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Research has demonstrated that in controlled experiments in which small groups are being tutored by researchers, reading-strategy instruction is highly effective in fostering reading comprehension (Palincsar & Brown, Cognition and Instruction, 1(2), 117–175, 1984). It is unclear, however, whether reading-strategy interventions are equally effective in whole-classroom situations in which the teacher is the sole instructor for the whole class. This meta-analysis focuses on the effects of reading-strategy interventions in whole-classroom settings. Results of studies on the effectiveness of reading-strategy interventions in whole-classroom settings were summarized (Nstudies?=?52, K?=?125) to determine the overall effects on reading comprehension and strategic ability. In addition, moderator effects of intervention, study, and student characteristics were explored. The analysis demonstrated a very small effect on reading comprehension (Cohen’s d?=?.186) for standardized tests and a small effect (Cohen’s d?=?.431) on researcher-developed reading comprehension tests. A medium overall effect was found for strategic ability (Cohen’s d?=?.786). Intervention effects tended to be lower for studies that did not control for the hierarchical structure of the data (i.e. multilevel analyses).For interventions in which “setting reading goals” was part of the reading-strategy package, effects tended to be larger. In addition, effects were larger for interventions in which the trainer was the researcher as opposed to teachers and effect sizes tended to be larger for studies conducted in grades 6–8. Implications of these findings for future research and educational practice are discussed.  相似文献   

教师教育过程中教师职业倦怠的组织应对   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教师职业倦怠的普遍现象已经引起我国教育界、心理学界的广泛关注。教师教育作为教师培养和成长的主要载体,在整个教师教育体系中设置科学规范化的组织策略,将有助于避免或减少教师职业倦怠感的产生,进而完善教师从职前培养、人职教育到在职培训的一体化进程,以确保我国教育事业健康发展。  相似文献   

教师职业倦怠冲击着当前的教育改革与发展,文章全面阐述了教师职业倦怠的涵义、根源及其预防措施,以便更好地发挥教师在教育改革中的作用,更好地促进我国教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

教师职业倦怠冲击着当前的教育改革与发展,文章全面阐述了教师职业倦怠的涵义、根源及其预防措施,以便更好地发挥教师在教育改革中的作用,更好地促进我国教育事业的发展。  相似文献   

本文阐述了军校教员职业倦怠的主要表现及危害,并结合军校教员的特点,分析了其产生职业倦怠的主要原因。提出优化院校管理、推行发展性评价、加强职业培训和规划等是应对军校教员职业倦怠的有效策略。  相似文献   


 Since the mid 1990s, teacher burnout has become a crucial phenomenon in the Hong Kong education system, as increasing numbers of Hong Kong teachers have been reported as stressed, exhausted, and depersonalized in their teaching. In the Hong Kong community, including the academic circle, many people have applied the psychological theory of burnout to study the psychological causes of teacher burnout. However, this article argues that teacher burnout has become a social issue and is not a purely psychological phenomenon. Thus, it is important for us to identify the structural causes rather than the psychological causes of teacher burnout, to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of teacher burnout, and to develop better solutions. This article therefore theoretically analyzes how teacher burnout can be caused by certain structural forces, including structural education reforms, the administrative structure of schools, and the occupational and career structure of teaching, from the perspective of the sociological theory of work alienation. The article also gives recommendations for further studies based on the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

The article argues that the traditional conception of teacher effectiveness, focused on the teaching performance of individual teachers in relation to student cognitive outcomes, has limitations primarily because it does not recognise broader roles and responsibilities. A case study of a primary school staff attempting to generate criteria for effectiveness was conducted in order to develop a complementary approach. The criteria generated cover most of the characteristics of the effective teacher in the literature. Also the criteria generated in the case study school correlated strongly with those of a nationally representative sample. Implications for teacher effectiveness research are drawn.  相似文献   

This article provides historical overviews of the conceptual and research and development focus of teacher evaluation, teacher effectiveness and school effectiveness research in the USA. Pertinent literature is cited and arguments are made that these lines of inquiry have coexisted for nearly four without adequate integration. With the fourth stage of school effectiveness research in process, there is a recognition that within school context variables, particularly teacher effectiveness, have important effects on school improvement and school outcomes. Similarly, there is the recognition that findings from school effectiveness research have relevance for studies of teacher effectiveness and ongoing developments in teacher evaluation. Examples of: (a) new generation, learner-centered teacher evaluation systems in the USA that are informed by teacher and school effectiveness research; and (b) the fourth stage of school effectiveness research are described. It is proposed that these lines of research should be merged as completely as possible.  相似文献   

