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宁波市和台南市中小学英语教学中本土文化融入情况的比较研究发现:(1)两地教师在本土文化融入英语教学方面存在一些差异;(2)两地在本土文化教学理念与实践、教育行政部门制定的课程标准与资源支撑方面共同存在一定的脱节。要切实医治“本土文化失语症”,培养真正具有本土特色的跨文化人才,两岸都必须进一步加强中小学英语教学中的本土文化融入。  相似文献   

英语专业的毕业生在工作中使用的英语口语将不可避免地增加民族性和地域性的内容,通过增强英语口语教学内容的民族性和地域性意识,开发反映云南地方的乡土教材,增加反映云南民族性和地域性的口语内容等措施,英语口语的民族性和地域性内容将得到增强和提高。  相似文献   

英语通用语(ELF)是一种超越国界和文化的语言,用于不同母语背景者之间的相互交流。本文以全国英语专业名列前茅的五所高校为例,从英语专业和大学英语的教学大纲、课程体系和现有教材这三个角度出发,探讨ELF背景下中国英语教学的现状。调查发现,尽管学者们逐渐意识到在全球语境中使用ELF表达多元身份的必要性,英美文化及其价值观仍然在教学中占主导地位,这体现为对本族语英语和文学的重视,以及本土化英语和跨文化交际内容的相对缺乏。因此本文指出,在ELF视域下采用多层级和跨文化的英语学习策略对于实现容纳和顺应国际与本土视野的目标至关重要。  相似文献   

This qualitative study explores the possibilities of reframing multicultural teacher education in the context of critical cosmopolitanism. I examine the ways in which 34 pre-service and in-service teachers learn to teach diversity and multicultural issues in their curriculum. I use three sets of coursework materials, including course discussions, small group presentations, and midterm and final papers to investigate their conceptualisations of diversity and equity issues in education. I present two salient themes as they reframe to teach diversity by reviewing both local and global conflicts: (a) analysing the frame of recognition and (b) revisiting the notions of self-other and interrelationality. Butlerian theory of recognisability provides an important theoretical and pedagogical approach for exploring the conditions of recognition as liveable life, rather than focusing on what works best for increasing teachers’ cosmopolitan awareness. Teacher education programmes could benefit from critical cosmopolitanism when implementing a theoretical and pedagogical strategy for teaching diversity within a global context.  相似文献   

从跨文化的角度来分析高中英语教材的利与弊,笔者先阐述了语言与文化的重要关系,从而引到高中英语教材在编排上注重学生跨文化意识的培养;接着分析了高中英语教材的三大优势:选材贴近学生生活,具有时代性和丰富的异国文化,紧跟着指出了教材的不足之处:选材过难,缺乏中国文化介绍和缺乏中西方文化的对比,最后肯定了高中英语教材对培养学生的跨文化意识的重要作用。  相似文献   


Our paper contends that growing awareness of the historicity of English lies at the heart of the process by which English language teachers develop “critical” identities. We compare novice teachers in three different contexts of English teaching: urban Guatemala, rural Nicaragua, and a Tibetan refugee community in India. Collectively, these ethnographic case studies illustrate the complexity of English teacher identity formation in contemporary global society, as our participants developed new understandings of their positions in history, their relationships with English learners, and the local meanings around English as symbolic capital.  相似文献   

This study explores the political impact on English-language education in the historical context of Vietnam in the 1980–1990 period. Based on data collected from three participants’ narratives concerning their experience of learning English, the study indicates that English-language education, at that time, embraced a wide range of political dimensions specific to the geopolitics of Vietnam. The political factors include learners’ family background, mainstream concepts in the local community, materials for teaching and learning, ideologies of language teaching, historical events and socio-political discourses. These factors constituted three layers of politics embedded in English-language education in Vietnam. The findings of the study provide new insights into the themes pertaining to politics in English-language education, which are often associated with the spread of English as a global language. From an educational history perspective, the study makes a contribution to understanding and developing second-language education in relation to local geopolitics.  相似文献   

