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This paper describes the origins, development and characteristics of a study course for teacher‐education and industrial‐design undergraduates. Starting from identification by a handful of staff of a range of student needs, the course developed an informal, gaming approach that encouraged pooling of and reflection on a wide range of participants' study practices. This approach was found to require, and indeed to prove inseparable from, a broader reflection on the roles and rules, processes, products and assessment of undergraduate study. Staff — staff and staff — student negotiations, stimulated by the processes of planning, delivering and reflecting upon this course, come to be seen as constituting a promising kind of staff and curriculum development.  相似文献   

The assessment system of a Canadian medical education program is described. The M.D. Program at McMaster University features the central use of clinical cases as the basis for learning, and the fostering of independence in learning by students. The assessment system, designed to match the objectives and methods of learning, is guided by several principles. These include a balanced emphasis on a range of objectives, the use of on‐going informal feedback, defined and shared responsibilities in assessment, and the design and use of measures which most appropriately match the objectives. More than ten years of experience has pointed out several lessons: if self‐directed learning is held as important, there is a trade‐off between excessively specific objectives, on the one hand, and too little guidance on the other. This attempt to create a balance between these extremes produces a degree of unevenness in the assessment system. External influences such as the national licensing examinations have some effect on the learning climate. It is predicted that the basic elements of the assessment system will remain in place, but some specific changes will occur. These include a clearer statement of objectives on which assessment can be based, the improvement of measurement tools, and an increased emphasis on the training of those who participate in the assessment system.  相似文献   

中国县级政府教育财政预算行为:一个案例研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
本研究描述了西北三个国家级贫困县县级政府预算决策机制。揭示出现存的机制导致只有少数人能够真正参与预算过程。其次 ,公民需求与政府支出重点之间相脱离 ,在某种程度上导致了公共服务供给中社会公平性缺失 ,那些最贫困、最需关注的公民需求被置于视界之外 ,因此他们必须在政府预算范围之外自筹自办解决其公共品需求问题 ,这是导致预算外资金大量存在的一个原因。因此 ,农村税费改革如果仅强调缩减预算外经费是不能从根本上解决问题的 ;相反 ,如果地方政府的公共开支重点不变 ,如果其背后的政治决策架构不变 ,上述的这些问题将继续存在。  相似文献   

Serious research on the gifted began some 70 years ago with the Terman studies, and has intensified in the last decade or so. Since many decisions on identification, education and counseling depend on the underlying conception of giftedness, a fruitful area of research involves the validity of various concepts. Research is also needed to ascertain the effectiveness of identification procedures, to determine what kinds of educational and socialization opportunities are needed to transform potential into performance, and better to identify and nurture giftedness in populations which are traditionally underrepresented. We need to understand better how affective characteristics can be nurtured, as well as the influence of family and community on talent development and ways of achieving the twin goals of equity and excellence.


运用问卷调查、专家访谈、比较分析、文献资料等方法,从网球场地、网球运动员、网球教练员等方面对安徽省竞技网球运动进行了分析,研究发现经济发展水平、网球文化和竞技指导思想等是制约我省竞技网球的主要原因,提出了制定安徽省网球规划发展步骤,加大网球场地的建造和利用,加快教练员培养的速度,提高运动员训练的科学化水平和组建科研队伍、多举办高级别的网球赛事,运动员"请进来"与"送出去"等措施,为我国竞技网球的发展提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

通过对河南省654名高校教师体育健身及健康状况的调查,获得他们群体参加体育锻炼的时间、频率、项目、形式、动机、消费意识、身体状况等方面的数据,并运用数理统计方法对所获数据进行分析对比,以探究目前河南省高校教师体育健身活动现状,并透析影响其行为的社会学因素。以期为高校制定相关的活动和发展规划,提供一些新的思路和理论依据。  相似文献   

This article describes an approach to the teaching and examining of systems analysis as a final year and MSc subject in a university department of computing mathematics.

One of the chief functions, if not the chief function of our University, is to prepare young Men — partly by the personal influence of those who have charge of them, and partly by the influence they exercise on one another — for the business of life.

(This needs to be specially borne in mind in connection with the assumption, so constantly made in this controversy, that the sole meaning of the BA Degree is that it guarantees the possession of a large amount of knowledge.)

Charles L. Dodgson Christ Church College Oxford 7 March 1896(1)

This article investigates interpersonal relations of high ability children with peers in the same class. Subjects were eighth grade students who, eight years earlier, had started school at the age of 6 (Le., one year in advance of agemates), because they had demonstrated outstanding abilities while in nursery school Of the 51 students from 40 elementary schools in the industrial town of Lodz, 27 were girls and 24 boys. Research instruments included the Chart of Students’ Behaviour, Raven's Matrices, Choynowski's TZT, the sociometric technique of j. L. Moreno and school records including marks. The majority of the students tested displayed high or very high achievement and appropriate interpersonal relations with peers. However, a small group of about one quarter of the total group displayed low achievement and low social acceptance, although they were of high ability. This finding is of considerable interest in view of conflicting conclusions in the relevant literature.


