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Usually special factors thought to correlate with music are taken as tools for measuring musical ability: pitch, rhythm, musical intelligence. It is expected that these tests will differentiate between people. Here elements of an approach to using the unity of music itself for differentation are offered, based on the hypothesis that a musical composition might, in a later stage of development, not only correlate highly with validated ability tests but, because of its closeness to real life, make a positive contribution to the further development of musical ability tests.  相似文献   

非音乐专业学生的普通音乐教学,旨在培养学生的音乐素质和艺术修养,对这些学生的音乐教学首先应从简谱教学入手,让学生尽快的解决识谱问题,尽快的跨入音乐殿堂的大门,培养他们感知音乐的能力,开发他们的智力,陶冶他们的情操。  相似文献   


Language for children who have special educational needs is generally recognised to be an educational objective in its own right. In the last decade, the pragmatic perspective has currently focussed attention on the contexts within which the structures of language develop and are used. It is suggested that naturalistic interactions between children and adults provide appropriate contexts for language learning. The focus of the present study was to examine the possible relationship between a musical context and language learning. A group of six language‐impaired children was studied in two routinized contexts, a lesson‐without‐music and a singing session. Child‐teacher talk in the musical and non‐musical contexts was analysed using a conversational participation coding system, which included measures of turn‐taking, initiation and imitation. The findings suggest that the addition of music to a routinized context has the potential to increase the language‐impaired child's ability to interact non‐verbally.  相似文献   

This paper describes an investigation into the nature of musical intelligence and its links with creativity across two continents, Europe and Africa. In seeking to indentify the intellectual processes associated with musical intelligence, improvised music was examined as an example of problem solving in this domain. Twenty-four musicians (twelve European and twelve Zimbabwean) functioning at three different levels of expertise - novices, experienced practitioners and professionals - were invited to perform two pieces of improvisation and to reflect upon their performances. An empirical phenomenological approach to analysis was employed. The results show that musical intelligence in this form is both contextually bound but also takes the form of self-expression, self-actualisation, story telling, communication, and social critique. Different levels of ability are illustrated by different levels of abstraction in processing.  相似文献   

Following a short discussion of conceptual and theoretical problems of giftedness, the methodological foundations and selected results of a (presently) four year longitudinal study are presented. This study is based on a multidimensional concept of giftedness: intelligence, creativity, social competence, musical ability, psychomotor ability (or practical intelligence). Both academic achievements and leisure activities, as well as cognitive and motivational personality factors and school and family socialisation conditions relevant to giftedness, were studied. During the second project phase developmental aspects and achievement analyses of gifted and normal students aged 6 to 18 years were the central aspects of the study. Finally, methodological problems in the identification of gifted children and adolescents as well as consequences for the nurturing of giftedness are discussed.  相似文献   

A savant is a person with intellectual disability who demonstrates one or more skills above the level expected of someone without intellectual disability. These skills take the form of exceptional musical, artistic or mechanical abilities, prodigious memorization or mathematical talents, and most commonly, the ability to calculate with rapidity the day of the week upon which any given date, past or future, falls. Reported throughout much of this century as objects of amazement, and familiar through the popular press to the general public, there has been a recent surge in experimental studies attempting to describe components of the development of savant abilities, and to determine mental processes used to accomplish these tasks. This survey examines the psychological aspects of the savant syndrome, focusing on the means by which certain abilities, particularly calendar calculation, are accomplished, and highlighting variables postulated as important for development of the syndrome. Implications for the education of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities are discussed, including the relevance of this literature to theories of general intelligence.  相似文献   

"五河民歌"是淮河音乐文化的杰出代表,它和其他民间艺术一起,世代伴随着五河人民的劳动与生活,映射着五河人民的独有的精神追求和对生活的希冀。千百年来,它一直流传于淮河两岸,经久不衰。它以优美的旋律、丰富的审美内涵和独特的韵味反映出了五河人民生产与生活方式,折射出他们的风土人情与智慧。从民歌的地理环境、民歌的历史概况、民歌的音乐特征和民歌的歌词艺术审美等方面进行探究,有助于我们更全面地把握该民歌的艺术特征。  相似文献   

