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Through an analysis informed by critical race feminism, this paper examines the intersection of professional socialization and agency among tenured Black female faculty at Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs). Professional socialization entails the transmission and reproduction of professional norms. However, within PWIs, professional socialization emanates from a legacy of race and gender exclusion. Thus, normative conceptualizations of professional development may not adequately address how Black women negotiate institutional cues to define their professorial role. The findings show that a three-prong model of engagement: enacting, discarding, and transforming institutional norms, comprised the participants’ socialization process; agency played an important role in their career success. Implications for facilitating agency among Black female faculty and similarly situated groups are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Little research has focused on women's career and professional development in developing countries. In this study, six overseas women doctorate students from a range of developing countries were interviewed in order to ascertain their experiences and the challenges they face as a result of undertaking higher academic studies. The study demonstrated that despite their cultural diversity, the women had many characteristics in common. They had the intrinsic motivation to succeed in their career and professional development as independent persons. However, due to the traditional values and cultural expectations of their societies, they felt that starting and maintaining a family was imperative. Success in both needed a combination of hard work, diligence, and determination. The study called for gender sensitisation, especially in developing countries where the analysis of gender issues is still in its infancy. Both men and women need to be aware that women as well as men have career aspirations and that it is possible to share family and other responsibilities.  相似文献   

This article begins by recognizing that Finnish women, like those in the other Nordic countries, were admitted to universities relatively early. Although they now constitute some 52 percent of enrolled students in Finnish higher education and 47 percent of the labour force, they have lagged behind men in terms of obtaining academic employment and even more so with regard to being appointed to leadership positions in universities and in other academic organizations. A combination of factors accounts for this situation: the tendency to channel aspiring women academics into non‐scientific fields, the failure of women academics to be included in the informal professional networks, the deprecating attitudes of male academics towards the research results of women, and in general, a societal power structure which favours men. Finally, an economic climate which is leading to cutbacks in higher education budgets is creating a situation which makes catching up by women academics next to impossible. Only major structural changes in Finnish society will lead to further progress for Finnish women in academic careers.  相似文献   

在个体社会化过程中,由于男女两性个体遗传素质存在差异,社会对男女性别提出的社会规范与行为标准也不同,个体依照自己的性别逐渐将外在的社会标准内化为自己的行为准则,使他们获得与性别相适应的心理特征和行为模式,这些性别角色的界限及其差别对各种社会活动都有一定影响,同样也表现在学生的外语学习活动中。学校教师在性别角色社会化过程中起着举足轻重的作用。在外语教学中,依据性别角色的基本理论,系统分析男女学生在认识能力、专业兴趣、成就动机、社会认知等方面的性别角色差异,能有效提高教学质量。  相似文献   

Teacher socialization is primarily examined as an institutional‐based phenomenon, with particular focus on individuals’ PK–12 schooling experiences, teacher education programs, or workplace‐based socialization. This study situates professional socialization experiences of African‐American teachers within teaching families, examining how culturally situated socialization practices inform and shape professional entry and conceptualizations. Nine Black women teachers, all members of three intergenerational teaching families, participated in the study. Data sources included individual life‐history interviews, group conversations and participant‐generated writings. Findings indicate intergenerational socialization into the tradition of Black women teachers, with an emphasis on individual and collective social responsibility. Participants were socialized into the family business of teaching for reasons of stability, complicated by the ironies of social, educational and economic progress for Black women.  相似文献   

鲁迅的小说《祝福》,从多个角度展示了男女之间多个层次的不平等,从而形象地告诉读者,妇女解放既包括了经济上的解放,也包括了制度上的解放,还包括了文化上的解放.要实现妇女的最终解放,人类还有很长的一段路要走.  相似文献   

