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The concept and methodology of IALS obviously represent progress for literacy research. Nevertheless, this survey presents serious limitations. It prioritises the handling of data-based information as opposed to experiential and contextualized information, ranking at a higher position those who handle the first kind of information. The survey ignores how people solve problems in their life context. The competence of people cannot be understood merely through outside observation and a questionnaire situation. In the case of Poland, the interpretation of data manifests an ethnocentric Western attitude, tending to reduce cultural differences to a cultural deficit. Two IALS-inspired surveys conducted in Spain and Portugal mixed quantitative and qualitative methods in order to take into account the social relations in their cultural context. This article questions the role of research, which cannot be limited to the objectivation of reality, but should help to transform and improve it. The alternative model proposed is named "investigation action."  相似文献   

The International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS), an initiative of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), was carried out in the early to mid-1990s across more than 20 countries. It was followed in the early years of the 21st century by the Adult Literacy and Life Skills (ALL) survey and the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC, currently in data analysis). This article reviews the philosophical basis, theoretical underpinnings and data analysis of the original and subsequent IALS-based surveys. The purpose is to inform users of the survey data of what the surveys can, and cannot, provide. The author argues that the key use of these surveys is providing insights into population-level distribution of one form of literacy, namely a particular kind of text consumption in a developed society. He also points out the challenges regarding the use of the survey series for making international comparisons, for documenting change over time and for representing broad models of literacy. The tendency to use the survey findings for these uses is considered by the author as a misuse of the data, which leaves the potential of the IALS surveys to provide insights into the effectiveness and equity of different educational systems largely untapped.  相似文献   

本利用90年代俄罗斯发表的最新材料揭示出,萧洛霍夫因为在《静静的顿河》中描写了历史的真实,真名实地揭露了某些苏维埃干部执行错误路线,对哥萨克农民犯下严重罪行,因而种下了祸根,这些人后来在苏维埃政权中都身居要职,于是他们便利用手中的权力对萧洛霍夫进行迫害和诋毁:诬陷抄袭,政治陷害,甚至杀人灭口。这就是《静静的顿河》作权问题长盛不衰的根源。  相似文献   

美国学者哈瑞·刘易斯在其新作《失去灵魂的卓越》中,通过对自己在哈佛30年工作的亲身经历的描述和反思,批评了世界著名大学放弃育人宗旨的种种现象.该书作者延续了传统知识分子的良知,为我们描绘了哈佛本科教育如何失去方向、日益功利化的过程,提醒大学应该传承和维护教育灵魂,而在这一过程中,知名大学、大学教师、大学领导人必须更加坚定自己的教育使命.  相似文献   

“I Didn't Do Nothin'”: The Discursive Construction of School Suspension   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vavrus  Frances  Cole  KimMarie 《The Urban Review》2002,34(2):87-111
This article examines the issue of school suspension by looking at the sociocultural factors that influence a teacher's decision to remove a student from the classroom. The authors use ethnographic and discourse analytic approaches to study how disciplinary moments are constructed by teachers and students in an urban high school in the Midwest. The analysis of classroom observations, videotaped lessons, and interviews from a longitudinal study at this multiethnic high school shows that suspensions frequently occur in the absence of any physical violence or blatant verbal abuse. Rather, suspensions are often preceded by a complex series of nonviolent events when one disruptive act among many is singled out for action by the teacher. This study has implications for current debates about zero-tolerance policies that disproportionately affect students of color for their misbehavior in school. Our analysis suggests that removing a student from class is a highly contextualized decision based on subtle race and gender relations that cannot be adequately addressed in school discipline policies.  相似文献   

This paper offers a framework that has been used for both developing the tasks used to measure literacy in the International Adult Literacy Survey and for understanding the meaning of what has been reported with respect to the comparative literacy proficiencies of adults in participating countries. The framework consists of six parts that represent a logical sequence of steps from needing to define and represent a particular domain of interest, to identifying and operationalizing characteristics used to construct items, to providing an empirical basis for interpreting results. The various parts of the framework are seen as important in that they help to provide a deeper understanding of the construct of literacy and the various processes associated with it. A processing model is proposed and variables associated with performance on the literacy tasks are identified and verified through regression analyses. These variables are shown to account for between 79 and 89 percent of the variance in task difficulty. Collectively, these process variables provide a means for moving away from interpreting performance on large-scale surveys in terms of discrete tasks or a single number towards identifying levels of performance that have generalizability across pools of tasks and towards what Messick has called a higher level of measurement.  相似文献   

