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It is possible that some outdated ideas about ‘management’ in our field are constraining our preparation of new educational technologists to lead education organizations in the Knowledge Age? This paper takes an interdisciplinary stance to examine educational administration, education technology and complexivist thinking about leadership in our field. It begins with a critical analysis using one of six educational leadership/administration knowledge “contexts” - leadership vs. management - to unpack our field’s existing position on the topic (English, 2011). For parsimony, the other five contexts are mentioned briefly throughout this paper: (2) organizing and institutions and (3) Policy and governance. (4) Finance and Human Resources; (5) Change and Innovation and (6) Learning and technology. Other articles in this Special Edition of Tech Trends testify that outstanding, effective leadership exists in small, medium and large organizations every day around the world because of educational technologists doing amazing work in various contexts. This article suggests a frame for expanding our field’s epistemology for in-program and emerging educational technologists to build their capability to lead organizations that learn in a Knowledge Age.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine how interdisciplinary teaching teams were used in a newly opened Midwestern middle school to produce a work environment different from the one found in most traditionally organized schools. Five salient features of the work environment are described: organization around interdisciplinary teams, shared leadership, focus on children, the influence of the principal, and integrated programming for children. The article includes an analysis of how interdisciplinary teaching teams at this school affected some traditionally problematic aspects of teachers' work. Interdisciplinary teams are discussed as one illustration of self-managing work groups in school organizations.An earlier version of this article was presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, April 7, 1988.  相似文献   

面对学科间交叉融合日益密切的时代特征,跨学科研究生培养成为世界研究生教育改革发展的重要趋势.在分析了特色行业大学开展跨学科研究生培养的现实意义和存在问题的基础上,提出了行业特色大学着力推进跨学科研究生培养的举措:以优势学科为主体,建立跨学科研究平台促进形成跨学科研究生培养的良好氛围;充分发挥与行业结合紧密和特色学科的优...  相似文献   

Although the advances in technology since the start of this century have produced a communications revolution, they have also led to very serious problems of environmental degradation and resource depletion. The slow stabilization of the rate of population growth is a partial solution to these problems, but many other problems remain. The best chance for solving the latter will come through the successful harnessing of communications and education, a process that is well underway. Distance education vectored by the new information technologies are powerful supplements to traditional methods of education and will propagate world‐wide the synthesis of leadership and liberal education for participatory democracy.  相似文献   

作为智能化社会的学科基础要素,大数据正在驱动着高等教育系统的范式变革。美国普渡大学一体化数据科学首倡计划发起的跨学科学术组织变革,强调以跨学科学位项目与学科交叉课程、学科会聚研究计划与研究团队、服务性学习数据社区与主题工作坊、产教融合的数据科学校企合作模式构建高校数据科学教育生态系统。值此加强新时代教育科学研究的战略契机,以"数据+"引导多学科会聚和教育模式创新,打造面向真实世界的数据科学实践社区,建设校企协同产教融合共同体,加快培育大学生数据思维和校园数据文化,将有助于高等教育治理体系改革和治理能力现代化的实现。  相似文献   

We present a developing distributed cognition theory of interdisciplinary collaboration that incorporates concepts from both situated cognition and information-processing theory. This theoretical framework is being refined as it is used for analyzing interdisciplinary collaboration within the National Institute for Science Education (NISE). Our analyses are intended to improve scientific understanding of collaborative processes that influence productivity and quality of interdisciplinary work within the NISE and beyond. A critical group meeting in the early development of one interdisciplinary working team is analyzed using language and ideas from our theoretical perspective.  相似文献   

This essay examines the role of information-processing theories in the historical search for a guiding metaphor of educational psychology. First, I show how information processing can be viewed as the second in a series of three metaphors that developed during this century and, more specifically, as a bridge from associationist to constructivist visions of learning. Second, I provide a definition of information processing based on the premise that humans are processors of information. Third, I distinguish between literal and constructivist interpretations of two key elements in information-processing; theory, namely, the nature of information and the nature of processing. Then, I summarize the contributions and limitations of the information-processing approach. Finally, I examine possible future directions for the search for educational psychology's guiding metaphor.  相似文献   

