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国际篮联每4年均要对篮球规则进行部分修改和调整,而规则的每一次变化对篮球技战术均产生巨大的影响。因此,学习新规则,理解其精神与内涵,对促进篮球技战术发展是至关重要的。  相似文献   

1.加强篮球理论和智力训练培养运动员篮球意识,要从学习抓起。学习是获取篮球知识的主要途径,学习的内容有篮球运动的社会文化知识、篮球比赛的规则、裁判知识、技术和战术知识等。一个运动员知识结构水平的高低,直接影响教练员能否用现代科学知识进行训练。把队员培养成现代篮球运动员。通过理论知识的学习,来深入理解篮球运动的基本规律,为形成正确的篮球意识打下基础。  相似文献   

篮球是一项对抗十分激烈的运动,非常具有吸引力。但是,要培养出一些优秀篮球运动员并不是一件容易的事,除了要求运动员具备全面的个人技术和较强的战术意识外,还得熟悉、理解、利用篮球规划,尤其是中学生篮球运动员必须具备良好的心理素质,才能弥补某些方面的不足。因此,在中学生篮球训练中有必要注意如下一些基本问题:  相似文献   

对大学生篮球裁判员错漏判成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对韶关学院部分二、三级学生篮球裁判员调查访谈,结果显示:大学生篮球裁判员临场执法的错漏判主要成因是对竟赛规则理解不透彻、基本功掌握不扎实、移动跑位不到位、对篮球技战术理解不透、校内外临场实践机会较少、执法时缺乏自信心等.通过分析此因,为今后大学生篮球裁判员在执法中减少错判、漏判,进一步提高大学生篮球裁判执法水平提供...  相似文献   

1.篮球战术方法多媒体软件测试的内容分析篮球战术方法测试的目的,是为了了解学生对篮球战术方法的理解和掌握程度,及其战术意识的养成,主要是测试战术方法的运用、表达与分析能力。2.篮球战术方法测试的目标设计根据体育学院篮球普修课教学大纲的要求,把篮球普修课战术方法测试的目标层次划分为:战术概念、战术方法理解、战术方法运用、战术运用分析四个层次。战术概念层次的目标测试,在软件设计中是通过文字提问、平面动画演示来实现。战术方法理解层次的目标测试,在软件设计中是通过动画、视频媒体对战术方法的演示来实现。战术方法运用…  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、实验法、调查法和数理统计法,对娱乐篮球课在中学开展的可行性进行实验研究。结果表明:娱乐篮球在提高中学生对篮球运动的兴趣有积极的促进作用;对规范的篮球技术理解和适应都要好于传统篮球教学;娱乐篮球对培养学生学习篮球的主动性和实践能力也具有独特的促进作用。所以有必要在中学篮球课中运用娱乐篮球的形式进行教学,而且是可行的。  相似文献   

中锋作为篮球场上内线的巨无霸,就要肩负篮板、防守(不仅是盖帽)、得分等的任务。重要的是。要让队友感觉得到自己身边有一个很强大的支持者。而抢篮板球则是中锋防守方面的基础看家本领,本期《街头篮球》的内容我们就来为玩家讲解篮板球的技巧,和一些对于防守方面的理解。  相似文献   

试论高校篮球专项课技战术意识的培养   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着高校体育改革的不断深入,篮球专项课越来越受学生的喜爱,本人通过多年篮球专项教学实践,从对篮球意识的理解,以及心理与生理上意识形成的规律和培养篮球意识的内容等方面进行探讨,着重阐述加强对学生篮球专项技术意识的培养,使之更好地掌握篮球的技、战术,从而提高篮球专项课的教学效果。  相似文献   

中锋作为篮球场上内线的巨无霸,就要肩负篮板、防守(不仅是盖帽)、得分等的任务,重要的是,要让队友感觉得到自己身边有一个很强大的支持者。而抢篮板球则是中锋防守方面的基础看家本领,本期《街头篮球》的内容我们就来为玩家讲解篮板球的技巧,和一些对于防守方面的理解。  相似文献   

篮球文化是体育文化的亚文化,也是一种社会形态,通过对篮球文化的理解及我国传统文化对我国篮球文化和篮球运动发展的影响,提出我国篮球发展的趋势。为重新认识我国的篮球运动提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

As sport marketers are increasingly engaging in cause-related sport marketing (CRSM) programs, there is a growing interest in understanding what CRSM characteristics and circumstances can lead to success. This study extends prior research by examining the direct and moderating impacts of team identification and cause organizational identification on consumer attitudes toward cause related sport marketing (CRSM) programs using intercollegiate sport contexts in the United States. A two groups (high vs. low-fit CRSM messages), between subject, and post-test only experiment (N = 309) denoted that respondents showed more positive attitudes toward high-fit CRSM messages and both team identification and cause organizational identification had different moderating effects of sport/cause fit on attitudes. Fit between a sport team and a cause had a greater impact on attitudes when consumer affinity toward the sport team was more positive. However, fit had little or no impact when consumer affinity toward the cause was positive, but it played a significant and positive role when consumers showed low affinity toward the cause.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2017,20(2):159-169
We measure the loss in viewership over the course of National Football League games to identify engagement of out-of-market viewers throughout the contest, and how this is moderated by the presence of a rival team in the game. Our analysis reveals that out-of-market viewers are more likely to stay tuned throughout a game when their local team’s rival is ultimately the game winner. This brings about important considerations in the context of measuring the effect of rivalry on demand. Our results point toward future research within the context of in-group bias and mitfreude behaviors in rivalrous relationships such that viewership depends not only on home team and in-group competitiveness, but also highlights preferences such as out-group competitiveness, or lack thereof. We therefore suggest an amendment to the Neale and Rottenberg frameworks to include how rivalry induces competitive complementarity.  相似文献   

