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心理教育的概念解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理教育是一个多元的复合概念。笔者从解释学的视角对什么是心理教育,心理教育意味着什么等问题做了初步回答;认为,心理教育的核心旨趣就是着眼于有意识、有目的地引领和促进人的心理发展,关注和建构人的心理生活,发展和提升人的心理素质;主张从多学科、多维度去理解和把握心理教育概念的内涵与外延,心理教育既是当代教育的一个方面、一个侧面,又是一种现代教育思想、一种教育制度。  相似文献   

On the occasion of Dewey's sesquicentennial anniversary, Kazuyo Nakamura explores Dewey's aesthetics, which holds the plurality of art and culture in high regard. Nakamura develops a theoretical foundation for art education in the present age of globalization based on educational insights drawn from Dewey's aesthetics. The theme of this essay unfolds based on three topics: Dewey's view of the educational value of art in general education, the fundamental viewpoint of art in relation to democracy, and the discussion of the educational aspect of individuality and community with respect to the experience of art. Based on Dewey's aesthetics, this essay presents new perspectives on art education that emphasize the realization of personal values, development of intelligent visual literacy, and enhancement of the quality of communication of art, in the context of globalization.  相似文献   

Immanuel Kant envisioned a kind of respect in which one recognizes each human (1) as being not fully comprehensible by any human understanding, (2) as being an end in him‐ or herself, and (3) as being a potential source of moral law. In this essay, Gregory Lewis Bynum uses this conception of respect as a lens with which to examine African American education rights on three levels: the individual level (the level of individual persons' moral experience and moral significance), the community level (the level of the formation and sustaining of social groups that have value for humanity), and the global level (the level of a universal community of humanity). Bynum's goal in this examination is to strengthen our practical understanding of African Americans' right to education defined, in accordance with international human rights documents, as the right to an education that supports the full development of the human personality in a manner that respects students' “cultural identity, language, and values.”  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications for the practical conduct of educational research of adopting John Dewey's theory of inquiry as a research methodology. Complex theoretical issues generated by his account of inquiry are not discussed, though references are provided in the text. It is argued that educational research conducted according to the tenets of Dewey would be considerably different from traditional research. Teachers would occupy a major role as researchers and teachers’ immediate and practical problems would serve as the focus of research, knowledge and theory generation, thereby alleviating many of the causes of teacher alienation to research.  相似文献   

Studies on intercultural education undertaken by the Council of Europe have highlighted a gap at the level of higher education between transmitted knowledge and the indispensable information needed by individuals living in the pluricultural contexts of contemporary European societies. A task of higher education is to inculcate in teachers an intercultural perspective both for work in schools and for activities in community contexts and perspectives. The intercultural dimension should not simply address itself to a special category of culturally different students, but rather, should address all students so as to sensitize them to the cultural pluralism which surrounds them and to educate them to successfully master it. Certain disciplines have a privileged status with regard to the transmission of useful information for the education of all citizens living in pluricultural societies: history, geography, anthropology, philosophy, psychology, economics, sociology, and law. Several examples of intercultural education programmes offered by higher education institutions are presented in this study (in Portugal, Canada, and France) as well as reference to activities sponsored by the Higher Education and Research Division of the Council of Europe.  相似文献   

体育课程教学对促进素质教育发展,具有其它课程教学所无法比拟的得天独厚的优越条件.但在现实的学校体育教学中并没有真正把这种功能和效果发挥出来.为推动"应试教育"向"素质教育"的转轨,加快素质教育发展.必须对现行体育教学进行改革.  相似文献   

教育学理论的发展有两种基本形态 ,一种是累积性的发展 ,一种是转型性的发展。它们是由社会发展和现实的教育发展所决定的。当前中国教育学理论的发展已经具有了转型和创新的特点。它表现在一系列的基本概念、重要范畴及基本理论的变化中 ,而且这种创新和转型与其他国家和地区教育学理论的转型也是一致的。同时 ,这种教育学理论的转型与创新对于教育实践和改革的创新和发展 ,具有提供合法性根据和指导的意义。但是 ,这种创新和转型也是比较困难的  相似文献   

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