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研究本位型的教师教育被认为是芬兰基础教育成功的关键因素之一。随着社会的发展,芬兰的教师教育经历了由个人经验型教师培养到研究本位型教师培养的转变,并不断完善研究本位型的教师教育模式。其教师教育在招生上实行“优中择优”的标准,在课程上以研究思维为导向,在实践教学上以行动研究为特色。文章试图探析芬兰的研究本位型教师教育理论及实践,为我国教师教育发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

芬兰基础教育成功的一个重要原因是高质量的教师教育为其提供专业的师资。培养以研究为本的专家教师是芬兰教师教育的中心任务,教育研究和实践训练相结合是芬兰职前教师教育的重要特征。基于"研究"的教学实践是芬兰小学教师专业成长的有效模式之一。本文在介绍该模式的背景、涵义、目的、途径与实施原则的基础上,提出该模式对我国教师教育改革的若干启示。  相似文献   

文章在分析了传统的"师本"教师教育模式的基础上,结合基础教育新课程改革对新型教师的要求,提出了,生本"教师教育模式.文章首先对"生本"教师教育模式做了理论阐释,然后结合实践对"生本"教师教育模式进行了时间论证,并具体地介绍了"生本"教师教育模式下的两个子模式--体验式教育模式和研究性学习模式,同时指出,为了贯彻"生本"教师教育模式,必须建立起大学与中小学的合作伙伴关系.  相似文献   

幼儿园"园本"课程是指以幼儿园作为课程开发的基地,以教师的日常教育实践活动作为课程构建基础的一种课程形式.这种课程的主要特点在于:1.幼儿园教师是课程构建的主体.与以往那种专家、学者作为课程构建主体,教师作为课程实施主体的模式不同,在"园本"课程的构建中,教师不只是课程实施的主体,也是课程研究、开发、评价的主体.2."园本"课程具有强烈的实践性.这表现在幼儿园"园本"课程是以教师的日常教育实践活动作为课程构建基础的,课程的实施效果不仅能快速地反馈,而且经常与预定的目标加以对照,因而课程是在开发、实施、评价的循环过程中逐步得到构建的.  相似文献   

本文从英语师范教育的定位、课程设置和教育实践三个方面论述构建有特色的英语师范教育体系。第一,英语师范本科教育应以培养合格的中小学英语教师为主要目标;第二,英语师范教育的课程设置应体现"英语师范教育"这一特色;第三,重视培养学生的英语教育实践能力。课程设置模块化可以满足学生不同的发展需求。  相似文献   

芬兰研究型教师教育述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
芬兰教育成功的重要原因之一是芬兰的研究型教师教育.新的教师教育课程要求所有的师范生都要开展一项他们自己的研究,以发展理论与实践结合的专业能力.本文介绍了芬兰研究型教师教育发展的背景、基本特点,以及实施的主要环节.  相似文献   

美国"以实践为取向"的学前教育师资培养模式强调理论与实践的融合,教育实践活动贯穿教师教育课程学习的全部中心环节。课程设置以发展职前教师的实践能力为核心,课程设计将理论知识学习与田野实践有机整合,课程教学与幼儿园紧密合作,融入体验式学习和探究型学习的教学理念,课程评价则重视职前教师在幼儿园的实践操作能力。这种师资培养模式为我国学前教师教育课程改革提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

"实践取向"是近年来我国教师教育课程的主导取向之一,作为教师教育课程的一种,高师学科专业课程也应秉持"实践取向"。由于学术传统的因袭以及高校评价制度等因素的影响,高师学科专业课程还普遍存在课程设置偏离教师专业的实践指向、课程知识与教师专业实践需求错位、课程实施忽视师范生实践素质培养等"实践迷失"现象。以实践为导向改革和优化教师教育课程,很有必要对高师学科专业课程进行一番"实践化"改造,使其课程设置更加符合"教师专业"的实践逻辑,课程知识更能回应教师专业实践的需求,课程实施更加注重"实践元素"和实践路径的开掘。  相似文献   

教师专业化发展进程中,职前与职后的一体化、连贯化培养是较为理想的模式.本研究通过在区域教育中,建立高等师范院校和中学之间的合作伙伴关系,以师范生课程建设、教育实习、区域学科竞赛、区域集体教研、大学参与中学校本研修等方式,探索实现教师专业能力持续性发展的"区域性合作型"人才培养模式.本模式以中学机器人教学为切入点,通过几年的实践,在学科建设、教师专业发展、学生能力提升、双方合作研究等方面均取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