文章通过查阅相关的文献资料,了解中国女排的历史与现在以及国人对女排的态度,旨在说明中国女排在奥运会上夺冠对振奋民族精神、发扬女排精神、促进我国排球运动的发展以及体育产业的发展等的影响效应,使更多的人更深入地了解、学习和支持中国女排,进而推动我国政治经济文化的发展。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2019,22(3):419-433
Incivility is common across many sport contexts, yet empirical examination of its influence is lacking, especially when it comes to the influence of incivility on team emergent states and performance. The purpose of the present study was to address this topic by investigating the effects of leader incivility toward team members on team outcomes. The authors also examined team cohesion and psychological safety as potential mediators of the leader incivility-performance relationship and leader gender as a moderator of these mediational relationships. Participants included players from 52 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division I female college basketball teams whose experiences of incivility were aggregated to the team level. As predicted, results revealed that leader incivility related to lower team cohesion, lower psychological safety, and lower objective team performance. Additionally, psychological safety mediated the incivility-performance relationship, as hypothesized. Based on these findings, the authors point to several implications, including emphasizing civility among leaders, instituting organizational policies designed to deter incivility, establishing reporting mechanisms, and implementing interventions and training.  相似文献   

足球是一个集体性项目,传球是集体配合的客观反映,传球各项技术指标能全面反映球队的整体实力,它们对最终比赛结果排名也有不同程度的影响,充分认识其重要性和规律有助于更好地把握比赛的主动权,对比赛和训练都有着一定的促进作用。研究发现,第19届世界杯足球赛中各参赛球队传球、传中、传威胁球对最终比赛排名的相关性中,传球的相关性系数最大,其次是传威胁球,最后是传中。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate coaching performance in team sports taking leadership behaviours into focus. To do so, coaching performance was put in a literature-based frame and analysed with reference to a task structure based on the idea of hierarchical planning. The focus of the paper is on a mixed methods multi-strand study using qualitative as well as quantitative threads to develop and verify a set of coaching strategies focussing on teambuilding and team leadership. Qualitative analyses showed that coaches do have a clear understanding of forming and leading a team, which could be shown by a specific set of strategies being used by high performance coaches from different team sports (basketball, football, handball, and volleyball). These strategies could be confirmed in a sequential quantitative study analysing coaches’ and players’ attitudes towards the previously analysed schemes. The results of this study are discussed in terms of methodical and practical implications.  相似文献   

现代足球的发展在强调球星个人作用的同时,更注重球队整体的攻守平衡。球星是球队整体的一部分,二者相互依存,相互作用,球星的作用建立在整体的水平之上,球星的特长只有融于整体才能收到最佳效果。因此,通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法探讨球星与整体的关系,为最大潜能的发挥球队整体水平提供有效的理论认识。  相似文献   

冰球比赛中不必要、无价值和报复性犯规过多是影响比赛成绩的最大障碍。通过文献资料法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法,对中国队在2008~2012年世锦赛B组、C组的犯规情况进行分析,中国队犯规次数与处罚时间位列前茅,犯规性质种类主要表现在抱人、钩人、粗暴、干扰四个方面;造成中国队犯规多的主要原因是运动员的阻截技术动作不规范,集体主义观念与责任心不强,对规则理解不够深刻,这与平时训练对技术要求不严,思想教育不够有直接关系;从学习规则、理解规则和利用规则开始学会尊重规则、尊重裁判、尊重对手与尊重自己,借鉴国外先进的训练方法加强技术动作的合理性和规范性,控制比赛情绪、避免报复行为等方面入手降低运动员在比赛中不必要犯规动作的出现。  相似文献   

随着人民生活水平的提高,人们越来越具备有钱和有闲的消费条件,如何把具备消费条件的潜在体育迷变成现实的消费者,赛事经营管理者必须充分考虑消费影响因素。本文采用文献资料等研究方法,分析了体育迷的体育赛事消费行为影响因素。研究发现:消费行为的影响因素有体育迷消费动机、身份突显、心理依附、体育代表队的认同、体育代表队的承诺、卷入度,并得出体育营销者要想使体育迷在赛事消费中投入更多的时间和金钱资源,必须了解消费者的动机过程,体育迷身份的显著性,体育迷对体育代表队的依附、认同和承诺的程度,体育迷卷入水平的结论。  相似文献   

文章运用数理统计等方法,对第27届男篮亚锦赛中国队与中华台北队的比赛进行分析.研究表明:中国男篮与台北队相比队伍过于年轻化,球员有身高,没力量,缺乏对抗性;在进攻端,把握进攻机会的能力较差,配合默契程度和拼搏意识弱,没有利用好身高优势多打内线;在防守端,中国男篮不论是篮板球、抢断还是盖帽都不如对手,抢篮板的积极性差,缺乏补防的意识;中国男篮的失利也反映出中国男篮实力的衰退.并对存在的问题提出建议.  相似文献   

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