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This article presents an overview of the state of the art in studies of higher education and the world of work, based on papers, some of which are published in this issue, presented at the 1992 annual meeting of the Consortium of Higher Education Researchers. It considers the contributions made to the study of the subject by different disciplines and sketches the range of relationships between higher education and work. It discusses the contribution of higher education to the labour market, its diversity and dynamics, and the employment experiences of graduates. It analyses the different value systems of the two sides, their expressions of needs, and reciprocal impacts. It asks what role government and institutions play in effecting the relationship. It analyses the knowledge and skills content of higher education. And, finally, it offers a research agenda. The emphasis of the paper is on the substantive issues against their institutional and structural aspects.  相似文献   

世界的发展和关于世界的知识充满了不确定性。在不确定性视野下,需要对长期追求的普遍性知识和客观规律重新认识,对科学理论的解释和预测功能持审慎态度。对知识的生产和传播方式从方法论上进行反思。无论是宏观层次还是微观层次的教育,都有自身的确定性和不确定性。不确定性视野下的教育研究,坚持主体建构式认识论,关注探索教育实践中具体的因果联系。  相似文献   

The article begins with some considerations on internationalization in general: its economic, political, and cultural dimensions. As world trends are favouring increased internationalization in all domains, the tendency is to take it all for granted, asking how rather than why when discussing its ramifications. Considerations with regard to the internationalization of higher education follow, it being made clear that higher education, despite its very high degree of internationalization, has not in fact been a pace setter, even though it has followed the general trend. The remainder of the article introduces a number of OECD projects linked, to a greater or lesser extent, to higher education, the role of Yugoslavia being underlined. The hope is expressed that Yugoslavia will participate in more such projects.  相似文献   

自学考试是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,经过近30年的发展,形成了完善的教育考试系统,为国家培养了大批合格的高素质建设人才。为适应国际社会高等教育社会化、多元化、远距离化的发展趋势,自学考试要从教育质量、学科建设、人才培养层次上不断提升,丰富内涵,使自学考试人才培养模式呈现多元化发展。  相似文献   

民办高等教育成本分担:新制度主义视角下的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
民办高等教育成本分担是当前教育界和经济界人士普遍关注的问题。本文从分析民办高等教育成本分担的理论与实践入手,剖析了当前民办高等教育成本分担方面存在的问题,在此基础上,从新制度主义层面对其成因进行了分析,据此提出了建立合理成本分担机制的若干建议。  相似文献   

Abstract In every faith community, worship and education should be conceived and practiced as interdependent, interpenetrating dimensions of ecclesial life. Too often, however, worship and education are separated and compartmentalized to the detriment of both. This article explores a way to understand the inherent unity of worship and education and proposes a structure of ecclesial life in which each is necessary to the other. Putting education and worship in conversation yields new clarity regarding the liturgical nature of ministry and the micro- and macroscopic perspectives of education. Significant implications are drawn, especially with respect to the important insights that an educational perspective can bring to pastoral leadership in the community.  相似文献   

Various theoretical concepts such as plasticity, competence, and potential have recently been applied to underline the possibility of later‐life development and change. Value and limitations of these concepts are discussed in view of learning in later life. A review of the special case of Austria and the educational attainments of its elderly indicates that social reality is slow in its transformation and that the disadvantageous educational achievements credited to today's older people hardly encourage them in pursuing later‐life studies. The paper reports results obtained by means of two questionnaires filled out by older students and teachers. This empirical investigation examines the influence of societal norms, social setting in institution‐related learning situations (age‐homogeneity vs. age‐heterogeneity), and instructors’ attitudes toward older students. The results demonstrate that permanent education and proper stimulation of the learning processes depend on a complex relationship between (competent) individuals, their social surroundings, and learning conditions that often prove unfavorable.  相似文献   

