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CEPES is in charge of the feasibility study on The University of the Peoples of Europe. This note gives an outline of what has been done until now and what further plans are. ECTS ‐ European Community Course Transfer System ‐ is conceived to ease academic mobility and recognition by providing a common credit system. 84 institutions of higher education or consortia participate during the pilot phase 1989/90‐1994/95.  相似文献   

Inspired by the coining together of the various countries of Europe, by the rebirth, at all levels, of interest in the common European identity, and by the growing European consensus as to the importance of the university as a major pan‐European cultural institution, the author, First Deputy Chairman of the USSR State Committee for Public Education, presents a project for the founding of a University of the Peoples of Europe. What he envisions is primarily a research institution devoted to the study of pan‐European problems of all sorts and the generalization of the solutions. The author suggests outlines of both the possible activities of such a university and of its organization. He believes that the institution should function under the auspices and with the support of Unesco.  相似文献   

This article reviews the Soviet proposal for the establishment of a University of the Peoples of Europe. It outlines the necessary conditions and the arrangements which must be made so that serious planning can get underway. It reiterates the proposed general purposes and objectives of the university and the proposals which have been made with regard to its administrative structure, organization, and working methods. If successfully established, the University of the Peoples of Europe would not only contribute to the solution of all‐European and world problems but would serve as a milestone on the road to European intellectual integration.  相似文献   

Asked to comment on Mr. Felix Peregudov's proposal for the creation of a University of the Peoples of Europe, the author concludes that the Council‐of‐Europe‐sponsored University of Europe that was founded in 1985 has a very similar scope and set of objectives. The latter, however, is an extended university, a network of existing institutions, not a compact institution like that which Mr. Peregudov is proposing. The author considers that a compact institution could not perform the tasks proposed for it in Mr. Peregudov's proposal.  相似文献   

The development of inter‐university co‐operation in Europe is conditioned by such major sets of events'as the evolution of the EC, growing environmental awareness, and the recent revolutionary changes in eastern Europe. Attempts to develop inter‐university cooperation between eastern and western European universities must still cope with the heritage of some forty‐five years of a divided Europe. Such strong points of the eastern European universities as research capacity should be recognized. A very good way to further inter‐university co‐operation on a broad front is through interregional co‐operation, particularly that linking contiguous regions on the East‐West European divide.  相似文献   

The report sums up the role and scope of the various Council of Europe Conventions on the recognition of credentials and qualifications in higher education from 1953 when the first one was signed to the present day. Six documents are presented; four are analysed in some detail. The historical, legal, and educational contexts are discussed as are the core principles with regard to application: Finally some suggestions are made on how to expand the contexts of these conventions and to move towards a diversified all‐European recognition system.  相似文献   

In this article, the author replies to the previous article by Helene Ahrweiler. In general he agrees with Mrs. Ahrweiler but cautions that a true university of Europe must be more than a university “of the twelve” and that, despite all that high technology communications can contribute to the formation of university networks, a common university of Europe should have physical individuality so that a proper student‐teacher rapport can exist.  相似文献   

Universities came into existence in Europe in the Middle Ages in response to the need, variously felt by the rapidly evolving societies of the era, for institutions which could organize advanced training in certain key areas of knowledge. When nniversities have vigorously promoted, responded to, and influenced the development of culture, they have occupied major positions in the intellectual lives of societies. When they have locked themselves into prevailing orthodoxies, they have stagnated, and their privileged positions have been challenged by parallel institutions of humanism and of science. Because universities are so much a part of the unifying elements of European culture as well as being principal initiators of them, they are called upon to contribute to what has been, in recent years, a notable rebirth of interest among Europeans in a reaffirmation of the cultural unity of their continent. Universities are therefore invited to participate in a number of projects sponsored by Unesco, by official and international organizations of the European countries, and by nongovernmental organizations, aimed at furthering European cultural development and unity within diversity by direct and by indirect means.  相似文献   

The recent awareness that humanity is the cause of an environmental crisis has given rise to a growing interest in two new academic disciplines: human ecology and environmental science. Environmental education requires specific techniques which result from its difficult objective: to understand and to teach the complex environmental issues in their entirety and to integrate the traditional monodisciplinary education into interdisciplinary training. Environmental education is well established in most biology and geography departments. An urgent need, however, exists for everyone of us to understand the environment and its governing principles. Therefore, great efforts should be made to further integrate environmental education into all faculties both at the undergraduate and at the postgraduate levels. Universities also have a certain responsibility for the preparation of appropriate numbers of experts to fulfil the needs of the labour market. They cannot be blind to the expertise demanded by society. Therefore, environmental curricula have to be prepared with the tasks of environmental professionals in mind. The environmental crisis cannot be solved by educating the population of the developed, industrialized world alone. To move towards a sustainable development of this planet requires that environmental education be an essential part of general development aid.  相似文献   