在我国,农村集体经济并不是走投无路,更不是毫无价值,关键在于要有有效的实现形式.集体经济的内在价值在于个体通过集体得以更充分发展以及与集体共同发展.要实现这一内在价值需要相应的形式,更是一个探索过程.我国农村集体经济实现形式经历和正在经历“统”、“分”、“合”三个阶段.从这三个阶段看,农村集体经济的有效实现形式需要产权相叠、利益相关、要素相加、收益相享、治理相适、主体相信、政府相持、头人相带等条件.不同条件下集体经济实现形式有所不同.探索农村集体经济有效实现形式的理论价值在于将思想从僵化思维中解放出来,创新集体,赋予集体经济以新的内容;实践价值在于改变集体经济的固化模式,积极探索多层次多形式多类型的农村集体经济.  相似文献   

教师集体效能是集体效能在学校教育情景中的应用,是国际教师效能研究的新发展。文章围绕着教师集体效能的概念、形成、测量等方面,对教师集体效能理论做了较为详尽的论述,并就其研究现状及今后可能的发展方向作了简要的评述。  相似文献   

In the past fifteen years, expenditure on educational research and development in the United States has totalled 2.5 billion (US) dollars, but this amounts to only half a per cent of all educational expenditure. The agencies involved include a number of federal agencies (of which the National Institute of Education, established in 1972, is the main one), state agencies, colleges and universities, and specially created new institutions (R & D centers, regional educational laboratories).The initiative in research has shifted, since 1965, from the researchers themselves to the funding agencies, which operate both hard styles of funding (inviting bids for a prescribed project) and soft (declaring a general programme area).Teachers and policy makers are usually unaware of research findings, even when these form the basis of their decisions.Recent development of R & D is best understood as reflecting an over-riding concern with maximising its impact. Five strands of development illustrate this concern: development work, especially in curriculum; evaluation; the long-term effect of fundamental research; dissemination; and the growing attention given to study of the process of social inquiry.The complexity of the decentralized, loosely-coupled US system of education makes the impact of research difficult to identify and uncertain to forecast.
Zusammenfassung In den USA beliefen sich die Staatsausgaben für Bildungsforschung und -entwicklung (R & D) in den letzten fünfzehn Jahren auf insgesamt 2,5 Milliarden Dollar. Dieser Betrag stellt jedoch nur 0,5% des Gesamtaufwands für Bildung dar. Zu den Stellen, die sich mit R & D befassen, gehören verschiedene Bundeseinrichtungen (vor allem das im Jahre 1972 errichtete National Institute of Education), staatliche Institutionen, Colleges und Universitäten sowie speziell für diesen Zweck gegründete neue Institutionen (R & D Zentren, regionale erziehungswissenschaftliche Laboratorien).Seit 1965 hat sich die Initiative für solche Forschung von den Forschern selbst auf die finanzierenden Organisationen verlagert. Diese betreiben sowohl eine harte (Vergabe von feststehenden Projekten) als auch eine weiche Finanzierungspolitik (Festsetzung eines allgemeinen Programmbereichs).Lehrer und Bildungspolitiker wissen gewöhnlich nichts von den Forschungsergebnissen, selbst wenn diese die Grundlage ihrer Entscheidungen bilden.Die neuere Entwicklung des R & D ist am besten als Reflektion eines überragenden Interesses an seiner maximalen Auswirkung zu verstehen. Fünf Stränge bezeugen dieses Interesse: Entwicklungsarbeit, besonders Curriculum-Entwicklung; Evaluation; die Langzeit-Wirkung von Grundforschung; und die wachsende Aufmerksamkeit, die dem Studium des Prozesses sozialer Untersuchung gewidmet wird.Wegen der Kompliziertheit des dezentralisierten, lose zusammenhängenden Bildungssystems der USA sind die Auswirkungen der Forschung schwer festzustellen und nicht mit Sicherheit vorauszusagen.

