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教师教育教学能力是教师从教的基本要求.教师教育教学能力是教育运行机制的客观要求,是教师完成教育任务的必要条件,是国家教师资格认定的关键指标.教师教育教学能力集中表现为教育能力、教学能力、教育科研能力和人际交往能力等方面.教师教育教学能力的培养需要通过建立和完善教师资格准入制度、提高教师个人完善的自觉性以及借鉴国外经验等工作而实现.  相似文献   

我国教师教育重视中小学心理健康教育专兼职教师心理健康教育能力的培养,而忽视了中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力的培养.在中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力培养上,我国教师教育存在思想认识上的不足、职前培养与职后培训上的分离、理论学习与实践上的脱离等问题.针对这些问题,可以采取以下措施:提高思想认识,增强中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力培养意识;职前培养与职后培训一体化,实现中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力全程培养;理论知识学习与实践活动训练相结合,提高完善中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力等对策,将中小学学科教师心理健康教育能力的培养工作落到实处.  相似文献   

<正>2022年11月6日~18日,《联合国气候变化框架公约》缔约方会议第二十七届会议(联合国气候变化大会,COP27)在埃及沙姆沙伊赫举行,联合国教科文组织及其合作伙伴强调了教育在应对气候变化方面的关键作用,提出了加速各国气候变化教育的全球倡议,并发布了全球调查报告——《青年对优质气候变化教育的需求》。  相似文献   

中小学心理健康教育教师专业化是目前教育界比较关注的问题,本文从中小学心理健康教育教师自身的视野,提出了心理健康教育教师的界定,分析了心理健康教师的专业社会地位和权利,指出目前中小学心理健康教育和教师的困境与问题,提出心理健康教育教师的专业化过程中需要扎实的专业思想与专业意识,最后提出专业能力主要包括课堂教育教学能力、心理咨询和简单心理治疗能力、活动策划与组织能力、较强的心理科研能力等.  相似文献   

当前全球共同面临着教育可持续发展目标难以达成、疫情蔓延背景下教育系统更加不平等、地缘政治冲突引发教育更大危机以及教育经费投入不足等多重危机。这场空前危机比以往任何时候都更加需要国际社会共同参与、多边体系一致且协调共进的全球应对。为此,联合国于2022年9月16—19日在美国纽约召开了教育变革峰会,倡议在日益加剧的全球性危机下将教育置于全球政治议程的中心,推动实现2030年教育可持续发展目标。联合国描绘了教育面向2030的愿景使命,并倡导促使教师成为全球教育变革的推动者,提升所有学习者应对未来变革的能力,加强公共数字学习平台和能力建设,创建国家和国际层面教育融资机制,以及加强全球数据统计与目标监测能力。联合国描绘的愿景和变革路径能够为我国在全球危机下变革教育系统以及参与全球教育治理提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

李玉洁 《学子》2015,(4):9-10
气候变化是一个长期性的全球问题,直接关系到人类的未来,而加强对青少年的气候变化教育,使得他们关注并参与应对气候变化已成为联合国及各国政府的一项重要工作。联合国教科文组织实施了"气候变化教育可持续发展项目",旨在通过教育来帮助公众特别是青少年理解气候变化的影响,增强青少年的气候变化意识,提升青少年的气候素养。而这项工作也是对《联合国气候变化框架公约(UNFCCC)》第6条"教育、培训和公众意识"的落实。  相似文献   

二十世纪九十年代以来,挪威政府非常重视教师的专业发展与教师教育,对教师教育进行了一系列的改革和重组.重组后的教师教育机构包括学前教师教育、普通教师教育等五类.其普通教师教育在国家课程规则的指导下,教育目标明确、课程体系完善、注重学生的实践能力和少数民族教师的培养.  相似文献   

培养人才靠教育,振兴教育靠教师.本文从教育技术素养和现代教育技术能力的树立和培养等方面,阐述了转变教师传统教育学观念,势在必行.  相似文献   

2010年10月5日是联合国国际教师节,主题是:复兴始于教师。联合国四大主要机构——联合国教科文组织、联合国开发计划署、联合国儿基会和国际劳动组织的负责人共同表示:教师是教育系统的核心,如果没有足够数量的训练有素、专业的、有积极性的教师,我们就有违背我们10年前在世界教育论坛上对全球儿童和青少年  相似文献   

作为教师教育实践活动的重要组成部分,教育实习不仅培养学生对实践性知识与技能的掌握,更注重发展人的实践智慧、形成人的实践能力.教育实习在职业素养、实践知识、专业成长、以及社会文化等方面蕴藏了丰富的教育目标和教育内涵,体现了理论知识实践化的教师教育取向,代表了教师教育实践活动的应然发展趋势.  相似文献   

“We're in this together”——几年前学者,政客用“共患难”这个口号来动员各种力量对抗全球变暖。现在人们却发现全球变暖也会“偏心”。实际情况是:富国造孽,穷国遭灾。  相似文献   

The article explores how the Icelandic public school curriculum for early childhood, compulsory and upper secondary school deals with education for sustainable development. As the curriculum does not often mention the term sustainability, a key with which to investigate signs of education for sustainable development in the three curricula was created. The key encourages a holistic view of sustainable development, where economic, environmental and social factors are not treated as separate entities. It was designed to reflect the goals of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005–2014) with research on environmental education and education for sustainable development in mind. The key has seven characteristics: values, opinions and emotions about nature and environment; knowledge contributing to a sensible use of nature; welfare and public health; democracy, participation, and action competence; equality and multicultural issues; global awareness; and finally, economic development and future prospects. Using the key, a variety of signs and indicators that provide a space for teachers and schools to deal with issues of sustainable development were identified.  相似文献   


