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Although outcome‐based education (OBE) is currently a popular reform movement, it is difficult to describe because of its many versions. Central to all interpretations, however, is a commitment to equity and excellence in learning for all students—particularly the traditional “have nots.” Whether OBE currently achieves these goals is not so clear, and its ramifications for gifted programs may be not only an operational definition of giftedness that expands opportunities, but also potential losses for bright students who, for whatever reasons, do not meet criteria for enrichments. These ramifications should pose concerns for gifted educators.  相似文献   

The myth that children are born gifted and therefore can make it on their own is the belief that most affects the perceptions of the public regarding the gifted student and, too often, the actions of educators. From such a belief comes much of the antagonism toward providing differentiated learning experiences for gifted students and the notion that excellence and equity are separate and contradictory concepts. As a result, the limits to support for gifted learners reflect a lack of accurate knowledge, not a lack of commitment to children. Members of society and even educators still hold beliefs and attitudes that result in actions that are often damaging to the optimal growth of bright children. Data relevant to these beliefs suggest a view that is more in keeping with current biological and genetic research. It is this perception—the interactive and dynamic development of intelligent—that provides the basis for this article. The issues of equity, democratic ideals, and human rights must be reemphasized as they relate to gifted learners. To make a positive difference in what all human beings can be and how much of their potential they can develop and enjoy, we must start by dispelling the limiting ideologies society now holds. There is a need for schools that value uniqueness and talent in all children and that respect and nurture giftedness wherever it is found. By an understanding and use of the data now available this challenge can be met.  相似文献   

Looking at two urban higher education regions, in this paper we investigate the question of which positions head teachers of “exclusive” German gymnasiums adopt with regard to concepts such as ‘elite’, ‘excellence’ and thus also to schools’ attempts to distinguish their own profiles in the education system, all the while bearing in mind the context of public discourses about ‘elite’ and ‘excellence’. In doing so, we reconstruct four modes of dealing with the elite concept. All of these modes—even the most positive references—show that for “exclusive” German Gymnasiums the term ‘elite’ is precariously situated, associated as it is with a considerable need for legitimation. By contrast, it is not problematic to refer to a meritocratic elite concept that involves functional academic and leadership elites in the sense of excellence. On the other hand, any association of these upper secondary schools with power, financial and business elites does seem highly problematic and is vehemently rejected. This clear rejection occurs—and this is the central thesis of this article—because otherwise meritocracy itself, as the hegemonic academic form of legitimation, would be threatened to its very core.  相似文献   

In this paper, I shall put forward a model which highlights key issues to be taken into account in an attempt to improve academic excellence by the means of human resources management and leadership. Practices at the University of Eastern Finland and elsewhere are used as examples. It is maintained that logical and coherent human resources policies and capable leadership can support and contribute to academic performance and excellence. A key issue is not to interfere too much with active academic work, but still give sufficient support and prerequisites for academic basic tasks.  相似文献   

苏格兰的"卓越课程改革"述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对新世纪的变化与挑战,苏格兰进行了"卓越课程改革".苏格兰人相信每个苏格兰的儿童和年轻人都有学习的能力,都能在各自的领域内取得成功."卓越课程改革"正是为了培养学生的优秀品质和提升他们的才能,以便为未来的生活和工作做好准备.  相似文献   

In 1981 it looked as though there could be collaboration between Deakin University and the University of Queensland in the co‐development of courses leading to a Master of Education degree to be offered externally and by course work. It was hoped that there would be joint development of three courses—about half of the minimal degree program. In the event, only one of the three courses was produced by intensive co‐development. The present study is an investigation of factors involved in the collaboration, and consequently of issues involved in any such enterprise. It is concluded that a collaborative venture is likely to succeed if it is based on a collegiate network, or on a good working relationship between academics who share research and teaching interests. It is also suggested that such collaboration can best be fostered by establishing a climate within and between institutions in which particular collaborative initiatives can be initiated and sustained. Finally, it is suggested that collaborative co‐development and co‐production and parallel provision of courses may offer a way out of the dilemma of collaboration for excellence in teaching versus institutional self‐interest.  相似文献   

Supervision is generally recognised as playing a crucial role in the quality of a research student’s doctoral experience and their academic outcomes and, in common with most areas of higher education, there is an oft-stated desire to pursue excellence in this important area. Excellence in research degree supervision is, however, an elusive concept and on close scrutiny most of the discussions of high-quality supervision, even those that purport to be identifying excellence, refer to competence rather than excellence. This paper examines two potentially national authoritative perspectives from which excellence in research degree supervision might be explicated (codes of practice and learning and teaching awards) from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the United Kingdom but concludes that the complex nature of the activity and the complexity of the concept itself mean that rather than identifying excellence in supervision we can only respond to claims for excellence.  相似文献   

