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This article contends that the third generation of cultural–historical activity theory as forwarded in Yrjo Engeström’s version of expansive learning offers the people of South Africa a framework within which to practically realise the objective of a more culturally inclusive and relevant education. By recognising and harnessing the divergent and even opposing principles and values within indigenous and modern western knowledge traditions, the expansive learning framework provides a vehicle for implementing the kind of education which has been conceived of by such policies as the country’s Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) Policy and the Science-IKS curriculum. It is argued that this approach has the potential to take the indigenous knowledge initiatives beyond their current impasse in policies and bureaucratic institutions by generating new forms of cultural activity from the very conflicts inherent in the project. The principles of object orientation, multi-voicedness, historicity, contradictions as a driving force and expansive transformation are outlined at the level of interacting western and IKS, but shown to be operationalised through learning and research activity at a local level in classrooms and communities so that they generate new practices and policies from people’s daily activity.  相似文献   

Engineers often work together with professionals from entirely different areas. Therefore, it is important for the engineers to understand enough of these other areas, where technology is used, to obtain good results. To this aim a term has been developed within the civil engineering curriculum in information technology at Linköpings universitet, where the students work and study together with students from the psychology and economics education programs. The information technology and economics students build companies together and perform a project. The psychology students act as consultants for the different companies. Subjects from six departments are integrated into the project. The students work and study together for different parts of the project, although the learning goals differ between the different programs. The cooperation in the project leads to a transfer of information and knowledge between the students. Experience also suggests that the students obta in a better motivation and an integrated view of technology and the other areas as a result of the integrated project. The learning method also promotes cooperation and understanding between different professional cultures.  相似文献   

In this article, Therese Lindgren and Magdalena Sjöstrand Öhrfelt compare two discourses that have been influential in the field of early education: the social‐economic and the posthumanist. Studying how the young educable child is articulated in these seemingly contradictory discourses, Lindgren and Sjöstrand Öhrfelt have found that the discourses not only overlap, but, to some extent, they also reinforce each other. Both discourses depict the future as precarious, and along with identifying deficiencies of our time, they seek to justify the need for early intervention in terms of education. The young child is portrayed, on the one hand, as not‐yet‐realized human capital and, on the other, as a site for change and new beginnings. That is, the child figures as the key to a better and more sustainable world. In both discourses, early childhood education and care (ECEC) is depicted as an emancipating project, detaching the child from the child's social and cultural contexts and historical past, making the young educable child an “orphan.”  相似文献   

In order to adapt teacher education to new demands in mathematics classrooms, it is necessary to change the courses in mathematics at the university. Teachers’ beliefs about mathematics, learning and teaching has great impact on their teaching. At the University of Göteborg, a co‐operative project has been conducted in order to design a programme based on problem solving in courses taken by prospective Comprehensive School teachers (grade 4‐‐9). The main purpose of the project has been to make student teachers more reflective about mathematics as such, about learning and teaching. Another purpose of the project has been to use a teaching method in a university course‐‐a method which could be applied in a school classroom. The student teachers have worked co‐operatively in small groups of 3‐4 students and the educators role has been that of a facilitator. A preliminary evaluation indicates that student teachers have developed an insight into the complexity of learning and teaching, even though there are variations in this respect. However they still have difficulties in applying the method to teaching mathematics at school.  相似文献   

This article focuses on a process of recognition of prior learning (RPL) in higher education. It is based on experiences from a project carried out in collaboration between the University of Lund, Linköping University and two trade unions in Sweden. The aim of the project was to find ways of recognising prior learning for accreditation of course credits at university level. In the project and its analysis, Habermas’ theory of communicative action was used as theoretical underpinning. During the project we carried out a thematic analysis based on interviews. The analysis suggested that the participants had a mystified view of higher education that RPL must be considered a learning process and that the participants’ prior learning can be characterised as practical wisdom. These themes guided the development of the project. In a retrospective analysis, language proficiency seemed to play a significant role for the outcome of the process. The conclusion suggests that a more fair and valid assessment of the participant’s prior learning could be accomplished by focusing on RPL as a process of mutual understanding. However, a critical appraisal of the process suggests that RPL for accreditation is problematic and could be seen as a colonisation of the lifeworld.  相似文献   

