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The year 2004 is the 100th anniversary of thebirthday of Fu Baoshi, a virtuoso painter incontemporary China. Retrospect exhibitions andother commemorating activities and forums havebeen held in Beijing, Nanjing, Xinyu, Taipei andTokyo. Few Chinese artists of modern timesenjoy this honor at home and abroad.As Fu's masterpieces are becoming more andmore valued at major international art auctions,his achievements in art, his artistic pursuit andhis life have become talk topics and researchsub…  相似文献   


The purpose of this article was twofold. Firstly, to investigate the heterogeneity among artists as an occupational category and secondly, to define arts as a profession and thereby to make a distinction between professional artists and amateurs. Artists' income and working conditions have been the subject of several studies, and many different sampling criteria have been used. Scholars have not yet achieved consensus on who should be included in the profession. In this article, we make an innovative contribution to this conversation. By applying a finite mixture model, which combines latent profile and latent class analysis, we have been able to identify different segments of artists in terms of professionalism. Each of these mutually exclusive classes is characterized by a particular income and working situation. We also include a membership function, estimated through a logistic regression, which allows prediction of the probability that an individual will belong to each class, given his/her socioeconomic characteristics. The subject of our study is Danish visual artists. The dataset consists of a combination of register data from Statistics Denmark and data collected from a questionnaire survey with 892 respondents. Based on the artists’ civil registration numbers, the two sources have been merged into a unique dataset. Our finite mixture model shows the heterogeneity among artists. Combined with a theoretically definition of arts as a profession, our research propose a distinction between professional artists and amateurs that cuts across categories used in prior literature. The results can be beneficial to cultural policy.


Almost anybody in China knows Feng Jicai is a writer, but few know that the author of national renown has roots in Ningbo, a port city in East China's Zhejiang Province. I am among the few who know the secret. That's one of the reasons why I have long since wanted to meet him. I am from Ningbo too.A gray morning this winter, I arrived at Feng Jicai's studio, hidden in a complex of apartment buildings in Tianjin. The studio didn't have any sign on the door. The clerks there were all from Ningbo. Hearing them  相似文献   

Rongcheng in East China's coastal Shandong Province has a swan lake where hundreds of swans spend winter days after a longjourney from Siberia or Xinjiang.It is Asia's largest winter habitat forswans.In the coldest months,swans swim happily there and thei…  相似文献   

The West Lake of Hangzhou has been famous for about 1,000 years in China.The picturesque scenery,together with the city's legendary wealthy past and luxurious life,has made the West Lake a household phrase in the country.Poets and artist shave been in love with the tranquil lake and moun-  相似文献   

历史上的潘玉良潘玉良,原名陈玉清,1895年生于扬州,父母早逝,少年沦落风尘,身世坎坷。幸得潘赞化为其赎身,嫁潘为妻,遂改名潘玉良。潘玉良旅法四十多年,潜心钻研画艺,坚持“融中西画于一冶”,创作出许多优秀作品,在法国多次参加具有代表性的沙龙展览,并在美国、英国、意大利、比利时、卢森堡等国举办过个人画展。获得的奖项有:法国金像奖、比利时金质奖章和银盾奖、意大利罗马国际艺术金盾奖等共计二十多个。法国现代艺术博物馆、塞奴西博物馆、教育博物馆、巴黎市博物馆均收藏有潘玉良的作品。著名世界美术史家、美国史坦福大学教授苏利文认为潘玉良是“当代能使中西艺术融合的少数中国画家中一位杰出的榜样”。潘玉良生前曾多次准备回国,但因种种原因未能如愿,临终时嘱托友人一定要奖其作品奉献给国人。潘玉良去世后,经过辗转艰辛,潘玉良的四干多件遗作终于回到祖国,收藏于安徽省博物馆。在这批作品中,计有油画360幅,国画350幅,另有白描、版画、雕塑、水粉、速写等三千多件。从中可以看出潘王良的作品题材广泛,视野开阔,以印象派技法为主,同时揉进中国民族、民间艺术的特点,以线条入画,技法娴熟,笔力遒劲,充分体现了自己独特的风格。  相似文献   

乘客在出租车上受到歹徒袭击, “的哥”却置若罔闻。他到底应该受到道义上的谴责, 还是法律的惩罚? 同样面对生命危险, “的哥”应否见义勇为?  相似文献   

农民工话语权对于农民工公民主体地位的实现,社会主义民主的推进意义重大.但现实社会中,农民工话语权并未得到真正的实现,农民工仍处于失语状态,文章就此进行了分析.  相似文献   

王文 《对外大传播》2014,(11):37-38
正2 014年10月24日,中央全面深化改革领导小组第六次会议审议了《关于加强中国特色新型智库建设的意见》。习近平强调,需要"重点建设一批具有较大影响力和国际影响力的高端智库"。这是十八大以来中央最高层至少是第五次公开强调智库建设,也是第一次从"国际影响力"的角度阐述智库建设的重点性。在本专栏刊发的文章中,笔者曾论及国际传播与影响力对智库的重要性,本文拟从国际亲历的角度比较一下中美智库的差距与差异。  相似文献   

