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The users demands and the situation of economic & cultural development of the society as wellhinge the rise and fall of the library cause.Demands of users have not been get on the upsurge in thatthe economic and cultural development of china is in a state  相似文献   

联机公共检索目录系统的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since the development of the Online Public Access Catalogues in the 1970s, libraries in Europe and America have devoted more and more attention to it. To date, it has already developed to the third generation. The OPAC System makes those users who lack training and experience be able to use it directly. It provides the users a kind of capability to access, which is neither like the order language with a very complex function, nor is it like the "menu" one with a very simple function. The interface design of it is an important phase of OPAC device,the study of which falls into the following categories;1)the matching aid.2)the retrieval aid.and 3)the semantic/contextual aid.The successful practice of the development and services of OPAC opens up a wide range of prospect for readers to use library materials directly.  相似文献   

论联机环境对规范控制的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The article explains the basic concepts of authority control, cataloging of copies and the original cataloging. Changes of authority control in the online environment are also discussed, including authority control for shifting from precataloging to postcataloging and separating of mechanical labour from mental labour, and the implementation of authority control at different levels. The paper shows the necessity of partial and local authority control, pointing out that the individual authority of files may have already been obsolete,and they should be replaced by online authority files.The author holds that the vital question confronted by libraries is to make a change of authority work so as to control online catalogues.He also places emphases on the chief problems to be taken into consideration for the ahthority work in China.3 illus.17 references.  相似文献   

The major content of the study of library users is the study of their psychology. Readers emotion is subject to the library s environment, the quality and quantity of the documents and the emotion of the readers themselves as well. In order to make a good job of reader services, the librarians, in addition to their erudition and skill, should have the following three qualities: 1) self-cultivation, 2) ability to observe and analyse the readers psychology, and 3) sedate and refined appearance.  相似文献   

At present, the research papers on comparative librarianship in China lack the studies of living examples. There are too many approaches to pure theories. On account of the lack of the support from practices, merely depending and drawing on the experience from other countries,it is very hard for the achievements made to guide the practices. Thus, theory and practice would split and break up sooner or later. Besides, some researchers are eager for quick success and instant benefit, trying to accomplish in one move.In addition,narrow knowledge of the researchers and the irrational structure of knowledge also affect the researchers to make a thorough study.  相似文献   

剖析情报学理论体系流派的用户观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper analyses informations, information systems, information users and the interrelations among them. It generally evaluates the user concepts of each of the following schools of information science:the interchange school, the knowledge school, the decision school and the communication school. 3 illus. 9 references.  相似文献   

China has achieved brilliant success in library research however,quite a few problems still exist,among which,there are two major problems existing in the order of the research:the thought of aca-demic authorities is weakening and the excessive defendence  相似文献   

当代图书馆事业所面临的问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Problems in finance, personnel, technology theory and legislation confronting, the present-day library undertaking are reviewed and compared one with the other in a comparatively systematic way. 114 references.  相似文献   

图书馆学基础理论研究概述   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Since Mr.M.W.Schrettinger of Germany used the term"library science"for the first time in1807,quite a few Chinese and foreign library scientists have been trying to explore its nature,and theobjects,contents and methods of study,at the same time to explain  相似文献   

The Subject of information consciousness is probed from the four aspects of its definition, history, structure and function on the basis of Marxist principles of philosophy and dialectics. The paper holds that information consciousness being a high-grade psychological reaction of human nervous system to the information system, is a scientific activity which has progressively approached to perfection in the process of the emergence and development of scientific information activities since the present era. 1 illus.13 refs.  相似文献   

语言层次论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
From a macroscopic point of view the paper reviews the differentiation phenomenon of the language functional gradation, holding that three gradations are included in a language, i.e. the daily social intercourse language, the scientific interchange language and the retrieval language. With this starting point in mind, the author presents the relationship among the language gradations and the leading features of each. 1 illus:9 references.  相似文献   