This paper points to a neglected dimension to Schön's work on the reflective practitioner: his distinctive characterisation of the practicum. We argue that Schön's understanding of the practicum is integrally related to his understanding of the reflective practitioner. The appropriation of the latter concept within programmes of initial teacher education has tended to go hand in hand with a different model of the practicum that regards this as being synonymous with practice in schools. We outline a number of ways in which the practicum, as described by Schön, is significantly different from this. We identify key aspects of Schön's characterisation of the practicum and describe one alternative approach to initial teacher education that uses microteaching as a practicum context. This is a significant issue because concern has been expressed both as regards the quality of new teachers’ reflection and the perceived inability of TEIs to change student–teachers’ preconceived notions of learning and teaching.Whilst research into student teachers’ perceptions of microteaching has generally viewed this process positively, we were interested to research whether this remained the case once students had made the transition to teaching. The voices of recently qualified practitioners who have been through this programme are drawn upon as illustrative of the key features of this process which they identify. The article is a contribution to the discourse upon reflective practice and initial teacher education and also makes a contribution to debate concerning the preferred location of initial teacher education.  相似文献   

This paper presents an introduction to and an overview of the celebrated incompleteness theorems of Kurt Gödel. Starting with Richard’s paradox, the logical antimony that motivated Gödel to look at encoding metamathematics in the arithmetic of integers, this overview traces the highlights of the encoding and the gist of Gödel’s final arguments.  相似文献   

《Learning and Instruction》2003,13(3):271-284
In this article links are explored between the characterizations of learning stemming from the phenomenographic research orientation and from Donald Schön’s reflection-in-action, an extension of John Dewey’s idea of reflection. The aim is to argue that these parallels open up new ways of viewing Schön’s work which facilitate theoretical development for the phenomenographic view of learning. As part of this argument the phenomenographic view that all learning is a function of experienced variation is explored in relation to Schön’s characterization of learning to make sense of things in confusing and complex situations. Then a concept of reflective learning is introduced to extend the phenomenographic anatomy of awareness with a view to having mindful appreciation of context emerge as an educationally critically aspect of learning.  相似文献   


Loránd Eötvös (1848–1919) wasthe best-known Hungarian scientist ofthe turn of the century, made worldfamous by his investigations on gravitation.His high accuracy measurements of theproportionality between gravitational andinertial mass performed using the torsionpendulum designed by himself provokedthe admiration of Einstein.

So far, we have not known why Eötvösstarted investigating gravitation: in hispublications, he only indicates the exactyear (1888) when he started. Historians ofphysics have so far considered 1886 as thebeginning of this research, since this wasthe year when he last made publications inhis previous research topic, capillarity.What happened between 1886 and 1888?This will be treated in the following.

It will turn out that the main motivationfor Eötvös for the scientific researchon gravitation was the intention to populariseuniversity education and science.We might also say: the desire for``Science as Culture''.


Editorial comment and summaries


Drs Kjöllerström and Lybeck present here a brief report of their European survey of master's and doctoral dissertations in science education, undertaken subsequently to a workshop on Research in Science Education in Europe held at Malente, FR Germany in 1976. The full report of their survey has recently been published by the Institute for Science Education (IPN), Kiel, FR Germany.

The article published here reports on the distribution, size and organization of science education research groups, their areas of research interest and higher degree programmes. It also surveys the main areas of science education research at master's and doctoral level undertaken during the period 1971‐1976, and the employment taken up by master's and doctoral students upon completion of their studies.  相似文献   


Background: Although the usefulness of Dörnyei’s framework of motivational strategies to language teachers has been widely tested, motivational techniques that are not within the framework have less commonly been accounted for.

Purpose: This study explores the uses of motivational strategies beyond Dörnyei’s taxonomy, and the factors that cause English teachers to use them.

Methods: In total, 22 teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) in Hong Kong participated in this study. Reflective journal data and interview data, supported by classroom observations, were collected and analysed qualitatively.

