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布迪厄的实践社会学在知识生产方面具有以下特点:在研究对象的建构方面,他倡导研究关于实践的总体性社会事实;在知识生产的思维方式上,他强调关系性主义;在知识生产的概念工具方面,他发展了惯习、场域和资本等重要概念;在知识生产方法论方面,他强调方法的"适配"性;在知识生产者的伦理方面,他强调反思性.布迪厄的实践社会学有助于妇女研究中研究领域的拓宽、研究方法的创新和开放,并有助于促进知识生产中的反思性.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):175-192

This article examines the identities of three black academics at historically white universities in South Africa. Three portraits that highlight politics within the professoriate as constituting a site for struggle are crafted. The wish is to shift the present focus in the South African literature by addressing the variety and complexity of black academics' everyday involvement in their oppression, demonstrating how that works. The analyses are set against the background of globalisation and the transformation of higher education worldwide. It is argued that the future of tertiary education in South Africa and elsewhere is likely to be influenced by battles within the academy about issues of diversity in regard to race, class and gender. Its outcomes are far from predictable.  相似文献   


This study explored ways in which official social studies textbooks in South Korea promote global citizenship given the dominant neoliberal ideology in the field of education. Employing soft versus critical global citizenship education (GCE) and critical discourse analysis, this study analyzed 12 middle-school (seventh to ninth grades) social studies textbooks that are mandatory in Korean public schools. The findings of this study demonstrate the prevalence of a neoliberal agenda and nationalist rhetoric in the global citizenship discourses in the textbooks. We discussed the extent to which themes for GCE including globalization, cultural diversity, peace, sustainability, and associated skills and dispositions were instrumental in perpetuating neoliberal economic values and nationalism while marginalizing social justice and multiculturalism in official textbooks.  相似文献   


Higher education plays a critical role in producing society’s leaders by preparing graduates with the knowledge, capabilities and disposition to appreciate diversity and address social injustice. Many higher education institutions within and beyond Australia have aimed to internationalise their curricula to ensure students achieve capabilities that enable them to contribute to an evolving global knowledge economy. However, the inclusion of global citizenship as a graduate attribute embedded in internationalised curricula, and the processes to achieving this, are highly contested. Guided by a discourse analysis approach, this study explored how Australian and New Zealand universities position students as global citizens in public web pages. Publicly available policy and other text documents on university websites relating to internationalisation and/or global citizenship were collected and screened. Those that met inclusion criteria were analysed to identify discourses and to further understand how higher education institutions describe their plan to advance and achieve global citizenship agendas. Two key themes were generated: expressions of internationalisation policy and global citizenship as an obscured educational intention. These findings are further elaborated, providing an outline of the possible implications for higher education policy and practice relating to the internationalisation of curriculum for global citizenship and its potential impact on educators and students.  相似文献   

This article looks to three inspirational Black women, bell hooks, Stacey McBride-Irby and Patricia Williams, in the pursuit of radical curriculum. While today curriculum is critiqued as racialised, gendered, sexualised and classed, the formats of curriculum documents such as text books, units of work and lesson plans have changed little. These documents are often conceived as linear sequences of steps leading to outcomes, and their voices are distanced and ‘neutral’. Drawing on a doctoral study of curriculum design in Australia, this article embraces a different approach by opening up a unit of work on girls’ popular culture to hooks’ invocations to teach to transgress, so that curriculum might be experienced as colour and curves, rather than a monochrome route to a pre-determined end point. Through this, along with hooks, I invite teachers to live pedagogy, rather than to deliver it.  相似文献   

The paper explores the fabrications of human kinds in pedagogical research. It examines the social and psychological sciences of education as producing independent spaces for the study of people in order to act on them and as a cultural thesis for people to act for themselves. Further, it explores the principles generated about who the child is and should be. It is argued that the making of human kinds embodies particular historically generated modes of representing the possibilities of life; and these modes function to divide, differentiate and abject particular qualities of people and populations into unlivable spaces. This comparativeness produces inequality as it strives for equality. The analysis engages educational studies in a conversation with history, philosophy, political and cultural studies that draw on particular European studies brought into the US to challenge its philosophical, analytical and social/psychological traditions.  相似文献   

