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数学教育文化理念是一种高层次的理念,是一种对数学教育教学活动在文化意义上的抽象和提升,是教师在从事数学教学活动中应该具备的一种教育理念。它有其基本内容与特征,有多种分类方法和三种主要实践载体:学术形态、课程形态和教育形态。通过对一些实践做法与体会的总结和反思,可以加深对这一理念的认识,提高实践的层次和水平,以实现数学教育文化理念的应有价值。  相似文献   

目前,一种新的教育发展模式-现行远程开放教育,正受到世界各国政府愈来愈广泛的重视。以开放学习为本质特征的现代远程开放教育,正在世界教育革新潮流的推动下,成为人类社会生活的一项基本内容和教育发展的时代特征。因此,把握远程开放教育的基本理念-教育远程化的理念、教育自由开放的理念、自主学习的理念、教育技术现代化的理念、教学形式多样化的理念,建构知识经济条件下人才培养的新模式,对于现代远程开放教育的健康顺利发展将至关重要。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(3):415-428

The assessment rubric is increasingly gaining recognition as a valuable tool in teaching and learning in higher education. While many studies have examined the value of rubrics for students, research into the lecturers’ usage of rubrics is limited. This article explores the lecturers’ perceptions of rubrics, in particular, its use and design, the role it can play in informing one's teaching practice and in curriculum review and development. The data shows that many lecturers use the rubric in a very mechanical and unconscious manner and view it mostly as a grading tool with limited instructional value. While acknowledging the rubric as a reflective tool for students, lecturers do not perceive it as having the same benefits for them. The findings, therefore suggest more conversations around the role that rubrics can play in informing one's teaching practice and course design. It also suggests further research into this area.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study where rubrics have been used to convey assessment expectations to students (n?=?176) in three different assessment situations in professional education. These situations are: (1) the development of a survey instrument, which was part of a course in statistics and epidemiology; (2) an inspection of a house, which was part of a course about the functions of buildings for real estate brokers and (3) a workshop in communication with patients, which was part of a course in the evaluation of diagnostic procedures and treatments of oral infections in dental education. In all situations, students’ perceptions and uses of the rubrics were investigated. Findings suggest that it is indeed possible to convey expectations to students through the use of rubrics, in the sense that students not only appreciate the efforts to make assessment criteria transparent, but may also use the criteria in order to support and self-assess their performance. Important features of the rubrics, which were found to facilitate students’ understanding and use of the criteria in these situations, are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

A tool for self assessment in secondary art education was developed and tested. The tool includes rubrics for assessing production and reception activities in art education and consists of visual and text rubrics. The criteria in the rubrics are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Visual Literacy which was developed by The European Network of Visual Literacy (ENViL). The way teachers and students use the rubrics, whether they consider them helpful and to what extent students’ self‐assessments are in line with teacher assessments was studied. It was concluded that teachers work with the rubrics intensively and both students and teachers appreciate its visual form. However, it was found that the agreement between teachers and students about the students’ scores was moderate and needed to improve. The results show that it is untrue that students, or boys in particular, overestimate their own performance in art education. The current study contributes to the development of feasible and valid assessment criteria and instruments in secondary art education.  相似文献   

A review of rubric use in higher education   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
This paper critically reviews the empirical research on the use of rubrics at the post‐secondary level, identifies gaps in the literature and proposes areas in need of research. Studies of rubrics in higher education have been undertaken in a wide range of disciplines and for multiple purposes, including increasing student achievement, improving instruction and evaluating programmes. While, student perceptions of rubrics are generally positive and some authors report positive responses to rubric use by instructors, others noted a tendency for instructors to resist using them. Two studies suggested that rubric use was associated with improved academic performance, while one did not. The potential of rubrics to identify the need for improvements in courses and programmes has been demonstrated. Studies of the validity of rubrics have shown that clarity and appropriateness of language is a central concern. Studies of rater reliability tend to show that rubrics can lead to a relatively common interpretation of student performance. Suggestions for future research include the use of more rigorous research methods, more attention to validity and reliability, a closer focus on learning and research on rubric use in diverse educational contexts.  相似文献   


