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Motivation and Education: The Self-Determination Perspective   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 1991), when applied to the realm of education, is concerned primarily with promoting in students an interest in learning, a valuing of education, and a confidence in their own capacities and attributes. These outcomes are manifestations of being intrinsically motivated and internalizing values and regulatory processes. Research suggests that these processes result in high-quality learning and conceptual understanding, as well as enhanced personal growth and adjustment. In this article we also describe social-contextual factors that nurture intrinsic motivation and promote internalization, leading to the desired educational outcomes.  相似文献   

Learner motivation is considered an important premise for learning achievement. One of the theories used to explain learner motivation in physical education is the Self-Determination Theory (SDT). Different from others, SDT acknowledges the controlling nature of institutionalized education and builds its application around externally imposed regulatory mechanisms to enhance learner motivation. In this article, we review research findings on SDT in physical education and reason for the use of externally regulated motivation approaches as a primary strategy in physical education. We frame our arguments in the constructivist learning theories and argue that using external regulation mechanisms to maximize learner motivation is not inconsistent with the constructivist learning theories. Our pedagogical understanding about satisfying the basic human needs for competence, relatedness, and autonomy leads us to believe that the priority should be placed on competence development with relatedness as a pedagogical platform for competence development in physical education.  相似文献   

现代远程开放教育学生自主学习存在着内在驱动力不足、策略掌握不足、学习毅力不足、支持服务体系不健全等一系列问题。要解决这些问题,可以从端正学习动机、激发学习兴趣,推动素质教育、增强学习毅力,培训学习方法、优化学习策略,转变教师观念、服务自主学习,加强软硬件建设、提供优质平台,改革考试制度、创新评价体系等六个方面进行。  相似文献   

The discourse of the field of higher education is complex, as is its analysis. Citation analysis is means of examining communicative processes. This study investigates citations in the papers of three core journals in higher education, Research in Higher Education, Review of Higher Education, and Journal of Higher Education. The results demonstrate that citation practices have remained relatively stable over time with regard to the format of cited items and the people and sources cited. The consistency applies, even with the electronic availability of a greater amount, and greater diversity, of materials. Some differences from past practices are also presented.  相似文献   

幼儿教师对科学教育活动内容的选择实质上决定着幼儿科学学习的内容,选择适宜的科学活动内容尤为关键。当前,受一些主客观原因影响,教师选择幼儿科学活动内容存在不够均衡,难度适宜性差,喜"新"厌"旧",不能准确反映科学领域的"核心概念"等问题。要开展对幼儿科学教育内容的协同研究,加强幼儿教师在科学领域的培养与培训,教师要掌握幼儿科学活动内容选择的要求和方法,以提升教师对科学活动内容的选择能力。  相似文献   

论自我决定理论对大学生主体性教育的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自我决定理论从人的主体性出发,承认人的积极成长倾向和环境对成长的制约作用,为高校进行主体性教育提供了一个新视野。我们要根据学生的需要,为学生的成长提供一种支持的环境,实现教育效果的最大化。  相似文献   

Influenced by Third World Liberation social movements in the United States and abroad, this article applies a serve-the-people concept to service-learning in education. Rooted in pedagogies more traditionally associated with ethnic studies and community organizing, and informed by sociocultural and critical frameworks in education, this article offers insights from school community spaces that serve K–12 youth from different urban working-class neighborhoods. Transformative opportunities for grassroots collaboration, learning, agency, and community reorganizing are explored with implications for students, teachers, teacher educators, and community workers concerned with social justice.  相似文献   

追寻儿童科学教育的真义:对我国幼儿园科学教育的审思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾我国幼儿园科学教育课程设置80多年的历程,可以发现偏狭的理性主义价值观与工具主义价值观是多年来儿童科学教育课程的取向.本文在分析、批判这种取向的基础上提出儿童科学教育应以培养儿童的科学素养为其价值定位,应以探究、体验、发现为核心,以追寻儿童科学教育的真义.  相似文献   


Discursively learning outcomes have been embedded within an education-policy context characterised by a shift from teaching to learning. In the dominant education policy discourse, learning outcomes have come to play an important role in education whose emphasis is more on product than process, which by its critics have been characterised as scientific management. Calls have been made to reconsider alternative interpretations of learning outcomes and a renewal of older perspectives on learning outcomes such as in Eisner’s works. The article examines the concept of learning outcomes, as interpreted in education policy, and discusses it within Eisner’s framing of teaching and learning. Analysing policy developments and the introduction of learning outcomes in two Scandinavian countries, we ask what is taken for granted in the interpretation of learning outcomes. The analysis contributes to a widened narrative on what education could be about by illuminating alternative ways of interpreting and conceptualising learning outcomes in education.  相似文献   

