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从小打下良好的写作基础,对现代小学生来说十分必要。由于小学生处在初学写作阶段,识字不多,阅历浅,还未具备较强的观察力,加上读书少,写作经验不足,所以,写起作文来,一般都会遇到这样或那样的困难。本文以笔者自己的教学实践,浅谈几点指导小学生作文入门的经验,以供交流。  相似文献   

针对小学低年级作文入门的几种方法进行了分析。  相似文献   

学生学好英语语音将为进一步学习英语打下一个坚实的基础.昭通市学生学习英语语音时,受汉语或方言语音的影响,常犯一些语音错误.教师要积极地想出各种对策,及时帮助学生解决英语语音问题,让学生少走弯路.  相似文献   

张敏 《成才之路》2012,(1):14-I0009
作文教学是语文教学的重要组成部分,但是作文教学现状却令人堪忧。本文从现状入手,探索了新课程下的散文入门写法策略,以供大家参考。  相似文献   

作文是学生认识水平和语言表达能力的综合体现。《义务教育大纲》对作文教学的要求是:能写简单的记叙文和常用的应用文,有中心,有条理。在从事语文的教学工作中,笔者感到学生最怕写作文,一提到写作文,就发怵,觉得无事可写,或者有事不会写。于是一篇作文,不是没有真情实感,就是文章千篇一律。  相似文献   

写作入门是小学生作文能力培养和发展的关键环节,存在"写什么"和"怎么写"两大困难,我们先需要解决的是写作材料的积累和选取这个基础问题。本文旨在探索解决素材积累和选取的方法,帮助学生养成良好的写作习惯,逐步提高学生的写作能力和水平。  相似文献   

高中生作文,基本功薄弱,没有深度和厚度。面对这样的尴尬状况,出路在哪里呢?文章分析了高中作文教学的困境,并提出了对策。  相似文献   

新时期,教学改革深入开展,在小学语文教学课堂,教师要加强语文作文教学水平,要科学采用有效的教学方法,激发学生兴趣,不断促使学生掌握有效的写作技巧,以提高作文学习水平,本文结合小学生作文入门教学实践,对其进行了具体研究。  相似文献   

现在很多中小学生都视作文为负担,为找不到材料,词不达意而发愁。究其原因,是课外积累太少,不善于积累知识,总是觉得腹中空空,即使掌握了再多的写作技巧,也无济于事。凡事开头难!如何作文入门,是很多中小学生必须面对的一个重要问题。笔者在多年的作文教学中,不断的对学生作文效果的观察和总结,体悟到学会积累是作文入门的最为重要一环,细数经验如下。  相似文献   

针对小学作文入门教学具体情况,抓住学生爱好特点,激发学生学习兴趣,提高观察能力和概括能力,引导学生作文。  相似文献   

黄喜雪 《教育导刊》2007,(10):32-33
作文教学在语文教学中占有极其重要的地位.但许多学生害怕写作,一提笔总是抓耳挠腮,笔杆似有千钧重,尽管苦思冥想,依然觉得无话可说、无物可写.如何改变这种状况呢?在参与学生一次体验活动并了解了他们的感受后,笔者想起大诗人陆游的诗句"纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行",顿生感悟:生活就是创作的源泉,我们得让学生从实践活动中真切地感受生活,让生活这股"活水"浇开写作之花.  相似文献   

每年的教育工作要点明确指出 ,推进素质教育 ,要坚持面向全体学生。中小学教师在实施素质教育的过程中 ,要转变教育观念 ,改进教育方法 ;优化教育资源 ,提高师资水平 ;加大依法治教力度 ,强化督评机制  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of social class and prior achievement composition effects on pupils’ progress and the judgements made about school performance. It finds that there are small but significant compositional effects on pupil progress raising questions about how pupils can best be allocated to schools. Comparisons between the official contextual value added model and one that includes composition variables show that school rankings are significantly changed in the latter suggesting that official value added analyses are misleading. This study, therefore, poses a fundamental challenge to policy makers over the determinants of pupil progress and school performance and the way schools are judged, pointing to the need for a re-appraisal of policy relating to these matters.  相似文献   

通过学生解题失误的简析,总结失误的原因,分类分析,吸取教训,达到提高学习质量的目的.  相似文献   

中学生的自主性阅读是教师进行阅读教学的基础,而中学生的阅读习惯和阅读能力影响教学效果。论文在描述目前中学生阅读现状的基础上,分析了影响中学生阅读的主要因素,并就培养和提高中学生阅读能力的对策进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Bullying and violence pose widespread problems for contemporary society. In this paper, special attention is given to violence against pupils with SN. The empirical research analyses perceptions of peer violence according to differing roles in relation to violent acts (observer, victim and perpetrator) among pupils with and without SN, regarding gender and age. We used the School Bullying Scales measuring instrument, translated and adapted for Slovenia. The main findings of the research are as follows: there is no statistically significant difference between pupils with and without SN in terms of the different roles of peer violence in regular Slovenian primary schools. Among specific subgroups of children with SN, pupils with long-term illnesses (including pupils with activity deficit and/or hyperactivity disorder) were statistically significantly less often observers of violent acts compared to other groups of pupils with SN.  相似文献   

小学科学课的探究式学习,可通过选择新颖的内容,创设情境,提出科学研究的问题,实验和“玩”等方法培养学生的好奇心。  相似文献   

When looking for answers to the question of academic (non)achievement of regular pupils and pupils with special needs, it is necessary to take into account the extraordinary complexity of factors, ranging from psychological across instructional to home environment variables. The academic achievement is not only a reflection of the pupil’s knowledge, but is also influenced by the pupil’s behaviour, the teacher’s expectations and finally the relationship established between the teacher and the pupil. This paper contributes answers to the question which of the traits, perceived by teachers, explain the academic achievements of regular pupils and pupils with special needs. Our analysis shows that perceived traits that explain the academic achievement of regular pupils refer to academic as well as social behaviour, disruptive behaviour and self-regulatory behaviour; therefore, they cover all areas of perceived traits we studied. In pupils with special needs as a whole and in particular groups of pupils with special needs, the factor which presents disruptive social behaviour proved as insignificant, which consequently means that the academic achievement of pupils with special needs depends more on academic and self-regulatory behaviour, task activity and social inclusion.  相似文献   

写作作为语言学习五要素"听说读写译"之一,是衡量学生语言能力的重要指标。通过对实际写作教学中学生作文中出现的错误进行整理、归纳后得知,基础日语写作的错误类型大致可以分为:格式及标点错误,敬简体混用,单词语法等基础知识错误。根据错误类型,从教学的角度对克服这一系列问题提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

二语习得理论流派众多,观点各异,本文主要对几个有代表性的、影响较大的且与教学相关度较高的理论作一简要介绍,希望能为二语习得研究以及外语教学提供一些有益的参考。  相似文献   

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