按照新的发展性教育观念,经过多年的实践和不懈努力,我们探索了一条适合学校实际和教育发展需求的"三为本"发展性教育办学模式.即:以学生自主和谐发展为"本",以教师"三品"形象发展为"本",以学校特色发展为"本",初步形成一个"三本"一体,教与学和谐发展的新的办学模式,使学校成为师生幸福的乐园和求知的殿堂.  相似文献   

This article sets out to identify and discuss the changes that have taken place in Finnish teacher education during the last 40 years (1974–2014). A brief history of teacher education in Finland is presented, followed by the goals and aims of current research-based teacher education in Finland. Finally, the major changes in Finnish teacher education during the last 40 years are identified and discussed along with challenges for the future. These include the fact that with each passing year teacher education in Finland has become increasingly research-based. The ethical role of the Finnish teacher has changed from being a religious and moral example to being a principled professional who needs moral competence in pedagogical encounters. Teachers also need to master the rapid developments in information and communication technology in order to function in the same learning environments as their students.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing discussion about teacher education today: its organisation, its academic status and the competence that results from different programmes. There is no one best way to organise teacher education. Rather, the appropriateness of organisation is related to the desired aims. In this article, we discuss one way to organise and implement academic education for class teachers, namely, a research-based approach, which has been used in Finland for the last 30 years. We elaborate on a theoretical framework for research-based teacher education and present empirical evidence for ways of implementing teacher education programmes, experiences and evaluations. Based on this evidence, we consider the present state of teacher education and suggest guidelines for the future. Research-based teacher education in Finland has been underway long enough to examine its results and its effectiveness in educating class teachers today. Together with our own research findings, the high-level performance of Finnish pupils in international examinations suggests that teacher education in Finland has been on the right course. We recommend that departments of teacher education should be established within universities and that teachers should obtain Master's degrees. Such steps will ensure that a higher conceptual level is adopted and that research is part of teacher education. Although our context is teacher education in Finland, the viewpoints expressed may be valuable for teachers, teacher educators and researchers on teacher education in a broader European context.  相似文献   


Background: International achievement studies such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) have an increasing influence on education policy worldwide. The use of such data can provide a basis for evidence-based policy-making to initiate educational reform. Finland, a high performer in PISA, is often cited as an example of both efficient and equitable education. Finland’s teachers and teacher education have not only garnered much attention for their role in the country’s PISA successes, but have also influenced education policy change in England.

Main argument: This article argues that the Finnish model of teacher education has been borrowed uncritically by UK policy-makers. Finnish and English philosophies of teacher preparation differ greatly, and the borrowing of the Finnish teacher education model does not fit within the teacher training viewpoint of England. The borrowed policies, thus, were decontextualised from the wider values and underpinnings of Finnish education. This piecemeal, ‘pick “n” mix’ approach to education policy reform ignores the fact that educational policies and ‘practices exist in ecological relationships with one another and in whole ecosystems of interrelated practices’. Thus, these borrowed teacher preparation policies will not necessarily lead to the outcomes outlined by policy-makers in the reforms.

Sources of evidence: Two teacher preparation reforms in England, the University Training Schools (outlined in the UK Government’s 2010 Schools White Paper, The Importance of Teaching) and the Master’s in Teaching and Learning (MTL), are used to illustrate the problematic nature of uncritical policy borrowing. This article juxtaposes these policies with the Finnish model of teacher education, a research-based programme where all candidates are required to complete a Master’s degree. The contradictions exposed from this analysis further highlight the divergent practices of teacher preparation in England and Finland, or the disparate ‘ecosystems’. Evidence of educational policy borrowing in other settings is also considered.

