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Since August 2003, pupils with auditory, communicative, motor, mental or multiple disabilities, as well as severe behavioural/emotional problems, in The Netherlands have been entitled to receive a pupil‐bound budget when attending a mainstream school. The first experiences with this budget in regular Dutch primary schools are described in this paper. The focus is on the social position and development of 20 special educational needs (SEN) pupils who were placed in mainstream primary schools. The class teacher, parent(s) and peripatetic teacher of each of the pupils were interviewed; interviews focused on the cognitive, social and social‐emotional development of the SEN pupils. In addition, the class teacher, parent(s), peripatetic teacher and classmates assessed the social position of the SEN pupil via interviews and a sociometric questionnaire. The results showed that teachers and parents and, to a lesser extent, peripatetic teachers, had a more positive view of the social position of the SEN pupils than did classmates. The results of the sociometric questionnaire indicated that the social position of the SEN pupils and that of their non‐SEN classmates did not differ significantly, however. In addition, a panel of five independent assessors assessed the cognitive, social and social‐emotional development of the 20 SEN pupils by examining anonymous pupil dossiers, which comprised information derived from interviews with class teachers, parents and peripatetic teachers, together with results of the sociometric questionnaire and a copy of the individual education programme (IEP) of the SEN pupils. The assessments showed that the panel had concerns about the development of 35% of these pupils; it was (very) positive about a further 35% of the SEN pupils. An expected relation between the social position of the SEN pupils and satisfaction of the panel concerning the development of the SEN pupils, however, was not found.  相似文献   

The serial position effect in Long-Evans rats was evaluated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, the effect in a group for which an interstimulus interval (ISI) was introduced between items in a list of demonstrators was compared with that in a group without an ISI. With an ISI, a recency effect was produced. In Experiment 2, a serial position effect group was compared with four groups in which either the distinctiveness or the context of the middle item was changed, relative to the items on either side of it. A von Restorff effect was produced when a rat from a different strain was used as a demonstrator in Position 2. The results for Experiment 1 are discussed in relation to interstimulus effects in monkeys and those for Experiment 2 with respect to changes in the physical properties of middle items.  相似文献   


An important aspect of integrating special needs pupils in mainstream education is social integration. Parents of Down's syndrome children and their teachers in regular education regard contact with peers as of utmost importance for these children's development. Until recently, there was little research in The Netherlands on social contact between mainstream Down's syndrome children and their classmates. The study addresses the number and type of contacts in the regular classroom and the position occupied by the pupils involved within their peer group in regular education.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to examine predictors of psychopathology in non-clinically referred, sexually abused (SA) children, ages 6-16 years, 30-60 days following abuse disclosure and termination. METHOD: Eighty SA children were administered a structured diagnostic interview and a variety of rating-scale instruments. Several forms of psychopathology were assessed, including posttraumatic stress, global functioning, anxiety, depression, and externalizing behavior. Abuse interviews also were used to guide the collection of demographic (victim age, gender) and abuse-related information (e.g., frequency of abuse). RESULTS: Abuse-related factors and demographic variables accounted for greater than half of the variance predicting global functioning, and accurately predicted posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) status for 86% of the participants. Also, analyses yielded significant predictors of parent-reported attention problems and sexual behavior. Of additional importance, none of the abuse-related and demographic variables predicted scores on measures of general anxiety, depression, and externalizing behavior. CONCLUSIONS: Specific demographic and sexual abuse information may, to some extent, be used to identify children who are at increased risk for short-term post-abuse psychopathology. Although the present findings suggest that such information may not be useful in the prediction of general anxiety, depression, and externalizing behavior, demographic and abuse-related variables importantly appear to account for significant variance in the prediction of global functioning, posttraumatic stress, attentiveness, and sexual behavior. Additional research is needed to improve mental health professionals' ability to identify SA children who are at high risk for psychopathology.  相似文献   

This study sought to identify clusters or subtypes of children with learning disabilities (LD) and documented brain damage (BD) on the basis of a comprehensive neuropsychological battery. Sixty subjects, 24 with LD and 36 with BD, participated in the study. The standard scores for several measures from the Intermediate Battery of the Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery and other select measures were submitted to Q-Technique factor analysis for the entire sample. Five clusters were determined. No one cluster was composed exclusively of LD or BD subjects, with the proportions of LD and BD varying considerably from one cluster to the next. There were some qualitative differences between the clusters, while quantitative differences also figured prominently.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Various demographic and community characteristics are associated with child abuse rates in national and urban samples, but similar analyses have not been done within rural areas. This study analyzes the relationships between reported and substantiated rates of child abuse and county demographic, health care resource and social services factors in a predominantly rural state in the US. METHODS: County-level data from Iowa between 1984-1993 were analyzed for associations between county characteristics and rates of child abuse using univariate correlations and multivariate stagewise regression analysis. Population-adjusted rates of reported and substantiated child abuse were correlated with rates of children in poverty, single-parent families, marriage and divorce, unemployment, high-school dropouts, median family income, elder abuse, birth and death rates, numbers of physicians and other healthcare providers, hospital, social workers, and number of caseworkers in the Department of Human Services. RESULTS: Rates of single-parent families, divorce and elder abuse were significantly associated with reported and substantiated child abuse in multivariate analysis, while economic and most health care factors were not. Reporting and substantiation rates differed across districts after adjustment for multiple factors including caseworker workload. CONCLUSIONS: In this rural state, family structure is more significantly associated with child abuse report and substantiation rates than are socioeconomic factors. The level of health care resources in a county does not appear to affect these rates.  相似文献   