This was the first study to integrate Rosenbaum's concept of learned resourcefulness with Dweck's implicit theories of intelligence in predicting university students' academic self‐control behaviour and year‐end grades. Rosenbaum highlights the prominent role that learned resourcefulness skills play in promoting mastery responses and goal attainment during difficult situations. Dweck, on the other hand, describes how students' beliefs about intelligence direct their goal‐setting preferences and correspondent reactions to disappointing performance outcomes. Students completed self‐report measures assessing their learned resourcefulness skills, academic self‐control skills, academic self‐efficacy, theories of intelligence, goal orientation, and attributions for academic failure. Our findings supported the integrated approach to understanding academic goal attainment. Students who reported engaging in academic self‐control behaviours possessed a better‐developed repertoire of general self‐control skills, believed in their academic ability to succeed, applied more effort in response to academic setbacks, valued learning something new in class more than merely getting good grades, and actually obtained higher grades. Theories of intelligence had an indirect association with academic self‐control through ability attributions. Directions for future research are noted.  相似文献   

This paper reports on four studies that were all concerned with cognitive and non‐cognitive correlates of proofreading (PR) ability. A new, five‐minute PR test was devised and piloted. In the first pilot study (N = 191) it was correlated with a verbal reasoning test. In the second study (N = 103) PR scores were regressed onto measures of personality: approach to learning, general and fluid intelligence (verbal reasoning) as well as a test of general knowledge. All three cognitive ability measures were significant predictors of PR but when entered together, general knowledge alone remained significant and accounted for a third of the variance. The third study (N = 95) was similar, except it also included a measure of typical intellectual engagement. Fluid intelligence (verbal reasoning) and openness were the only significant predictors of PR. In the fourth study (N = 249) participants completed four tests: PR, fluid intelligence (verbal reasoning), vocabulary and spelling. PR was consistently correlated with verbal reasoning but more strongly correlated with measures of crystallised intelligence, namely general knowledge and vocabulary. Implications and limitations are considered.  相似文献   

中小学生自我监控学习能力的发展及影响因素研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究拟探讨不同地区、不同民族、不同年龄中小学生自我监控学习能力的发展特点及其影响因素。研究选取昆明地区和德宏州小学五年级到高中二年级的汉族、傣族、景颇族学生,通过量表、问卷和访谈方式了解学生自我监控学习能力的发展状况,通过相关分析、方差分析法探讨与智力、非智力因素、认知风格间的关系。结果发现不同地区、不同民族间学生自我监控学习能力差异并不明显;学生的年龄、智力、非智力因素与自我监控学习能力间有显相关;学生的认知风格对自我监控学习能力有一定影响,影响的强度和维度因年级的不同而有所不同。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship among sex, attitude toward intelligence, and self‐estimation of multiple intelligences for self and parents among Portuguese adolescents in secondary schools. Two hundred and forty‐two adolescents estimated their own and their parents' IQ scores on each of Gardner's 10 multiple intelligences: verbal (linguistic), logical (mathematical), spatial, musical, body‐kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, existential, spiritual, and naturalistic. They also answered six simple questions concerning intelligence and intelligence tests. There were various sex differences in self‐estimated IQ: males rated themselves higher on overall, mathematical, spatial, intrapersonal, spiritual, and naturalistic IQ compared with females. Multiple regressions indicated that verbal, logical, and intrapersonal intelligence were significant predictors for self and parents overall IQ estimations. Factor analysis of the 10, the 8, and the 7 self‐estimates scores did not confirm Gardner's classification of multiple intelligences. Males were more likely to believe in sex differences in intelligence than females. Results are discussed in terms of the growing literature in the self‐estimates of intelligence, as well as limitations of that approach.  相似文献   

欧洲艺术歌曲的曲体结构多以三段体或多段体的形式呈现,而变奏曲体的结构形式较为罕见,以李斯特的《紫罗兰》和《樱草花》两首变奏曲体歌曲为例,分析了变奏曲体以何种方式彰显歌词强调的景象,以何种方式变化调性取得戏剧性效果,总结其蕴含的规律,为演唱者精准把握作品变奏部分歌唱旋律与伴奏的融合、音乐情绪处理对情感表达的影响提供理论指导。  相似文献   

导游服务工作的特点要求导游人员具有丰富的知识和高强的能力,因此,作为培养导游专业人才的职业学校,应该采用先进的教学理论和教学模式,提高教学效果,培养出合格的学生。经过理论和实践的探索发现,多元智能理论和多媒体技术适应这个要求。具体的教学方法包括:设置情景,以境触情;放映示范,激活智能;模拟实战,凸现能力。  相似文献   

