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文章阐述了南京广播电视大学新校区校园网络建设、现代教育技术装备的规划和设计,校园建网应考虑的问题及前期准备工作,以及建成后的应用,重点就校园网络综合设计方案的多方面展开论述,并给出具体的实施方案和设备选型。根据总体设计、分段实施、重视基础建设的原则,做到“规划到位、分步建设、科学管理、先进开放”。我校校园网建设分三个步骤进行,即综合布线、系统集成、子功能单元建设,并充分考虑各步骤问的整合。  相似文献   

As a contribution to the narrowing of the technological and economic gap between developing and developed countries, the author has proposed and designed a three‐to four‐semester curriculum intended to integrate informatics into engineering course‐programmes in the universities of developing countries. The curriculum in question, the implementation of which in a number of universities would be a contribution of the Federal Republic of Germany to university training in developing countries, was presented at an international workshop held at the University of Harare (Zimbabwe) entitled, “Integration of Computer Science into Engineering Education in Africa”. It includes a detailed statement of the objectives of the curriculum, the subject matter to be covered, and the teaching facilities required.  相似文献   

Some 160 European universities were surveyed to ascertain how their teaching of computer technology had changed over the three‐year, 1992‐1995, period. The conclusion was that as the secondary school systems increasingly trained students in basic informatics, the universities could increasingly concentrate on such areas as computer aided manufacturing (CAM, MATHCAD), and artificial intelligence to the neglect of word processors and spreadsheets.  相似文献   

Poles have traditionally attached great importance to education. Both the beginning of the Communist period in Polish history and the nascent post‐communist period have been characterized by great emphasis on education on the part of the government and by great interest in it on the part of the people. Education, particularly higher education, will play a major role in preparing Poles to face the rigours of the market economy. It is called upon to provide skills in a number of areas not previously covered in a satisfactory way. informatics, electronics, business administration, and banking. A major means of delivery will have to be distance education. Despite the urge of many Poles to get rich very rapidly, education must continue both to stress traditional values and to further European educational integration.  相似文献   

Significant changes in the nature of Open University (OU) television productions will occur in the 1990s as a result of the high level of access to video equipment among the University's students. A very large proportion of course programmes are already recorded off‐air by students for subsequent viewing, but additional educational benefits can be achieved if programmes are designed from the outset to give learners greater opportunities to control and interact with the material. Although there remains the need to ensure that all students can gain access to the television material (either by transmission or direct mail of video‐cassettes), courses will be able to design video format programmes to fulfil important educational functions that cannot be achieved by any other means in a distance teaching context.  相似文献   

A complete coverage of the course content does not lead the student to explorative curiosity and to a scientific attitude to knowledge and learning. Interactive hypermedia use will lead to an epistemological quality raising since in that way students’ independence in planning, knowledge acquisition and problem solving might be facilitated and since at the same time tutorial supervision and guidance can be included. Hypermedia have possibilities to provide students with large quantities of information. With network interfacing learning can take place independent of time and place and individualized education will be possible. Combined with CMC (computer mediated communication) and educational software the student has a tool for life-long education within the classroom. At the Växjö University text, images and simulations have been integrated within a hypertext system: Hyperbook (for Macintosh). At the Royal Institute of Technology we develop this concept to use it with computer-based self-study material in mechanics, a project which started in autumn 1990 using HyperCard. At the University of Lund a development of hypertext material in the form of computer illustrated text for a thermodynamics textbook has just started. An example of limits of models will be demonstrated by a computer simulation of a linearized and a non-linearized pendulum.  相似文献   

社区教育目前是教育领域里的一项极有发展潜力的朝阳产业,广阔的几乎无限的教育区域,众多的各种层次的教育对象,可使用可开发的教学资源,这一切都使利用印刷、音像、计算机、网络等多种媒体进行远程开放教育,在我国成人教育体系中占重要地位的广播电视大学面临着一个新的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