市场经济对图书馆工作的影响──关于强化图书馆生存和发展能力的思考周声浩Abstract:Sincetheestablishmentofthesocialistmarketeconomy,libraryworkhaswitnesseditsexpans...  相似文献   

The article probes into the feasibility of applying ozone to the sterilization in libraries and information agencies from the aspects of introducing the basic knowledge about ozone, the density and effct of ozone sterilization, the effect that ozone has the writings on the book paper and the ozone sterilization equipments, etc.  相似文献   

高频词与低频词的界分及词频估算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mr. J.C. Donohue, in 1973, believe that there was a critical value in the demarcation of high-and low-frequency terms used in articles, and at the same time he proposed formulas of calculation. On the basis of adopting maximum value to determine grades of terms, this article brings forth and introduces a new formula of demarcating the high-and low-frequency terms which is not only simple and direct in the process of calculation but also more practical as compared with that of Mr. Donohue. Having made a study of ways of calculating for various kinds of terms with similar frequency,the article also gives a formula of calculation and reveals the inheret law governing the number of frequency of terms ans terms with similar frequency.The author holds that the frequency of terms appeared in the article and the number of terms with similar frequency have something to do with the number of different terms but have nothing to do with the length of the articles.10 formulas.5 tables.4 references.  相似文献   

我国中文同类书排列书次号研究述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In the last 40 years, more than 190 pieces of book-number research papers have been produced in China, and 25 types from 7 classes of schemes for working out book numbers were put forward. Since the August of 1990, the study of book number system has already brought into the limits of functions of the China National Technical Committee of Standardization for Information and Documentation (CNTCSID). The pressing matter of the moment is:strengthening the leadership, tackling this key problem with a collective effort,formulating as early as possible standards for appraising book numbers and finally,taking the Chinese phonetic alphabets of book number searching mixed with two or three-figure numbers of the author number as the way forward for book number system in China.  相似文献   

图书馆人与图书馆精神   总被引:62,自引:3,他引:59  
By analysing the zeal for studying characters of the library world during 1980s, the author puts forward a concept of "humanistic library science" i.e. taking the "librarians" as the centre of study to investigate the relationship between librarians and library undertaking and the relationship between library and the society, and to elaborate theories of library science. On the basis of analysing the characteristics of the four generations of Chinese librarian in the 20th century, the author puts forward the concept of library spirit,the content of which consists of the following four phases:love the motherland,love for one's library,fraternity among one's solleagues and taking good care of books.11 references.  相似文献   

The author of this article had collected 678 research papers on resource sharing in library and in-formation published respectively in 52 journals between 1979-1989.Most of the papers were issued inthe"Researches in Library Science",the"Bulletin of the Ch  相似文献   

Quan Zuwang and Zhang Xuecheng were both bibliognosts of Qing Dynasty. In Quan s theory of bibliography, there is neither the connotation of enlightenment thought nor the ideological content of, what is called the Yi Wen Xue An in Zhang s bibliographical thinking, which, together with his literary and historical thinking has reciprocal outward show and inner thought. He had founded the theory of new bibliography and developed a school of his own. It s true that his theory carries on the theories of his predecessors and those of the same generation of him,but it is by no means the product of "being very close"to any of theirs.  相似文献   

Shang Jun(商君),Shen Zi(申子),and Shen Zi(慎子)were personages of legalist in Pre-Qin."Shang Jun Shu"was spread in Warring states,and was lost in Song dynasty.The old edition the per-son saw in Qing dynasty was the edition of Yuan dynasty,and then the oldst edi  相似文献   

中国文化发展与图书馆   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The history of Chinese library undertaking shows that the development of libraries is subject to the reinforcement of political domination, the need of ideological domination, the rise of education and the development of cultural exchange and the academic research as well. The development of culture breeds and promotes libraries, and libraries in turn, exert an active influence over the development of cultures  相似文献   

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