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This qualitative study examined the impact of mentoring relationships upon preservice and inservice teachers' literacy instruction. Twenty-two undergraduate students seeking teacher certification were assigned in pairs to tutor primary school students in a university reading clinic. Eleven classroom teachers seeking reading specialist certification conducted ten mentoring sessions with each pair of preservice teachers. Purposeful sampling was used to select three of the mentoring teams for data analysis. In two out of three teams, results indicated that preservice teachers expanded their instructional strategies as a result of three components of the mentoring relationship: selection of strategies, organization, and non-judgmental support. All inservice teachers reported increased reflection on and adaptation to their instructional strategies. Findings support the conclusion that early mentoring experiences foster growth for both preservice and inservice teachers.  相似文献   

我有一个梦想,梦想全世界的老师都变得和蔼可亲;我有一个理想,希望所有的老师都能够担当起自己的责任;我有一个"妄想","妄想"我要是当了教育部长……嘿嘿。梦想终究不太现实,因为这个世界上还有很多的烦恼忧伤;理想却一定可以实现,我看到美好的前景就在远方。至于"妄想"嘛,呵呵,还是算了吧。  相似文献   

<正>江苏省连云港市是一个依山傍海的美丽城市,生长于此,从某种意义上说,港城山的高远与海的博大为我的个人树立了成长目标。我成长过程中的各位师长更是我的"山"与"海",是他们让我懂得  相似文献   

Many so‐called brain‐based educational approaches have been strongly criticized for their lack of empirical support and occasionally for their use of pseudoscientific concepts. As a result, several use the term neuromyths to refer to false beliefs or misinterpretations regarding neuroscientific facts. We surveyed both teachers and student teachers concerning their agreement toward hemispheric dominance, modality dominance, and the Brain Gym© method. Results suggest that teachers as well as student teachers believe in the reality of hemispheric and modality dominance but only a few were aware of the Brain Gym© method. Correlation analyses show moderate relationships across different beliefs and/or their perceived benefits in education. Teachers believed more than student teachers in hemispheric dominance and its pedagogical relevance. Together with other studies, the results suggest that teachers and student teachers could benefit from appropriate training in this new field of research.  相似文献   

好的老师能作出解释。出色的老师会表演示范。伟大的老师则知道如何激励学生。——威廉·沃德It’s hard to think about what life would be like without teachers. Who would guide you through  相似文献   

新一轮课程改革已经在我省14个地市展开,我省广大教师能否适应新课程.是新课程实验能否成功的关键。各级各类培训都应懂得.大多数教师都已形成由许多旧的教学传统、教学观念、教学方法、教学评价所综合构成的教学习惯,因此.各级各类培训都要以帮助教师在实施新课程中转变角色为核心内容,并把帮助教师角色转变渗透到提高本学科专业知识的培训中。但从理论研究到教师在教育教学实践中完成角色转变,有一个艰难的过程。从事继续教育工作的同志,要在教师培训中开动脑筋,充分利用当地的教学资源,完成好新课程培训。  相似文献   


The role of emotions in learning and teaching has largely been neglected in educational literature, particularly in higher education. Yet there are signs of increased interest in emotions in recent literature. This paper argues that emotions are a vital aspect of relationships. How we feel with and about others is central to the quality of those relationships. Thus, emotions matter in college teaching and learning as an aspect of enriching social and relational experiences that support student development. This paper discusses four key relationships in higher education: students with subject matter; students with teachers; students with other students; and students with their developing selves. For each key relationship, key literature is referenced, and suggestions for enhancing practice are offered.  相似文献   


Women Against the Odds The Campus Troublemakers: Academic Women In Protest By Athena Theodore Houston: Cap and Gown Press, 1986 xxiv + 293 pages, $23.95 hardbound, $15.95 softbound. Reviewed by Claire Hirshfield

“Artistry of Discussion Leadership” and Other Skills Teaching and the Case Method By C. Roland Christensen, with Abby J. Hansen Boston: Harvard Business School, 1987, 290 pages, $29.95 Reviewed by Richard Leahy