The use of assessment rubrics in the higher education sector is now widespread in a number of disciplines. Typically, these rubrics are constructed by teachers who also tend to be the main users of the rubrics throughout the grading process. In recent years, questions have been raised about this teacher-directed approach and some educators have begun to explore an alternate approach to rubric construction; that is, engaging students in collaboration with their teachers to co-construct assessment rubrics. This paper outlines the processes employed in a project that investigated the co-construction of rubrics within six different contexts. The project aimed to engage students in collaboration with their teachers to co-construct rubrics which are co-owned by teacher and student. A mixed methods approach was utilized to explore the effectiveness of the strategy. Questionnaires, interviews and focus groups were utilized to gather data from both the teacher-participants and student-participants regarding their experiences of being involved in the study. Findings are presented from the perspectives of both students and teachers, relating their views of rubrics and the activity of rubric co-construction. The paper concludes with recommendations for practical approaches to rubric co-construction and future research directions.  相似文献   

Standards-based assessment rubrics are recognised as an important tool for ensuring clear criteria in higher education. Most of the available evidence on rubrics comes from studies with face-to-face undergraduate students. Our study evaluated the introduction of rubrics into a postgraduate subject that included both online and face-to-face students. We conducted formative evaluation with former students to develop the rubrics, as well as surveying current students for process and impact evaluation, supplemented with a focus group. Process results showed that the rubrics were used widely and were generally considered to be of at least some use. Clarity of the rubrics was the main issue affecting perceived usefulness, particularly for the assessment tasks that had undergone comparatively less formative evaluation. Impact evaluation showed mixed results, with students that reported always using rubrics having higher marks on average compared to students who did not always use the rubrics. However, an expected improvement in marks across the whole student cohort compared to previous years did not eventuate, although this could be explained by a number of factors independent of the rubrics. Our results provide some evidence for the use of rubrics in postgraduate and online settings but highlight the need for rigorous formative evaluation.  相似文献   

Rubrics are increasingly used as tools to evaluate student work. This study examined BSW students' perceptions of the benefits and challenges of using rubrics. Pre- and posttest questionnaires were administered to 35 students in two sections of a diversity course. Students judged the use of rubrics favorably. Rubrics communicated the instructors' expectations, clarified how to write course assignments, explained grade and point deductions and, in general, made course expectations clearer. Students suggested that the rubric design should be self-explanatory and easy to follow. If carefully developed, rubrics may be a useful tool for advancing student learning in social work programs.  相似文献   

家庭学校与教育形式创新论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前学术界关于教育形式及其分类的主流观点一定程度上限制了教育形式的多样化。教育形式是为教育目标服务的,作为基础教育主要(甚至唯一)形式的学校教育又存在不少不可避免的弊病,所以,教育形式应该可以创新。家庭学校的出现为我们提供了一个对教育形式创新进行深入理论思考的契机,家庭学校形式的采用还有许多问题需要研究,但我们应该去尝试它、完善它,以至研究其他有利于人才的培养和我们教育目标的实现的教育形式。  相似文献   

美国卡内基高等教育机构分类法于1973年出版,随后修订5次,修订后的每一个版本都保留了最早公布的分类模式,在2005年版里叫做基本分类。自1973年延续下来的基本分类模式的特点是分类类型名称直接用授予学位的层次来命名;分类标准以高等教育的职能为基本依据;分类方法有定量标准和可靠的数据支撑。这些特点为我国高等学校分类研究提供了可以借鉴的思路。  相似文献   

Austria, Germany and Switzerland are renowned for their extensive systems of collective vocational skill formation, which, however, have developed largely in separation from higher education. This divide has become increasingly contested as a result of a variety of socioeconomic factors that have led to an increasing demand for higher level skills. Do the three countries deal with these challenges in similar ways? The comparative analysis is based on process tracing from the 1960s to 2013 and builds on historical institutionalism as well as several dozen expert interviews with key stakeholders. A key finding is that all three countries have developed hybrid forms of work-based academic education that combine elements of vocational training and higher education. However, in Austria and Switzerland, these hybrids have been integrated into the traditional model of collective governance, whereas the German case signifies a departure from this model.  相似文献   

