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张爱玲是中国现代文学史上占有相当重要地位的女性作家,她从小失去母爱,有着不同于常人的情感体验。她以这种极端的体验,书写了一群非常态的母性形象。在这些形象身上更多的是冷漠、自私,有的甚至是畸形变态。张爱玲在作品中毅然撕去了贴在母亲身上的天使般神圣的标签,对高尚善良.无私奉献的传统母亲形象产生质疑,打破了母性讴歌的传统模式。这些母性形象折射出作者对母性的价值和本质的更深层思考,开拓了母性题材的新主题,为文坛留下了不可多得的宝贵财富。  相似文献   

20世纪下半叶中国战争小说的母亲形象,经历了革命母亲、本色母亲和妻性失衡式母亲的嬗变过程;经历了精神特质由革命化向人性化、世俗化下移的转变过程。作家们以母性原型为本色,凸显出母性中的共性,感人至深地写出人人心中对母性的美与善,将母亲的本性作为人道与文明的宝塔,照射与重构人类精神家园的灵魂栖所,点亮了人们心中所有的母爱之光,并在艺术之林中占有一席之地。革命母亲形象的光泽也在于此。将妻性失衡式母亲形象作为叩询历史、拷辨人性的艺术载体,也不失为一种成功的艺术选择,它使母亲的形象闪现出前所未有的理性光泽,预示出母亲形象塑造的新方向。  相似文献   

新时期女性作家在经历了"文革"的伤痛之后,呼唤人性的复归,塑造了一批伟大、善良的母亲形象,与此同时,在女性主义的影响下,一部分作家解构母亲神话,发现母亲的世俗性,反思母亲的人性恶,并追寻理想的母爱。她们对母性的重新书写为文学史提供了复杂、真实的母亲形象系列。  相似文献   

张爱玲与萧红笔下的母亲形象颠覆了传统观念中神圣、伟大以及崇高的形象.这与她们的切身经历有密切的关系,虽然她们的创作道路、风格都不相同,但是对于母亲形象的塑造以及母性的态度却有一种逆向的相通之处,揭示出女性复杂的生存困境.  相似文献   

萧红是中国现代文学史上一位命运多变的女作家。她从小就没有体会到母爱,又加之成年后婚姻生活的不幸及自己作为人母时的无奈抉择,使她有着不同常人的情感体验。在她笔下母亲都是畸形变态的恶母形象。这些母亲形象折射出作者对母性的价值和本质的更深层次的思考,开拓了母性题材的新主题,为文坛留下了不可多得的宝贵财富。  相似文献   

20世纪文学中出现的"母性神话"倒塌的现象已经在引起学者的注意.但这一问题在中西文学的古典时期就已经出现,呈现出如赫拉、美狄亚、细侯等"恶母"形象.本文对中西古典时期恶母形象进行了列举陈述,并通过对当时父权社会的分析,得出所谓的"母性神话"是根本不存在的结果.另外,这些"恶母"形象表现出了母亲的多元性,是对于"母性神话"的解构,母亲之人性的回归.  相似文献   

母亲形象是文学画廊里的永恒主题,20世纪四十年代,巴金在《寒夜》和《憩园》中塑造了形态各异的母亲形象,这些女性处于传统文化向现代文化的转型时期,在各自为人母的人生旅途中,经历了不同于传统女性所经历的母性困境。  相似文献   

张爱玲的《金锁记》和铁凝的《玫瑰门》撕去了贴在母亲身上的天使般神圣的标签。与高尚善良、无私奉献的传统母亲形象相比,曹七巧与司猗纹是残酷无情的、是令人们憎恶的“恶母”形象。同时,她们又是封建礼教与封建婚姻制度的受害,是值得人们深深同情的。这两位与众不同的母亲形象折射出了作对母性的价值和本质的更深层思考,开拓了母性题材的新主题。  相似文献   

端木以男性的眼光和需要,塑造了"母亲"和"灵姨"这样充满母性特质的女性形象,她们寄托着作者对爱与美的向往,体现出一种强烈的母性膜拜。本文挖掘了端木对《初吻》中"母亲"和"灵姨"形象描摹的深层审美内涵。  相似文献   

