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设H是域k上的余交换的Hopf代数,A,B均是左H-模代数,则(AB)#H是smash积代数,本文主要讨论(AB)#H的有限对偶的运算及其与(AB)#H的关系。  相似文献   

本文从一类特殊的箭图出发构造项链李代数.首先证明其项链字均为C类元,接着寻找它的一个理想,使得由这个理想得到的商代数是交换的,从而是幂零的.最后,我们从P和H出发,构造出一个正合序列.  相似文献   

设H是Hopf代数,B是代数,H和B带有2个线性映射σ,τ:HH→B.设B是一个左H-弱模代数,利用σ和τ可以定义B#τσH上的一个乘法结构,给出了该乘法结构和张量余代数构成双代数的充要条件.同时,讨论了双代数B#τσH构成余拟三角Hopf代数的条件,所构造的余拟三角Hopf代数B#τσH推广了现有的一些关于余拟三角Hopf代数的结果.最后,给出了具体的应用实例.  相似文献   

研究了量子群胚上与弱模余代数和余模余代数相关的弱广义smash余积的对偶定理.设H是弱Hopf代数,C是弱左H余模余代数,D是弱左H模余代数.首先,给出量子群胚上的弱广义smash余积C×lHD的定义,并构造其模和余模结构.类似考虑右广义smash余积C×LrD.然后得到它们之间的同构.其次,通过引入弱卷积逆,弱余内作用和强相关余内作用的概念,得到C×HrD和CvD同构的充分条件,其中v∈WC(C,H),H在D上的余作用是右强相关余内作用.最后,证明了量子群胚上广义smash余积的对偶定理:(C×HlH)×lH*H*≌Cv(H×lH*H*).  相似文献   

设H是域k上的可换、诺特、半单、余半单的Hopf代数,且具有双射对极.考虑了其上YD(H)范畴的半单性,其中YD(H)是H上的广义Yetter—Drinfeld模范畴HYD^H(α,β)(其中α,β∈Autnopf(Hopf))的无交并.首先证明了YD(日)是一个对态射集封闭的范畴;然后利用有限生成投射模的性质和日的半单性,可得YD(H)是满足正合性条件的;进而由日是诺特、余半单的Hopf代数,得到YD(H)中的对象都可分解为单对象的直和.最终得到YD(H)是一个半单范畴.  相似文献   

设H是域k上的具有双射反极S的Hopf代数,M,N是在左-右量子扬-巴克斯特模.通过讨论量子扬-巴克斯特模的同态加群,证明(1)当H是交换Hopf代数时,HOMH(M,N)是在左-右量子扬-巴克斯特模.(2)HOMK(M,N),是左-右量子扬-巴克斯特模;(3)证明了ENDK(M)是Hcop-模代数,并且是量子扬-巴克斯特模范畴中的代数.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION In (Auslander, 1995), the author established the relationship of homological dimension between skew group algebra ΛG and Λ. Recall from Corollary 4.7 and Corollary 4.10 in (Auslander, 1995) that gl.dim(ΛG)=gl.dim(Λ) where ΛG is a skew group algebra with the order of G invertible in Λ. Recently, more and more mathematicians have studied homological dimension for Hopf algebra. Yang (2002) gave the relationship of homological dimension between smash product algebra A#H…  相似文献   

弱Hopf群余代数是弱Hopf代数和Hopf群余代数的自然推广.设π是一个群,在弱Hopfπ-余代数前提下考虑Morita关系,设H是有限型弱Hopf群余代数,A是弱右π-H-余模代数,构造了弱smash积A#H*和余不动点AcoH的Morita关系.这一结果推广了Wang发表于2006年的Morita contexts,π-Galois extensions for Hopf π-coalgebras一文中的结论.此结果对于构造弱π-Galois扩张是非常重要的.  相似文献   

构建了一个Gelfand-Kirillov维数1的Hopf代数的例子.从而证明,除了无限循环群的群代数kΖ、无限二面体群的群代数kD和无限维Taft代数外,还存在其他的诺特、仿射、正则、素的Gelfand-Kirillov维数1的Hopf代数.  相似文献   