在国际社会主义运动中,杰出领袖充当了指路明灯,发挥了不可磨灭的作用。在革命成败的关键转折时期和政党、国家存亡的生死攸关之际,杰出的领袖都力缆狂澜,引导着革命走向胜利,带领国家走向未来。当下,我国正是走向中华民族伟大复兴的关键时期,我们迫切需要发挥习近平的核心领袖作用,在以习近平为核心的新一代领导集体的带领下,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。  相似文献   

There is an extensive literature about the presidency in United States universities but very little has been written about the comparable office elsewhere in the English-speaking world. This article analyses, in seventeen dimensions, social characteristics of Australian vice-chancellors incumbent in the years 1983, 1973 and 1963. Interpretation of the data cannot be made in isolation from other information relating both to vice-chancellors and to the contexts in which they are active. The study also places into sharper relief a number of other issues, foremost of which is the extent to which a system of higher education in Australia has developed definitive characteristics.  相似文献   

"文革"结束后,中国第一本青年原创文学杂志《萌芽》于1981年复刊.由于原始材料有限,本文以1982年第3期至第12期的《萌芽》为讨论中心,以1982年《萌芽》的封面、插图、栏目设置以及编辑主张为切入点,分析复刊后的《萌芽》如何定位自己的文化身份.同时,通过作者群和读者群来分析《萌芽》如何以这种身份参与到杂志外部的"主流文学"空间,共同构建80年代初期的"主流文学".虽然《萌芽》将作者群与读者群定位在青年这一群体,试图创造出新文学,但80年代"主流文学"的特征依旧烙印在《萌芽》上,使《萌芽》成为一个新旧混合体.  相似文献   

This research addresses the question of whether student loan repayment and default behaviors are more highly related to the characteristics of the college attended or to the characteristics of the individual student aid recipient. Our model development and variable selection is guided by theories of human capital and public subsidy, ability to pay perspectives, organizational structural/functional approaches, and student-institution fit models. To conduct the study, three national databases were merged: the NPSAS study of individual recipients of federal financial aid, IPEDS data containing campus financial and enrollment characteristics, and a third containing College Board Survey data. Our findings erode the basis for current national policies and proposed SPRE legislation that hold institutions accountable for the loan defaults of former students. Loan repayment and default behavior can be substantially predicted by the precollege, college, and postcollege characteristics of individual borrowers. Majoring in a scientific or technological discipline, earning good grades, persisting to degree completion, getting and staying married, and not having dependent children are all actions that substantially increase the likelihood of repayment and lower the likelihood of default. In both populations (all borrowers and nonproprietary), we find virtually no evidence of a direct link between default behavior and type of institution or highest degree offered.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, New Orleans, Louisiana. May 1994.  相似文献   

Research findings regarding the relationship of social skills deficits and behavioral characteristics associated with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among kindergarten-age children are presented. The Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales (PKBS) were utilized to identify the social skills attributes of young children with significant ADHD characteristics. An ADHD target group (N = 95) was constructed by selecting participants from a large nationwide sample who were rated by their teachers as being in the highest 5% on the PKBS Attention Problems/Overactive subscale. A matched non-ADHD comparison group (by gender and age) of 95 children was developed through a randomized block procedure using the same nationwide sample. The ADHD group was rated as having significantly poorer social skills than the comparison group, and could be classified with a very high degree of accuracy based on discriminant function analysis of their social skills scores. Although exhibiting comparative deficits in all social skill areas, the ADHD participants were especially lacking in social cooperation skills: the ability to follow rules, structure, and important social expectations of both children and adults. Children who were rated high in ADHD characteristics were between five and six times more likely than the comparison children to be rated as having significant deficits in social skills. Implications of these findings for assessment and treatment of young children are discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the Social Situational Model of Family Violence through an examination of characteristics associated with the use of ordinary and severe corporal punishment as measured by the Parents-Child Conflict Tactics Scales. METHOD: Logistic Regression used to examine the validity of the model using data from a national sample conducted by the Gallup Organizations. RESULTS: Those with fewer resources (lower income, lower educational attainment) were more likely to be use severe corporal punishment. In addition, those who had been more likely to be socialized into the use of violence were also more likely to use severe corporal punishment. CONCLUSIONS: The social situational model of family violence was supported suggesting that increased efforts be made to give these parents the resources they need to implement alternative discipline strategies.  相似文献   

邓小平的社会发展理论是邓小平理论体系的重要组成部分,是马克思主义社会发展理论与中国改革开放伟大实践相结合的产物。这一理论从中国的国情出发,把握世界潮流,创造性地解决了中国社会主义现代化建设中的一系列根本问题,既具有时代精神,又具有鲜明的时代特色。本文从三个方面论述了邓小平发展理论的主要特征。  相似文献   

网络教学环境下教师的地位与作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机网络教学迅速发展,网络教学环境下的“教”与“学”的概念与传统教学相比已经发生了变化,新环境对教师提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

病毒营销是在网络时代背景下诞生的新型营销手段,并被众多企业和商家所接受。文章通过论述网络病毒营销的发展现状,分析其信息传播的高效性、营销过程的互动性、病源创造的效应性、宣传方式的亲和性、营销成本的节约性等特点提出发展策略,为网络病毒营销的健康发展提供参考。  相似文献   

MT -3是广泛存在于哺乳动物多种组织中的一种金属硫蛋白 ,有多种生物学功能。本文主要阐述了MT -3在脑组织中的神经生长抑制、神经保护及神经再生调控等生物学功能 ,并介绍了MT -3的可能作用机理。  相似文献   

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