祥林嫂和曹七巧是现当代文学史上两位典型的母亲形象,她们都是牺牲在封建婚姻和封建礼教下的女性。同为母亲,祥林嫂和曹七巧却有不一样的母性。祥林嫂身上散发出人类最原始的母性,是人们在生活中能够感受到的本真甚至有些愚钝的母性;而曹七巧则暴露出被父权制异化了的母性,她更多地带有母性中"恶"的因素。由祥林嫂深沉而备受悲悯的母性到对曹七巧形象分析中的"审母",我们发现从"五四"时期到20世纪40年代,母性的叙述视角发生了明显的变迁。  相似文献   

Women who perceive maternal competency in early parenthood feel comfortable with infant care. A convenience sample of 58 married, first-time mothers and 22 single, first-time mothers was surveyed at six to eight weeks after childbirth to determine the differences in maternal competence perception between married and single mothers. Findings in this pilot study reveal that single mothers significantly reported less comfort in the maternal role as compared to married mothers. Implications for practice, research, and education are discussed.  相似文献   

中国现代文学中出现了不少反面母亲形象。因母亲的愚昧粗俗、自私自利、欲望膨胀等缺点牺牲儿女的幸福,成为"母亲"中的反面教材。从对辣辣、曹七巧、周繁漪和司绮纹等反面母亲形象的分析,得出母性由善变恶归咎于个人、家庭、社会等深层原因,对其细致剖析,为良好母性价值的回归提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Young children are at significant risk of exposure to intimate partner violence (IPV), and vulnerable to exposure-related psychopathology, yet few studies investigate the effects of exposure to IPV on children under the age of 5 years. The current study investigated the role of maternal PTSD symptoms and parenting strategies in the relationship between mothers’ IPV experiences and psychopathology in their young children, ages 3–6 years in a community-based cohort of 308 mother-child dyads at high risk for family violence. Data were collected from 2011 to 2014. IPV history and maternal PTSD symptoms were assessed by self-report questionnaires. Children’s symptoms were assessed with a developmentally-sensitive psychiatric interview administered to mothers. Punitive/restrictive parenting was independently-coded from in-depth interviews with mothers about their disciplinary practices. Hypothesized direct and indirect pathways between physical and psychological IPV, maternal PTSD, maternal parenting style, and children’s internalizing and externalizing symptoms were examined with mediation models. Results indicated that neither physical nor psychological IPV experienced by mothers was directly associated with children’s symptoms. However, both types of victimization were associated with maternal PTSD symptoms. Examination of indirect pathways suggested that maternal PTSD symptoms mediated the relationship between mothers’ psychological and physical IPV experiences and children’s internalizing and externalizing symptoms and mothers’ restrictive/punitive parenting mediated the relationship between mothers’ psychological IPV and children’s externalizing symptoms. In addition, there was a path from maternal physical IPV to child externalizing symptoms through both maternal PTSD symptoms and restrictive/punitive parenting. Findings highlight the importance of supporting parents in recovering from the sequelae of their own traumatic experiences, as their ensuing mental health symptoms and parenting behaviors may have a significant impact on their children’s emotional health.  相似文献   

在中国现代文学史上,出现了众多无私、仁爱、善良的慈母形象,她们伟大的母性情怀令众多读者感慨、赞叹,为了家庭、儿女,她们大都付出了自己所有的一切,真实地流露出女性的自然母性;然而,非所有的母亲都是如此,她们有的为了自我的个性解放,为了追求人格的独立, 自觉地回避了母性意识;还有的因为生活的艰辛及思想的束缚,在她们身上固守的母性意识逐渐变异,亲情的挚爱甚至转变为仇恨。通过对各种母性表现的梳理,我们可以体会到浓厚的男权文化氛围对广大女性解放的束缚、阻碍,以及女性解放道路的曲折、漫长。  相似文献   

佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿和托尼·莫里森分别在《他们眼望上苍》和《秀拉》中塑造了不朽的黑人女性形象。借用心理分析学家南茜·乔多萝的客体关系理论,从女性主义的视角,对比分析在种族、性别和阶层的桎梏下寻求独立的女主人公们与她们母亲间错综复杂的关系:母爱对女主人公来说或是分离的残酷现实,或是对自我成长的限制,或是难以摆脱的依恋,母亲的影响对女性性格的塑造、自我意识的发掘和女性身份的认同起到限制或推动性的作用。  相似文献   

