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高校教师职务聘任制:问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校自实行教师职务聘任制以来,为用人制度的改革起到了积极的促进作用。但目前存在的教师职务聘任制概念错位、执行错位、聘后管理泛化、教师职务聘任制的相关配套措施滞后等问题影响了聘任制的进一步推进。针对教师职务聘任制执行中的问题,只有给予高校教师职务聘任制准确的功能定位、科学设置岗位目标、责利统一、建立和完善配套的宏观和微观政策、实施教师职称评定和职务聘任的双轨制、注意解决教师职务制度对弱势高校的冲击等各种问题的解决,才能保证真正意义上教师职务聘任制的实施。  相似文献   

本文提出了当前高校实施教师职务聘任制的必要性,分析了高等学校实施教师职务聘任制存在的问题,最后提出实施真正意义上的教师职务聘任制的对策。  相似文献   

王金云 《天中学刊》2004,19(4):100-101
我国高校教师队伍建设存在着诸多困难和问题,解决这些问题的根本途径是实行教师聘任制。教师聘任制的实施不仅要转变观念,坚定信念,而且还要采取切实可行的措施:“教师转会制”和“双项选择,合理流动”的用人制度是教师聘任制实施的前提,工资制度的改革是教师聘任制实施的物质基础;民办学校的办学和管理经验为教师聘任制的改革提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

聘任制下教师合法权益保护问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国中小学教师聘任制实施的过程中,暴露了一些问题,其产生的原因有法制本身和学校内部管理方面的因素,也有教师自身的因素,如何保护教师的合法权益是关系到每位教师的切身利益,关系着教师聘任制目的的真正实现。因此从国家到地方及教师个人都应努力保护聘任制下教师的合法权益。  相似文献   

聘任制与师资队伍管理效能问题探究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师聘任制的实施,导致我国教师在一种优胜劣汰的竞争环境中不断反思自己的职生角色,在师费队伍建设过程中产生过一定的积极影响.同时,我们也清醒地看到,聘任制在其实施过程中所产生的而且是不客忽视的负面影响.聘任制能激活教师自身的诸多因素,但从管理角度看,目前它还未能达到一种发挥整体效能的最佳状态,这就引发出如何提高教师队伍管理中的整体效能的问题.  相似文献   

推进高校教师职务聘任制的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高校教师职务聘任制自推行以来在优化教师队伍、调动教师积极性、促进高校发展方面发挥了积极作用。但目前教师职务聘任制仍存在对教师职务聘任制认识和观念上的落后与错位,缺乏相应的市场机制与社会保障体系,岗位设置不科学,欠缺科学的考核评价体系,聘后管理薄弱等问题。今后应该通过加强舆论宣传、转变观念、培育良好的制度环境、实施公开招聘、科学合理设岗、建立科学的考核评价体系、加强聘后管理等方面的努力,来逐步解决这些问题,推进高校教师职务聘任制改革。  相似文献   

聘用合同管理是高校人事管理法制化、规范化的必然趋势,是教师职务聘任制的深化和延伸。本文简要分析了聘用合同管理在教师职务聘任制实施中的重要意义,对聘用合同管理的内容和原则进行了详细阐述,最后提出了加强聘用合同管理的若干建议。  相似文献   

教师是一种具有鲜明独特特点的职业,传统的教师管理方法模式存在不少弊端,无法真正激发教师工作积极性。本文针对教师劳动特点,运用现代人事管理观念方法,从关怀教师、建立激励和制约机制实施教师聘任制等方面探讨构建适应时代发展的科学的教师管理模式。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出目前,一场教育人事制度改革正在全国大地逐步展开,这就是教师聘任制。让人遗憾的是,在实施过程中,常常不尽如人意,甚至妨碍正常的教学工作。笔者最近对江西城乡中小学实施教师聘任制的情况进行考察,发现情况远远比想像的更为复杂。根据我的总结和归纳,最典型的变式有以下三种:(一)“民主选举式”。这种变式源于学校领导不思进取、懒惰和怕得罪人的思想。最常见的操作方法是召开学校教师大会,先在会上念一通上级关于实施教师聘任制的文件,然后再给每位教师发一张选票,选出几位所谓的“最差教师”,然后通知他们,说他们是不合格…  相似文献   

目前,中小学教师聘任制正在全国各地逐渐展开,它是教育改革不断深化的又一重大举措。从一些学校实施的情况来看,实施聘任制后教师的敬业精神明显增强,危机感增加,创造性提高,确实使一批具有真才实学的教师脱颖而出。但改革由于触及了干部和教师的切身利益,在实行聘任制的过程中也暴露出一些问题,如果不针对这些问题采取相应的对策,则轰轰烈烈的教师聘任制将很难取得理想的效果。笔分析认为,目前的问题主要表现在:  相似文献   

教师职务晋升政策起源于提高教师群体的专业声誉和社会地位,后来演变为以职务名称制度鉴别教师,再后演变为以职务评聘制度界定教学岗位。随着此项政策与教师聘用制度、教师福利待遇的融合,政策异化现象明显。教师从关注专业发展异化为重视职务晋升,高级别职务限额让教师专业发展受挫,职务等级升迁的不可持续性使教师过早放弃专业发展,在不同学校和不同学科上的指标配置让教育发展失衡。为此,真正实现评聘分离,调整并延长职务等级,用不同能力类别而非能力大小来设置职务等级成为此项政策变革的方向。  相似文献   

教师聘任制的法律问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
现行教师聘任缺乏操作性的法律依据.从法律上界定教师聘任制:做好面向社会的教师聘任工作,规范教师聘任程序,建立落聘教师再就业机制,积极推行校长聘任制,完善与聘任制相适应的激励机制.  相似文献   