For, more than two decades, Artificial Intelligence developed in relative isolation from “traditional informatics”. Thus, a distinct reservoir of specifically theoretical underlying principles, methods and means were created for it. At present, a process of fusing and of integration between these two domains is under way. Linked to this process is a marked broadening and deepening of the scientific fundamentals and the efficiency potential of modern information technologies. Yet, the potential for increased efficiency is far from being exhausted, particularly with regard to application. Written from the point of view of a computer scientist, this article analyses the practical problems and the obstacles which have appeared during the process of transition to the level of knowledge processing. The procedures which have been devised in order to overcome the problems in question are aimed not only at increasing the quality of knowledge representation and knowledge administration but also at introducing artificial intelligence into traditional application areas. The consistent pursuit of these aims will lead to the integration of artificial intelligence and informatics, so as to produce a homogeneous, scientific discipline. Integration of this sort, however, cannot be accomplished by the simple addition of new components or by placing the two domains side by side. Rather, informatics as a discipline must be restructured and the contents of its separate domains unified. The integration process has been particularly noticeable in the domain of data bank technology, especially with regard to knowledge representation and knowledge bank administration. This process has led to a qualitatively more advanced development stage as compared t o traditional data bank technology and knowledge administration. It is reflected in higher education in the transition from the traditional qualifications of knowledge engineers to those of data bank and knowledge processing engineers.  相似文献   

The largest post graduate initial teacher education course in the UK was introduced by the Open University in February 1994. The course is innovative in a number of ways: it is the first large scale distance taught pre‐service course in the UK; all students are loaned a computer for the duration of the course; and computer conferencing is used extensively for communication between students, part‐time tutors and the course team. In this paper the use of the computer conferencing element is described and evaluated, and ways in which electronic communications can be developed for this to be a truly effective medium for supporting the development of beginning teachers’ competence and confidence are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reflects on the debates which took place in the Unesco Congress on “Education and Informatics: Strengthening International Co‐operation”, held in Paris, from 12 to 21 April 1989, and reproduces passages from several of its major documents. It dwells in a more lengthy fashion on the debates of one of the sessions which was devoted to informatics and the development of post‐secondary and university education. The conclusions and general recommendations of the conference are presented in a synthetic manner. The full text of the fifteen‐point Declaration of the Congress follows. It urges the continued but even development of informatics both as an educational tool and as the fruit of educational endeavour in such ways that the science will serve as a vehicle for not only improving the quality of life and work but also reducing the disparaties between rich and poor and the developed and the developing nations.  相似文献   

In answer to economic needs and social demands, a structural innovation was introduced in secondary education in most West European countries, mainly in the 1960s. Contrary to the traditional schools, organized in vertical categories, the so‐called comprehensive schools brought together all branches in one school. There was protest against this type of school from the start but it was mainly in the 1980s and 1990s that comprehensive schools came under siege. In most countries the comprehensive structures have been abandoned or adjusted to a more moderate form.

This paper tries to explain the factors that stimulated innovation in the 1960s, and those that counteracted comprehensive education. As will be shown, these factors were not always related to ideological positions. In fact, the reasons for local educational authorities to “go comprehensive” (or not) were often practically rather than ideologically inspired. Theories of “dominant rationality” by Matthijssen and the “referential” by Jobert succeed in surpassing ideological parameters, and can be interesting tools to explain changing mentalities. However, a satisfying explanation for the history of comprehensive education cannot be offered without paying attention to everyday pragmatics, that – in the author's view – have been decisive for the evolution of comprehensive education.

The paper will be illustrated with examples from the Belgian case. Comprehensive schools were introduced in Belgium in 1969. All state public schools went comprehensive in the 1970s, and the number of comprehensive private schools grew rapidly until growth ceased around 1980. The ongoing struggle between Catholic comprehensive and traditional schools led to a compromise created by the Catholic educational authorities, a fusion of comprehensive and traditional elements. This structure was imposed by the Flemish government as a unitary structure for all secondary schools in the Dutch‐speaking part of Belgium in 1989.  相似文献   

生命科学信息时代的标志--生物信息学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物信息学是自1990年启动人类基因组计划之后应运而生的具有生物信息时代标志的交叉学科。它所涉及的范围包括生物研究信息的采集、处理、存储、分发、分析、注释等各个方面。本文仅就生物信息学中的基因组信息学、蛋白质组信息学、生物进化和药物设计等生物信息学的重点研究内容进行概述。  相似文献   

This article describes evaluation of the Veterinary Bacteriology and Mycology problem‐based learning multimedia project at the University of Melbourne over a period of seven years. The design of the initial project will be described, together with learning benefits that short‐term evaluations revealed — including better information management skills, improved higher order cognitive skills, increased interest in the subject, better collaborative learning skills, better written and oral communication skills and better computer skills. All very impressive. However, follow‐up studies with staff and students in clinical years of the veterinary course indicated clearly that the positive benefits were not sustained in the long term, as this was a once‐off experience for students. We clearly needed a new approach. Since 1995, the institutional climate, opportunities provided by new technologies and international links have shifted the policy in the Faculty of Veterinary Science towards the development of online problem‐based subjects, hopefully enabling students to have a much greater exposure to a problem‐based learning approach.  相似文献   