该文证明了对于一般的 M∈ R(Γ ) ,M( x) =J1;m Jq;m在 R(Γ )中存在始于 (终于 ) M的左 (右 )几乎可裂序列  相似文献   

通过建立扭曲积和交叉积之间的代数同构 ,首先得到了扭曲积的半单性质 .指出了对偶双代数、Yang Baxter余代数和辫化双代数之间的关系 ,并且以四维SweedlerHopf代数为例来说明 .最后由Yang Baxter余代数出发 ,构造二次双代数使之成为辫化双代数 .  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The Yang-Baxter equation(Yang,1967;Baxter,1972)is one of the most valuable concepts in modern theoretical physics(Baxter,1982).The importance of detailed study of Yang-Baxter equation solutions is due to its key role in constant solution models of sta-tistics mechanics(Baxter,1972;1982)and field the-ory in lower dimensions(Yang,1967),conformal field theory(Di Francesco et al.,1997)and in quan-tum integrable systems(Faddeev et al.,1990).From the group-theoretical viewpoint…  相似文献   

The quasitriangular structures of biproduct Hopf algebras   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PRELIMINARIES The smash product and the smash coproduct are well known in the context of Hopf algebra (Molnar, 1979; Montgomery, 1993) and remain an active area of study (Zhao et al., 2000; Delvaux, 2004; Zhao and Wang, 2005). Let H be a Hopf algebra over a field k and suppose B is a left H-module algebra and is also a left H-comodule coalgebra. Radford (1985) found necessary and sufficient conditions for the smash product and the smash coproduct on B?H to make it a Hopf algebra, w…  相似文献   

最近,E.R.Puczylowski用公理化方法建立了外延广泛的代数系统--代数对象类的概念,它包含了大多数已知的代数范畴.并且,在特殊的代数对象类--正规代数类中,他给出了半单类的一个特征.本文的目的是在正规代数类中给出半单闭包的构造.  相似文献   

定义了一个弱量子超代数wHqd(g),其中g=D(n,1)是一个李超代数.构造了wHdq(g)的一个弱Hopf代数结构.  相似文献   

In this paper, the maximal and minimal ranks of the solution to a system of matrix equations over H, the real quaternion algebra, were derived. A previous known result could be regarded as a special case of the new result.  相似文献   

本文研究Freyd范畴u(f)中可裂满态射和V(L)中可裂单态射的基本性质,进一步探讨Freyd范畴的可裂正合列.  相似文献   

Inspired by the relation between the algebra of complex numbers and plane geometry, William Rowan Hamilton sought an algebra of triples for application to three-dimensional geometry. Unable to multiply and divide triples, he invented a non-commutative division algebra of quadruples, in what he considered his most significant work, generalizing the real and complex number systems. We give a motivated introduction to quaternions and discuss how they are related to Pauli matrices, rotations in three dimensions, the three sphere, the group SU(2) and the celebrated Hopf fibrations.  相似文献   

Constant solutions to Yang-Baxter equation are investigated over Grassmann algebra for the case of 6-vertexR-matrix. The general classification of all possible solutions over Grassmann algebra and particular cases with 2,3,4 generators are studied. As distinct from the standard case, whenR-matrix over number field can have a maximum 5 nonvanishing elements, we obtain over Grassmann algebra a set of new full 6-vertex solutions. The solutions leading to regularR-matrices which appear in weak Hopf algebras are considered.  相似文献   

刘楚源 《茂名学院学报》2009,19(6):64-66,69
令A=Z[ν]m,其中m是ν-1和某奇素数p生成的理想,ν是未定元.A′=Q(ν)是a的分式域,(aij)nxn是对称Cartan矩阵,令U′是A′上相伴于对称Cartan矩阵(aij)nxn的量子代数.U是U′的由Ei(N),Fi(N),Ki,Ki-1(i=1,2,…,N≥0)生成的A子代数,则U是A-Hopf代数.本文讨论了U中函子D(—)的系数扩张的若干性质,即对A代数Γ,如上函子的基环从A扩张到Γ时,函子Dr(—)具有的性质.  相似文献   

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