This article challenges policymakers, school leaders, and teachers to implement wide-scale and systematic teaching of character education in every classroom. In support of the idea that student character development should be a priority in all classes, I explain that youth need “decision-filters” to negotiate life's challenges. Further, the article illustrates how character education can be taught through various courses. Several state-level academic standards are analyzed to (1) identify cognitive instructional emphases and (2) determine relevant affective teachings for character instruction. As I explain, the teaching of character education can be integrated naturally with and taught alongside any state's standards-based curriculum. Rather than adding a new course to an already overloaded school curriculum, character education should be integrated with other subject areas and routinely taught through all classes and by all teachers.  相似文献   

自主性学习浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自主性学习是学习者能够根据自己的学习能力、学习任务的要求,积极主动地调整自己的学习策略和努力程度的过程,其实质就是通过学生对学习过程的主动参与,培养自主意识、自主能力、自主习惯,使其成为一个学会学习的人。就如何建构自主性学习条件,如何培养学生自主能力等方面进行了简单分析。  相似文献   

文学制度作为文学生产、流通和消费过程中所形成的社会机制和文学场域,一方面为文学提供了生产空间和生产场所,另一方面,文学制度又在不断地限制文学生产的自由与个性.这就是文学制度的悖论.在这种悖论的基础上,文学要想取得较大发展,就必须在借助制度的同时不断地超越制度.  相似文献   

随着积极心理学对人的力量的研究,自我决定理论受到越来越多的关注。自我决定理论以有机辩证元理论为基础,由基本需要、认知评估、有机整合和因果关系定向四个亚理论组成,并在不同领域都展开了一系列的应用研究,研究仍然存在一些难点和不足。  相似文献   

进入中国特色社会主义新时代以来,我国已经全面开启建设高等教育强国新征程。在高等教育承前启后的这一历史节点,回望过去,把握发展轨迹,对谋划、选定下一段发展路径将大有裨益。本文基于对2007-2017 年间国家出台的高等教育政策文件的分析, 归纳出近十年来我国高等教育政策制定的四个特征:中央政府通过政策性文件配置资源的方式在数量比重与体制分类结构比重上占主导地位;越倾向高校内部管理的事务、越倾向由基层或市场配置的事务,中央层面的文件越趋向与多个部门协调;教育行政性审批文件仍然占据一定比重,且在学校微观管理上占据不小空间;尚未有关于教育政策评估制度的发布。认清这些特征,对未来高等教育的政策制定有重要借鉴作用。  相似文献   

救济性民族自决是一项在极端条件下的集体人权,作为民族自决理论在后非殖民化运动时期的新发展,在一定程度上弱化了领土主权原则的绝对性,但其并非使领土主权原则虚无化,更非为分离权招魂。有鉴于此,为了防止救济性民族自决权被分裂势力滥用,有必要从主体要件、实质要件、程序要件三方面予以严格限制,特别对程序要件更需分"事前、事中、事后"三部分进行讨论。同时,虽然救济性民族自决权尚不具备条约法与国际习惯法的法律地位,但日后成为速成国际习惯法确为一大趋势。  相似文献   

自决与自治分别是国际法和国内法上的概念,两者的主要区别主要表现在:内在含义不同、所属范畴不同、行为主体不同、政治功能不同.两者之间的联系主要表现在:自决是自治的前提,而自治是自决的一种结果形式.目前学术界将自决与自治的关系搞混的一个重要原因,是西方学者将自决划分为内部自决和外部自决,并将"内部自决"等同于自治.解决这一混乱的最简单办法就是不要在国际法层面上对自决进行内外划分,也不要在国际法层面上再使用自治的概念.  相似文献   

本文运用支持联盟框架解释了我国高教政策创新的过程,分别讨论了框架内五个模块的运作细节以及它们在政策创新过程中的作用机理,以期获得合意的政策产出。  相似文献   

自我决定理论属于学习动机研究范畴,透过理论关于四个调节阶段和三种基本需要的论述对高校学风建设中思想政治教育工作的发展趋向进行梳理,针对工作中评估工具使用不足、价值观导向不鲜明、工作分层体系不完善等问题阐述了三点启示。  相似文献   

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