We all know we are not supposed to rest on our laurels but there is great benefit to be had from reflecting on them. This essay lays out a tool known as The Goals Grid. It can be used to examine how you got to where you are and to set directions for where you want to go from here. Its four quadrants—Achieve, Preserve, Avoid, and Eliminate—will accommodate all goals and objectives.  相似文献   


Service transformation is an increasingly common pursuit in the higher education sector, with university strategic plans frequently featuring a service excellence objective and the adoption of leaner and more sustainable service models. Previous studies agree that service excellence is intentional not incidental, and systematic not ad-hoc in nature, requiring a planned and structured approach with consistent and repeatable experiences. This study analysed public documents to discover the universities engaged in service excellence and efficiency endeavours and the prevalence of business process improvement (BPI) methodologies as a tool for this purpose. It is concluded that universities are increasingly focused on service excellence, institutional sustainability and BPI methodologies to enable institutional strategic objectives. The study suggests that future studies could focus on investigating and gaining primary evidence on the progress and success of universities in the service excellence and BPI space.  相似文献   

This article explores the challenges presented in using the scholarship of teaching as a model of teaching excellence when devising an appropriate approach to reward. It argues that the complexity of staff motivation has to be addressed by a critical evaluation of institutions' commitment to the scholarship of teaching. An expectancy model of motivation drawn from organizational behaviour literature is suggested as an approach to analysing the distance between espoused commitment to the scholarship of teaching and academic staff perspectives. The context of the discussion is set against the background of the UK Government's approach to funding incentives to promote reward for teaching excellence in higher education and the literature related to practices employed in HEIs. The views of academic staff drawn from seven focus groups across all subject areas in one institution demonstrate the need to take account of the motivation process and the need to have a shared understanding of what constitutes excellence.  相似文献   

Until recently there have been no universities or study programs in Germany that were connected to claims for top level positions in the field of higher education. However, by now efforts to vertically differentiate higher education are increasing and emphasize differences in quality. Such efforts have so far been observed with respect to research. In contrast, this article focusses on stratificatory efforts that are primarily connected to education at universities. It is based on cases studies in the field of graduate schools funded by the German excellence initiative and in the field of private higher education institutions that belong to law, business, and the social sciences and try to positions themselves as top level institutions. The first part addresses specific forms in which stratification is institutionalized in the field of higher education at present. The second part then exemplifies the various ways in which vertical differentiation is mobilized along a common attribute in both fields—internationality. We show that stratification is not a monolithic process but involves highly complex differentiations along various attributes and in multiple ways.  相似文献   

For a couple of years now, because of a lot of stories shared over a lot of late night cups of coffee and bottles of wine, I have believed strongly that the future of central agencies is in jeopardy. This forthcoming crisis has been forthcoming for a while. It does not stem from any new situation, rather it was embedded in self-definition of the original, primordial central agency — the one founded by Benderly and then diffused by his disciples. In the long run, a system that began by seeing synagogues as competitors, parents as enemies, funding sources in general (and philanthropists in particular) as necessary evils, and the system of American public education as the epitome of educational excellence — that system and that process was due to wear out its welcome. Three to five generations of Americanization have eroded much of the top soil and bared the weakness in those foundations. The identity crises, the funding crises, the political instability of today's agency are rooted in its origins.  相似文献   

We explored how new Teachers of Color grappled with equity and excellence as they were constructing science teacher identities while learning to teach in a teacher education program committed to equity, justice, and excellence, and eventually teaching in urban schools where inequities and injustices persist. The theoretical framing, compiled from various bodies of literature, weaved together what we consider as essential parts of teacher identity construction and provided a lens with which to examine how conceptions of equity and excellence that the study participants were constructing meshed with their multiple identities, considerations on legitimate knowledge production, and dialectical relationships with which they grappled. Using transcendental phenomenology, we learned from and with three Black and Latinx teachers and their narratives. The teachers intertwined similarly and differently their evolving conceptions of equity and excellence into their evolving science teacher identities as they engaged in forms of contentious local practice and reflected on their experiences as science Teachers of Color teaching predominately Students of Color. Their multiple identities were meshed with histories of larger institutions—science, schooling, and society—and together these were shaping their conceptions of equity and excellence. The intermingling of equity and excellence, which was guiding the curricular and instructional decisions they were making in their classrooms, was also linked to what they considered as legitimate knowledge production in science classes and what counted as knowledge that their students needed to know at different times. The various dilemmas defined by opposing poles with which they were grappling also functioned as scales on which their coordinated equity-excellence unit of meaning was forming. Based on the study, we offer insights into practices that science teacher educators may consider as they prepare new teachers, and work with practicing teachers, to embrace and coordinate equity and excellence in their ever-developing science teacher identities.  相似文献   