Climate change as an instructional topic in K-12 schools is most frequently taught in the science classroom. However, it is a human issue requiring social as well as technological and scientific solutions. This study analyzes and evaluates a climate change curriculum implemented via an integrated social studies and language arts framework in a middle school classroom. The curriculum reflects collaboration between a private school, a climate education non-profit, and a government agency (NOAA). Following the first year of implementation, student surveys, teacher interviews, and classroom observations comprise the primary tools of data collection and evaluation. Based off these data, students demonstrate high levels of climate literacy, improvements in reading comprehension, and overall engagement with the topic. Teachers report successes and challenges of teaching the curriculum, and administrators offer opportunities for scaling and implementing the curriculum in other schools and contexts (including public schools). Findings from this study are relevant to climate change curriculum developers, researchers, and educators seeking to incorporate an interdisciplinary, socio-scientific approach to climate change education in their work.  相似文献   

联合国千年发展目标对非洲国家的基础教育产生了积极的影响。其中,博茨瓦纳是撒哈拉以南非洲国家中基础教育发展最好的国家之一。博茨瓦纳以中等教育改革为重点推动基础教育千年目标的进程。其改革措施包括:通过建立多元化的教育体制,加大对教育的投入;通过基础教育课程的改革,解决政策的适切性和课程设置的合理化等。同时,博茨瓦纳中等教育的发展也存在着一些困境和挑战。  相似文献   

以《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》为核心的气候变化国际法律体系未能有效减缓全球变暖,应构建具有“硬法”性质的国际法律体系.在比较国别减排、碳税、碳预算等方案后,确认以财产权为逻辑基点来分配公共物品具有更好的心理易受性和理论自洽性.具体作法是将减缓全球变暖视为大气对温室气体的环境容量,将其作为一项财产并按一人一权原则平均分配给全球民众.  相似文献   

在国际环境事务中,诸如美国公然撕毁《京都议定书》事件时有发生,国际环境公正问题已日益成一个突出的伦理问题。解决这一问题应遵循四项国际环境公正基本原则:国家主权与尊重国家管辖范围以外环境原则;共同但有区别责任原则;污染承担责任原则;可持续发展原则。  相似文献   

Spiteri  Jane 《Prospects》2021,51(1-3):143-148

The purpose of this viewpoint is to consider the impact of the current Covid-19 crisis on the educational prospects of young children attending early childhood education and care (ECEC) settings. Studies show that health pandemics and environmental, political, and socio-economic crises jeopardize children’s development and education. It is likely that for the immediate future, young children will continue to experience emotional and psychological stress. A curriculum that does not take into consideration a pandemic of the scale we are witnessing today creates unnecessary pressure and anxiety not just on young children but also on the adults who care for and teach them. This article outlines actions to ensure quality education for all as suggested by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The response of ECEC curricula to the pandemic may potentially act as a catalyst for educational change.


The United Nations’ declaration on climate change education in December 2014 has sparked a renewal of policies and programs initiated during the ‘Decade of Education for Sustainable Development’ (DESD, 2005–2014), aimed at promoting awareness, understanding, and civic action for environmental sustainability within learning communities all around the world. We present findings from a dialogic, multimodal, and literacies-based educational project designed to provide secondary students (N?=?141) from four countries with the resources to read about and discuss evidence regarding climate change from seminal studies with peers and a core group of scientists (N?=?7). Post-program interviews revealed a significant increase in language use related to evidence-based reasoning. Students also demonstrated an increased propensity to recycle. These findings support the hypothesis that providing opportunities for students to read and discuss seminal scientific sources incites positive changes in beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors related to climate change and climate science, and understandings of the nature of scientific evidence and argumentation.  相似文献   

This study investigates how the enactment of a climate change curriculum supports students’ development of critical science agency, which includes students developing deep understandings of science concepts and the ability to take action at the individual and community levels. We examined the impact of a four to six week urban ecology curriculum on students from three different urban high schools in the USA. Data collection included pre and posttest written assessments from all students (n = 75) and pre and post interviews from focal students (n = 22) to examine how students’ conceptual understandings, beliefs and environmental actions changed. Our analyses showed that at the beginning of the curriculum, the majority of students believed that climate change was occurring; yet, they had limited conceptual understandings about climate change and were engaged in limited environmental actions. By the end of the curriculum, students had a significant increase in their understanding of climate change and the majority of students reported they were now engaged in actions to limit their personal impact on climate change. These findings suggest that believing a scientific theory (e.g. climate change) is not sufficient for critical science agency; rather, conceptual understandings and understandings of personal actions impact students’ choices. We recommend that future climate change curriculum focus on supporting students’ development of critical science agency by addressing common student misconceptions and by focusing on how students’ actions can have significant impacts on the environment.  相似文献   

The inclusion of the climate change topic in the curriculum of school subjects in Singapore was pivotal, such that it positioned the discourse squarely in the structure of Singapore's education system. In an examination of the intersections and disjoints between state policies on climate change against the programmatic curriculum, results showed that there is no strong policy curriculum that mandates how climate change should be learned in Singapore, even though it is present in several school subjects. The topic is included in school subjects through the initiative of subject disciplinary specialists and middle managers of the education ministry. This exemplar has implications on how climate change education policy and practice can be shaped elsewhere.  相似文献   

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