University staff are now encouraged to supplement their classroom activity with computer‐based tools and resources accessible through virtual learning environments (VLEs). Meanwhile, university students increasingly make recreational use of computer networks in the form of various social software applications. This paper explores tensions of presentation and communication between these two contexts. Through analysing a large number of course websites, the teaching voice in VLEs is shown to be in a very different register than the voice of communication in social networking environments. Yet isolated examples demonstrate that learning platforms can support materials conveying a similar kind of conviviality. It is suggested that the educational practice of university teachers could move closer to this communicative style and reasons are considered as to why this has not yet happened.  相似文献   

This article examines the varied approaches which have been adopted to the costing of part‐time higher education, and considers the consequences of these alternative models both for the providers themselves and for national policy. Though the analysis concentrates on face‐to‐face provision in universities, polytechnics and colleges, a series of comparisons are made with the Open University. It is hoped that it will assist in understanding the likely impact of proposed changes in funding where such changes encounter established arrangements. This is especially so in the PCFC sector where a new methodology is proposed for 1990‐91. The research reported here forms part of a larger study supported by the CNAA and Middlesex Polytechnic and shortly to be published under the title: Other Routes. The authors are both members of the Centre for Community Studies at Middlesex Polytechnic.  相似文献   

This paper offers a multi-perspective view on engineering education at RWTH Aachen University: curriculum design, examples of newly developed teaching methods for engineering curri-cula, and teaching competencies and teacher qualification. It is based on the theories of student-centred learning, project learning, social skills, etc., but the paper covers the practical implications and ways of implementation of these items in a current design process of a new study programme: In the course of the Bologna process the mechanical engineering study programme of RWTH Aachen University has encountered a complete and thorough revision responding to the need of present-day technical students and—accordingly—to the fast-growing requirements of the engineering industry. This change process will be presented. A case study from engineering informatics shows concepts for modern teaching methods, responding to the requirements of students and industry, especially regarding social skills. Teaching competencies have to change and grow accordingly. Thus, a concept for the improvement of educational skills and abilities of engineering teachers—integrated into their work process—is demonstrated.  相似文献   


The CD‐ROM market in schools is generally expected to be a growth area for computer software developers world‐wide. As a developer, publisher and distributor of CD‐ROMs for schools, the author is interested in the characteristics of CD‐ROMs schools will buy and the potential market. This paper looks at what developers must take into account when considering producing materials for this market. It focuses on school requirements as regards CD‐ROMs rather than the process of producing an educational CD‐ROM.  相似文献   

论大学综合实力与核心竞争力及其培育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
借鉴综合国力和企业核心竞争力的研究成果,研究大学综合实力和核心竞争力,对大学发展研究是有现实意义的。大学核心竞争力是大学独有的、以知识为基础整合各种资源、长期形成的保持大学竞争优势的能力。大学综合实力是一所大学核心竞争力的综合体现,大学核心竞争力要在综合实力中培育。  相似文献   

医教协同在综合性大学附属医院的建设发展中至关重要。扬州大学附属医院医教协同采取各项措施,针对医教协同发展过程中面临的诸多问题,提出创新改革思路,推进深度融合,为综合性大学附属医院的医教协同发展提供了参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

Provision of computers in universities for self‐study is taken for granted and is seen as a “must have” educational resource, yet it is very expensive to fund. Students report that they use the Internet as their first stop in approaching research tasks. Learning theorists posit the important role of social interaction in contributing to learning. The use of collaborative methodologies such as group work also illustrate the importance, and perceived beneficial role of, learning with others. However, in general, student access to computers for self‐study in UK Higher Education is provided through large rooms furnished with serried ranks of computers, which do not allow or encourage computer‐based collaborative working. This study addresses this mismatch between approaches to learning and the way universities make computers available to learners. The University of Wolverhampton provides a social learning space with 24 computers on four fishbone‐shaped tables, in a room without any restrictions on talking, eating, or drinking. It was provided so as to encourage learners to work collaboratively and to be able to integrate the use of a computer whilst doing so. This paper reports the initial findings of a study into its use, through questionnaires, observational data, and interviews. Has the provision of a computer‐based collaborative learning space positively affected approaches to computer‐based self‐study? The results of this study inform how best Higher Education institutions might provide computer access to learners so as to encourage collaborative working and positively affect student approaches to their learning.  相似文献   

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