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曹曼 《培训与研究》2003,20(1):90-92
中学教师在语言教学的同时应该对学生进行“跨化交际”意识的渗透。本从英语教学的各个环节入手,探讨如何渗透化意识的问题,并试图通过分析英语教学过程中的词汇教学、会话课教学、课教学以及多媒体教学,提出进行化意识渗透的具体措施和方法。  相似文献   

The code of Practice on the Identification and Assessment of Special Educational Needs (1994) places new responsibility on the special needs coordinator (or SENCo) for its implementation and subsequent management. Many additional duties, as well as significant changes to existing practices, are required. This paper reports the experiences of a small group of SENCos in adopting the new arrangements. They suggest that the Code brings both benefits, including enhanced status and more effective provision for their pupils, and drawbacks, notably the failure to provide non‐teaching time for Code‐related administration.  相似文献   

Despite a more prominent role of arts education in the school curriculum, artistic creativity does not occur to a great extent in primary school practice. More opportunities for teachers to strengthen their know‐how in the field of artistic creativity can therefore be considered important. Arts education projects focus on pupils' development of creativity by means of introducing artists with their divergent working methods into primary schools. Beside fostering pupils' creative openness and skills, arts education organisations aim to transfer artistic enthusiasm to teachers in each project. Collaboration with artists can encourage teachers' artistic creative work. New working methods, techniques or ways of experimenting are more likely to be adopted in daily teaching practice when the project duration consists of several years. However, most projects are short‐lived and the means for a long‐term project policy are limited. Consequently, results in the area of sustainable outcomes concerning artistic creative work with teachers are limited. To create a long‐term view, the availability of financial resources is an important condition in order to realise a mentality change towards artistic creativity in education. Finally, continuing debate with several participants about making artistic creative work sustainable remains necessary.  相似文献   

本文从分析机器人教学引进中学课堂的滞后现状及其产生的原因入手,提出“引进”是迈向强国之路的需要,是培养高素质人才的需要,是探索深化教改课改的需要,进而理清思想,纠正偏见,统一认识,明确“引进”的重要性、必要性和可行性,增强“引进”的紧迫感、责任感和使命感。  相似文献   

Schools in Singapore are now tasked to develop the spirit of innovation and enterprise in their students. This is in line with the national vision of ‘Thinking Schools, Learning Nation’. This policy initiative, which began in 2004, is set to change the fundamental nature of education in Singapore. This article discusses the innovation and enterprise (I&E) initiative, its major implications for schools in Singapore and the areas still to be addressed in the implementation of the policy. In particular, the article discusses the issues of teachers and school leaders as role models of I&E, I&E as an organic part of school business, the influence of the wider societal culture and values system, and the measurement of success of I&E. The challenge for schools is to go beyond the form of the initiative to bring real substantial and sustainable change through this movement.  相似文献   

先进工业文化进入职业院校校园的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
职业学校的毕业生是新型工业化的生力军,面对更加自主更加个性化的青年一代,面对日益加快的技能革新,面对日益凸显的劳资矛盾,提高学校和企业的工业文化水平,把工业文化融入校园文化,实现优秀工业文化进校园、优秀企业文化进课堂是解决这些矛盾和问题的突破口.为此,应开展工作价值观教育,提高学生工业文化素养;校企共建符合先进工业文化特征的职业教育课程;跨越校企文化鸿沟,提高教师工业文化素养;吸收企业文化精华,建设有工业文化特色的校园文化;利用社会资源,广泛开展工业文化教育.  相似文献   

学习型组织理论从自我超越、改善心智模式、建立共同愿景、团队学习和系统思考五项修炼入手,逐步引领学校走向管理创新之路。学校在进行管理创新时,应注重校园化的建设、学生能力的培养、校长作为学习的组织和领导的角色、计算机和网络的应用等方面的问题。  相似文献   

本文阐述了在高三物理教学中,如何培养学生的多种思维方式  相似文献   

俗话说得好:“良好的开端是成功的一半”。新课引入的作用是集中学生的注意力,激发兴趣,唤起求知欲,启迪学生积极思维,为取得好的教学效果打下基础。笔者多年来从事初中物理教学,总结出以下几种新课引入的方法。 1 复习引入法复习引入法就是利用物理知识之间的联系点来引入新课的,使学生感到新知识并不陌生,可将新知识纳入原有的知识结构中,能降低新知识的难度。它的设计思  相似文献   

在课程改革中,对学校管理的目标、关键、模式、支柱和保证五个方面进行创新,构建和谐校园,并保证课程改革的顺利完成.  相似文献   

关于高校设立创新学分的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学分制的本质是一种测量方法,引入创新学分的概念可以改变高校学分的内部结构,有效地引导学校的教育教学行为,使之更好地关注学生的创造性的发展。就目前的实际而言,可将大学生的科研活动、科研成果及其转化、大学生的创业、在重大活动中的突出表现等列入创新学分设立的范围。创新学分的设立要求高校切实转变教育观念,加深对学分制的认识;正确处理创新学分与学科课程学分之间的关系;为学生创造性活动的开展创造条件。  相似文献   

名校办民校:制度越轨还是制度创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章试图以A中学举办民办分校的案例为线索,借用制度分析的观点和方法,讨论了“名校办民校”过程中所涉及的国有资产流失和教育公平两个焦点问题,最后对“名校办民校”这一现象进行了概括性评述。  相似文献   

理解和实施历史创新教育的重点应放在创新能力和素质培养方面,创造性地挖掘和使用历史材料,使受教育在创新意识、创新思维、创新品格等方面的素质得到发展。  相似文献   

新时期大型中国史书的编纂与史体创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史书是新时期史学变革诸内容的载体,尤其是大型史书的编撰,史体必须创新。以白寿彝等为代表的史学家在深厚学养基础上,自觉整合多种史书体裁的长处,创造了“新综合体”、“新编年体”与“新纪事本末体”,走出了中国史书编纂的一条新路,显示出中国史学在唯物史观指导下的生机。  相似文献   

职业院校学生社团建设与创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业院校学生社团组织既有普通高校学生社团的共性,又有职业院校学生社团的特点.但由于多方面的原因,各个院校学生社团的发展很不平衡,而且不同程度地存在管理不规范、发展不稳定、经费和活动场地不足、缺乏整体规划等问题.根据职业教育特点,各职业院校应大力发展专业技能型社团和创业型社团,把社团活动纳入学分制管理,并尝试网络社团活动和跨校社团活动.  相似文献   

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