Findings: The results reveal that, while most of the reported strategies corresponded closely to Dörnyei’s recommendations, two additional macrostrategies – routine teaching activities and uses of authentic materials – were employed. The most predominant factor leading to the use of these two macrostrategies was a concern about feasibility.

Conclusions: This study hence suggests the need for a new line of research on strategies that are primarily instructional and secondarily motivational, as well as further studies that take the feasibility of motivational strategies into greater consideration.  相似文献   

This paper examines Donald Schön’s critique of Herbert Simon’s ‘science of design’ to determine whether later developments in Simon’s thought – particularly, his theories of ‘bounded rationality’ and ‘goal-less designing’ – can contribute to an appreciation of Schön’s notion of reflective practice. The paper then argues, that viewed through the optic of ‘assessment for learning,’ teaching may be conceived as ‘goal-less and reflective design,’ and the practice thereof may lead to more effective teaching.  相似文献   

This paper examines how an individual enhances their learning about design and interacts dynamically in the Web-based learning environment. The idea of individuals playing different roles assists their thinking about design in different contexts and enables them to explore possible responses to design challenges. The World Wild Web (WWW) provides unlimited sources, fast information exchange and many spaces for exploring teaching methodology, especially in design-oriented courses. Nevertheless, the traditional design studio still plays a crucial role in design education. One-on-one sessions in traditional design studios remain the most significant aspect of the architectural curriculum. The main difference between traditional design studios and other non-design subjects is that design cannot be regularized in a sequential process of learning patterns. While there may be some similarity among the design outcomes for the same design project, the processes of achieving them might be totally different. Thus, design instruction is usually based on individual experiences. This paper presents the concept of a web-based learning environment where all users (participants) could not only interact dynamically by playing multiple roles among themselves but also communicate freely by using electronic media to transform their design thinking to expression of words, 2D graphic images and 3D modelling. Une étude pilote sur les interactions dan un environment éducatif en ligne. Cet article montre comment il est possible d'interagir sur un environnement éducatif en ligne. Internet offre des ressources infinies, des possibilités d'échanges d'informations et de nombreuses données méthodologiques, spécialement utiles aux cours de dessins. Néanmoins, les traditionnels ateliers de dessins jouent encore un rÔle majeur dans l'enseignement de l'architecture qui est habituellement basé sur l'expérience individuelle. La principale différence entre l'enseignement classique de dessin et l'enseignement en ligne est que l'apprentissage ne peut plus être ordonné en séquences d'apprentissage. Ce papier décrit un project d'enseignement en ligne où tous les participants ont eu la possibilité, non seulement de jouer des rÔles multiples entre eux, mais aussi de communiquer et d'interagir en utilisant les médias électroniques pour exprimer leur pensée créative avec des mots, des images À deux dimensions ou des modelages en 3D. Eine Pilotstudie über das Rollenspiel in einem auf dem Web basierenden Lernumfeld. Dieser Artikel untersucht, wie der Lernende seine Kenntnisse im Grafikbereich erweitert und innerhalb des Web-Lernumfeldes dynamisch interaktiv wird. Die Vorstellung, dass jeder Einzelne eine unterschiedliche Rolle spielt, hilft ihnen über das Design in unterschiedlichen Zusammenhängen nachzudenken und ermöglicht ihnen so, denkbare Lösungen für neue DesignAufgaben zu untersuchen. Das World Wide Web (www) liefert grenzenlose Quellen, schnellen Informationsaustausch und viele Möglichkeiten, Lehrmethoden zu untersuchen, insbesondere innerhalb der Grafikkurse. Das herkömmliche Design Studio spielt weiterhin eine führende Rolle in der Design-Unterweisung. Einzelunterricht in den traditionellen Grafik Studios bleibt der wichtigste Faktor des Architektur Lehrplans. Der grösste Unterschied zwischen herkömmlichen Design Studios und anderen Unterrichtsfächern besteht darin, dass Design sich nicht in das Aufbaumuster eines Lernprozessen preseen lässt. Es mag gewisse ähnlichkeiten in den Designergebnissen für ein bestimmtes Projekt geben, aber der Lösungsweg ist total unterschiedlich. Deshalb gründet sich der Design-Unterricht im allgemeinen auf individuelle Erfahrungen. Dieser Bericht stellt das Konzept eines auf dem Web basierenden Lernumfeldes vor, an dem alle Beteiligten nicht nur interacktive eingreifen können, indem sie vielfältige Rollen untereinander übernehmen, sondern auch frei kommunizieren können auf der Grundlage von elektronischen Medien um ihre Gedanken in Worten, 2D Graphik Bildern und 3-D Modellen auszudrücken.  相似文献   

