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澳大利亚职业教育历史悠久,在20世纪70年代,随着社会经济的发展,更获得了长足进步,对世界各国职业教育起到很好的借鉴作用. 走近澳大利亚职业教育 以终身教育理论为基础,构建完善的职业教育框架体系 澳大利亚职业教育体系有一个标准的执行框架,包括国家资格认可标准——培训包(TP)、国家培训框架(NTF)、国家认证框架(ARF).培训包是澳大利亚职业教育与培训的标准规范,包括三部分:能力标准、资格证书和评估指南.各州政府会组织知名院校、培训机构根据培训包的要求,联合开发教材,供院校参考使用.各院校各专业会组织专业教师依据培训包标准要求开发教学资源.  相似文献   

澳大利亚有着复杂而灵活的职业教育与培训体系。2010年较2009年,澳大利亚职业教育与培训的规模有所增长,约89%的毕业生对职业教育与培训的总体质量表示满意。近年来,澳大利亚职业教育与培训重视雇主调查、质量监管。2011—2013年澳大利亚职业教育与培训的重点研究领域有技能与生产力等五个。  相似文献   

正澳大利亚职业教育历史悠久,从最初的技术教育逐步演变为技术和继续教育(TAFE)。20世纪90年代以来,澳大利亚职业教育取得了长足的进步,形成了一套以产业为推手、以TAFE学院为主体、和高等教育进行密切协作、多层次的职业教育培训体系,在国际职业教育领域具有非常重要的地位。研究分析澳大利亚职业教育师资培训模式、做法,发掘吸收职业教育师资培训先进经验,对提升我国职业教育师资建设水平大有裨益。澳大利亚职业教育师资培训体系特色澳大利亚职业教育具有独立严格的师资培训标准,即培训与鉴定(TTA)培训包、TTA四级证书以及专科毕业证书,包括8个能力模块和55个能力单元。其宗旨是使未来的或者在职的职业教育教师坚持以"学习者为中心"的教学理念,对从事职业教育的教师提出了在技能鉴定和教学活动上的具体  相似文献   

方钢山 《现代教育》2011,(Z2):109-110
澳大利亚在职业教育与培训领域居于世界领先的地位。近二十年来,澳大利亚在职业教育制度创新方面做了大量卓有成效的工作,推动了其职业教育与培训的持续高水平发展。在澳大利亚职业教育与培训制度体系中,有三个主要组成部分,即澳大利亚资格框架(AQF),澳大利亚质  相似文献   

马立红在《世界教育信息》2008年第8期撰文指出。2005年7月,澳大利亚国家培训局(1992年成立)被废止。其功能转交给澳大利亚教育、科学与培训部.澳大利亚新的国家培训体系开始运转。在这一背景下.为了更好地实现《构建我们的未来-2004~2010年国家职业教育与培训策略》中提出的通过职业教育与培训促进社会、经济、文化持续发展目标.澳大利亚资格框架也在不断发展和完善。澳大利亚资格框架顾问委员会出版了《澳大利亚资格框架实施手册2007》第四版.取代了2002年的第三版。第四版澳大利亚资格框架包括15种资格证书,这15种资格(职业教育与培训部门和高等教育部门都可颁发专科文凭)根据部门的种类设置了每种资格证书的标准。新资格的变化如下。  相似文献   

近年来,澳大利亚职业教育与培训制度引起中国职教界的广泛关注,其成功经验对中国职教发展具有重要的借鉴作用.文章在国内外相关研究文献梳理的基础上,以澳大利亚资格框架、培训包和质量培训框架为中心对澳大利亚职业培训与教育制度进行了系统阐述.并结合澳大利亚的成功经验,提出中国职教改善的三个方面:建立权威统一的管理制度、衔接贯通全国学历资格以及制定国家级标准与评估办法.  相似文献   

孙颖  田蕊 《职教论坛》2014,(9):91-96
澳大利亚职业教育质量评价形式多样,且各具特色。对不同行业的培训包及其颁发的职业资格证书进行国家战略行业审计,是澳大利亚职业教育质量评价中独具特色的一种。它通过建设具有行业统一标准的培训包,使澳大利亚的职业教育始终与行业紧密连接;在评价过程中坚持通过科学抽样广泛征询各方意见,为所有职业教育利益相关群体提供了评价职业教育质量的话语权;同时,依据审计结果为参与职业教育的不同机构制定进一步的行动方案,使国家战略行业审计成为激励职业教育提升质量水平的重要一环。通过学习借鉴澳大利亚的成功经验,可以为进一步完善我国职业教育质量评价体系提供一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