幼儿期是终身教育的起点也是基础教育的奠基,开展幼儿生命教育有利于幼儿身心发展。当前幼儿生命教育的研究主要关注幼儿生命教育的内容、幼儿生命教育的方式以及幼儿生命教育的实施主体三个方面。幼儿生命教育在学前教育中的地位日益凸显,但是幼儿生命教育课程结构不合理、幼儿生命教育的形式与手段较为单一、师资力量略显单薄并且缺乏专业性。今后应积极探索幼儿生命教育的形式与手段,注重幼儿生命教育实施主体的多元化,建构幼儿生命教育课程结构,重视幼儿生命教育在学前教育中的地位。  相似文献   

高等学校办学水平评估是一种经常性的,对已经检定合格的学校进行的整体综合评估,它能够促进被评学校各项工作不断提高,是当前我国各级人民政府和学校主管部门对高等学校实施经常性考核和监督的有效手段。大众化高等教育阶段,社会对高等教育的质量要求发生了变化,高等学校的发展呈现出多样化、综合化、和更有竞争性的特点。因此,精英教育下形成的高等学校办学水平评估标准,很难适应大众教育下的高等学校的发展,有必要探索一条适应大众化阶段高等学校办学水平评估的新路子。  相似文献   

Because of the forced reductions in state activities that are observed worldwide as a result of the increasingly unrestricted growth of competition, national public institutions of education are under escalating pressure. Both in basic and in higher education, a creeping process of privatization is occurring, while more and more of the costs of education are being passed on to the citizen. This applies to both industrialized countries such as Germany, and to Turkey. The international dimension of this subversive process, which is also drastically affecting the prospects for academic research, is seldom critically addressed in eduational discourse. Instead, the field is dominated by a high-brow attitude to the globalization process which sees it as helping to promote world citizenship.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(3):179-212
Various methods of discourse analysis are used to investigate student interaction with not only conventional testing but certain forms of alternative assessment. This investigation provides considerable evidence that assessment tasks can elicit a greater complexity of response than are allowed for in scoring rubrics. An approach to assessment in early childhood education is then described that is more respectful of such complexity, which is documented in three major ways: (a) test-like activities that are built around familiar classroom routines, (b) work samples that are collected over time, and (c) observational records that are maintained both at school and at home. Finally, both the educational benefits and practical difficulties of this approach are explored from a policy perspective.  相似文献   


There has been a rapid increase in the number of online MSW programs in the past decade without a commensurate body of literature on their administration. This article acquaints MSW program faculty and administrators with quality assurance rubrics, which are research-informed tools intended for use by distance education providers to develop, support and manage high quality online courses and programs. Graduate programs that are in the process of considering or actually designing an online delivery option, as well as those that are currently implementing online programs, may benefit from the use of such quality assurance rubrics.  相似文献   

This conceptual framework proposes a multi-level, multi-dimensional course alignment model to implement a contextualised constructive alignment of rubric design that authentically evidences and assesses learning outcomes. By embedding quality control mechanisms at each level for each dimension, this model facilitates the development of an aligned curriculum. The use of rubrics is a crucial theme for many higher education institutions owing to the binding requirement by universities to provide evidence to quality assurance agencies. The success of evidencing learning outcomes through rubrics, however, is only one piece of the puzzle. The other is the contextualised constructive alignment of intertwined factors. Despite the significance of embedding these factors, there has been little, if any, systematic framework in this area. The two key instrumental forces underpinning the conception of this model are: seeking external accreditation and the implementation of programme enhancement thus realising the strategic agenda for an Australian university.  相似文献   

A Web 2.0 environment that is coupled with emerging multimodal interaction tools can have considerable influence on team learning outcomes. Today, technologies supporting social networking, collective intelligence, emotional interaction, and virtual communication are introducing new forms of collaboration that are profoundly impacting education. In this study, an empirical analysis was conducted on a Web 2.0 learning space designed to promote and support project-based group learning. Three different group reflection (GR) methods (i.e., self-reflection, GR, and instructor-supported reflection) were implemented for a micro community of undergraduate students completing a team project. Findings from this study suggest that promoting and supporting ‘deep learning’ through GR is essential for team project learning in a Web-based community. In addition, effective instructor intervention is a crucial component leading to better group performance. In terms of group learning evaluation rubrics, structural equation modeling revealed that the level of activeness in online contributions may not be as important as the evidence of collective reflection and critical thinking in team learning scenarios.  相似文献   

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