Many of the major figures in the history of science have produced literary works, but the relationship between their poetic texts and their scientific work is often underestimated. This paper illuminates the poetry of Erwin Schrödinger—one of the premier figures in twentieth-century science, and an accomplished poet in both English and his native German. It discusses existing perceptions of his poetry and challenges the assumptions that his poetic work was a mere hobby unrelated to his other achievements by focusing on the interplay between poetic images and scientific ideas in his German-language poems. It emphasizes that more research is needed on the understated role of bilingualism and of—often marginalized—writing in an adopted language in science and in poetry, with the premise that this feature of Schrödinger’s life deserves more study. It argues that Schrödinger’s literary imagination and his bilingualism are an integral part of his approach to reality and considers Schrödinger’s literary work to be an important aspect of his intellectual heritage.  相似文献   

Schön’s concept of ‘reflection in action’, particularly when interpreted from a sociocultural perspective, is often used as frame with which to consider the relationship between theoretical and tacit knowledge in the work of teachers. This paper presents an alternative interpretative frame for Schön which makes use of the ideas of Wilfred Bion, perhaps the most influential psychoanalyst of the second half of the twentieth century. It is argued that it is the productive emotional struggle with uncertainty that lies within Schön’s moment, which ultimately leads to the teacher coming to a moment of decision about what the child might need in a particular situation. This (contingent) understanding arises from a dialectic intertwining of knowledge derived from intersubjective relationship and theoretical knowledge, for example, about typical and atypical development in children. Implications for professional practice particularly in relation to working with children with special educational needs are discussed.  相似文献   

Gödel’s proof     
In 1931, the great Austrian mathematician Kurt Gödel proved “all consistent axiomatic formulations of number theory include undecidable propositions”. This discovery of Gödel and its proof had enormous repercussions in mathematics and computer science. The proof hinged upon the writing of a self-referential mathematical statement, in the same way as the liar’s paradox — I am lying — is a self-referential statement. In this three-part article, we describe Gödel’s discovery and his famous proof.  相似文献   

This article examines the global digital divide, with tables of data that document the wide disparity between the world's information-rich and information-deprived. Its fundamental causes and ramifications for the world's poor are examined, with an emphasis upon how it affects educational opportunity. Critical challenges associated with addressing this problem are discussed, and some misguided past efforts to introduce instructional technology into developing regions are reviewed. Then, some potentially successful strategies for utilising educational technologies in developing settings are explored, including appropriate project design, funding issues, skill development programs for schools, new forms of distance education, and the establishment of tele-centres that can expand educational opportunities in a variety of ways. Considérations sur la fracture numérique globale et son impact sur les possibilités d'éducation. Cet article examine la fracture numérique globale À l'aide de tableaux de données qui illustrent le large fossé qui sépare les pays riches en informations et ceux qui en sont dénumis. Les causes Fondamentales et les ramifications pour les e pauvres f sont examinées, l'accent étant mis sur la facon dont elles affectent les possibilités d'éducation. On étudie et discute les challenges critiques associés À ce problème ainsi que les efforts mal concus dans le passé pour introduire la technologie de l'éducation dans les pays en voie de développement. Ensuite, on explore des stratégies potentiellement réussies pour élever le niveau de la technologie dans l'éducation y compris des projets soigneusement planifiés, des suggestions pour le financement des programmes de développement des aptitudes, de nouvelles formes d'éducation À distance et la prolifération des centres de Téléenseignement qui peuvent offrir des communications, des formations et des occasions de développement. Betrachtungen zur globalen digitalen Kluft und ihren Auswirkungen auf Bildungschancen. Dieser Artikel untersucht die globale digitale Kluft auf der Basis von Datentabellen, die die grosse Ungleichheit zwischen dem gut informierten Teil der Welt und jenem Teil der Welt ohne Zugang zu Informationen dokumentieren. Es werden die wesentlichen Gründe und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Armen dieser Welt untersucht, besondern hinsichtlich ihrer Chancen auf Bildung. Kritische Herausforderungen bei der Behebung dieses Problems werden besprochen und frühere fehlgeschlagene Versuche, Lerntechnologien in den Entwicklungsländern einzuführen, werden neu überdacht. Darüber hinaus werden potentiell erfolgreiche Strategien zur Verbesserung der Bildungstechnologie erörtert im Zusammenhang mit einer vorsichtigen Projektplanung, Möglichkeiten der Finanzierung und der Errichtung von Telezentren, die Kommunikations-, Trainings- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten anbieten.  相似文献   