2009年,澳大利亚国家职业教育研究中心对职业教育与培训的研究成果中一共有42篇报告和八个会议论文发表.总的来看,2009年澳大利亚职业教育与培训的研究主要集中在行业和雇主、学生和个人、教学与学习、职业教育与培训制度四个方面.同时,研究体现了对技能短缺的研究提升到了一个新高度、对培训费用和特殊群体的工作生活的研究上升到了一个新台阶等三个特点.  相似文献   

澳大利亚的职业教育独具特色,通过实地参观、驻校调研与澳方教育界同仁面对面交流,身临其境地了解了澳大利亚教育管理体制、职业教育质量保障体系及其执行机制,获得了有益的启示和值得借鉴的经验。如澳大利亚职业教育与培训在国家培训框架的规范下,从教育与培训机构的准入、教育与培训输出质量、职业资质与文凭的互认流动,课程内容与开发的要求等方面都实现了标准化。国家层面统一的职业教育体制建设与质量培训框架的建立对提振澳职业教育与培训至关重要,是根本,澳大利亚的国家培训框架的建设,从根本上改观了其职业教育与培训的局面;好的质量框架制定后得到有效的执行是职业教育与培训事业良性发展的关键。TAFE学院的自我约束,严格按框架标准做,是提供高质量职业教育与培训的重要保证。  相似文献   

澳大利亚在技术和职业教育与培训规模扩张与劳动力市场发生结构性变革的同时,通过建立开放竞争的教育市场,与建立资格框架制度、注册培训机构鉴定制度以及引入培训包"三极"质量保证相结合,使得技术和职业教育与培训系统提供的服务与行业企业更加密切相关,与劳动力市场需求相适应。其对我国职业教育发展的劳动力市场适切性的借鉴意义在于:尽快建立全国统一的职业教育资格标准和质量评价与保障机制;培育并建立有效的激励机制,吸引行业企业参与职业教育专业设置、课程开发;充分利用现代信息技术手段,构建职业教育利益相关者信息共享平台。  相似文献   

Three studies compared the common Likert agree/disagree question form to a behavioural observation form in which students report recalled frequencies of described teaching or learning events. The agree/disagree form seemed to prompt global, impressionistic approaches to responding, while the behavioural observation form seemed to prompt more objective approaches. Between‐student response consistency was greater for the behavioural observation form than for the agree/disagree form. Across separate samples of teaching, mean overall ratings derived from behavioural observation form questionnaires spread more broadly than did those from agree/ disagree forms. Across separate elements within an individual's teaching, the ratings from the behavioural observation form spread more than those from the agree/disagree form. The conclusions drawn were that using behavioural observation form questions rather than agree/disagree questions in teaching evaluation questionnaires can yield measurable improvements in inter‐rater reliability and in the capability to distinguish amongst levels of teaching quality.  相似文献   

“以”是上古汉语中一个重要的虚词,其与名词(N)的组合有“以N”和“N以”两种方式。对于前者的结构特征,学者已有定论。而对于后者,尚存分歧。本文以《左传》为语料,通过系统研究得出结论:“N以”结构从本质上讲是一种介宾结构,从来源上讲是“以N”结构的变体。  相似文献   

Parents were surveyed regarding their satisfaction with early childhood services. Participants were 65 families who had at least 1 child younger than 5 years of age enrolled in a child care center or an early education program in a rural county; a majority of respondents were single, African American females with annual incomes below $20,000. Parents responded to the 20 items of the questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). The average score for overall level of satisfaction was 4.64 for the child care group and 4.37 for the early education group; the average for individual items ranged from a low of 3.85 to a high of 4.64. Differences between child care centers and early education programs were not statistically significant. Applications, implications, and recommendations for early childhood services are discussed.  相似文献   

张继《枫桥夜泊》一词表现了羁泊者的孤寂之情.其中“江枫渔火对愁眠”不仅点明羁泊者的具体位置在“枫桥”,而且面对月落、乌啼、霜满天、江枫、渔火五种景物,而“江枫”一词的意象与“愁”密切相关.不同意“江枫渔火”为“江村渔火”的说法.  相似文献   

Active learning is based on self-directed and autonomous teaching methods, whereas passive learning is grounded in instructor taught lectures. An animal physiology course was studied over a two-year period (Year 1, n = 42 students; Year 2, n = 30 students) to determine the effects of student-led seminar (andragogical) and lecture (pedagogical) teaching methods on students' retention of information and performance. For each year of the study, the course was divided into two time periods. The first half was dedicated to instructor-led lectures, followed by a control survey in which the students rated the efficiency of pedagogical learning on a five-point Likert scale from one (strongly disagree) to five (strongly agree). During the second period, students engaged in andragogical learning via peer-led seminars. An experimental survey was then administered to students using the same scale as above to determine students' preferred teaching method. Raw examination scores and survey results from both halves of the course were statistically analyzed by ANOVA with Newman-Keuls multiple comparison test. By the end of the study, student preference for peer-led seminars increased [mean ± SD: (2.47 ± 0.94)/(4.03 ± 1.36), P < 0.04], and examination scores significantly increased [mean ± SD: (73.91% ± 13.18)/(85.77 ± 5.22), P < 0.001]. A majority of students (68.8%) preferred a method that contained peer-led seminars and instructor-led lectures. These results may indicate that integration of active and passive learning into undergraduate courses may have greater benefit in terms of student preference and performance than either method alone.  相似文献   

