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Research-based instruction is necessary to support students’ reading development, and professional development (PD) is a critical avenue to ensuring high-quality instructional practices. To date, there has been no comprehensive review focused on the effects of teacher PD on student reading achievement. As such, the purpose of the present meta-analysis was to examine the impact of teacher PD on reading outcomes for students in kindergarten through 8th grade. A secondary aim was to determine whether study, program, or participant characteristics were potential moderators of these effects. A comprehensive search of published and unpublished research between 1975 and 2017 resulted in 28 studies that met prescribed criteria. Results indicate that teacher PD has a moderate and significant, positive average effect on reading achievement. However, moderator analyses did not explain the variance in the effects of PD on student outcomes. Primarily, studies represented typically-developing students in the elementary grades, with only three studies including middle school students and four studies including reading outcomes of students with or at-risk for reading disabilities. Recommendations for improved study designs that allow for more in-depth investigation of the characteristics of effective PD and mechanisms of change in student outcomes are discussed.  相似文献   


The Literacy Lab Professional Development provided a laboratory approach to professional development for 42 high school teachers in two schools. Three main activities included: (1) planning and professional development days, (2) lab and professional development days, and (3) individual coaching. The targets of the Literacy Lab Professional Development and its associated guiding questions focused on student engagement and understanding, teaching students how to make meaning from text, teaching students to write, and the structures, systems, routines, and rituals needed to create a classroom culture of thinking and learning. Results from this study point to positive differences between participating and matched-nonparticipating teachers in their instruction, student grouping, nature of tasks, task demands, types of knowledge expectations, personalization, tone, and authority structures.  相似文献   

教师专业发展的内涵与历史发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对教师专业化、教师专业发展、教师专业性等相关概念的内在逻辑关系及其发展演变的梳理,关于教师专业发展内涵的各种诠释以及它们之间的历史转承,可以得到清晰的重构。教师专业发展是对教师专业化理路加以扬弃的选择,而教师专业性的诉求则是教师专业发展的内在依据和根本动力。教师专业发展的持续开展也有助于提升教师专业化的程度。  相似文献   

Educational Psychology Review - This systematic review investigated how successful children/adolescents with poor literacy skills learn a foreign language compared with their peers with typical...  相似文献   

一年一度由联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)亚太地区分支机构举办的"亚太教育技术地区研讨-2006"2006年9月初在日本学芸大学(Tokyo Gakugei University)举行,来自亚太地区10个国家的30多位代表参加了会议。由于"亚太教育技术地区研讨会"每年定期召开一次,所以本次会议的重点是交流研讨各国在上一年度ICT与教师专业发展这一主题,其中涉及国家政策、措施与做法、好的经验、存在的问题等。本文将重点介绍本次研讨会具体内容与目标,并提炼部分对我国这一领域具有启发与参考价值的经验和做法。  相似文献   

This is a systematic review article of 27 studies on what existing research tells us about the experience (or lack of experience) of inclusion in Physical Education (PE) among disabled students, which localised factors are promoting or hampering inclusion in PE and to what extent attitudes are decisive in these localised processes. Seventeen studies examined teachers’ attitudes and 10 studies examined students’ experiences. The analysis follows the guidelines recommended by Harden and colleagues for ‘view-studies’; systematic reviews based on both qualitative and quantitative studies. The main findings reveal that students with disabilities experience exclusion and a lack of belonging in PE, but in some of the most recent articles we find students with disabilities who ‘love PE’. PE teachers share the normative goal of inclusion but perceive it as impossible to achieve due to a lack of competence and a lack of resources, but mostly due to the presupposition of the constructed ‘normate’ PE student.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a study conductedwithin the framework of an in-serviceprofessional development program for junior andsenior high school mathematics teachers. Thefocus of the study is the analysis of processesencountered by the staff members, as members ofa community of practice, which contributed totheir growth as teacher educators. We offer athree-layer model of growth through practice asa conceptual framework to think about becominga mathematics teacher educator, and illustratehow our suggested model can be adapted to thecomplexities and commonalities of theunderlying processes of professionaldevelopment of mathematics teacher educators.  相似文献   

终身学习型专业发展:日本教师资格标准述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本在教师专业发展中,对教师的资质能力提出了明确要求,并在《教育职员资格法》和《教员资格更新制》中对教师资格的获得与晋升做出了明确规定,从法律上确保了教师专业发展的终身一体化进程。  相似文献   

成人教育教师专业发展研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
专业化是世界成人教育教师发展的趋势和潮流,也是新世纪我国成人教师教育的基点和需要.学术界主要围绕成人教育教师的角色特征、专业知能、专业培训等方面来探讨成人教育教师的专业发展问题.此外,笔者还探讨了当前我国成人教育教师专业发展研究存在的问题,并对今后研究的方向做出了展望.  相似文献   