高等教育研究中的"范式"与"视角"辨析   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
范式在科学研究中提供的是一种基于对世界根本看法的方法论体系。在具体研究方法的层面或学科制度层面上使用范式这一概念,显得过于宽泛。判定一门学科是否成立的基本依据不是是否确立了某种范式,而是是否具有严密的范畴体系和以此为共同话语的学术群体任何一种研究视角都意味着一套从基本的范畴、命题到方法原则构成的特定“话语系统”。学科性视角与方法论视角是两种既有联系又有差别的视角。高等教育研究中的不同范式之争还会继续下去,而多学科研究的方法也不会从高等教育研究的视野中消失。  相似文献   

全球教育治理-鸟瞰国际组织在世界教育发展中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球教育治理已见端倪。国际组织对世界教育产生了重大影响,主要体现在重视人力资本、倡导教育平等、发动全民教育、开展国际评估、统一大学学制、构建学习化社会等几个方面。各个国家应当关注国际组织在教育发展上的政策优先点.作为制定本国教育政策的参照,并努力建设独具特色的教育系统和政策体系,由此奠定国际教育治理的"和而不同"。  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Tyson Lewis theorizes current lockdown practices, zero-tolerance policies, and No Child Left Behind initiatives in U.S. schooling by drawing on Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben's analysis of the concentration camp and the state of exception. Agamben's theory of the camp provides a challenging, critical vantage point for looking at the ambiguities that emerge from the complex field of disciplinary procedures now prevalent in inner-city, low-income, minority schools, and helps to clarify what exactly is at stake in the symbolic and sometimes physical violence of schooling. Key to understanding the primary relation between camp and classroom is Agamben's framework of the biopolitical, which paradoxically includes life as a political concern through its exclusion from the political sphere. Here Lewis appropriates Agamben's terminology in order to theorize the biopedagogical, wherein educational life is included in schooling through its abandonment. For Lewis, the theory of the camp is necessary to recognizing how schools function and, in turn, how they could function differently.  相似文献   

There are two universities in Slovenia which undertake research and teaching and offer professional services. The quality of the research performed by faculty members is assured by strict quantitative bibliographical criteria employed in the faculty rank award procedure. The criteria for teaching quality are less well defined. The new Higher Education Act of 1993, organized university staff development, the appearance of an integrated information system, and student evaluation of faculty teaching performance with the aid of student questionnaires can all be regarded as extrinsic assistance to intrinsic efforts on the part of faculty, students, and their organizations. Slovenia will endeavour to broaden and deepen its co‐operation with international organizations and foundations in the field of quality assessment and improvement of higher education institutions, particularly the quality of the teaching they offer.  相似文献   

In this essay, Steven Burik discusses Jacques Derrida's position with regard to the place of education in philosophy within the university system, and then relates these thoughts to comparative philosophy. Philosophers find themselves constantly having to defend philosophy and the importance of teaching philosophy against pressure from the powers that be. Burik contends that the argument Derrida set forth to "protect" philosophy entails a double bind: Derrida emphasized the value and importance of philosophical thinking while at the same time criticizing the limits of philosophy, both self-mandated and externally imposed. Derrida's defense of philosophy was anything but a protection of the status quo, according to Burik. Derrida ultimately argued that the teaching of philosophy and philosophy itself should be inherently open to new developments. Burik relates Derrida's defense of philosophy and attack on mainstream philosophy to comparative philosophy, demonstrating that both argue for an expansion of thinking beyond the narrow Western confines of philosophy as "pure" reason or rationality by showing how alterity always inserts itself, and that both seek to give this alterity a valid place in educational systems.  相似文献   

自由教育与美好生活-施特劳斯学派自由教育观述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要梳理了以列奥·施特劳斯以及艾兰·布鲁姆为代表的施特劳斯学派的自由教育观。为了更清晰地理解这一学派的自由教育观念,本文首先评述了他们之反思的哲学起点(对现代性的反思与对相对主义的抨击)和现实起点(现代民主制度下自由教育的危机),继而就“美好生活”和“伟大著作”这两大主题提炼出该学派的自由教育主张及其背后的政治教育意蕴。本文认为,施特劳斯学派的教育主张是一种精英主义的教育观,他们对经典名著的推崇,对于德性与教养教育的标举,值得我们深入思考。  相似文献   

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