This study explored the applicability of Donald Schön's notion of reflective practice for student teachers in practicum settings. The research was guided by three questions: What do student teachers reflect upon?, What precipitates reflection?, and What factors enhance or constrain reflection? Detailed case studies of four science student teachers on a 13-week practicum were constructed. Fifteen reflective themes were documented across the four cases, and it was possible to identify up to four precipitants for each theme. In all, 47 factors were documented that either enhanced or constrained reflection. The paper concludes by suggesting four strategies for promoting student teacher reflection and two refinements to Schön's conception of reflective practice for use in practicum settings.  相似文献   

In February 2003, RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, commenced delivery of a Computer Science diploma and degree programme using mixed mode delivery to 250 university students in sub‐Saharan Africa, through a World Bank funded project designed for the African Virtual University (AVU). The project is a unique experience made possible by collaboration and co‐operation between Australian and African partners and incorporating a student‐centred philosophy and mixed‐mode delivery. The project also has an ongoing commitment to building African capacity for online development and delivery of courseware through a defined capacity building programme for the University of Dar es Salaam, (UDSM), which will take over the project in 2007. This paper discusses the relevant philosophies of the major partners in the project, outlines the components of the mixed mode delivery strategy and identifies the successes and challenges uncovered in the first year of operation.

Enseignement par méthode mixte : Une étude de cas sur les cours par correspondance de sciences d’informatique en Afrique

En février 2003, l’université RMIT de Melbourne en Australie a réalisé un projet pour l’Université Virtuelle Africaine (AVU) fondé par la Banque mondiale qui a permit à 250 étudiants d’universités de la région sous‐saharienne d’Afrique d’obtenir un grade universitaire en sciences d’informatique en participant a un cours par correspondance. Ce projet est une expérience unique qui a été rendue possible par une collaboration et coopération entre des partenaires australiens et africains et par l’incorporation d’une philosophie orientée sur les étudiants et d’assistance par méthodes mixtes de diffusion. Ce projet à une obligation permanente d’améliorer la productivité africaine du développement en ligne et de la diffusion de matériaux de cours en ligne, ce qui est effectué par un programme d’augmentation de la productivité défini pour l’Université de Dar es Salaam (UDSM), qui va assumer ce projet en 2007. Cet exposé décrit les philosophies principales des partenaires de ce projet, esquisse les composants de cette stratégie de diffusion à méthode mixte et identifie les succès et les défis découverts lors de la première année d’opération.

Unterrichten kombinierter Methoden: eine Fallstudie zum Fernstudium der Computerwissenschaften in Afrika

Im Februar 2003 begann die RMIT Universität in Melbourne in Australien mit Hilfe eines durch die Weltbank gegründeten Projekts für die Afrikanische Virtuelle Universität (AVU) mit einer kombinierten Methode der Wissensvermittlung 250 Studenten aus der unteren Sahara‐Region in Afrika die Teilnahme an einem Fernstudiumsprogramm mit einem Abschluss in Computerwissenschaften zu ermöglichen. Bei diese Projekt handelt es sich um eine einzigartige Erfahrung, die durch die Zusammenarbeit zwischen australischen und afrikanischen Partnern ermöglicht wurde und die die auf Studenten ausgerichtete Philosophie und die kombinierte Form der Wissensvermittlung einbezieht. Dieses Projekt hat die ständige Verpflichtung, die afrikanische Leistungsfähigkeit der Online‐Bildung und die Verfügbarkeit von Kursmaterialien zu verbessern, und zwar über ein definiertes Aufbauprogramm für die Universität Dar es Salaam (UDSM), die dieses Projekt 2007 übernehmen wird. Dieser Bericht erläutert die relevanten Kernphilosophien der Hauptpartner des Projekts, beschreibt die Komponenten der kombinierten Methode der Wissensvermittlung und identifiziert die Erfolge und Herausforderungen, die im Laufe des ersten Jahres erkannt wurden.  相似文献   