This paper describes a method of evaluating courses in which taking action is integral, that is, one in which the adoption of desirable change is built into the process of evaluating. This method starts from participants’ definitions of evaluation‐worthy issues and through a number of procedural stages enables them to refine, prioritize and reach a consensus on these issues. The process of evaluation is designed to motivate participants to improve their practice, the practice being teaching for tutors, learning for students and managing for course leaders. By improving this practice it is expected that appropriate change in the structure, content and operation of the course will occur. The arguments are illustrated by reference to the evaluation of a course leading to a post graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE).  相似文献   

This study explored learning competency based on the Indonesian National Examination focusing especially on chemistry performance and the circumstances of senior high school students and teachers in rural areas of Simeulue Island, Indonesia. The National Examination total score and chemistry score for students in rural areas were consistently lower than students in urban areas during 2008–2010. The majority of rural students were failing to master key chemistry concepts. Their low performance on laboratory-based questions appeared to indicate that the associated practical work was not done as part of the chemistry courses. Some chemistry topics were not taught due to insufficient time, student weaknesses, insufficient textbooks, and other reasons. The issues of low competency of teachers, poverty for the majority of students, low enrollment in schools, and low competition among students in these rural senior high schools appeared to be common problems across rural settings. The local government has recommended providing a consolidated rural high school with qualified chemistry teachers, laboratories, and transportation to address factors negatively influencing student achievement. Furthermore, local rural school officials need to recruit and retain qualified teachers in these isolated areas, provide effective textbooks and instructional resources, and facilitate the professional development of chemistry teachers.  相似文献   

International comparative studies and cross-cultural studies of mathematics achievement indicate that Chinese students (whether living in or outside China) consistently outperform their Western counterparts. This study shows that the gap between Chinese-Australian and other Australian students is best explained by differences in motivation to achieve, attributing success to effort, the influence of parental help and the use of extra mathematics curricula. The argument explored is, in order to promote students’ mathematics achievement, we must improve the pedagogical knowledge of classroom teachers of mathematics, as well as to encourage parents’ involvement in the mathematics education of their children and to promote students’ motivation to learn mathematics.  相似文献   

Dynamics of competitive performance represents an integrated indicator of both the ability of athletes and the efficacy of training. It provides information in all phases of selection and talent improvement. A study of the performance of male 100 metre sprinters showed that the internationally outstanding athletes achieved significantly better results than less successful competitors, even at the age of 15 to 18. Those whose development was faster from the point of view of performance (but not of biological maturity) were significantly more successful even in youth and adolescence. These tendencies could be demonstrated not only in the 100 metre sprint, but in other athletic events as well. Thus, the comparative analysis of performance dynamics may contribute considerably to the identification of the talent of internationally outstanding athletes.  相似文献   

With recognition of the importance of scientific literacy for the nation and yet the increasing students’ disinterest in science through school science curriculum, the Korea Science Foundation launched an innovative program called ‘Everyday Science Class (ESC)’ in partnership with universities and local government offices in 2003. In this work, we introduce the structure and dynamics of the ESC program in K-district through examining (1) how everyday contexts helped learners’ perceptions and attitudes toward science and (2) how the dynamics of learning environments effected learners’ learning process. We employed interviews and video recording of classes for data collection. To analyze the data, we used the process of thematic coding to understand the outcomes and effects of ESC program. The research findings showed that everyday context and a unique environment of learning with parents in the ESC program could bring forth learners’ understandings on the connection between science and their everyday lives and positive attitudes toward science learning. We also found that there were certain issues to be taken into account in terms of children’s cognitive development for further development.  相似文献   

Learning communities have been present in community college settings for more than a decade. The literature suggests that they are generally effective for both participating students and faculty. As economic development increasingly demands greater technological sophistication, and community colleges are faced with increasing numbers of developmentally challenged students, learning communities may be one means to effectively resolve this paradox. This article is directed to those faculty and staff who may be considering the initiation of a learning community. It provides a review of literature, and presents a set of issues currently being addressed at one small community college in Louisiana where a learning community is in the design stage.  相似文献   

This study examined the teaching techniques used by community college faculty and the student learning outcomes that faculty sought to accomplish. Data were collected through a survey designed to assess the degree to which a variety of techniques were used and the related student learning outcomes that were intended. Participants (N = 197) were career and transfer faculty at a large metropolitan community college in the midwestern United States. Analysis of the data included determining the frequency of use of each technique and examining the relationships between frequency of use, intended learning outcomes and four independent variables (gender, years of experience, rank, and teaching area). Results indicated that the lecture was the predominant technique used, although a majority of the faculty also used other techniques. When faculty used techniques other than lecture a majority of the time, they did so to accomplish higher order learning outcomes. Significant relationships were found between frequency of use, intended learning outcomes, and teaching area. Faculty teaching in the transfer curriculum were more likely to lecture a majority of the time and to intend higher order learning outcomes than career faculty who lectured to impart information.  相似文献   

The steering of higher education in Hungary is symbolized by the House of Professors in Budapest, a building owned by the Hungarian Ministry of Education and Culture, which houses a number of international programmes of importance to Hungarian higher education as well as the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference. First the article presents an over view of present trends in steering and governing higher education in western Europe. Then it compares western European tendencies with those typical of eastern and central Europe. Finally, it identifies Hungarian higher education as an intermediary case situated between the extremes of western and eastern developments. The article concludes with an exposition of how Hungarian higher education will be steered by remote control mechanisms.  相似文献   

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