This paper aims to establish that globalised social and linguistic changes have a more complicated impact on local behaviours and attitudes than is believed. Based on statistical analysis of nationally representative surveys in Japan, the paper presents evidence against the following two propositions: (1) globalisation increases local demand for English use and (2) local enthusiasm for English-education reforms is a direct outcome of globalisation. The findings of the study suggest a significant disconnect between these discourses and reality. Therefore, this paper discusses the power of discourse in constructing images of globalisation and the global spread of English.  相似文献   

This paper mainly talks about the translation of Chinese political words with colloquial characteristics into English.It is emphasized that the importance of the awareness of identity and context.It also talks about the significances of the use of colloquial political words from perspectives of identity,context and intercultural communication.Through the comparison and analysis of various translation versions,it is concluded that to make translation versions idiomatic and accurate,different translation methods should be used under different political occasions.  相似文献   

As the English language has become a global lingua franca today, it is not surprising that changes in attitudes and perceptions towards learning English in the international context have taken place at the same time. In this paper, I critically examine the notion of ‘integrative motivation’ in the literature of second language (L2) learning with respect to the changing role of the English language in the global context. In particular, this paper attempts to re-conceptualise the notion of integrative motivation by considering the results of recent empirical research on L2 motivation. It is argued that the predominant motivation of learning English among most L2 learners is no longer concerned with ‘integration’ in the target native English-speaking culture, but with the construction of a ‘bi-cultural’ or ‘world citizen’ identity, as well as identification with the international community. The paper ends by suggesting new ways of understanding the concept of motivation in L2 learning in today’s global context.  相似文献   

This paper examines interactions between the global and the local in the context of Japanese mainstream schooling, by focusing on the development of local government policies to manage diversity in schools. This paper reveals how local governments developed education policies in interaction with grassroots professional groups, activists and schools, and by selectively incorporating national policies. These local policies are multicultural education policies but differ in two significant ways. The first is their predominant concern with human rights education, leaving celebration of cultural diversity as a marginal consideration, and the other is the official use of the term ‘foreigners’ in the title of these policies; both of which reflect the pre‐existing local context. The paper demonstrates that new immigrants do not unilaterally impact on supposedly ethnically homogeneous Japanese classrooms, but that the pre‐existing local contexts (national, local and institutional) have mediated global forces in effecting changes.  相似文献   

This article reports a 2001-2002 study conducted among middle-school students in Karachi, Pakistan, in the wake of 9/11. In the context of their involvement in a global community-building project, in which students sought to develop the literacy and English skills of a group of Afghan refugees, students were asked to reflect on their perceptions of literacy and the English language, as well as their hopes for the future. Students saw the development of literacy, competence in English, and technological advances in the future as desirable and interdependent. They imagined a future society in which Pakistan was peaceful, true to the principles of Islam, and a contributing member of the international community. The authors suggest that the students' imagined communities are best understood with reference to a "politics of location" (Canagarajah, 1999) in which the English language coexists with vernacular languages, and local needs are balanced against global imperatives. In such a context, imagined communities are multiple and identities hybrid. The authors conclude that the challenge for educators is to harness our own imaginations in the pursuit of a peaceful and just global community.  相似文献   

作者通过基于FLCAS的问卷调查和三次英语水平测试,考察了高职非英语专业学生的不同语言焦虑度和不同性别与语言学习成就之间的关系。实验结果显示:不同的语言焦虑度均能影响学生的学习成就,呈现负相关关系;不同性别的学生其语言学习成就均受到语言焦虑的影响,其程度为女性明显高于男性。本文的研究结论有助于英文教师加深对语言焦虑负面影响的了解,并对汉语环境下的英语教学潜在的焦虑来源提出了警示。  相似文献   