Among science educators, current interest in undergraduate research (UR) is influenced both by the traditional role of the research apprenticeship in scientists’ preparation and by concerns about replacing the current scientific workforce. Recent research has begun to demonstrate the range of personal, professional, and intellectual benefits for STEM students from participating in UR, yet the processes by which student-advisor interactions contribute to these benefits are little understood. We employ situated learning theory (Lave and Wenger, Situated learning: legitimate peripheral participation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge in 1991) to examine the role of student-advisor interactions in apprenticing undergraduate researchers, particularly in terms of acculturating students to the norms, values, and professional practice of science. This qualitative study examines interviews with a diverse sample of 73 undergraduate research students from two research-extensive institutions. From these interviews, we articulate a continuum of practices that research mentors employed in three domains to support undergraduate scientists-in-training: professional socialization, intellectual support, and personal/emotional support. The needs of novice students differed from those of experienced students in each of these areas. Novice students needed clear expectations, guidelines, and orientation to their specific research project, while experienced students needed broader socialization in adopting the traits, habits, and temperament of scientific researchers. Underrepresented minority students, and to a lesser extent, women, gained confidence from their interactions with their research mentors and broadened their future career and educational possibilities. Undergraduate research at research-extensive universities exemplifies a cycle of scientific learning and practice where undergraduate researchers are mentored by graduate students and postdoctoral researchers, who are themselves apprentices to faculty members. As such, research mentors of undergraduate students should be aware of the dual scientific and educational aspects of their advising role and its significance in shaping students’ identities and career trajectories.  相似文献   

20世纪是中国妇女地位变化最为迅速的时期,这种变化在法律方面主要表现在妇女从男性从属地位向独立个体的转变。民国初年妇女在婚姻家庭中的财产所有权、寡妇立嗣权等方面的法律地位出现了实质性变化,这从一个侧面反映了中国妇女解放的历程。  相似文献   

欧洲大学的科学研究对欧洲创新体系的持续发展具有重要意义。随着欧洲各国公共管理体制的改革.加上国家公共资金的有限性,欧洲各大学在科研经费上也必须面对日益激烈的竞争。近几年欧洲大学加强了科研经费管理的变革,许多大学积极寻找其他的研究经费来源,通过与企业合作补充科研经费、积极承担国际研究项目等方式,使得欧洲大学研究经费的来源日益多样化。而在经费上向基础研究倾斜、鼓励跨学科和跨机构研究,重视科研经费管理专业化等措施,则大大提高了欧洲大学科研经费管理的有效性和透明度。  相似文献   

This paper presents the main results of a comparative study carried out by a French‐Japanese research team. Its focus is the daily life of under‐ones in day care centres in two cultural contexts—France and Japan. Based on three kinds of data—official texts, videotaped observations and caregivers' discourses—the study highlights the links between traditional and professional norms and values which shape practices in the two countries. It thus contributes both to the current debate on new paradigms in early education and to the improvement of professional practices.  相似文献   

Language socialization research has traditionally focused on how young children are socialized into the norms and patterns of their culture by and through language. Research in this tradition has typically conceived of the process as relatively static, bounded and relatively unidirectional. This article, based on a long‐term ethnographic investigation of home language practices in Mexican‐background families in the United States, confirms the theoretical and applied limitations of such a traditional approach to language acquisition. Two narratives of Mexican‐background women in northern California, whose lives represent different circumstances and trajectories, show that language socialization is a dynamic and interactive process that extends throughout the lifespan as people come to participate in new communities, define and redefine themselves according to new roles, and either acquiesce in or challenge the definitions and role relationships formulated by others.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of gender identity within the context of lifelong learning. Constructed specifically around individual experiences of occupational apprenticeship in English professional football, it draws on a re‐reading of data collected in the early 1990s to depict the way in which a group of young men were socialised into their new‐found occupational culture and how their identities were shaped by the heavily gendered routines of workplace practice. Framing apprenticeship as a holistic ‘learning’ experience, the article looks at how the legitimate peripheral participation of trainees in an established community of practice facilitated their adaptation to and assimilation of various skills, procedures and institutional norms via informal learning processes. Set against the historical development of apprenticeship in England, the article uses qualitative research findings to determine the extent to which apprenticeship within professional sport might facilitate the reproduction of stereotypical gender norms and values.  相似文献   

Socialization of Doctoral Students to Academic Norms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using the framework for graduate and professional student socialization developed by Weidman, Twale, and Stein (2001), this study addresses socialization of doctoral students to the academic norms of research and scholarship. Data are presented about the perceptions doctoral students in a social science discipline (sociology) and in educational foundations at a major research university have of the scholarly and collegial climates of their departments. Data on students' social relationships with faculty and peers as well as their reported participation in scholarly activities are also reported. A multivariate analysis provides support for the framework, affirming the importance of social interaction among both students and faculty as well as collegiality among faculty for creating a supportive climate for doctoral study that also has the potential to provide a strong foundation for subsequent academic and/or research careers by stimulating students' research and scholarly productivity.  相似文献   