生物的遗传进化过程与信息加工模型的认知过程在一定程度上具有很多相似之处。如果将心理学和计算神经科学的研究成果应用于学校的学习与教学实践,就可以大大改变目前学校教育中不尽如人意的地方,如遗传算法对信息加工的模拟强调信息的输入、编码、环境刺激的强弱程度,对学生正确、快速反应的影响就很大。  相似文献   

A model of the cognitive structures and processes thought to compose the human information-processing system is presented. Possible difficulties in processing information are discussed because these may contribute to client problems and concerns. Recent work in applying understandings, from human information processing to an elucidation of client change in counseling, is reviewed. Information-processing models of client-centered and rational-emotive counseling are constructed that relate counseling skills and strategies employed in these approaches to hypothesized client cognitive changes. An integrated view of client cognitive change in counseling also is presented. Possible directions for research and theorizing in counseling and counselor education from the perspective of human information processing are mentioned briefly.  相似文献   

《教学的重要性:学校白皮书2010》 的颁布标志着英国力争创建世界一流的学校教育体系的教育发展愿景进入实质性改革阶段.白皮书指出:英国将从促进教师专业发展、提高校长领导素质、推进课程评估改革、创建新型学校制度和加大学校经费投入等几个方面来着手推进基础教育阶段学校教育体系的全面改革.这些举措为我国当前基础教育改革与发展提供了有益启示.  相似文献   


Problem-based learning has been described for use in medical education and is thought to be a superior approach to traditional didactic methods. We describe the use of PBL as an innovative approach to the education and training of social workers on an interdisciplinary health care team. An actual PBL case is described, and a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages to this approach is presented. The use of PBL on interdisciplinary teams helps educate social workers to work effectively on teams, and educates other professionals about the social work role and how to utilize social work services effectively.  相似文献   

Advances in information and communication technology are changing organisations, including those in educational settings. Old practices are being altered, and new practices, spaces and possibilities created. The changes are such that it is timely to consider whether our current leadership conceptions remain useful. In non‐educational sectors there is an emerging body of opinion and empirical research that is focusing on what is termed “e‐leadership”. Whilst e‐leadership is a recently constructed concept, with considerable conceptual ambiguity, there are significant differences in leading technology‐mediated environments. These environments appear to place greater emphasis on the ability of leaders to cope with paradoxes and dilemmas and the associated behavioural complexity, to communicate with team members and establish an appropriate social climate and to be able to convey exemplary interpersonal skills through the associated technology. There is a greater emphasis on dispersed leadership. In some situations, such as anonymous groups, formal leadership may be detrimental to group performance. More research is needed, but even at the early stage of the development of e‐leadership it is clear that leadership in technology‐mediated environments needs to be carefully considered. As more examples of these environments are developed in educational settings, e­‐leadership will become an important part of our view of educational leadership.  相似文献   

The deaf education profession faces a critical juncture. First, the 2006 leadership crisis that swept deaf education's flagship institution--Gallaudet University--will propel professionals to think deeply about promoting diversity, equity, and access in deaf education teacher and leadership preparation programs. Second, personnel shortages require attention: Teacher and leadership voids in university and K-12 programs loom if training efforts are not increased. Teaching and leadership needs center on three challenges: (a) understanding the changing demographic composition of the student, teacher, and leadership populations; (b) developing an evolving curriculum founded on research-based practices; (c) continuing to enlarge the knowledge base through applied research in the social sciences. Two case studies examine teacher training and leadership programs at universities that address these challenges. The importance of workplace deaf-hearing bicultural teams is examined. Implications for the preparation of teacher and leadership personnel in deaf education are discussed.  相似文献   