Television is too much with us—it is the most ubiquitous and probably the most persuasive of all media, and we need to understand its power and fascination if we are to exercise even minimal control over this dynamic force in our environment. Television's large and relatively undemanding audience argues strongly for the highest standards of criticism, since the critic, by virtue of his knowledge, background, and ability to perceive familiar subjects with fresh and stimulating insights, can hope to bring about a heightened awareness in his readers. Four television critics whose variant methods and objectives adhere to accepted standards of critical excellence are the focus of this essay.  相似文献   

Learning is important to sustainability—but how? On the dominant sustainable development picture, various kinds of learning are seen as instrumental to one’s behaving responsibly towards future generations, within a framework of present actions and ecological consequences. This whole picture of future‐oriented responsibility is radically flawed, fundamentally misrepresenting our creative engagement in change. It grossly exaggerates our powers to predict and control and licenses an endemic bad faith in the construction of sustainability goals supposedly derived from obligations to the future. This process is not only the opposite of genuine learning, but is very likely to ensure practical failure. In contrast, a model of ecological responsibility that might work will have learning not as a subsidiary and instrumental feature, but right at its core. The only way in which one really comes up against the constraint of the future is by acknowledging the demands of active learning—critical self‐awareness, exploratory‐creative commitment, and a robust tolerance for uncertainty—as virtues. The paper develops this account of the learning virtues in detail, and shows how embodying their practice across all our institutions and activities constitutes the only kind of responsibility to the future which we can genuinely exercise.  相似文献   

三好学生评选与现今党的教育方针不合,而且变味的评选伤害了大多数学生的自信心,对广大学生的身心健康产生了恶劣影响,应坚决取消,并构建全新的学生评优体系,在搞好全优评选的同时进行单项评优和进步奖评选,促进全体学生向德智体美劳全面发展的目标健康发展。  相似文献   

Could anyone reasonably oppose the idea that quality and excellence are essential to the university? However unlikely it seems, that is exactly what we would like to do in this article: we would like to reject the demand for quality and excellence in the university. We would like to arrive at a point at where the need for quality is no longer necessary. In this article, such a refusal will direct us to a proposal for using the spaces offered by the university and its teaching and research in a different way; in a way that transforms the university into a world university. This paper will argue that a world university is concentrated around attentive pools of worldly study. It is a university that has to invent new languages in order to answer the question “How can we live together?” In order to answer this question, and to be “present in the present,” we will clarify our argument that both acceptance and attention are needed in the world university. This position implies a kind of curiosity that is not driven by the “will to know” but by a caring attitude to what is happening now.  相似文献   

This study makes a contribution to the development of empirically based, domain-specific teaching standards that are acknowledged by the professional community of teachers and which, therefore, have a good chance of being successfully implemented and used for professional development purposes. It was prompted by the resistance on the part of many teachers to the one-size-fits-all teaching standards imposed on them from above. We, therefore, looked for an alternative and canvassed teacher opinion about what makes an excellent literature teacher. Because our standards will be used to evaluate the profession, we also wished to know to what extent teachers satisfy (or would like to satisfy) their own ideal, and which factors influence their professional development. Contrary to earlier studies, we found that the professional community of literature teachers hold widely shared ideas about what constitutes excellence in their profession. We also found that almost 40% felt that their own level of professionalism fell far short of excellence, but that their professional growth was primarily hampered by external, contextual factors. If the government wishes to promote teacher ‘excellence’, the infrastructure for professional development will need to change so that teachers can acquire the knowledge and skills embodied in the teaching standards.  相似文献   

“明明德”与生活贯穿于“大学之道”的始终。“明德”既是宇宙-生活系统,又是人的生命本来面目。“明明德”既是澄明生命自身,又是“明德”的显发,“明明德”就是“亲民”、就是生活。在“明明德”中生活并在生活中“明明德”就是“至善”,“至善”既是“明德”照彻宇宙,是无限的,又是个体生命、特定时代对“明德”的特殊折射,是有限的,无限永恒地走在有限的途中。  相似文献   

STM 中频电子治疗仪是一个获奖产品。它采用随机的音乐信号作为调制信号这一点受到了国内外有关专家的重视。本文首先从理论上分析了用随机信号调幅的无极性指数脉冲串作为治疗波形的特点及使用压控调频技术的优越性,然后用足够的病例说明了该治疗仪的使用方法和治疗效果。不但给出了电极的具体置放方法,而且从中医理论上阐明了所取穴位的原理,使本文能对使用类似治疗仪器的医生有较好的参考价值。最后提出了调治信号类型与治疗疾病的关联问题,这尚有待于进一步地去探讨。  相似文献   

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