Conclusions: Both the MTL and the White Paper reforms overlook the ‘ecosystem’ surrounding Finnish teacher education. The school-based MTL contrasts with the research-based Finnish teachers’ MA. Similarly, the University Training Schools scheme, based on Finnish university-affiliated, teaching practice schools, contrasts heavily with the rest of the White Paper reforms, which contradict the philosophies and ethos behind Finnish teacher education by proposing the move of English teacher preparation away from the universities. The analysis highlights the uncritical eye through which politicians may view international survey results, looking for ‘quick fix’ options instead of utilising academic evidence for investigation on education and education reform.  相似文献   

The status, content, and social factors influencing craft education in Finland, a standard subject in comprehensive schools, were examined during interviews with craft teachers, craft teacher preparers, and educational administrators. In this paper, the following areas are examined: How are crafts defined? What rationales and cultural and social factors keep craft education robust and what factors threaten it? What is perceived as the future of craft education? The status, content, and social factors influencing craft education in Finland, a standard subject in comprehensive schools, were examined during interviews with craft teachers, craft teacher preparers, and educational administrators. In this paper, the following areas are examined: How are crafts defined? What rationales and cultural and social factors keep craft education robust and what factors threaten it? What is perceived as the future of craft education? interviewees for teaching craft in schools fell into five categories: craft provides 1) cognitive development in several dimensions, 2) learning about living in the world, 3) Finnish traditions and culture, 4) social and individual growth, and 5) a break from the demands of academic subjects. All interviewees seemed to agree that teaching crafts in Finland is changing in terms of how teachers are prepared, who writes curriculum, the content of the curriculum, and the configuration of craft in the comprehensive school curriculum. Some interviewees portended a decline in craft education in public schooling, while others embraced change as part of nation building.  相似文献   

美国密歇根州立大学的教师教育项目以培养卓越教师和教师领导者为目标,构建起了以基于满足多样化学习者学习需求的教学专业核心课程、基于实践反思和角色建构的教育实习课程为主体的优质教师教育课程体系,彰显出学会学习、基于研究、反思探究、多元文化、理念引领等特征,凸显出对高质量教学的追求,体现了学习中心取向、专业发展取向、多元文化取向三个鲜明的课程建设取向。  相似文献   

The success of Finland in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) highlights the quality of Finnish teacher education underpinning its consistently high performance in the survey. In 2010 the UK government initiated a masters in teaching and learning (MTL) in order to raise the education level of teachers, following Finland’s teacher education model. Educationists both past and present, however, warn against ‘quick fix’ political solutions and of the consequences of ‘uncritical policy transfer’. For an educational policy to be effectively borrowed, it must travel through different stages. In this article we argue that the MTL has been implemented in the hope of quick solutions to long-term difficulties; we also maintain that the MTL has applied distinctly English factors into the Finnish model and was achieving informed policy transfer. Nevertheless, the rapid introduction and withdrawal of the programme has not allowed for the MTL to reach complete policy borrowing.  相似文献   

The professional development of teacher educators is gaining increasing interest globally. However, not so many studies have been carried out in the Finnish context, which is somewhat surprising considering that the Finnish education system and teacher education has gained so much interest worldwide. This study investigates Finnish teacher educators’ concerns, beliefs and values. The results show that teacher educators experienced a variety of concerns in their work, in the beginning mainly dealing with the position and being a novice, and later they became more concerned with heavy workloads and practical teaching-related matters. The teacher educators studied considered the students’ education to be the most important aspect of their work. The research-based nature of teacher education was also felt to be very important, along with its community aspects, and their own specialization. In general, Finnish teacher educators considered their work to be important.  相似文献   

There are many similarities between the Nordic countries of Sweden and Finland, but they have made different decisions regarding their teacher-education policies. This article focuses on how the objectives of teacher education, particularly the vision of the ideal teacher, have changed in Sweden and Finland in the period after the Second World War. In Finland, the period since the 1960s can be described as a gradual scientification of teacher education. The image of the ideal teacher has transformed according to a research-based agenda, where teachers are expected to conduct minor-scale research in the classroom. In Sweden since the 1980s, on the other hand, teacher education has oscillated between progressivist and academic orientations, following shifts in government between the Social Democratic Party and the centre-right. Since the turn of the millennium, however, a consensus in favour of a strengthened research base of teacher education has also emerged in Sweden.  相似文献   

教师研究是教师专业发展的重要途径。研究本位的教师教育模式成为当前世界教育变革的主题。研究本位的教师教育旨在培养实践反思型教师,而不是专业的研究者。本文阐释了研究本位的教师教育的内涵、范式及其改革实践。研究本位的教师教育主要包括目标定位、课程开发、教学方法以及大学与中小学合作伙伴的教师教育研究等四个方面的策略。  相似文献   

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