In the multiple intelligence framework, newer and more contextualized cognitive tasks are suggested as alternative to more traditional psychometric tests. The purpose of this article is to examine whether or not these two types of instruments converge into a general factor of cognitive performance. Thus, the Battery of General and Differential Aptitudes (BADyG: reasoning, memory, verbal aptitude, numerical aptitude and spatial aptitude) and a set of Gardner's multiple intelligence assessment tasks (linguistic, logical, visual/spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, naturalistic and musical intelligences) were administered to 294 children aged 5 to 7. The confirmatory factor analysis points out the absence of a common general factor considering both batteries, indicating instead the existence of two general factors, which gather the tests that encompass them. Also, these two general factors correspond to traditional and multiple intelligence assessments and show a statistically moderate correlation between them. These results challenge Gardner's original position on refusing a general factor of intelligence, especially when considering the cognitive dimensions measured which do not coincide with the more traditional tests of intelligence.  相似文献   

创造性思维是人类心理活动的高级过程,是以感知、记忆、思考、联想、理解等能力为基础,以综合性、探索性和求新性特征的高级心理活动,是一种具有开创意义的、开拓人类认识新领域、开创人类认识新成果的思维活动,属于思维中的特异性思维范畴。创造性思维能力是衡量个体智力发展水平的重要指标,亦是个体从事生产和学习活动必不可少的重要因素。在倡导创造是民族灵魂、动力之源的今天,创造性思维的地位及作用显得尤为重要。基于此,本文就如何开展对创造性思维能力发展的研究给出一个宏观的思路,并着重关注影响因子。  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that children with reading difficulties show impaired auditory rhythm perception and impairments in musical beat perception tasks. Rhythmic musical interventions with poorer readers may thus improve rhythmic entrainment and consequently improve reading and phonological skills. Here we compare the effects of a musical intervention for poor readers with a software intervention of known efficacy based on rhyme training and phoneme‐grapheme learning. The research question was whether the musical intervention would produce gains of comparable effect sizes to the phoneme‐grapheme intervention for children who were falling behind in reading development. Broadly, the two interventions had similar benefits for literacy, with large effect sizes.  相似文献   

For some time there has been debate about differing perspectives on musical gift and musical intelligence. One view is that musical gift is innate: that it is present in certain individuals from birth and that the task of the teacher is to develop the potential which is there. A second view is that musical gift is a complex concept which includes responses from individuals to different environments and communities (Howe and Sloboda, 1997). This then raises the possibility that musical excellence can be taught. We have already explored this idea with practising musicians ( ). Our research has now expanded to include music teachers in formation, and, in this paper, we look at the influences in their musical development which have either ‘crystallised’ or ‘paralysed’ the musical talent which they possess. Our research has a comparative dimension, being carried out in Scotland and in Australia. We conclude that there are several key influences in the musical development of the individual, including home and community support, school opportunities and teaching styles and that there may be education and culture‐specific elements to these influences.  相似文献   

本文采用个案研究方法,运用多元智能理论,对一名自闭症儿童进行音乐智能开发培养的训练,将孩子独特而敏感的音乐智能发掘出来,以弥补她在其他智能方面表现出来的缺陷,使其特长能力和艺术感觉得到充分的发展。研究表明:利用多元智能理论对自闭症孩子进行音乐智能开发培养,能够取得比较理想的效果。由此推出,对部分具有特殊艺术天赋的自闭症孩子进行专才培养,是特校艺术教师努力的一个方向。  相似文献   

This study reanalyzes data presented by Ritchie, Bates, and Plomin (2015) who used a cross‐lagged monozygotic twin differences design to test whether reading ability caused changes in intelligence. The authors used data from a sample of 1,890 monozygotic twin pairs tested on reading ability and intelligence at five occasions between the ages of 7 and 16, regressing twin differences in intelligence on twin differences in prior intelligence and twin differences in prior reading ability. Results from a state–trait model suggest that reported effects of reading ability on later intelligence may be artifacts of previously uncontrolled factors, both environmental in origin and stable during this developmental period, influencing both constructs throughout development. Implications for cognitive developmental theory and methods are discussed.  相似文献   

创造性思维是人类心理活动的高级过程,是以感知、记忆、思考、联想、理解等能力为基础,以综合性、探索性和求新性特征的高级心理活动,是一种具有开创意义的、开拓人类认识新领域、开创人类认识新成果的思维活动,属于思维中的特异性思维范畴.创造性思维能力是衡量个体智力发展水平的重要指标,亦是个体从事生产和学习活动必不可少的重要因素.在倡导创造是民族灵魂、动力之源的今天,创造性思维的地位及作用显得尤为重要.基于此,本文就如何开展对创造性思维能力发展的研究给出一个宏观的思路,并着重关注影响因子.  相似文献   

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