黄庆双 《教育技术导刊》2021,19(12):247-251
为全面系统分析在线学习投入度影响因素,提升学习者在线学习质量,从学习生态观视角出发,使用系统动力学方法,构建学习者在线学习投入度影响因素系统动力学模型。采用层次分析法对模型进行仿真分析,结果显示:教学环境、社会交互环境、情感心理环境对学习者在线学习投入影响较强,物理环境和制度规范环境影响较弱。进一步分析表明,教学活动设计、与教师交互和情感体验是影响在线学习投入的高杠杆因素。从精心设计教学活动,优化教学环境;发挥教师主导作用,构造多边良性循环的社会交互环境;增强学习者情感体验,构建各子系统协同共建的情感心理环境等方面着手,致力于提升学习者在线学习质量,能促进在线学习系统平衡、协调和可持续发展。  相似文献   

实施教师职务聘任制是我国高等教育改革和发展的必然趋势,是高校人事制度改革的重要组成部分,是建设一支高质量教师队伍的重要保证。通过考察教师聘任制在我国高校实施的现状及存在的问题,提出了相应的对策,为深化聘任制改革提供参考依据。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to compare the levels of student engagement of career academy students to those at a traditional comprehensive high school using propensity score matching and structural equation modeling. We found that academy students had significantly higher levels of emotional engagement and significantly lower levels of behavioral engagement than those at comprehensive schools. We also found no statistically significant differences in the levels of cognitive engagement of academy students compared to comprehensive school students. We believe the academy model has the promise of transforming the high school experience for students as it relates to their attachment to the school, their relationships with peers and teachers, and their sense of belonging and safety. However, academies need to work with students to create and develop co-curricular and extracurricular activities of interest to engage students in their schools at a higher level.  相似文献   

Although effective teaching behaviour is central for pupil outcomes, the extent to which pre-service teachers behave effectively in the classroom and how their behaviour relates to pupils’ engagement remain unanswered. The present study aims to validate a theoretical model linking effective pre-service teaching behaviour and pupil’s engagement, incorporating the role of context and teacher characteristics. The study included a sample of 264 pre-service teachers from 64 secondary schools throughout the Netherlands. Pre-service teachers were observed using the International Comparative Analysis of Learning and Teaching to measure effective teaching behaviour and pupils’ engagement. We used multilevel modelling to account for the hierarchical structure in the data. Results show that the quality of teaching behaviour of pre-service teachers is below that of experienced teachers. Class size and (partly) teacher gender explain differences in the quality of teaching behaviour. All domains of teaching behaviour are related to pupil engagement, with classroom management and clarity of instruction showing the strongest relationships with academic engagement compared to the other domains. The results make it plausible to approximate minimum standards for the assessment of pre-service teachers based upon a normative criterion based on the impact on pupils’ academic engagement.  相似文献   

张亮 《天津电大学报》2010,14(2):64-66,73
高校教师评聘制度对高校师资建设具有重要意义。制定该制度的初衷是运行评聘结合的体制,但在实际运作中评与聘的关系一直未能理顺,产生了以评代聘、评聘分开和评聘结合等不同方式。文章从观念认识的偏差、岗位设置环节的缺失以及高校教师行业的特殊性等方面分析造成评聘关系混乱现象的原因,并提倡以岗位管理和聘任为基础的高校用人制度。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test and validate the Engaged Teacher Scale (ETS) in a Turkish context (ETS-TR). In order to test the construct validity of the ETS, data were collected from 388 teachers in two northeast cities of Turkey. First-order confirmatory factor analysis results supported the 16-item and four-factor model of ETS while second-order confirmatory factor analysis suggested that a single factor was also appropriate for representing teacher engagement. Additionally, four multiple linear regression analyses were conducted to provide further validation evidence. Results showed that subscales of the ETS-TR were found to be positively correlated with teacher self-efficacy. Given our evidence of validity and reliability, we recommend researchers interested in measuring the engagement of Turkish teachers to consider using the ETS-TR. The adaptation of ETS into Turkish also provides a measure for use when conducting research examining cultural comparisons between english-speaking and Turkish teachers.  相似文献   

Woogul Lee 《教育心理学》2012,32(6):727-747
Being aware of, monitoring and responding constructively to students’ signals of motivation and to students’ signals of engagement represent two important teaching skills. We hypothesised, however, that teachers would better estimate their students’ engagement than they would estimate their students’ motivation. To test this hypothesis, Korean high-school teachers rated three aspects of motivation and four aspects of engagement for each student in their class, while students completed questionnaires to provide referent self-reports of these same aspects of their motivation and engagement. Multi-level analyses showed that, after statistically controlling for the potentially confounding information of student achievement, teachers’ engagement estimates corresponded significantly to their students’ self-reports while their motivation estimate did not. These findings validate teachers’ skill in inferring their students’ classroom engagement and lead to the recommendation that teachers monitor classroom engagement to be in synch with their students during instruction.  相似文献   

The current study was part of a larger project which examined teachers’ classroom practices and relationships with students’ learning engagement in primary-school education in Estonia. The focus was the role of autonomy supportive and structured teaching on learning engagement. Two primary-school teachers and their 46 students were selected for this study. The aim of the study was to explore how teachers’ classroom practices influence students’ learning engagement over two years during grade two and grade four of the educational system. Three trained observers rated classroom practices and students self-reported learning engagement. The results highlight primary students’ high-learning engagement, and did not confirm an expectation that low-autonomy-supportive teaching results in low-learning engagement in primary school.  相似文献   

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