This article provides a comparative analysis of citizenship education in the Philippines and Singapore. Through an analysis of historical contexts, citizenship education policy and curriculum, it examines Makabayan in the Philippines and National Education in Singapore. It identifies particular policy and curriculum trajectories as responses to national and global imperatives to demonstrate how countries are redefining the kinds of knowledge, skills and values deemed necessary for national citizenship in global contexts. This comparative case study illustrates some of the tensions and contradictions facing citizenship education in new global contexts and highlights the different ways countries try to manage these tensions through citizenship education policies and curricula. Findings point to different factors that shape and constrain the implementation of citizenship education programmes in both countries.  相似文献   

上个世纪90年代,海外汉学界围绕着北岛诗歌的英译发生过一场激烈的争论。争论的焦点其实就是第三世界文学在国际文学市场中生产、流通和消费的政治和伦理问题。自觉不自觉地从中心立场出发,宇文所安虽然预言了全球资本在向更恶劣方向发展,但忽视了第三世界文学书写当代经验的正当性;奚密、周蕾等海外华裔学人熟练运用理论揭示了西方话语的矛盾性,有力地论证了中国当代文学的伦理诉求,但其有意识选择边缘地位的立场无法引爆第三世界文学的政治动能。后理论从时间和空间上为我们提供了新的世界想象和文学未来。论辩各方对翻译的遗忘显示出重新认识翻译素养的必要性和迫切性。中国文学和理论的政治和伦理力量来自从更大的空间书写和表述中国经验,为人类和地球寻找逃离人类纪的可能性。  相似文献   

Two studies assessed student writing in a critical thinking course. The first study examined initial and final versions of a term paper. Linguistic inquiry and word count (LIWC) analyses of essays revealed significant differences in linguistic variables and some differences in cognitive variables. The second study examined student essays at the beginning and end of the semester. Taken together, the studies indicate that students express themselves with less tentativeness at the end of the semester, and are consistent with the suggestion that students move from relativism to commitment during the course of a semester. In addition, the results indicate that the LIWC may detect differences between different writing genres.  相似文献   

This paper addresses a growing literature on global public goods theory, in particular the use of this framework to promote the equitable provision of goods and social services, such as basic education, on an international scale. Due to a lack of research into this theory’s applicability to education, the author aims to discern how such a framework might be applied, and its possible policy implications, focusing on universal access initiatives and the debate on private provision of schooling. The paper further questions the appropriateness of using global public goods theory given certain critiques.  相似文献   

由于人类实践活动有不同的对象领域和不同的类型,任何社会都具有宗教知识、人文社会知识、自然科学知识等不同领域,但这些领域在一定知识体系中的位置,通常有主次之分。居于主宰地位的所谓核心知识,通过某种体制性力量把自己的规则、特性和价值标准扩张到其他领域,因此,社会变迁必然伴随着核心知识的变迁,并由此导致整个知识秩序的重组。20世纪60年代以来,在人文社会科学中出现了跨学科研究的趋势,致力于打破学科和方法的壁垒,有可能促成一种新的知识秩序的形成,用拒绝核心知识的互动型知识模式取代以核心知识为主的辐射型知识模式,在某种意义上,这样的变迁意味着知识界对一切中心主义意识形态的激进批判。  相似文献   


Using a DisCrit intersectional lens and statistical and spatial methods, we trace how the creation of K-8 schools functioned to create pockets of privilege in one urban U.S. school district. K-8 schools were both whiter and wealthier than district averages, serving as “enclave” schools. Although far fewer students with disabilities were served in K-8 schools compared to traditional elementary and middle schools, those attending K-8 schools were more likely to be educated in inclusive settings.  相似文献   

