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This column features an overview of the Institute for Scientific Information's (ISI) Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database. Basic searching techniques are presented, as well as simple ways to manipulate data contained in the file. The Journal Citation Reports database can provide information on highest impact journals, most frequently used journals, "hottest" journals, and largest journals in a field or discipline.  相似文献   

期刊引用数据库及其应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
JournalofCitationReports(JCR) ,是评价世界期刊的引文分析数据库 ,其中的影响因子、即时指数、引文频次、总发文量是反映期刊整体影响力度的重要指标。文章列出并分析了我国1999年收录在SCI光盘数据库 (核心期刊 )中期刊的各项JCR指标 ,并与数据库中的国外期刊进行比较  相似文献   

JCR 5年期影响因子实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用期刊引证报告(JCR)中高分子科学学科1999-2009 年间的49种期刊数据,从多种角度对5年期刊影响因子(IF5)的性质进行分析。结果显示,IF5不仅能反映多数期刊的被引高峰期,而且能较好地反映出期刊的平均被引水平,体现期刊影响因子概念的本质。最后,将期刊的5年期影响因子与基于被引半衰期的响因子作对比分析,发现IF5本身隐含着期刊论文的被引规律。  相似文献   

基于期刊引用形象和期刊引用认同的期刊评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了期刊引用形象和期刊引用认同的概念;修正了Bonnevie-Nebelong选择的期刊评价指标;对现有期刊评价指标从期刊引用形象和期刊引用认同的角度进行划分;提出了新的期刊引用认同评价指标:新学科扩散指标、新学科影响指标、新即年指标、新引用刊数、新他引率;分析新指标的期刊评价意义;最后以图情领域的三种期刊进行实证分析。  相似文献   

This article describes a technique using the Thomson Reuters’ Journal Citation Reports and the SHERPA RoMEO Web site to identify a set of core journals in a discipline and determine whether the journals’ publishers allow preprint or postprint archiving in their copyright transfer agreements.  相似文献   

Following a brief introduction of citation-based journal rankings as potential serials management tools, the most frequently used citation measure—impact factor—is explained. This paper then demonstrates a methodological bias inherent in averaging Social Sciences Citation Index Journal Citation Reports (SSCI JCR) impact factor data from two or more consecutive years. A possible method for correcting the bias, termed adjusted impact factor, is proposed. For illustration, a set of political science journals is ranked according to three different methods (crude averaging, weighted averaging, and adjusted impact factor) for combining SSCI JCR impact factor data from successive years. Although the correlations among the three methods are quite high, one can observe noteworthy differences in the rankings that could impact on collection development decisions.  相似文献   

期刊引用认同及其被引评价新指标有效性分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以影响因子等引文数据为核心的期刊评价指标体系虽广为使用,但也备受争议.本文从期刊引用认同、期刊被引及期刊国际化等三个方面分析了不仅仅依赖于"影响因子"的评价期刊的新指标,并对相关指标的有效性问题进行讨论.分析表明,基于期刊引用认同视角和基于期刊被引网络视角的很多指标可以与期刊影响因子指标相印证,可用作国内期刊评价的新尝试,而相关期刊国际化评价指标还需在实践中进一步检验.  相似文献   

The use of citation indexes, such as the impact factor of the Journal Citation Reports, the Scopus SJR (SCImago Journal Rank) and the SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) indicators, as well as the impact factor of the Russian Scientific Citation Index, is investigated in order to qualitatively assess the content of scientific information resources that are available at the Central Science Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.  相似文献   

文章介绍了2011年版《中国期刊引证报告(扩刊版)》采用的计量指标,并基于书中提供的数据对期刊评价的研究方法进行了考察。在此基础上,对2011年版《中国期刊引证报告(扩刊版)》提供的指标数据及应用情况进行了分析和思考。  相似文献   

电子期刊参考引文的链接与CrossRef   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
针对图书馆全文学术期刊数据库的建设和整合,介绍CrossRef及其提供的参考引文与全文之间的链接功能,并说明其现实意义。  相似文献   