This paper presents aspects of research into the position of women in surveying, highlighting in particular the changes that are occurring in erstwhile ‘male’ technological and professional areas, which are experiencing an unprecedented influx of women. These changes are not taken at face value as necessarily being of long‐term benefit to women, an attempt is made to look beneath the surface to find out what is really going on. The current state of play in the ongoing pursuit of gaining greater equality for women in higher education is considered, with a discussion of organisational structures which are still overwhelmingly male, in which women may have gained some ground, but men have lost few of their advantages in the process.  相似文献   

Textbook analysis is seen as a major element for studying environmental education addressing pupils, image analysis being rather relevant when studying textbooks written in 11 languages. We analysed 25 textbooks from 14 countries addressed to 14–16-year-old pupils, focusing on: (1) local and foreign/global images; (2) urban/rural and nature images; (3) negative impact, human management, and the beauty of nature; and (4) men and women in images with negative and positive impact. We distinguished some trends between Western (WEc) and Eastern (EEc) European countries and non-European countries (NEc). In contrast to textbooks from EEc and NEc, which tend to show the beauty of nature with little human influence, WEc textbooks tend to exhibit more images of urban/rural landscape, of human negative impact and of human management, expressing an anthropocentric view of the environment. Men are usually more present in textbook images than women. However, some images exhibiting more women than men could be found in textbooks from WEc and EEc, but never in NEc. In negative impact pictures, men are more often present than women but NEc women are never present in such images. Women are more frequent than men in positive impact images. Results suggest that textbooks from EEc and NEc should give more emphasis to human management and urban/rural images, whereas those from WEc should give more attention to the beauty of nature. A balance in the presence of men and women in images should be a matter of greater concern by all textbooks’ authors and publishers.  相似文献   

职业规范是人类职业活动必需遵循的标准和准则,是与人的劳动、职业行为有关的行为规范。职业规范在人的社会化进程中,对其意识、生活技能、行为、生活目标、社会角色等有着深刻的影响,并协调人与人之间、人与社会之间的关系和人的社会行为,并以此来维护社会的正常运转和稳定。  相似文献   

In virtually all the countries of the world, the need for staff‐development programmes for university and other higher education teachers has been recognized. Because the developed countries of Europe and of North America have a head start in the domain, specialists from these countries have frequently been called upon to create and to offer staff‐development programmes in the universities of developing countries. This article discusses the appropriateness of European conceptions of staff‐development for African universities. Concluding that Euro‐centric staff‐developers and pre‐packaged European programmes are not appropriate, that they run the risk of becoming a form of cultural neo‐colonialism, the author considers ways in which European specialists can collaborate with their African colleagues in the structuring of staff‐development programmes that are not only African‐centred but are geared to the real needs of African universities as they are perceived by Africans themselves. If the author's suggestions are accepted, African universities will be able to make use of those aspects of European staff‐development concepts and programmes which have universal value without having to accept European cultural tutelage along with them.  相似文献   

佛经初步出现了正确的女性意识、女性观念,如佛经开始重视女性,公开宣称男女平等,女性也能成佛。但是,佛经并没有完全贯彻男女平等的观念,在一定程度上存在女性歧视和男性霸权现象。然而,佛经这一重视女性,主张男女平等,女性也能成佛的思想的提出和形成,有力地挑战了印度传统的男权观念,为妇女解放迈出了可喜的一步。  相似文献   


The study aims at revealing the dynamics of processes of socialization of university faculty members to university culture and norms. As a first step in this endeavor a group of eight university faculty members ‐‐ novice and senior ‐‐ affiliated with the department of education at an Israeli research university were interviewed in depth. The interviews were protocolled verbatim and content‐analyzed. The content‐analysis yielded several themes of reference: isolation and loneliness; expectations; professional identity; conflicts and dilemmas; and tenure. These themes were analyzed and discussed, followed by practical implications for policy makers and academic staff.  相似文献   

The article sketches the history of the education of women in Austrian universities, particularly the University of Vienna, and the attempts of some of the first female graduates to pursue academic careers. Middle class women, just like middle class men, considered education and possible academic careers as sure ways to social and economic emancipation. However, if the model worked for men, it worked less well for women who although admitted to university studies in increasing numbers found that their attempts to pursue academic careers were fraught with many obstacles. Despite numerous female success stories, the university did not turn out to be, for women, a route to emancipation and career fulfilment. Even today, if Austrian women are accepted and are achieving success in other areas, in industry and in public service, for instance, they are doing so in these endeavours far more easily and in greater numbers than in the universities.  相似文献   

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