The achievement gaps between poor and more affluent students are persistent and chronic, as many students living in poverty are also members of more isolated communities where dialects such as African American English and Southern Vernacular English are often spoken. Non-mainstream dialect use is associated with weaker literacy achievement. The principal aims of the two experiments described in this paper were to examine whether second through fourth graders, who use home English in contexts where more formal school English is expected, can be taught to dialect shift between home and school English depending on context; and whether this leads to stronger writing and literacy outcomes. The results of two randomized controlled trials with students within classrooms randomly assigned to DAWS (Dialect Awareness, a program to explicitly teach dialect shifting), editing instruction, or a business as usual group revealed (1) that DAWS was more effective in promoting dialect shifting than instruction that did not explicitly contrast home and school English; and (2) that students in both studies who participated in DAWS were significantly more likely to use school English in contexts where it was expected on proximal and distal outcomes including narrative writing, morphosyntactic awareness, and reading comprehension. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

English for Globalisation or for the World's People?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The article explores the role of English in ongoing processes of globalisation, the reasons for its dominance, and the need for conceptual clarification in analysing English worldwide. Examples from the post-colonial and post-communist worlds and the European Union reveal increasing corporate involvement in education, and World Bank policies that favour European languages. Studies of global English range from those that uncritically endorse global English to those which see it as reflecting a post-imperial but essentially capitalist agenda. Many of the contem-porary trends are captured in two competing language policy paradigms that situate English in broader economic, political and cultural facets of globalisation, the Diffusion of English paradigm, and the Ecology of Languages paradigm. A number of studies of various dimensions of linguistic and professional imperialism in the teaching of English to Asians reveal the persistence of western agendas in education. There is also increasing documentation of resistance to this, both at the level of awareness of the need to anchor English more firmly in local cultural systems, and at classroom level. Language pedagogy needs to ensure that English is not learned subtractively. Only in this way can globalisation be made more accountable and locally relevant.  相似文献   

在英语帝国主义的冲击下,英语国家所承载的文化遍及世界的每个角落,对本上文化和本民族的价值观念带来很大的冲击。批判性文化意识在我国大学英语教学中的培养变得尤为重要。在英语教学的同时,教师可以通过教学内容的选择以及课堂内外文化教学活动的结合,以辩证的态度对待英语国家文化,引导学生批判性的理解、思考中西文化差异,逐步把大学生培养成全球化下的英语专业人才。  相似文献   

本文首先讨论了目前高级英语教材的文体关注、英语教学的主要问题,然后通过语音、词汇、句式和修辞层面上的实例分析,说明培养学生的文体意识和文体分析能力有助于提高学生的阅读鉴赏能力和独立解决问题的能力,应成为提高高级英语教学质量的有效改革途径之一。  相似文献   

The International Studies in Education program at the University of Iceland illustrates how one university is responding to global trends in higher education. Through a case study we examined the significance of an innovative B.A. program, which is taught in English, aligned with values affirmed in critical multiculturalist scholarship, and designed to respond to demographic changes including a sharp increase in Iceland’s immigrant population. The experience of students, teachers, and administrators raises important questions about institutional responsibilities, both local and global; about the role of English in an international studies program; about de facto segregation of students; and about the significance of local context in global trends in higher education.  相似文献   

文章从中介语的定义、特征及形成方式入手,探讨少数民族在学习第二语言——汉语过程中的中介语现象及其对汉语口语教学的启示.  相似文献   

语境理论在语用学研究领域扮演着一个至关重要的角色。自从马林诺斯基提出“语境”这一术语以来,国内外的语言学家们纷纷对这一理论进行了热烈而深入的研究,其中一项的研究就是将语境理论与语言教学结合起来。语境在英语听力教学中是必不可少的重要因素。在听力教学中,指导学习者学会发现、创设语境,利用语境因素去理解所听内容,是一个非常重要的环节,并能在一定的程度上促进英语听力教学。本文旨在尝试应用语境理论来指导、探究大学英语听力课堂教学模式的改革。  相似文献   

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