This study examined the connection between maternal working models, marital adjustment, and the parent-child relationship. Subjects were 45 mothers who were observed in problem-solving interactions with their 16–62-month-old children ( M = 33 months). Mothers also completed the Attachment Q-set, the Adult Attachment Interview, and a marital adjustment scale. As predicted, maternal working models were related to the quality of mother-child interactions and child security, and there was a significant relation between marital adjustment and child security. Maternal working models and marital adjustment were also associated interactively with child behavior and child security. Among children of insecure mothers, child security scores were higher when mothers reported high (vs. low) marital adjustment. No relation between child security scores and mothers' marital adjustment was found among children of secure mothers. These results suggest that maternal working models influence parenting and child adjustment well beyond infancy, to which period the few existing studies of adult attachment have been restricted. The results also suggest that interactions between maternal working models and the marital adjustment on child behavior and attachment security need to be more closely examined.  相似文献   

The current study shows that parental punitive discipline places children at risk of developing internalizing and externalizing problems. Although some studies have analyzed the reasons for the use of discipline methods, little to no research has analyzed the moderating effects. In this study, we examine the relationship between maternal negative emotional expression and mothers’ use of disciplinary methods (psychological aggression, corporal punishment and physical maltreatment) and the moderating effects of educational attainment in Chinese societies. Five hundred and sixteen mothers with preschool-aged children were recruited to participate in this research. The Chinese versions of the Self-Expressiveness in the Family Questionnaire (SEFQ) and the Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scales (CTSPC) were used to measure the mothers’ negative emotional expression and discipline, respectively. The results suggested that the mothers’ negative emotional expression was positively related to their disciplinary behaviors. Moreover, maternal educational attainment moderated the association between negative emotional expression and discipline. The findings of the current study highlight the importance of considering how mothers’ educational backgrounds may interact with their emotions to influence maternal disciplinary behaviors.  相似文献   

The study examined conflict and facilitation in work–family relations among working mothers of children with learning disorders (LD) or with typical development. The study also focused on three maternal personal resources (maternal anxious/avoidant attachment security, affect and sense of coherence) as antecedents of these work–family relations, and examined outcomes of such conflict and facilitation between the two life domains, as they affected patterns of close relationships within the family (child attachment and family cohesion). The sample included 96 mother–child dyads: 48 mothers and their children with LD; and 48 mothers and their typically developing children. Children’s ages were 8–12 years. All attended public elementary schools in urban areas of central Israel. Significant group differences emerged on mothers’ family to work conflict and on mothers’ work to family facilitation. Findings indicated that several maternal personal resources were antecedents of these relations and also contributed to differences in mother–child attachment relationships and family cohesion. Discussion focused on understanding work–family relations among these mothers of children with LD, as well as the influence of maternal personal resources on patterns of close relationships (i.e., child attachment, family cohesion).  相似文献   

3 studies were based on subgroups selected from larger pools of either normal children or children with delays in the expression and/or comprehension of language but normal nonverbal abilities. In Study 1, younger (28-50 months) and older (51-68 months) normal (N = 27) and language-delayed (N = 33) boys were observed interacting with their mothers in free play and structured task situations. Although language-delayed children initiated fewer interactions, their responsiveness to maternal interactions, questions, and commands did not differ from that of normal children. Mothers questioned language-delayed children less frequently during tasks but did not differ from mothers of normal children on other measures of interaction, responsiveness, control, or reward strategies. In Study 2, the complexity of maternal speech directed to normal (N = 11) and expressively delayed (N = 11) boys who were matched on the basis of comprehensive skills did not differ. Maternal speech to boys with delays in both language expression and comprehension (N = 11) was significantly less complex. In Study 3, the discrepancy between the speech complexity of mothers and that of their language-delayed children (N = 47) was greatest in younger children with greater expression and comprehension delays, who initiated fewer interactions and proved less responsive to maternal interactions and questions.  相似文献   

J D Osofsky 《Child development》1976,47(4):1138-1147
134 mothers and their newborn infants were studied in order to evaluate the realtionship's between neonatal characteristics and mother-infant interaction. The procedure included a newborn assessment with the Brazelton Neonatal Assessment Scale and 2 mother-infant interaction observations, 1 carried out during feeding and the other during a semistructured situation. The results indicated that there were consistent relationships between infant and maternal behavior; more alert and responsive infants had more responsive and sensitive mothers. These consistencies were found for both infants and mothers across the different situations. Both infant and maternal responsiveness to a variey of social stimuli were noted.  相似文献   

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