Critical thinking has come to be defined as and aligned with ‘good’ thinking. It connects to the value placed on rationality and agency and is woven into conceptions of what it means to become a person and hence deserve respect. Challenges to the supremacy of critical thinking have helped to provoke richer and fuller interpretations and critical thought is prevalent in talk of what it is to become a person and more fundamentally to educate. The capacity for critical thought may indeed be one significant aspect of developed personhood; however an emphasis on critical thought as the main source of respect for persons raises a number of issues about what might therefore be excluded or neglected. A number of alternative views that try to retrieve a more ‘humanised’ view of how we exist in the world are examined and are found to suggest that human consciousness as a mark of personhood should be seen as rooted in bodily senses and a more aesthetic orientation towards the world that moves us away from critical thought and rationality as the single indicators of ‘good’ thinking.  相似文献   

Authors propose a research framework that human capital of universities enhances performance through the mediating mechanisms of relational capital. Against the backdrop of the report issued by the National Knowledge Commission set up by the Indian government with a vision to transform India into a global knowledge hub, this study explores how universities can contribute in contriving a knowledge economy. Data collected from 13 north Indian universities has been tested empirically using structural equation modelling (SEM). Findings reveal that human capital has a significant influence on a university’s performance and relational capital partially mediates that effect. The results of this study will be of paramount importance for planners in the Indian higher education sector to achieve the goals that have been laid down in the report. Furthermore, it will help administrators and policy makers at universities to take cognizance of the global shift towards the knowledge economy and leverage human and relational capital in the process.  相似文献   


Critical race theory (CRT) views education as one of the principal means by which white supremacy is maintained and presented as normal in society. The article applies CRT to two real-world case studies: changes to education statutes in the state of Arizona (USA) and the introduction of a new measure of educational success in England, the English baccalaureate. The analysis highlights the globalized nature of neoliberal education reform and its fundamentally raced and racist character.  相似文献   

Classroom discipline is a major concern of American teachers and why many leave teaching. A conventional view of learning is so deeply interrelated with schooling in the American culture it also drives the view of discipline, especially in urban contexts where students are disproportionately failed and excluded by the mainstream educational system. The purpose of this paper is to propose a critical social practice view of learning as defined by legitimate peripheral participation (LPP), providing a communities of practice framework to guide future research that sets out to transform conventional views of learning, particularly within the context of classroom discipline.  相似文献   

In post-conflict and divided societies, global citizenship education has been described as a central element of peacebuilding education, whereby critical pedagogy is seen as a tool to advance students’ thinking, transform their views and promote democratic behaviours. The present study investigates understandings of and attitudes to global citizenship and the challenges faced in its implementation. Teacher interviews highlight lack of time and resources for critical reflection and dialogue. Where opportunities for relevant training are provided, this can benefit critical engagement. Boundaries of educational systems and structures also influence pupils’ understandings of the issues as evidenced in questionnaire findings. We argue that critical pedagogies may be limited unless criticality and activism transcend local and global issues and are applied to schools themselves. Emotional engagement may be required for teachers to claim the space to critically reflect and share with colleagues within and beyond their sectors in order to enable critical discourse amongst pupils.  相似文献   

Data from 104 reading-disabled subjects tested on two occasions over an average interval of nearly five years were used to test hypotheses of differential prognosis for reading performance and symbol-processing speed as a function of gender, socioeconomic status, general intelligence, and initial severity. With respect to reading performance, significant main effects due to intelligence and severity were found. Moreover, the interaction between initial severity and test occasion was significant for reading performance due to a greater rate of improvement for the more severely disabled subjects. No evidence was obtained, however, for differential developmental rates as a unction of gender, socioeconomic status, or intelligence for this measure. With regard to symbol-processing speed, significant main effects were found due to gender, intelligence, and severity, whereas developmental rates were found to differ as a function of gender and socioeconomic status.  相似文献   

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