Valuable Background Reading College: The Undergraduate Experience in America By Ernest L. Boyer, president, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching New York: Harper &; Row, 1987, 328 pages, $19.95 Reviewed by Frederick S. Weaver  相似文献   

一 所谓“智慧型教师”,是指通过教育科研不断探索教育规律,寻求教育实践活动所必需的教育智慧,从而具有高情商、高  相似文献   

高校教师业务档案与师资队伍建设   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
教师业务档案的有助于提高教师评价的客观性、公正性和延续性,有助于在教师中形成良好的竞争激励机制,有助于师资队伍建设的科学决策。因此,高校应做好教师业务档案的收集与管理工作,努力实现教师业各档案管理的科学化、规范化,从而推动师资队伍建设。  相似文献   

,r百习L干总以精耕细作的方式总以老黄牛的面孔出现此时此刻我宁愿您是位拖拉机手把阳光、自信与效率撒满田野把青春、希望与未来写满蓝天此时此刻我宁愿您是位牧羊人用鞭子抛甩粉弯弯的山径让羊儿满山跑总在温室里同书包一同生长总在虚拟的空间里咀翻黑色铅字此时此刻我多想让  相似文献   

不久前召开的全国加强和改进大学生思想政治教育工作座谈会指出,要坚持专职教师队伍与兼职教师队伍相结合,确保思想政治教育卓有成效,努力提高大学生思想政治教育工作科学化水平.这一论述具有很强的针对性和指导性,为思想政治教育工作队伍建设指明了方向.  相似文献   

卓越教师的基本特点是师德高尚、专业基础扎实、教育教学能力和自我发展能力突出。而事实上,大约在两千多年前,我国教育家孔子已经很好地诠释了这些特点。师德高尚,德育为先;学识渊博,科学育人;启发式思想,多样化教学方法;终身学习,学而不厌等,这既体现了其为师的具体素质特征,也有其培养学生的具体方法。  相似文献   

培养高素质专业化的师资队伍,是高等师范院校发展的重要组成.该文着重谈了新时代对人才培养和基础教育师资的要求、高等师范院校如何培养自己的师资队伍以及高等师范院校教师如何培养未来基础教育师资队伍.  相似文献   

师德建设是一项伟大的、系统的工程,只有广大教师的自觉参与,师德建设才能真正落实到实处,才能不断引向深入,才能把学生培养成为有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的现代人才.  相似文献   

一般教师向优秀教师转变是教师成长的基本轨迹。稳定而持久的职业动力、较强的自我完善和自我监控能力是优秀教师的主要特征。一般教师向优秀教师转变的策略主要有愿景性策略、主体性策略、方法性策略、知识性策略与情感性策略等。  相似文献   

The ideas of teacher educators and teachers on in‐service training courses do not necessarily concur. This, in the eye of the author, is one of the reasons for the rather general disappointment with in‐service training among teachers in Italy. A small survey among secondary school teachers was made in Ivrea, Italy, by one of their colleagues, who took part in the 1977 ATEE conference in Trieste. The teachers were asked for their preferences as to the time of the courses, subjects and method. The presentation of the results is not only a quantitative one; the material offered enough possibilities to illustrate the statistics of this small scale survey.  相似文献   


The primary purpose was to determine the specific reading skill retention of 460 primary grade pupils over the summer recess after different incentive conditions had been applied with their classroom teachers during the academic year. Incentive treatments included a monitoring group, an informational feedback group, and a monetary incentive group. Analysis of variance showed that significant differences between treatment groups occurred in about ten percent of all instances. Analysis of variance treatment across groups revealed significant losses on seven skills and significant gains on five skills.  相似文献   

教师专业化视野中的小学教师培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过教师的专业化提升教师的素质是保证新课程实施成功的关键之一。教师专业化是教师职业能力动态发展的过程,教师教育是教师专业化的起点。教师专业化要突破狭窄的学科专业性,超越教育技术理性主义,从动态性、全面性和人文性来把握。小学教师的专业化应当与中学教师的专业化有别,适合九年义务教育阶段的教师培养可依生源的不同采取多种模式。  相似文献   

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