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一位山东大学的学生对英语兴趣浓厚,但是学习起来却很棘手。单词多多记不住,释义复杂搞不清,最为头疼的是口语糟透了……  相似文献   

With the deepening of China‘s reform and open-door pohcy, the ability to participate mrectly m oral interactions in English becomes more and more important, hence the focus of English language teaching on improving students‘ oral English proficiency. The CET Spoken English Test (CET-SET), which is a face-to-face oral proficiency test, is a component part of the CET test. Since its first administration on a national scale in November 1999, it has been receiving a growing amount of attention from teachers and students in universities in China. As the number of studen tstaking the CET-SET is growing rapidly year by year, it has become crucial to develop an alternative to the CET-SET that can be operationally more practical. My views on the CET-SET are expounded in this paper, which is structured as follows. First, I provide an overview of the CET-SET. Next, I identify several aspects of the test that are amenable to changes. Finally, I put forward some suggestions as to the development of an alternative approach for the CET-SET.  相似文献   

To improve college students'reading comprehension,the author studies student factors-patience and reading motivation.The author views that reading motivation is the main element,and analyzes the instrumental motivation,enjoys mental motivation and the relation between the reading proficiency and the above motivations.Therefore,advice on the English reading teaching is put forward.  相似文献   

在很多人眼里。英语语法枯燥乏味、复杂难学。如果说得一口漂亮的英语。是不是就不用学习英语语法了呢?Brad不这么认为。在他的眼里,语法是基础。“串联”起了词汇和句子。为文字的铺开提供了可能……  相似文献   

Whenever I saw the winners flaunted(炫耀)their victories(胜利),I felt so sad in myheart.I stared at them,thinking of my hard work.There's an old saying"No pain,no gain."But for me,it's"Much pain,no gain."  相似文献   

Cathy打心眼儿里喜欢英语,英语成绩总是在班上拔头筹,但也有第一旁落他人的时候。如何每次考试都拿第一?Cathy写信问Brad是否有什么决窍。Brad又会如何回答她?  相似文献   

请小朋友把图片上农场里的小动物们和方框里的单词一一对应,抄写在下面对应的数字边上。  相似文献   

With the globalization of the world, English is becoming more and more important in our daily life. A lot of people are learning English in our country now.The questions they usually have are-Why should I learn English? How canI learn English well?  相似文献   

Everyone knows that you can study the English language for years and still not understand a native speaker of English when you meet one. Everyone knows that native speakers say a lot of things that you can 't find in any dictionary. Well, here's a secret for you: a lot of British people can't understand each other either.t  相似文献   

如何提高英语写作能力?写出英文美文有一蹴而就的捷径吗?你是否在英语学习中也面临着这些困惑呢?  相似文献   

吴梦月 《学周刊C版》2011,(9):140-140
人之间最直接的、最主要的交流方式是口语表达.为了更好地与他人交流.人们不仅学习自己本族的语言.还需学习他国的语言.减少沟通的障碍。换言之.学习语言的最终目的是使用该语言。然而.任何语言口语能力的形成都离不开语言材料大量有效的输人和积累。然而中国学生缺少学习英语的语言环境.在日常生活中听到的和看到的、与人交流的都是汉语,即使学了英语.也是“哑巴英语”。因为平时几乎不说.更谈不上运用.因此中国学生很难从生活中得到输入英语语言材料的机会.  相似文献   

When seeking to improve any skill, it is important to have a positive attitude, to set clear goals, and to practice regularly. The same is true of improving your reading comprehension skills. First, I want to discuss some positive thinking strategies, and then we will discuss some more practical ways of improving in the area of reading comprehension.  相似文献   

I wonder why I am a girl? I want to be a boy.  相似文献   

学好初中英语并不容易。目前,不少家长反映他们的子女什么科目都不错,唯有英语跟不上。不少学生虽然花费很多时间、精力,但英语知识仍然不扎实,成绩不理想。在多年的英语教学生涯中,我不断地探索、实践,觉得初中生学英语要从平时的一点一滴积累知识,持之以恒,而掌握良好的学习方法是学好英语的重要保证。我认为学习方法应注意以下几个方面:一、要进行“听”、“说”两种技能的训练。“听”和“说”这两种技能是相辅相成的。课堂上,老师教新语音时,学生要静听,集中注意力听单词的发言,看教师用来表明那些词的意义的动作或图片。…  相似文献   

晓勤 《英语沙龙》2010,(2):42-43
YoBelow are four questions and a bonus question.u have to answer them instantly.You can't take your time, answer all of them immediately. OK?Let's find out just how clever you really are.Ready? GO! ! !  相似文献   

It is well known that reading plays an important role not only in our daily life but also in learning a foreign language.And,of course,reading depends on reading speed to some degree.So it is natural that it is important to improve reading speed.  相似文献   

你是否觉得生活平淡无奇?你是否在寻找更多的奇迹?你是否喜欢挑战生命中的极限?研究发现,我们的DNA从某种程度上决定了我们是否是喜欢挑战极限的人。让我们走进下面的美文。  相似文献   

Cindy最近有件事很困惑.就是她一到男生面前,就变得很不自在.不知道怎样跟他们谈话交流。曾经自己还跟他们一起嬉笑玩耍,为什么现在却变得“扭捏”起来了?Cindy心中很是不解,Brad对此又有何建议?  相似文献   

How could you?     
我在你孤独悲伤的时候陪伴你,你怎么舍得在我孤单年老的时候抛弃我?你怎么舍得让我离你越来越远,得不到你的关爱?你怎么舍得我被迫地死去,在另一个世界里仍旧忠诚地想你。  相似文献   

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