Financial constraints, along with several other factors, prompted the library staff of the Louisiana State University Medical Center at Shreveport (LSUMC-S) to evaluate the journal collection through a comprehensive review project. Faculty members were involved throughout the process. After identifying those subject areas most relevant to their disciplines, faculty members received journal lists by subject to rate the titles in importance to their department's work. This subjective input from faculty was considered along with usage statistics and other objective data gathered by library staff. This combination of information assisted the library staff in making difficult decisions in a fair and logical manner.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]期刊耦合分析是从期刊吸收知识的共性进行期刊研究的方法,由于来源知识的分散性使得期刊耦合分析的应用效果较差。为改善其应用效果,提出一种融入引文内容信息的期刊耦合分析法。[方法/过程]该方法通过提取代表期刊引文内容的特征词,并通过融合函数将其融入传统的期刊耦合分析中。以图书情报学17种核心期刊为研究对象,分别构建了融入引文内容信息前、后的期刊网络,对两种期刊网络进行多维尺度分布对比、块模型划分对比、核心-边缘结构对比。[结果/结论]结果发现,融入引文内容信息后期刊耦合分析的网络特征有了明显改善,其期刊分析能力得到显著提升。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]针对现有评价方法对期刊影响因素考虑不全面的问题,提出一种将期刊被引频次、被引时间异质性与被引分布均衡性相结合的期刊综合评价方法。[方法/过程]首先,基于期刊被引时间的异质性计算加权篇均被引频次;其次,利用改进后的泰尔指数衡量期刊被引分布的均衡性;最后,利用熵权法与灰色关联分析法将被引时间异质性与被引频次均衡性相结合,构建期刊综合评价指数——关联度指数(Relevance Index,简称RI)。[结果/结论]通过对国外图书情报领域的40种期刊进行实证分析,结果发现:相比于JIF和h指数,RI指数能够考虑期刊被引时间的异质性,时效性更强,权重分配更合理;RI指数能兼顾期刊被引分布的均衡性,能够识别平均影响力较强的期刊,评价结果更加客观、全面。  相似文献   

The citation analysis literature of the last twenty years is selectively reviewed for papers dealing with citation accuracy, citer motivation and the relationship between citation frequency and library use of materials. Although this relationship is rather complex, the two activity measures are moderately correlated. Citation of an item should promote its use and vice versa. There are some factors, however, which inhibit a very high correlation. Faculty who cite use nonlibrary as well as library materials, and they tend to use scholarly journals which often do not circulate (circulation being one measure of library use). Citations are not simply countable data points; some are more important than others, or differ in purpose. Further, there is a subliterature detailing the degree of inaccuracy among citations. Collectively, these variables tend to dilute the correlation between use of library materials and citation frequency. These limitations notwithstanding, citations represent an auditable trail of scholarship, and citation analysis remains a useful tool for evaluation of library collections and subject literatures.  相似文献   

The Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) was created recently, in 2015, but few assessments of its journal coverage have been made. The present study tries to fill that gap by comparing its coverage with that of other international abstracting and indexing (A&I) databases. Using this measure, it is feasible to benchmark this index against the other citation indexes for acceptance criteria. We analysed 6,296 ESCI‐indexed journals, 8,889 Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), 3,258 Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), 1,784 Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), and 22,749 Scopus journals as indexed in July 2017 to determine their inclusion in 105 databases. We found that 19.3% of the ESCI journals are not covered by any other A&I databases, a high figure compared with only 0.5% SCIE, 0.3% SSCI, 0.3% AHCI, and 5.5% Scopus journals. This low coverage suggests that the selection criteria for ESCI journals are not consistent with the overall trend in the other classical citation indexes.  相似文献   

薛调 《津图学刊》2002,(4):23-27
引文分析法是图书馆学、情报学的专门研究方法。利用文献计量学(Bibliometries)的引文分析法(citation analysis method),对《津图学刊》1998-2001年所刊载论文的引文量、引文语种、引文类型、引文年代、引文期刊、引文著者等诸多方面进行了统计与分析,以期为本刊作者合理利用文献提供依据。  相似文献   

期刊学术影响力、期刊对稿件的录用标准和期刊载文的学术影响力三者之间存在同向加强的机制,来自较高影响力期刊的引用具有较高的评价意义。作者的择刊引用和择刊发表使得较低学术影响力的期刊较少被较高影响力期刊引用。因而,可以通过同时考察构成期刊引证形象的施引期刊的学术影响力及其施引频次来评价被引期刊的学术影响力。以综合性期刊Nature和Science 2010年的引证形象为例,将期刊影响因子作为学术影响力的初评结果,提出了以施引频次对施引期刊影响因子加权的计算方法,以期通过量化的引证形象实现对期刊的评价。  相似文献   

Background:An article''s citations are useful for finding related articles that may not be readily found by keyword searches or textual similarity. Citation analysis is also important for analyzing scientific innovation and the structure of the biomedical literature. We wanted to facilitate citation analysis for the broad community by providing a user-friendly interface for accessing and analyzing citation data for biomedical articles.Case Presentation:We seeded the Citation Cloud dataset with over 465 million open access citations culled from six different sources: PubMed Central, Microsoft Academic Graph, ArnetMiner, Semantic Scholar, Open Citations, and the NIH iCite dataset. We implemented a free, public extension to PubMed that allows any user to visualize and analyze the entire citation cloud around any paper of interest A: the set of articles cited by A, those which cite A, those which are co-cited with A, and those which are bibliographically coupled to A.Conclusions:Citation Cloud greatly enables the study of citations by the scientific community, including relatively advanced analyses (co-citations and bibliographic coupling) that cannot be undertaken using other available tools. The tool can be accessed by running any PubMed query on the Anne O''Tate value-added search interface and clicking on the Citations button next to any retrieved article.  相似文献   

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