欧阳常青  廖明岚 《高教论坛》2003,(6):64-68,F003
本文就建立桂林大学城的原因、价值及其建立的基础进行了深入的探讨,论证了建立桂林大学城的可行性。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,特别是1978 年以后,巴尔扎克的作品在我国大量出版,我国学者在巴尔扎克的介绍和研究方面做了大量工作。50年来,我国在巴尔扎克研究方面取得了一定成绩,研究逐步向深、广发展;对巴尔扎克矛盾复杂的世界观进行了深入的研究;在作品研究方面选题比较集中。当然,对巴尔扎克的研究也存在着不足:有价值的研究性文章不多;不重视方法论;研究范围也比较狭窄  相似文献   

A critical analysis of the current cultural situation and concrete solutions to university problems were the two principal themes of the 8th European University Meeting on “The Foundation of the Future”, which was held in Rome from 1 to 6 April 1977.

The Meeting was organized by the Institute for International Co operation (ICU) in Rome. Over a hundred students from European universities attended the conference. We give below. some conclusions of the Meeting relating to the problems of higher education.  相似文献   

多媒体计算机辅助大学物理实验教学,就是制作某些特殊的多媒体课件,或用来全方位展示物理实验仪器及使用方法;或模拟实验过程、突出实验现象、诠释实验原理;或展示高科技、高成本、稀罕或耗时的实验过程的视频片段。  相似文献   

高等学校的性质和任务决定了教师既是学校教学科研任务的主体,也是办好大学的主要依靠力量,而高校青年教师是新世纪的中坚力量,因而必须认真研究和分析高校青年教师的思想、业务、结构和心理状况,建立有效的激励机制,积极引导他们在事业上获得成功,鼓励他们自觉接受继续教育,正确化解他们的心理矛盾,从而充分调动他们的积极性和创造性,使他们能在未来的事业中担负起历史赋予的使命和责任.  相似文献   

There are a number of international organizations or bodies, which create a framework for international co‐operation in higher education in the European region. (In some cases such co‐operation may involve only some of these countries, while in other instances it may cut across the outer boundaries of the European region).

In 1978 a new organization was created by the Council of Europe's Standing Conference on University Problems (CC‐PU) whose terms of reference are: “as a committee of experts under the authority of the new Council for Cultural Co‐operation (CDCC):

  • to organize or encourage cooperation among European nations in the field of higher education and research;

  • to propose activities to the CDCC for inclusion in the annual programme of activities;

  • to promote relations among European universities and institutions

    of higher education and research”.

The first meeting of CC‐PU was held from 20 to 21 December 1978 in Strasbourg. Professor Dominique Rivier, Rector of the University of Lausanne was elected as its Chairman and as its Vice‐chairman, Professor Paul Sabourin from the Cabinet du Ministre aux Universites (France).

The following information concerns issues discussed during the first meeting of the Conference; these were the Council's Cultural Co‐operation (CDCC) activities in promoting student mobility in the countries of the European Community3 and interrelations between employment and training.  相似文献   

通过对95级学生身体素质测试数据进行统计分析,发现学生的身体素质水平及变化状况,检查体育课及课外体育活动的实施效果,为高校体育教学提供依据。  相似文献   

蔡元培的大学思想受到德国大学理念的影响,这是公论。但蔡元培系统了解德国大学观念的资料来源并不清楚。本文对照德文原文,分析了蔡元培所翻译的包尔生的《德意志大学之特色》一文,得出如下结论:一、包尔生的这一文章是蔡元培系统了解德国的大学历史与观念之始;二、文中关于德国大学及其特色,特别是大学为决定国家民族命运之关键的论述,对蔡元培影响至深,成为他日后大学理念的基础。  相似文献   

The 13th Bi‐annual Conference of the Standing Conference of Rectors and Vice‐Chancellors of European Universities (CRE), held on 21‐22 October 1976 in Athens, discussed the problem of co‐operation between European universities in view of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe.

The participants put more emphasis on the removal of obstacles to existing forms of links between universities than on seeking new ways of inter‐university co‐operation.

Two papers were presented during the conference:

  • “Necessity and evolution in the European Scientific Community” by Professor Zygmunt Rybicki, Rector of Warsaw University;

  • “Difficulties in European Inter‐University Co‐Operation” by Professor Jean Tuscoz, President of Nice University.

The Bureau of CRE prepared a report “The Declaration of Helsinki and the Universities in Europe”, on which the information below is based, It gives an idea of the present state of development of relations between universities in Eastern and Western Europe.  相似文献   

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