Résumé Au cours de ces quinze dernières années, les dépenses relatives à la recherche et au développement en matière d'éducation aux Etats-Unis ont atteint 2,5 billions de dollars, toutefois cette somme ne représente que 0,5% de l'ensemble des dépenses afférentes à l'éducation. Les organismes officiels concernés comprennent un grand nombre d'organismes fédéraux (dont l'Institut national d'éducation, fondé en 1972, est le plus important), des organismes d'état, des collèges et des universités, ainsi que de nouvelles institutions créées spécialement à cet effet (centres R & D, laboratoires régionaux pour l'éducation).L'initiative dans le domaine de la recherche est passée, depuis 1965, des chercheurs eux-mêmes aux organismes officiels de financement dont le style va de la manière forte (sollicitant des soumissions pour un projet imposé) à la manière douce (décidant du champ du programme général).Les enseignants et les décisionnaires sont généralement tenus dans l'ignorance des résultats de la recherche, même lorsque ceux-ci constituent la base de leurs décisions.Le développement récent de la R & D, portant son impact au maximum, peut être regardé comme le reflet d'un intérêt des plus attentifs. Cinq plages de développement illustrent cet intérêt: tout d'abord travail de développement, principalement dans le curriculum; l'évaluation; l'effet à long-terme de la recherche fondamentale; la diffusion; et l'attention croissante portée à l'étude du processus de l'enquête sociale.La complexité du système américain d'éducation, décentralisé et couplé de façon relâchée fait qu'il est difficile d'identifier l'impact de la recherche et également de le prévoir.

以著作权集体管理组织的相关司法裁判文书基础,探究得出现阶段我国引入著作权延伸集体管理制度符合数字化时代著作权人、使用者及著作权集体管理组织发展之需;借助我国著作权集体管理组织的相关经验及版权市场各方追求其自身权益的动力,著作权延伸性集体管理制度在我国的构建存在可行性。  相似文献   


Over the last years, the European Commission has heavily promoted various forms of digital education. In this article, we draw upon two recent European policy documents as key articulations of Europe’s contemporary governing apparatus: Opening Up Education and the Digital Education Action Plan. The article more particularly conceives of both policy documents as offering a point of departure to analyze how this apparatus is presently seeking to enact a specific mode of existence of the contemporary learner. We argue that this educational mode of existence is being enacted by the fabrication of highly specific sorts of time and space. In order to highlight the particularity of the enacted sorts of time and space exemplified in the policy documents, we start this article with a discussion of how a traditional, modern governing apparatus aims to fabricate linear time and institutional space. The article proceeds by arguing that the present-day European governing apparatus that is concerned with digital education fabricates different sorts of times and spaces, namely potential (rather than linear) temporalities and ecological/networked (rather than institutional) spatialities. Likewise, the concrete instruments (such as platforms, portals, credits and certificates) presently adopted in order to do so largely differ from modern instruments. Conclusively, we argue that the presence of these newly emerging (often digital) instruments, and the times and spaces that are fabricated through these instruments, call for an opportunistic mode of existing as a contemporary learner.  相似文献   

In a recent issue of this journal, Steven D. Tripp proposed some innovations in the education of instructional designers based on his analysis of education practices in other design professions. His principal proposals were that students should analyze great instructional designs of the past and that instructional design studios should form part of the educational preparation of students entering the profession. This paper proposes some extensions and modifications to Tripp's original ideas. These include extending his concept of the analysis of great lessons of the past to the analysis of current examples of expert work, the use of an expanded jury system to incorporate peer and practitioner evaluation of students' work, and the criticality of students developing solutions to actual performance problems during the instructional design studio experience. Finally, it is proposed that opportunities for critical reflection on the process of instructional design be built into the studio experience.  相似文献   

启发式教学是一种教学原则,其理论根据是辨证唯物主义认识论和教育心理学。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

为探讨学校松-紧文化对中学生校园欺凌的关系及作用机制,选取云南省德宏州三所中学的808名中学生,利用学校松-紧文化量表、集体道德推脱量表、集体效能感量表、中学生欺凌量表对其进行问卷调查.结果显示:(1)学校松-紧文化可以显著预测校园欺凌;(2)学校松-紧文化与集体道德推脱呈显著负相关,与集体效能感呈显著正相关,与校园欺...  相似文献   

创新是专属人和人类社会的范畴,是人的本质特性。创新是发展,是超越。产品创新、行为创新、观念创新构成了创新系统的结构。从创新的功能上看,创新不仅对良好的个人素质和人格的形成及发展具有重要的作用,而且创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。  相似文献   

Science &; Education - In this essay we argue that science writing from periods of great change in science can be used productively in the classroom to advance scientific literacy. Because the...  相似文献   

对成人教育质量的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成人学生来自社会的各个阶层,他们的年龄、知识结构、个人素质等各方面差异较大,这就使得成人教育与其它教育有着显的区别。针对目前成人教育中存在的观念、师资、管理,教材等几个方面存在的问题进行探讨。以期为提高成人教育质量提出对策。  相似文献   

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