Teacher team involvement is considered a key factor in achieving sustainable innovation in higher education. This requires engaging in team learning behaviors that should result in new knowledge and solutions. However, university teachers are not used to discussing their work practices with one another and tend to neglect any innovation in their tasks. Team leadership behavior is often considered essential for stimulating team learning behavior, but it is unclear how this transpires. Therefore, the present study explores university teacher team members’ perceptions of team learning behavior, their assigned task, and leadership behaviors in their team. Interviews were conducted with 16 members of different teacher teams at a university of applied sciences. Findings included that the vast majority of the team learning behaviors only involved sharing ideas; engaging in constructive conflicts and co-constructions was not observed. Only a few teams combined all three team learning behaviors. In these teams, members observed that existing methods and solutions were no longer adequate, with leaders appearing to combine transformational and transactional behaviors, but operating from a distance without actively interfering in the process. Furthermore, these team members shared leadership behaviors while focusing on the team as a whole, instead of solving problems at individual level. This strongly indicates that task perception and specific vertical and shared team leadership behaviors play a role in stimulating teachers in seeking controversy and co-constructing new knowledge.  相似文献   

领导人才重要性思想是邓小平理论的重要组成部分。根据新的时期、新的任务对领导人才新的需求,可以认为,领导人才问题是人才的中心问题;班子建设是领导人才队伍建设的关键;造就大量可用之才是领导人才的基础。  相似文献   

Almost all of the emphasis within interdisciplinary education in geriatrics has focused on the training of clinical teams, to the exclusion of an appreciation for the unique issues facing educational teams. This paper explores the perils and payoffs of the development and implementation of an interdisciplinary curriculum by an inter-institutional faculty team at the Rhode Island Geriatric Education Center (RIGEC). Following a discussion of the principles and concepts guiding the development of the curriculum - an interdisciplinary team approach, a goal-based focus, and continuous quality improvement - the structure and implementation of the curriculum development are described. Special attention is directed toward process and outcome evaluation issues. Lastly, recommendations related to the educational team process are suggested as guidelines for faculty developing academic teams in gerontology and geriatrics. Overall, the unique and multifaceted challenges of educational teams are highlighted and lessons learned from the RIGEC experience summarized.  相似文献   

Servant leadership is a leadership style complementary to a lifestyle of recovery from a substance use disorder. Across the country, thousands of students in recovery from substance use disorders are pursuing higher education. Support for students in recovery is increasing, primarily through collegiate recovery programs (CRP) that are being implemented to support student recovery, education and personal development. Servant leadership has been used successfully by many business, organizations, religions, and educational systems. In the 1960s, Robert Greenleaf brought new attention to the concept when he began writing about his observations and experiences in the business world. According to Greenleaf, many businesses and organizations had lost sight of their role and responsibility to serve others. The main philosophy of servant leadership is service to others, and through service, others will look to the one serving for leadership. This article is intended to share elements of servant leadership and how these elements can be implemented into a CRP to promote and foster the growth and development of students in recovery.  相似文献   

This continuous research within Nordic engineering institutions targets the contexts and possibilities for leadership among engineering education program directors. The IFP-model, developed based on analysis of interviews with program leaders in these institutions, visualizes the program director’s informal and formal power. The model is presented as a tool for starting a shared discussion on the complexities of the leadership of engineering program development. The authors liken program development to hunting in teams. Each individual expert in the program is needed, and all experts will need to work and collaborate for the same target. This calls for strategic and long-term thinking of engineering education development. Institutions should support the development of both formal structures as well as informal leadership skills among their program directors, but never fall for the temptation to see the program director as the only actor on the stage.  相似文献   

A central problem in higher education is how to best develop in students interdisciplinary thinking and application skills necessary to work and engage effectively in the twenty-first century. Traditional university structures make addressing this problem especially challenging. Using as a model courses with diverse perspectives on water taught by teams of interdisciplinary faculty, we explore one successful approach. We highlight the importance of institutional infrastructure and pedagogical strategies that nurtured our approach and allowed it to work.  相似文献   

Although governments throughout the world invest heavily in education, they spend remarkably little to monitor and evaluate their investment. Management of most of the world's education systems is done without adequate information and analysis. The international education database is often unreliable, and leaves out crucial measures of quality, process and output. Education research does not receive the same priority as research on agriculture, health or the economy. These shortcomings are due in part to the limited professional capacity most countries have to gather education statistics and carry out education research, along with strong resistance by educators and policymakers to being evaluated. Improvements will depend heavily on greater commitment at the political level to measuring education outputs, and on the emergence of global leadership in promoting comprehensive, reliable assessments of education systems.  相似文献   

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