This paper describes a project that engages teenagers in using Internet-based tools to collaborate in problem-based learning. Motorola Expeditions is designed to help young people develop skills in using new network technologies to work together in teams to solve real world problems. In Expeditions 2000, 27 teenagers worked in teams with six on-site and four online mentors to develop a marketing plan for one or more personal communication sector technologies, such as cell phones, specifically targeting teenage consumers. Participants were surveyed before and after the project about their attitudes towards collaborative learning, their confidence in collaborating online and their competence in using certain online tools. Data were also gathered through observation of online communication, weekly feedback surveys and interviews with mentors. Results show a significant increase in the participants' self-confidence in collaborating online and in their competence in using online communication tools to collaboratively solve problems. La promotion d’expériences éducatives en ligne en en collaboration pour des adolescents. Cet article décrit un projet que engage des adolescents à utiliser des outils basés sur internet pour collaborer dans l'enseignement fondé sur la résolution de problèmes. Les expéditions Motorola sont concues pour aider les jeunes à développer des compétences pour utiliser les nouvelles technologies du réseau et travailler en équipes pour résoudre les problèmes réels du monde. Dans les Expéditions 2000, 27 adolescents ont travaillé en équipes avec 6 tuteurs sur le site et quatre en ligne pour élaborer un plan de marketing pour une en plusieurs technologies de communication personnelles telles que les téléphones portables visant spécialement des consommateurs adolescents. On a sondé les participants avant et après le projet sur leurs attitudes à l'égard de l'enseignement en collaboration de leur confiance dans la collaboration en ligne et de leur compétence dans l'utilisation de certains outils en ligne. On a aussi recueilli des données grâce à l'observation de la communication en ligne, grâce à des contrats de feedback hebdomadaires et de entretiens avec les tuteurs. Les résultats montrent une augmentation significative de la confiance in soi des participants à la collaboration en ligne et de leur compétence dans l'utilisation des outils de communication en ligne pour résoudre les problèmes en collaboration. Förderung von online collaborativen Lernerfahrungen für Jugendliche. Die Abhandlung beschreibt ein Projekt, in dem Jugendliche mit Hilfe von Internet Werkzeugen Lernprobleme gemeinsam lösen. Motorola Expeditions wurde konzipiert, um jungen Menschen zu helfen, Fertigkeiten in der Anwendung neuer Netzwerktechnologien zu entwickeln und als Team zusammen zu arbeiten um reale Probleme zu lösen. In Expeditons 2000 arbeiteten 27 Jugendliche in Teams mit 6 “onsite"- und 4 online-Lehrkräften, um einen Marketingplan für einen oder mehr Sektoren betreffende individuelle Kommunikationstechnologien zu entwickeln, wie z.B. mobile Telefone, die sich insbesondere an jugendliche Verbraucher wenden. Die Teilnehmer wurden vorher und nach dem Projekt zu ihrer Einstellung zum collaborativen Lernen befragt, ihrem Zutrauen in das gemeinsame online-Arbeiten und zu ihrer Kompetenz hinsichtlich der Anwendung gewisser online Werkzeuge. Die Daten wurden auch durch Observation von online-Kommunikation, wöchentlichen Auswertungen und Interviews mit den Lehrkräften gesammelt. Die Resultate zeigen eine deutliche Steigerung des Selbstvertrauens der Teilnehmer online zusammenzuarbeiten, sowie ihrer Fähigkeit, online- Kommunikationswerkzeuge zu nutzen, um gemeinsam Probleme zu lösen.  相似文献   

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