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This paper is a book report of "Psychology of Language",a book on the field of psycholinguistics written by Carroll,a professor of University of Wiscosin-Superior.In this book report,besides a general summary of the development of psycholinguistics and an introduction of the content of this book,my personal interest in the field of psycholinguistics is also stated,that is,the in-fluence of the syntactic structure upon language comprehension  相似文献   

A Lost Book     
One day, I saw a book lying on the ground. I found there was a bookmark in it. It said, "If you find this book, please return it to the school library. There you can get a nice present from the library. Thank you." "How interesting it is!Who lost the book…  相似文献   

Recently, a book written by former President Clinton has gone on sale in the United States and Europe. Experts say it had record sales for a nonfiction book. 1 , the book My Life has sold about one million  相似文献   

I decided to buy a book online. I searched a lot of information about the book. I looked through many ads for the books,and then I choose one of the books. I clicked on  相似文献   

Lying comfortably upon a sofa, Marker Bray-ton smiled as he read old Morryster's book:Marvels of Science. He unconciously(无意识的)1 the book without changing the 2 of his eyes. As soon as the book had gone 3 the line of sight,something in a 4 of the room attracted his 5 In the shadow underthe 6 he noticed two points of light about  相似文献   

B00kS Blue sky 15 the sun.s book,Night,s sky 15 the moon、book,Grasses are the eows’books,Sea 15 a ship‘5 book,肠nd 15 a little deer,s book,,,藻Trees are birds’books,Flowers are bees’books,Families are mother’5 books Mothers are ehildren’  相似文献   

My Special Gift     
I have a special (特别的) gift. My friend Zhang Zihan gave it to me on my birthday. It is a book called I Want to Be Rich. Before reading the book, I thought a rich person was a person with a lot of money. But after I read the book, I know that a rich person also means a person with knowledge (知识), wisdom(智慧) and love.  相似文献   

Famous Persons     
If you came from a poor family and couldn't go to a good school,could one book change your life? It did for Srinivasa Ramanujan,a bright young Indian boy.When he was 15 years old,he found a book about math.It was a book with 1000 very difficult problems.While Sinivasa's friends played football on the road in front of his house,he worked out the answers to these problems.  相似文献   

An unusual prize Would you read a book called Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Nude Mice? Maybe not, but this book was actually the 1978 winner of the literary world's most unusual competition: The Bookseller/Diagram Prize for Oddest Title of the Year. This is basically a humorous literary award given to the book with the most unusual title It is presented by the British magazine Bookseller. Nominees are selected from submissions sent in by librarians, publishers, and booksellers, and the final winner is voted for by the public.  相似文献   

A woman was waiting at an airport one night,with several long hours before her flight.She bought a book and a bag of cookies in the airport shops. She was sinking into her book but happened to see that the man sitting beside her 1)grabbed a cookie or two from the cookie bag.  相似文献   

《红楼梦》是中国小说史上的一朵奇葩.在甲戌本第一回所提到的五个书名中,《红楼梦》新雅醒目,既照顾了全书的结构,又隐括了全书的内容,较之《石头记》及其他书名要高出一筹.  相似文献   

清代的方略,虽仍属纪事本末体,但已不同于传统的纪事本末体史书:在采撰取材上不同;是一种官修纪事本末体史书;是清朝的军事战争专史,“一事一书”是它的一个鲜明特点;服务于现实政治的倾向更突出。方略是纪事本末体史书发展的新形式。  相似文献   

《西厢记》作为“诲淫”的代表,历史上长期不断地遭到攻击和禁毁,特别是在清代。作为一种文化钳制的手段,《西厢记》的禁毁主要是以政令和舆论的方式对戏曲演出和流传进行干预。这种现象不仅体现了鲜明的国家意志,而且表现了部分士大夫的礼教立场。它直接影响了《西厢记》的批评方向,成为一种特殊的文学批评方式.同时对《西厢记》的流传产生了影响。  相似文献   

孔传《孔氏六帖》,宋代私修类书,为增补唐白居易《六帖》而作。此书有较大的辑佚、校勘价值。其成书时间、体例、版本诸问题,事关进一步研究、利用该书。研究发现,是书成于作者抚州任上,其体例沿白氏而略有增删,流传颇显复杂。  相似文献   

《七克》是1600年来华的西班牙传教士庞迪我的中文名作,其内容充分体现耶稣会所制定的"对异教徒进行道德战"的东方传教政策精神.庞迪我从三方面展开其"道德战"的步骤第一,对儒学的迎合;第二,对儒学的补充;第三,对儒学的批评.庞迪我的"道德战"具有两个特点(1)坚持避免与儒学发生冲突的传教政策;(2)坚持维护天主教教义的完整性.  相似文献   

魏源在征引《瀛环志略》一书的内容时,为何要将徐继畲多处记述和颂扬华盛顿的文字删而不录,是史学界颇为费解而至今没有解决的问题。文章从《海国图志.后序》入手,发现魏源是以高理文的《合省国志》作为最可靠的资料来介绍美国情况的。进而通过比较发现,徐氏在“志略”一书中对华盛顿在美国独立战争中和美国民主政制创建过程中的活动和作用的介绍评价与《合省国志》有很大程度的出入,读者从中获得的认识也就大不相同。文章认为,魏源为了保证所辑资料叙事和观点的基本一致,不得不将徐书中颂扬华盛顿的文字舍去。此外,魏源以《合省国志》为本极力推崇美利坚民族而较少推崇华盛顿个人,更有其深刻的思想动因。  相似文献   

(嘉庆)《无为州志》是安徽无为县现存旧志中内容最为详实、编纂体例最为严谨的一部志书,该志并非简单沿袭前志,而是在参考各类资料并对其进行考证、甄别的基础上精心编纂而成,具有较高的编修质量;该书具有特殊的文献辑佚及校勘价值,为我们研究古代长江沿岸军事和水利提供了重要的文献资料,并保留了无为县多方面的第一手资料,为深入研究无为县的社会历史发展、整理无为县旧志提供了宝贵线索,同时,该志还为我们做考证工作提供了一种普遍的方法论。  相似文献   

钱南扬先生的《永乐大典戏文三种校注》对南戏研究具有开创性作用,自出版以来,有不少学者发现书中有存疑的问题并予以了补证。笔者在翻阅此书时发现,此书在释义和校勘方面仍存在些问题,今试从书中拾取十八例以补之,以期其更为完善,从而为南戏的研究发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

清钞本《类姓登科考》是一种体例独特、史料价值突出的科举文献,以前学者对其相关信息缺乏相对准确的著录。从藏书印、时人征引、地名变革和避讳改字等角度,对其作者、成书时间进行考证,认为该书确为盛子邺之作,写成于康熙元年之后、康熙四十年之前。该书有较高的史料价值,但也存在一定的错误,参考时需要注意辨别。  相似文献   

《世说新语》:史传的孳生和演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《世说新语》产生于魏晋南北朝文学自觉时期,其文体的复杂性带有中国早期笔记小说的共同点,它“亦史亦文”的文体特点自有其渊源和发展过程,而对这一过程的梳理可以清楚见证中国小说形成和演变的痕迹,从而为早期笔记小说的文体定位提供参照。  相似文献   

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