为提升教师教育的质量,巴基斯坦近年推出了"骨干教师"项目改革方案."骨干教师"承担三重角色:示范教师、教师教育者、教育改革的引领者.巴基斯坦的"骨干教师"项目对我们有多方面启示.首先,重视骨干教师的培养,鼓励其在教育改革中发挥重要作用.其次,在学校制度上赋予"骨干教师"更多参与学校改革的权利,激励他们积极投入学校发展.第三,"骨干教师"要得到学校领导层的支持,才能发挥社会影响力.  相似文献   

教师文化与教师专业成长   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
教师文化的类型与教师的专业化程度存在着密切的内在联系。二者在教师职业发展历程中相互促进、相互制约共同发展着。其关系在动态上表现为适应中的共同发展,在静态上表现为制约中的相互促进。专业化的教师文化的形成需要在教师职业专业化的实践进程中,由全社会配合教师群体共同加以培育、生成。  相似文献   

本文介绍"借调教师"的概念,旨在为教师专业发展提供一种新取向,以强化当前教师专业发展的模式.本文以教师借调到香港一个"大学-学校"伙伴协作学校改进计划的经验为例,以实证研究方法探讨教师借调期间的经历对其个人专业发展及成长的影响,进而分析以此作为教师专业发展模式的意义.所提出的"教师借调"概念可弥补传统教师培训模式的一些局限.  相似文献   

西方教师知识与教师专业发展研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在西方教育研究领域,教师知识作为教师认知世界中稳定和基础性的一部分,一直是教师教育与发展的一个核心议题。随着教师知识认识论的变化,其研究内容也随之在演变和扩展:从教师知识分类研究发展到教师实践知识研究。知识观的转向必然会导致教师发展范式的转变,而这些变化对推动我国教师教育研究与发展具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

专业共同体:教师发展的组织基础   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在专业共同体中推动教师专业发展是教师教育改革的新方向。本文论述了教师专业共同体的概念、特征、理论基础、重要意义,并指出构建教师专业共同体的关键是学校文化的重建。  相似文献   

教师授权是教师专业发展的内在需求,对教师专业发展有着极其重要的作用。但是,当前的学校管理体制在教师授权方面还存在许多问题,主要体现在教师和学校两个方面。因此有必要从教师、学校管理者和学校氛围三方面探讨教师授权的策略。  相似文献   

教育改革的关键因素是教师文化的变革,是教师价值理念、行为方式的综合变革。教师团队建设,是建设优质教师团队、促进学生发展和学校内涵发展的重要路径,这已成为教育界的共识且日益得到广泛的关注,教师团队建设在实践中也形成了多种模式。要加强教师学习共同体的建设,真正发挥教师发展学校的重要作用,打造一支学习型的教师团队,真正形成教师和学校共同发展的合作型教师文化。  相似文献   

英国教师教育标准是由"学校培训与发展局"制定的,分为"职前教师教育要求"和"教师专业标准"两套体系。该标准凸显了教师专业发展的理念,体现了教师教育的一体化趋势和教师专业化管理的动力原则,反映了人们对教师素质的最新认识和对教师内在专业特性提升的要求,对我国教师教育标准的制定有借鉴意义。  相似文献   


Teachers should have the necessary assessment knowledge and skills to contribute to students’ learning. This study provides insight into how a professional development program for teachers contributed to the achievement of higher mastery levels of assessment literacy. This study used Xu and Brown's TALiP (Teacher Assessment Literacy in Practice) framework to achieve these higher levels. To evaluate the extent to which teachers demonstrated professional growth regarding their assessment literacy, teachers’ practices were evaluated through a content analysis of summative assessments. Potential changes in teachers’ knowledge, skills, and beliefs were measured through questionnaires and interviews. The outcomes showed that reflection on educational goals and on teachers’ beliefs, collaborative practice, and peer feedback played an important role in fostering higher mastery levels in assessment literacy. The outcomes of this study support the value of the TALiP framework and support the idea that professional growth could be fostered via diverse growth pathways.  相似文献   


Quality STEM teacher education is predicated on teacher educators who are well-equipped to design learning experiences, provide feedback, guide the development of teachers across their career span, and conduct rigorous research to advance education theory and praxis. While numerous models and approaches to professional development for teachers exist, few parallels can be drawn between the professional development of teachers and teacher educators (Loughran, 2014). To support the multi-faceted identity (trans)formation of STEM teacher educators, self-directed learning opportunities can help bridge knowledge and practice, enhance productive collaboration, and support efforts to negotiate multiple and conflicting agendas (Goodwin &; Kosnik, 2013). The purpose of this empirical study was to explore the identity (trans)formation of teacher educators participating in a long-term interdisciplinary STEM-based Community of Practice (CoP; Wenger, 1998), which began in 2012. An analysis of our experiences through the figured worlds lens informs how a CoP can impact curricular approaches and teacher PD, imploring members to move through their comfort zones into innovative spaces. We conclude with suggestions for our STEM teacher educator colleagues who seek opportunities to challenge their own positions and best support preservice and in-service STEM teachers in a way that allows them to model for their students the value of community.


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