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Kate:Mum ,do we close the door every day?Mum :Certainly.Kate:How can my dream come in?How Can My Dream Come In?  相似文献   

My Dream     
I’vedreamtaboutaplace—Apeacefulplace.Therearenomother’spainfulfaces.Thereisnochildren’ssadcrying.Icanseebirdsflying.Icanhearsheepbleating.Thereisnowarordeath.It’sfullofsunshineandwarmth.Ahh!Whatapeacefulplace!Thatismydream—Apeacefulplace.点评:这首小诗写于英美联军攻打伊拉克之际。小作者以梦境的形式表达了对伊拉克人民的同情以及希望和平的光芒洒遍世界的每一个角落的美好愿望。小诗简洁易懂,虽然在押韵及句式方面还没有完全达到英文诗歌的要求,但是,对于一个初中生来说,能够以诗歌的形式…  相似文献   

My Dream     

My Dream     
I'm Wang Mengyuan. Mengyuan means "梦远 "in Chinese. I like this name. My parents wanted me to have a great dream and be great. So they gave me this name.I have m any dream s. O ne of the great dream s is to be a scientist when I grow up. I hope I can fly to space like Fei Junlong and N ie H aisheng. I hope I can m ake new things to m ake our world better. O f course,I know its not easy.But I have m ade up m y m ind to study better than before. I have m any subjects at school. A nd I …  相似文献   

My Dream     
Ihaveadream熏abeautifuldream———tobeadesigner.WhenIwasachild熏Ilikeddrawingverymuch.AndnowI’mgoodatit.Drawingmakemehappyandmakemylifebeautiful.SoIwanttobeadesigner熏todesignthehighestbuilding熏todesignthesky熏todesignthebeautifulworld.Fromnowon熏Imuststudyhardtoletmydreamcometrue.Icantakethefuture.Ibelievemyself选Oneday熏Iwillstandinthehighestbuildingdesignedbyme熏toseeeverycorneroftheworld.My Dream@高莹!543001广西梧州市西江三路13-3号402#…  相似文献   

My Dream     
新的学期又开始了,大家在新的学期里,有什么打算?有什么理想?下面我们来看看卢若颖同学的理想吧。  相似文献   

My Dream     
这是一篇想象力很丰富的作文。小作者通过一个梦表达了自己对月球和美好事物的向往。作文写得简洁,充满情趣。特别提醒同学们的是要掌握好动词的过去式的构成规则,以及一些固定词组的意思。恰当地使用好这些词组会让我们的作文妙笔生花。  相似文献   

My Dream     
When aseked what kind of career they will pursue upon graduation, most of college students say that they would choose a job which will bring them a lot of money and a comfortable life. Working in a big bank or company is what they desire.But Liao Qi thinks quite differently.She would prefer a career which will help realize her potentials …  相似文献   

My Olympic Dream     
On July 13th,2001,the president of OA lighted every Chinese's heart by announcing Beijing was to be the host country for the host country for the 2008 Olympics. This means Beijing finally get the chance to show development in recent years to the world o…  相似文献   

There is one thing that I will never forget, that is my childhood. I spent my childhood in Da Tang.There was a small hill behind our house where bees danced in spring, crickets held concerts in summer, ants worked hard in summer and autumn and a group of children including me often gathered and played on the hill.  相似文献   

My Olympic Dream     
沈韧 《广东教育》2006,(5):70-70
点评:文章从“我的奥运之梦”,谈到了作者对奥运精神的认识及为实现这一梦想而应尽的责任和义务。内容较丰富,能用流利地语言表达自己的感受及喜悦之情。整篇文章语句通顺,词汇丰富。但个别句子表达不够准确,句子结构不完整,与主题相关联的内容叙述不详尽。  相似文献   

TodayIwillsavorthetasteofgrapesfromthesevinesandverilyIwillswal-lowtheseedofsuccessburiedineachandnewlifewillsproutwithinme.ThecareerIhavechosenisladenwithopportunityyetitisfraughtwithheart-breakanddespairandthebodiesofthosewhohavefailedweretheypiledoneatopanotherwouldcastashadowdownuponallthepyramidsoftheearth.YetIwillnotfailastheothersforinmyhandsInowholdthechartwhichwillguidethroughperilouswa-terstoshoreswhichonlyyesterdayseemedbutadream.今天,我要品尝葡萄的美味,还要吞下每一位成功的种子,让…  相似文献   

It was a Saturday morning in May. When Mrs Turner opened the(1) and looked out, she smiled and said, " It's going to (2) a fine(3) ."She woke her small (4) up at eight thirty and said to him,(5) ,Teddy. We're going to the (6) today. Wash your (7) andface, brush your teeth (刷牙) and eat your (8) quickly. We're goingsoon."  相似文献   

The moon changes its shape and brightness each night all the year round. On the night of August 15 in the lunar calendar, the moon is said to be the most round and the most bright. As the round moon indicates "reunion" according to the Chinese culture, we usually celebrate the harvest by eating mooncakes and fruits and enjoy the full moon in the evening. Generally, all the family members would get together and have a good time on this occasion. I love this festival very much, not only because I can eat delicious mooncakes in the day, but also because I like the feeling of being together with my relatives.  相似文献   

CPC是综合实践活动课程的英文缩写,它是从国外引进的一门课程。该课程注重学生的实践、创新、合作、情感等综合能力的培养。笔者回顾了自己在CPC课程中与八年级学生们一年的活动历程,引起了对孩子们的一些感触,既表达了笔者对活动的期望,也表达了对学生们的深情。在我们的生命长河中,也许它只占据了1%,我们也不用计算一生当中能有多少人可以陪伴我们度过365个春夏秋冬,因为年轻人的眼中永远都是阳光。相聚是缘,分  相似文献   

Whenever I saw the winners flaunted(炫耀)their victories(胜利),I felt so sad in myheart.I stared at them,thinking of my hard work.There's an old saying"No pain,no gain."But for me,it's"Much pain,no gain."  相似文献   

有一个女孩,她总想和老外交朋友。每回在街上碰到老外,她很想上去和他们交谈。但是每每因为害羞而作罢。困惑的她向Brad寻求建议。  相似文献   

Long ago,there was no money in the world.If you wanted something,you did not buy it,but you gave something for it in exchange.If a person needed a pair of shoes,he or she might exchange some eggs or a spear for the shoes.It was a clumsy(笨拙的)way of buying and selling and we call it the “barter”system or “bartering”.This barter system still exists  相似文献   

Words:258 Minutes:5 Today it seems perfectly natural for us to shake hands when wegreet someone or say goodbye. But like so many things that we dowithout thinking,such action at one time probably represented something. For example,in primitive life the hand was probably a symbol ofpower and strength.The hand was used to fight enemies,kill animals,  相似文献   

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