段的孩子们一般都是在十三岁到十四岁间,高中学生一般都是十五到十八岁间。  相似文献   

在美国,public school(公立学校)由地方政府建立,为所有本地区儿童提供免费中小学教育,有别于private school(私立学校)。在英国,public school(公学)却是收费奇高的私立学府,是贵族学校的同义词。目前,约有3%的英国学童是“公学”学生,其他的都就读于国立学校。“公学”大多是寄宿制中学、男女分校,每校学生人数并不多,在500~1000人之间。家长非富即  相似文献   

学校的职能指的是学校在社会分工中所承担的专门职责。这种职责应当不同于任何一个社会机构所承担的责任。那么,学校应该承担的专门职责是什么呢? 我们知道,学校(school)一词源于希腊语,本来为闲暇、休息之意。有着休闲意义的school之所以意味着学校,“表明当时的学校,是唯有摆脱了劳动的贵族阶级才享有的一种特权。”在奴隶社会,一些有闲阶级之士经常聚在一起讨论学术问题,或举  相似文献   

A:Jacky.remember your first day of freshmanyear(一年级)in high school? B:My first day of freshman in h high school islike 1 million years ago. Your question opens thedoor to the past. A:Lots of memories of those good old days.huh?  相似文献   

2003年10月底至2004年元月,笔者来到加拿大,在渥太华卡利通教育局(ottawa—carleton district school board)下属的一所中学(Merivale high school)考察了三周时间。除此之外,还参观了渥太华大学,与渥太华大学负责化学教育的专家进行了深入的交流,感触颇多,尤其是他们的中学化学实验,设计得非  相似文献   

张欢 《海外英语》2014,(18):24-25,27
In this paper, upon the pictographic theory and the behaviorist theory, based on Xiang’s(2007) pictographic memorizing method, the author designs the corresponding procedure of the senior high school English vocabulary teaching. This research results show that, the application of the pictographic memorizing method in senior high school English vocabulary teaching is feasible and the teaching effect is relatively good.  相似文献   

English learning in high school is a process of integrated development of language knowledge and language skills,and a process of continuous improvement of learning ability.English reading plays an important role in high school English learning.This study attempts to explore the correlation between English reading anxiety and English reading performance and to help high school students improve their English reading achievements,providing individual cases and suggestions to senior high school English teachers.  相似文献   

PLOT SUMMARY: "Elephant" unfolds on an ordinary school day, inside an American high school, filled with schoolwork, football, gossip and sociulizing. For each of the students we meet, high school is a  相似文献   

黄璐 《海外英语》2012,(3):59-60,63
The present research aims to find out (1) the general vocabulary learning beliefs of Senior One high school students in Guang zhou; (2) the general vocabulary cognitive strategies adopted by Senior One high school students in Guangzhou; (3) the differences be tween successful English learners and unsuccessful English learners in adopting cognitive strategies in their English vocabulary learning. A cohort of 68 Senior One high school students participate in the research. The results of the investigation show that the notion that vocabu lary should be learnt in context and through using is shared by the majority, that the most frequently used vocabulary cognitive strategies are inferencing, note-taking, contextualization and resourcing, that there is no significant difference between the successful English learners and the unsuccessful English learners in using identical vocabulary cognitive strategies.  相似文献   

This term,David moved to a new school.Today is his first day to school.这学期,大卫转到了一所新的学校上学,今天是开学的第一天。Part One(for Grades 1-3)——三年级  相似文献   

贺琴 《中学生英语》2007,(1):27-27,44
A Studying is easy for students in French middle schools.But the tests(测试)are 1 for them.The junior high school students go to school 2 only four and a half days every week.Every Monday,Tuesday,Thursday and Friday they study in school 3.But on Wednesday or Saturday,they study for only half a day.  相似文献   

英语中有许多这样的短语,有定冠词和无定冠词,意义完全不同。当短语中的名词是指名词本身时,名词前要用定冠词;当短语中的名词不是指名词本身,而是指它们所代表的某些活动或概念时,名词前就不能再用定冠词了。例如: 1.at school在上学(school表示学校进行的活动) at the school在学校(school表示学校本身) Tom is at school.汤姆在上学。I think Tom’s father is at the school.我认为汤姆的爸爸在学校。2.be in hospital住院be in the hospital 在医院Uncle Wang is in hospital.王叔叔住院了。Uncle Wang works in the hospital.王叔叔在医院工作。  相似文献   

短文改错: My mother was born in a small town in Italy. She was three when her parents settle in the USA in 1926. They lived 1. _____ in Chicago, that my grandfather worked making ice cream. 2. _____ At 16 my mother graduated a high school, went on to 3. _____ a secretarial school (文秘学校) , and finally worked with 4. _____ a secretary for a railroad company. She was beautiful, too. When a local photographer used her pictures in his monthly window display (陈列) , 5. _____ she was very hap…  相似文献   

Recently, a monthly exam organized by a high school in Wuhan City ( 武汉市) has attracted the attention of the media all over the country.  相似文献   

When you're the son of the world's most legendary superheroes(超级英雄) The Commander and Jetstream, there is only one school for you—Sky High, an elite(精英) high school that is entrusted with the responsibility of molding today's power-gifted students into tomorrow's superheroes. The problem is that Will Stronghold is starting with no superpowers of his own,  相似文献   

1.high school 在美国通常表示“中学”,(从七年级到十二年级),也有人把它看作“高中”(从九年级到十二年级)。因此,为了便于分别,在high school 前面加上 junior(初中)或 senior(高中),Grade 12相当于我国的高三。2.about my own age 与我年龄相仿的,of my own age 与我同龄的3.I felt lonely.我感到有点寂寞。lonely 和 alone 都可用作形容词。lonely 多半从情感上表达“孤独”之意,而 alone 常作“单独一人”解释。  相似文献   

教师职业训练学校(Professional practice school)。亦称职业发展学校(Professional development school)是近年来美国师范教育改革运动的产物。它既不像教师培训中心那样只有训练课程,没有实验对象。也不像大学附属实验学校那样独立于公立学校系统,而是作为公立学校系统的一部分,和其它公立学校一样招生,归学区教育委员会统一领导。和普通公立  相似文献   

正(一)Don’t Play Puppy Love,Dear Friend Wang Li,my good friend,didn’t pass the entrance examination to senior high school,which irrigated her parents greatly as well as confused some teachers and her classmates.As a good girl like her,why is the result like that?Really,she was very good at her lessons when she came to junior high school.What’s more,she was clever and beautiful.Therefore,everyone liked her,and the teachers all thought that she would be a girl of great promise.  相似文献   

英单词school(学校)来自希腊语,其原意为“空闲”。你一定会感到根奇怪——难道说,在school里的学生生活是“空闲”的吗?  相似文献   

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