通过对收集到的文献进行归纳分析,分别从职业倦怠的定义、教师职业倦怠的概念、国外教师职业倦怠的研究取向等方面介绍了国外研究者对职业倦怠的研究情况,对国内高校教师职业倦怠的现象、成因、干预措施的研究结果进行了分析,综述了国内教师职业倦怠的研究情况。  相似文献   

This study addressed the argument that online courses rarely use discussion strategies that are specifically designed and constructed for soliciting learners' cognitive presence and higher-order thinking. Prompted by this argument, the authors conducted a meta-analysis of the empirical studies that examined the effectiveness of discussion strategies in online learning. More specifically, the meta-analysis was to reveal whether learners perform better in a strategic discussion session than when they engage in a conventional online discussion and under what conditions the learners' differences in performance are greater or smaller. Furthermore, the investigation examined the extent to which the online discussion strategies that included instructional elements and the pedagogical recommended by the literature make a difference in learners' performance.  相似文献   

新世纪的关注热点:教师职业倦怠   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
教师职业倦怠是教师长期处于工作压力下的一种极端反应 ,它是包括情绪衰竭、非人性化和低成就感在内的一种综合症状群。教师职业倦怠是一种职业性伤害 ,其存在给教师、学生乃至整个社会都带来了极大的影响 ,它的产生原因既有社会组织因素又有个人因素。解决教师职业倦怠可从个人、组织和社会三方面入手  相似文献   


Multimedia pedagogical agents are on-screen characters that allow users to navigate or learn in multimedia environments. Several agents’ characteristics may moderate their instructional effectiveness, including appearance, gender, nonverbal communication, motion, and voice. Here, we conducted a meta-analysis to test hypotheses from diverse theories predicting the effects of these agents’ characteristics. We tested predictions of cognitive load theory, cognitive theory of multimedia learning, computers are social actors, social agency theory, uncanny valley, and the action observation network. Our meta-analysis of 32 effect sizes (N?=?2104) revealed a small overall effect (g+?=?0.20), showing that learning with multimedia pedagogical agents was more effective than learning without these agents. As predicted by the redundancy effect of cognitive load theory and the coherence principle of cognitive theory of multimedia learning, 2D agents (g+?=?0.38) tended to be more effective than 3D agents (g+?=?0.11). As predicted by the computers are social actors hypothesis, most of the agents’ characteristics, including nonverbal communication, motion, and voice, appeared not to moderate their effectiveness. We conclude that multimedia pedagogical agents help learning through multimedia, and that students may be able to learn similarly from different types of agents.


升格院校是指由中等职业学校升格而成的高等院校,在此过程中产生的教师职业倦怠值得深思和重视。其表现不仅具有一定的普遍性,而且具有复杂性和多样性。其根源既有社会和组织因素,又与个体人格特征有关。有效的干预策略是:在观念层面,既要正确认识,又要高度重视;在行动层面,应强调社会干预、组织干预和个体干预相结合。  相似文献   

教师效能研究一直备受学者的广泛关注.本文通过文献分析,回顾了国外教师效能研究的发展历史及其特点,总结了教师效能研究的最新发展状况,并在此基础上探讨了该领域今后的发展方向.  相似文献   

Teacher Effectiveness Research (TER) could be a foundation upon which a valid teacher evaluation system could be built. However, even a technically exceptional evaluation system may be doomed to fail if the political dynamics that influence its implementation are not examined. This study examines the extent to which a proposed teacher evaluation system based on TER is possible to gain acceptance from the main stakeholders of the Cypriot educational system. The extent to which stakeholders’ reactions to the proposed system are associated with their personal interests and concerns is also investigated. Both groups recognized that TER could be a foundation upon which a valid teacher evaluation system could be built but were critical of suggestions that might reduce their professional power. In order to reach consensus, policy makers should establish procedures to ensure a clear understanding among stakeholders of both the theoretical assumptions of the proposed system and the type of concerns that stakeholders might have against change.  相似文献   

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