Team‐based learning (TBL) combines independent out of class preparation with in class small group discussion. We adopted TBL in teaching first year medical gross anatomy. In this study, we evaluated student perceptions of TBL by using a survey that elicited perceptions of both pedagogy and mode of learning. Anatomy lectures were replaced with required preclass readings, self‐assessment quizzes, small group discussions of assignments, and groups retaking the same quizzes for deeper learning. At the course conclusion, students were surveyed to assess their preference for TBL, their perceptions of TBL effectiveness, and their perceptions of successful interpersonal relationships within groups. Respondents (n = 317; 89% response) were asked to rate the extent that they agreed (?2 = strongly disagree; ?1 = disagree; 0 = neutral; 1 = agree; and 2 = strongly agree). A principal components factor analysis with varimax rotation identified two 8‐item factors: “perceptions of TBL” and “perceptions of teamwork.” Internal consistency for each was high [Cronbach's alpha = 0.908 (preference for TBL); 0.884 (preference of teamwork)]. Results of one‐way analysis of variance between Honors/High Pass/Pass/Fail students indicated that Honors (n = 73) tended to rate perceptions of TBL higher than Pass (n = 54) [mean difference = 2.92; 95% CI (0.05, 5.79)], and also higher than Fail (n = 11) [mean difference = 6.30; 95% CI (1.13, 11.47)]. However, each had overallpositive ratings. No difference was noted between mean ratings of teamwork, which were also, overall, positive. We conclude that medical students view TBL favorably irrespective of their grades. Anat Sci Educ 2:150–155, 2009. © 2009 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Since it was formalized by Kane, the argument-based approach to validation has been promoted as the preferred method for validating interpretations and uses of test scores. Because validation is discussed in terms of arguments, and arguments are both interactive and social, the present review systematically examines the scholarly arguments which appear in 83 papers on argument-based validation methods published in peer-reviewed journals. Findings suggest that scholars generally agree on the nature and importance of argument-based validation but disagree on whether validation should be structured or unstructured, formal or informal. Implications are discussed, including promotion of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA, and NCME) as a foundation for consensus in the field.  相似文献   

Recycling and its applications are growing significantly due to the great potential for solving a range of environmental problems in society. Nevertheless, there are currently very few instruments that can provide valid and reliable data on students’ attitudes toward recycling. In this regard, this article focuses on the development and validation of Recycling Attitude Scale (RAS). The items in the RAS were developed initially from the responses to three open-ended items by 53 tenth and eleventh grade students and literature review on recycling attitude. This initial form was pilot tested with 356 tenth and eleventh grade students and then subjected to exploratory factor analysis. Subsequently, the revised version of the scale was administrated to 694 tenth grade students, and the results were subjected to confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis. The RAS consists of 21 items in three subscales, with responses recorded on a four-point Likert scale, options ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient (α) of the scale was found to be .87. The results indicate that the RAS a potentially valuable tool for both instructors and researchers in Turkey for the assessment of the attitudes toward recycling held by students in secondary education.  相似文献   

Two personality scales, each consisting of twenty-two items with Likert type response options, were administered to sixty-one graduate students. The items were keyed by three methods: a.) Likert weighting, b.) unit weighting, dichotomizing between the agree and disagree options, and c.) unit weighting, dichotomizing as close as possible to p = .50. Internal consistency reliability coefficients were computed for both scales, keyed by the three methods. For both scales, keying method c.) resulted in reliability coefficients as high as those obtained with method a.) . Method b.) however, effected a drastic drop in reliability in the scale with many highly skewed item response distributions. It was concluded that multiple-response personality items with highly skewed response distributions can be useful in a unit weighted keying system if they are dichotomized close to p = .50 rather than between the agree and disagree responses.  相似文献   

The Regular Education Initiative (REI) has been gaining momentum. However, the movement has not escaped criticism. One of the criticisms is that regular classroom teachers' views regarding many of the beliefs or assumptions of the REI are unknown. The present study was undertaken to provide this type of data. Ninety-four regular classroom teachers in northwest Iowa were asked to agree or disagree with a series of statements on the REI position. The results showed general disagreement with the statements, suggesting that the respondents do not share similar concerns or beliefs regarding the current delivery of special education services. Implications of the results with respect to implementation of the REI are discussed.  相似文献   

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