随着城市大规模向外扩张,大部分边缘区的村民为通过征地补偿和拆迁实现一夜暴富,违规加建,但政策的不确定性又使村民陷入尴尬的境地.在土地财政和政府"压力型"考核机制的激励下,部分地方政府采用拆迁安置的方式以获得更多的土地出让金,忽视了村民的发展诉求.边缘区村庄邻近城市,城镇化是必然趋势,规划应采用柔性规划的思路,因地制宜地...  相似文献   

Critical accounts of the financialization of the world economy decry the depersonalization and abstraction effected by finance in the service of extraction, expropriation and dispossession. Analysts and activists alike seek to re-socialize finance so that those whose interests it serves can be identified and so that new, socially embedded forms of exchange can emerge. They also seek to re-ground finance in a ‘real’, presumably material and social, fabric so that its excesses can be tamed and the sources of value made apparent. My essay questions these paired critiques and their supposed aims. It will argue that the continual attempt to reassert the social in economy points to a limit to the critical imagination, and that the critique of calculative rationality misses some of the other functions and practical effects of numbers besides commensuration and abstraction.  相似文献   

说话? 说话     
我刚来北京的时候,很不习惯的士司机的聒噪。那时刚去新单位就职,陌生的节奏和人际关系,仿佛不能确定的洪水随时能够淹没我。常常深夜才离开,拦一辆车,师傅跟我搭讪几句,见我不响应,便扭开电台。评书声洪亮饱满,像一颗硕大金黄的向日葵,立刻撑满了的士空间。  相似文献   

我刚来北京的时候,很不习惯的士司机的聒噪.那时刚去新单位就职,陌生的节奏和人际关系,仿佛不能确定的洪水随时能够淹没我.常常深夜才离开,拦一辆车,师傅跟我搭讪几句,见我不响应,便扭开电台.评书声洪亮饱满,像一颗硕大金黄的向日葵,立刻撑满了的士空间.  相似文献   

我怕古装戏。——怕女的都叫格格,男的全是阿哥。怕才子爱上青楼,小姐今夜私奔。怕后来出生的人,都认为历史是从清朝开始的。我怕背景音乐。——时刻都在被强制听单调重复的背景音乐,超市里天天是"常回家看看",电梯里循环播放"致爱丽丝"。我怕拍马屁。——不得不拍别人马屁,自己恶心;看别人拍马屁,起鸡皮疙瘩;别人拍自己马屁,知道自己又要被人利用。我怕拖欠薪水。——在流行用未来钱、把  相似文献   

Research agendas and academic evaluation are inevitably linked. By means of economic incentives, promotion, research funding, and reputation academic evaluation is a powerful influence on the production of knowledge; moreover, it is often conceived as a universal instrument without consideration of the context in which it is applied. Evaluation systems are social constructions in dispute, being the current focus of international debates regarding criteria, indicators, and their associated methods. A universalist type of productivity indicators is gaining centrality in academic evaluation with profound effects on the content of research that is conducted everywhere. Specifically, evaluation systems based on this type of indicators are sending negative signals to scientists willing to conduct research on contextualized agendas, particularly those negotiated with non scientists. On the basis of theoretical and empirical studies documented on the specialized literature and extensive personal engagement with university research policy in Uruguay, we argue that the consolidation of evaluation practices of alleged universal validity deteriorates and discourages a type of research which is undeniably important in developing contexts.  相似文献   

余秋雨先生在考察了希腊埃及巴比伦印度等几大人类古文明发祥地之后,十分忧伤地慨叹:人类几大文明发祥地都已衰落无一例外。衰落有诸多原因,但危害最大的是军事远征和宗教战争。军事远征胜利的一方总是要对战败的一方实行文化奴役,这对被奴役的文化是一种毁灭性的摧残,有埃及、耶路撒冷、巴比伦、伊朗、印度的废墟为证。宗教战争是一种精神的扫荡,专选别人的文明动刀。宗教战争和宗教征服来回穿梭,屠夫比武.漫漫沙场尸横遍野血流成河。这实在与宗教创立者的慈善原则完全背道而驰。最后,秋雨先生将中华文明和域外文明作了一个对比,得出的结论是中国古代的君王都以自己为天下的中心,所以都不喜欢远征别国,因而中华文明从根子上主张和平自守。你看在中国商代、埃及已经远征了西亚:孔子时代,波斯远征了巴比伦,又远征了埃及;到了屈原时代,希腊的亚历山大还在远征埃及和巴比伦,而且波斯和希腊,都已抵达印度。那时中国也打,但大多只是内部纷争,与人家一比简直是彻底的本  相似文献   

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